And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 7

E - Words: 1,009 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
311 0 0 0 0

Blaine and Kurt spent the next few days in normalcy. Blaine spent his days reading and writing while Kurt was busy putting the finishing touches on his fall line as well as working on a new column for Vogue. The couple was so busy they almost forgot about the election drama.
It wasn't until Kurt was watching the evening news while Blaine carefully massaged his feet that they remembered.

"Our top story tonight is the results of the election."

Kurt sat up in surprise, almost kicking Blaine in the face, as the anchor read from the teleprompter.

"Many of you know that the results of the election were delayed due to voter error." Kurt felt his blood pressure spike at the lie the media was telling people. "But finally almost a week after the election we have a new president. Our new president-elect is Gabriel Jordan." The broadcast faded to commercial

Kurt felt his world sway. How did Jordan win? Who in their right mind would vote for such a horrible person? What was going to happen now? Would everything be changed? Would Blaine be safe?

Kurt was drawn out of his thoughts by a small whimpering sound. He quickly looked down at his sub who was on the floor, curled in on himself.

"Blaine baby." Kurt cooed as he dropped down next to him.
"Baby, it's ok shh."

Blaine fell onto Kurt's chest and let out a sniffle. "How could people vote for him?"

"I don't know baby, I don't know." Kurt comforted.

The two sat on the carpet as the commercials droned on. It wasn't until the news tone came over the speakers that the pair looked up. The set had changed, the newsdesk was replaced by a podium with the Dominate seal attached to the front. On the bottom of the screen there was a rolling message saying that President Jordan would soon be making his opening address.

"Blaine, baby." Kurt said gently lifting Blaine's chin.

Blaine looked at Kurt with wide eyes.

"I know you don't want to watch this, and you don't have to. You can go into the bedroom and read if you would like. But I'm going to stay out here and watch." Kurt told his sub.

Blaine looked at Kurt then the TV screen. "I want to stay out here with you."

"Are you sure baby?" Kurt asked.

"I'm sure Sir." Blaine confirmed.
Kurt nodded and pulled himself and Blaine up onto the couch. Blaine scooted close to his Dom as they both turned their attentions to the TV.

One of the newscasters introduced President Jordan before the Dominate took to the podium.

"Hello my fellow Americans. I thank all the Dominants and submissives alike for your votes and support."
Kurt blanched at what he believed was the first positive mention of submissives that ever fell from Jordan's lips.

"As you know I made promises in my campaign. The main one being a promise to put the power of our nation back into the hands of Dominates. I have created a new set of legislations and laws that will help this process along. You can find the list and dates of when the new laws will take effect on both my website. Once again, I thank you America and I look forward to being the President of this Dominate world!" Jordan ended his speech by flashing a wide smile and waving at the camera.

Kurt hit the button on the TV remote switching the screen off. He gave Blaine one look before standing up and walking towards their computer room.
Blaine followed quickly behind him.

"Sir?" Blaine asked, but Kurt didn't answer instead he pulled up Google to search for Jordan's new legislation. It was the first link on the results page.
Kurt reached for Blaine's hand before clicking the link.

A bright flashing banner greeted them to the website.

A Dominate President for a Dominate World

Kurt scrolled quickly past it. He scanned the page, skipping over links and legislation about taxes and such. He would worry about all that later. Now he needed to find out just how this Jordan guy was going to affect his life, how he was going to affect Blaine, how he was going to affect their life.

Finally Kurt found the link he was looking for.

"Legislation regarding submissive citizens."

Kurt began to read the new laws that Blaine would have to follow, each law had a date next to it to indicate when the law would go into effect.

1. All submissives will no longer have the right to vote. Effective: November 2013
2. Owned submissives will have to show proof of ownership (collars, bands, rings, leashes) when in public. Effective: November 2013
3. Submissives will only be allowed to work outside the home if employed in the "Bottom Arts". Effective: December 2013

Kurt paused at that one to look at his sub.
"What are the Bottom Arts?" Blaine asked, his voice just a whisper.
Kurt shook his head; "I don't know. I assume they will put up a list before the law goes it effective."
Blaine nodded; "Will I still be able to teach?"
Kurt didn't answer but continued to read the list.

4. Submissives will not be permitted to speak in public unless given distinct permission by a present Dominate. Effective: December 2013

Kurt's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he had just read.

"Well, I guess that answers my question." Blaine spoke, his voice monotone.

Kurt immediately clicked the window shut and bent down towards Blaine. He cupped his subs face in his hands;
"Blaine Anderson Hummel, I promise that as your Dominant I will fight this. I won't let them take your rights, or the rights of any sub out there away from them. We are not going to let some greasy haired President stop you from doing what you love. Do you hear me?"

Blaine looked at Kurt with empty eyes, but nodded. "Yes Sir."

Kurt quickly pulled Blaine into a hug. He knew he had to fight this, he just didn't know how.


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