And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,373 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
123 0 0 0 0

Kurt hailed down a cab as soon as they were out of sight of the polling place. They were only a few blocks from the coffee shop but he knew he needed to get Brittany back to Santana and Blaine back home as soon as possible.

Blaine still hadn't said a word by the time the cab pulled up to Tana's. Brittany who had curled up next to the window let out a small sob as she saw Santana run out of the shop. She threw open the car door and ran into her Mistress's arms.

"Tana, I was so scared. The cops were there and they weren't nice and those Doms were so mean. And they tried to put a leash on Blaine and their subs looked so sad. I don't want to go back there Tana, I don't want to!" Brittany sobbed into Santana's shoulder.

Santana who kept her eyes on Kurt whispered something into her subs ear before letting go of her and striding over to Kurt who stood outside of the cab.

"What the fuck happened Hummel. I trusted you with her!" She spat.

"Santana, I'm sorry but you know this isn't my fault. Can I please call you later and explain I need to get Blaine home." Kurt pleaded.

Santana gave Kurt a glare before peaking into the cab.

Blaine was curled up on the seat. His face was blank and his eyes were red-rimmed from tears.

"What happened to him." Santana gasped.

"I'll explain later. Take care of Brit, I need to take care of Blaine."

Santana nodded. Kurt gave her a quick hug before jumping back into the cab. He hurriedly told the driver their address before gently lifting Blaine's head and placing it in his lap.

The cabby must have sensed Kurt's urgency because in a matter of minutes they were pulling up to the curb outside of their townhouse.

Kurt said a hasty thank you to the driver while handing him wad of cash. Kurt gently lifted Blaine out of the cab. Blaine seemed to come to a bit as Kurt helped him shuffle towards the house. His body was still sluggish but at least he wasn't silent anymore. Instead, small whimpers and half-formed words were being whispered as they walked up the stairs.

"I know baby, I know." Kurt cooed as he worked the lock open.

As soon as Kurt pulled Blaine past the threshold he dissolved into sobs.

"Baby, Blaine it's ok we're home now. Shh." Kurt murmured as he led Blaine to the couch.

Blaine shook with sobs; "I didn't like it Kurt. I didn't like it."

"I know baby, I know." Kurt comforted.

"I was yelling at them to stop, I kept saying red but they didn't listen. Why didn't they listen?" Blaine stuttered between sobs.

Kurt shook his head. He didn't have an answer for his sub. Ever since Kurt could remember he knew about the universal safe words. Every child was taught what they meant from a young age and as they got older subs were taught when to use them and Doms were taught to respect their use. Universal safe words were such an important part of their society that ignoring them was against the law. Any Dom who continued to do the act a sub had refused via safeword was sentenced to jail and had their Dom license immediately revoked.

"I don't know baby, I don't know." Kurt sighed as he tried to keep his voice steady.

It took two cups of tea and an hour long cuddle session for Blaine to calm down. Kurt just sat with his sub and held him. He knew why it was so upsetting. One of Blaine's hard limits was being shared, Kurt knew this and had promised to never let another Dom be with Blaine. Also Blaine was dealing with the trauma of having his cry of the safe word ignored. Kurt knew from classes that subs were given very little control over things in the adult world, which was fine for the most part but since they were often serving the will of their masters subs needs a safety net. This net used to be the safe word laws, but now that Kurt had seen them broken right in front of his eyes he could shake the gnawing fear that things were about to become a lot worse.

The morning after the incident Kurt awoke before Blaine. They had stayed up late into the night whispering promises and sharing touches, Kurt was stilled tired and wanted to curl up with his sub and sleep late into the morning but he knew he couldn't today. He slipped out of bed as quietly as he could and padded down the hall into the kitchen. He checked the clock. It was just after 8am. He grabbed his phone and started to make coffee as he dialed a number that had been drilled into his head ever since getting his Dom license. The phone rang once before a calm female voice answered.
"Department of Dom/sub Relations, how may I help you?"

"Yes, my name is Kurt Hummel, Dominate. And I have an incident to report."

"Thank you Sir, I will transfer you promptly." The voice answered before smooth jazz came over the speakers.

Kurt sighed, he hated being put on hold. He shifted the phone to rest between his ear and shoulder as he poured himself a mug of coffee.

As Kurt sat down at the table the hold music switch off and a male's voice came over the phone. "Department of Dom/sub Relations, do you have an incident to report?"

"Yes, my name is Kurt Hummel. I'm a Dominate who has been licensed for five years."

"May we have your license number Mr. Hummel?" The voice asked.

Kurt quirked his eyebrows. They had never asked for his licence number before. Though he had never called to report anything to the DDSR.

"Is that common practice?" He asked.

"It is a new policy we are implementing Sir. And I am sorry but unless you provide us with your license number we cannot assist you." The voice replied cooly.

Kurt made a disgruntled noise as he walked into the other room to fetch his wallet and Dom license.

"Ok, it's 2061622305"

"Thank you Mr. Hummel. Now what would you like to report."

"My sub, Blaine Anderson, and I were attacked yesterday by a group of Dom's outside of the Bushwick YMCA where we were going to vote. We had another female submissive, Brittany Pierce, with us because her Domme, Santana Lopez, couldn't get off work to take her. When we arrived at the polling place I saw a group of Dom's protesting the voting rights of subs. Their own subs were chained and gagged and kneeling off to the side. Once we approached the building the Dom's attacked verbally then physically. They pulled me away from both my sub and the female sub. My sub, Blaine, was yelling red according to the safe word laws but the Dom's refused to stop."

"Was anyone physically harmed?" The voice asked.

Kurt shook his head. "No, but my subs right to universal safe laws were disregarded."

There was a silence on the other end of the line for a moment before the voice came back.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hummel but we have received reports of this incident before yours and since you say no one was physically harmed I cannot do anything to help. Yours and the other reports filed will be taken under review and if the DDSR determines a course of action you will be notified. Have a nice day."

With that the line went dead.

Kurt blanched as he tried to process what had just happened.


Blaine's voice pulled Kurt out of his thoughts. Kurt looked over at his sub and forced a smile.

"Hi baby, how did you sleep?" Kurt asked as he pulled Blaine over to sit on his lap.

"Fine." Blaine murmured sleepily.

"Do you want some coffee?" Kurt wondered.

Blaine looked at Kurt and bit his lip. Kurt knew that look all too well. "What is it baby?"

"I...I was wondering if we could go to Tana's again. I want to check on Brit."

Kurt paused for a moment looking at his sub. He really didn't want Blaine to go out of the house after yesterday but he couldn't deny his caring for his friend. He also knew it would be good to talk to Santana about his call to the DDSR.

"Of course we can baby, hurry up and get ready. I'll give San a call to let her know we are coming."

Blaine flashed Kurt a small smile before kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you, Sir."

"You're welcome baby."

As Blaine scampered back to their bedroom Kurt dialed Santana's number. It rang a few times before a raspy voice answered.


"Santana?" Kurt questioned at the odd sound of her voice.

"Yeah, who else would it be." She snapped.

"Are you ok?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, sorry. Just...had a rough night." Santana sighed.

"I know the feeling." Kurt agreed.

"Look Kurt, as much as I love small talk I kinda don't want to be on the phone right now." Santana said, the harshness back in her voice.

"I know San, but Blaine asked if we could come by for coffee this morning. He wanted to check on Brit." Kurt questioned.

Santana sighed on the other end of the line. "I didn't open the shop today, so Brit and I are at home."

"Oh." Kurt paused. "Well then we will just come another day."

"No no, Brit has been asking about Blaine since you two left yesterday. Just come over to our place." She conceded.

"Are you sure, I can tell Blaine no." Kurt wondered.

"No, it's fine." Kurt heard the phone shuffle and another voice say something in the background. "But you won't be let in if you don't have donuts." Santana said coming back on the line.

Kurt laughed, knowing it was Brittany's who had asked for the treats.

"Deal, we will be there in about an hour."


Blaine and Kurt arrived at Santana and Brittany's apartment with donuts in hand.

As soon as Kurt knocked on the wood door it burst open.

"Blainey!" Brittany laughed as she pulled Blaine into the small apartment.

"Brit! How are you?" Blaine said, Kurt winced a bit at the fake cheer he heard in his subs voice.

"Better, San took care of me yesterday. She even called the DDSR for me. Did you bring donuts?" Brittany asked.

Kurt smiled as he lifted the donuts up so she could see them. "I promised I would."

"Ohh!" The blonde squealed. "Blainey lets go to the kitchen to eat. Mistress doesn't like for me to eat in the living room."

Blaine looked back at Kurt before following Brittany into the kitchen. Kurt nodded permission and Blaine gave him a small smile. As soon as the subs were out of earshot Kurt turned to Santana.

"You called the DDSR?" He asked, skipping any sort of greeting.

"Yeah and they didn't do shit!" Santana answered slipping onto the couch and pulling her feet up under her. "Brit cried herself to sleep around 8 last night, so I called after that."

"Wait, what did they say to you?" Kurt said as he joined Santana on the couch.

"I dunno, something about the incident already being reported and since no one was hurt they weren't going to do anything about it right away." The brunette scowled.

"Fuck." Kurt swore under his breath. "They said the same thing to me. I don't even know what to do now!"

"I guess, we just have to wait and see....Did you get that message from the Board of Elections?" The brunette asked.

"I think so, I was too busy with Blaine last night to listen to it though." Kurt said, still trying to wrap his head around the whole thing.

"Well they set up a website where you can place your vote. You have to give them your license number as well as the name of your sub and then you can vote. I guess the site is only up till midnight tonight." Santana explained.

Kurt shook his head. "I guess that is a good option. I still can't believe they wouldn't let us vote in person."

Santana scooted closer to Kurt; "I know, but the site seemed pretty secure when I went on it last night. So I guess we have to take what we can get."

"Yeah" Kurt half-heartedly replied. "Would you mind if I used your computer to vote. I don't want Blaine to be bothered by it, and I wouldn't be able to hide it from him at home."

"Yeah, of course." Santana agreed as she grabbed her laptop from the coffee table. "I'll go and keep the subbies busy while you do it."

Kurt smiled at the pet name for their respective subs as he opened up the computer. The address for the voting site was still pulled up on the screen. He refreshed the page and started to type in his information just as he heard a small noise come from the other end of the room.

He looked to see Blaine standing in the door to the living room. Kurt offered him a small smile.

"Did you need something baby?" Kurt asked, trying to hide the screen from his sub.

"Brit and Santana are making out in the kitchen." Blaine whispered.

Kurt held back a small laugh and patted the seat next to him. "Come sit baby, you should be here anyway."

"Be here for what, Sir?" Blaine questioned as he sat down.

"Since we didn't get to vote the Board of Elections set up a special site for us." Kurt said pulling the computer onto his lap.

Blaine stiffened a little at the mention of voting but nodded for Kurt to continue.

"I have already placed my vote. Do you want to do yours?" Kurt asked.

Blaine bit his lip. He wanted to forget about all this election nonsense. To curl up in Kurt's arms and just forget the world. But he looked at his Dom who was trying to seem confident and hopeful and nodded. "Yeah, I'll do it."

Kurt slid the computer over to Blaine. The sub quickly typed in his information and his selection for president. Blaine checked it multiple times to make sure he didn't accidentally click the name of Gabriel Jordan. Once finished he let out a sigh and closed the laptop.

Kurt pulled him close and kissed him on the forehead; "I'm so proud of you baby. Do you want to go home?"

Blaine nodded, going home and spending the night wrapped in Kurt's love sounded perfect.


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