And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 5

E - Words: 2,338 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
129 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: AN: Thanks everyone for reading so far! We are getting into the main plot line of the story now.Chapter warnings: Homophobic language, possible non-con? (nothing sexual just ignoring of safe words and being restrained, not Klaine)
Kurt awoke with a start. His heart was beating fast in his chest and a lingering fear was ebbing away. Blaine was still sleeping, nuzzled against his side, his eyes fluttered open at Kurt's sudden movement.

"Sir?" Blaine asked his voice gravelly with sleep.

Kurt began to card absently through Blaine's sleep mussed curls as he tried to catch his breath that the fear had taken away.

"Kurt? Are you ok?" Blaine asked sitting up a bit and looking at Kurt's worried face.

Kurt nodded but kept his eyes away from Blaine. He couldn't look into his sub's beautiful, hazel eyes when the same eyes had just been filled with fear and betrayal in his nightmare.

Blaine carefully put his hand on his Dom's cheek.

Kurt shook his head slightly and looked down at Blaine. "I'm fine baby. I just had a nightmare."

Blaine furrowed his eyebrows with concern; "What was it about?"

"Oh just work stuff I didn't get Tina's designs in on time and it turned into a whole big mess." Kurt lied.

Blaine gave Kurt once last suspicious look before nodding. "Do you want breakfast?"

Kurt reached for his phone and looked at the time it was later than usual just after 10am. "Why don't we go shower then get breakfast at Tana's before going to the polling booths?"

Blaine smiled wide at the mention of Tana's, it was his favorite coffee shop in all of NYC. "That sounds wonderful, Sir."

"Good let's get ready baby." Kurt said as he pulled Blaine off the bed and into the bathroom.


Tana's was less crowded that Kurt expected it to be. He and Blaine walked in hand in hand to find Brittany, one of their closer NYC friends, behind the counter.

"Blainey!" she squealed as she ran around the counter to embrace Blaine.

Blaine laughed as Brittany threw her arms around him. "Brit! Long time no see!"

"Has Kurt been keeping you tied up too much?" Brittany asked as she pulled away.

"Brit!" Blaine squawked as Kurt gave the blonde a stern look.

"Lighten up Kurt, Brit is probably right." Another voice chimed in.

Kurt looked up to see Santana, the owner of the shop, come out of the back.

"She might be, but it's my business what Blaine and I do in our apartment." Kurt snarked.

Santana pulled a face at Kurt before wrapping her arms around Brittany's waist. "Watch your tone, I have the right to kick you out if want to."

Kurt sighed and gave Santana a smile. "I'm sorry San, and Brit I'm sorry as well. It was a rough night."

Brittany's face fell into a frown. "Blainey, did you not take care of Kurt last night?"

Blaine's face turned red as his eyes fell to the floor. Kurt noticed and pulled him to his side. "No Brit, Blaine is great, as always. I just had a nightmare that is all. But it's nothing a Tana's famous mocha can't help."

Santana nodded and moved her hands down to Brittany's ass. She swatted at it playfully before nodding to a corner booth. "Brit, why don't you take your break now and go sit with Blaine? I'll bring over some drinks in a minute."

"Yes Mistress." Brittany replied happily before grabbing Blaine's hand and pulling him towards the booth.

Kurt kept his eyes on Blaine as he followed Santana up to the counter and slumped down onto one of the attached stools.

Santana eyed him as he started to make the drinks.

"So snarky pants, what's with you today?"

Kurt looked up at Santana with tired eyes. "Like I said, nightmare."

"Bullshit, you wouldn't be acting like this over a bad dream. Tell me what is wrong."

Kurt sighed he just wanted to forget the waking terror he had experienced this morning . "I just had a nightmare about the election today."

Santana nodded urging Kurt to go on.

"I don't even really know what it was about, all I know what it was bad, and Blaine..God something happened and the look he gave me in my dream..." Kurt stopped and looked down at his shaking hands.

Santana felt a pang in her chest as she listened to Kurt, normally she stayed far away from the personal problems of her friends, she had enough to deal with on her own. But now as Kurt sat across from her she knew he needed some sort of comfort.

"Kurt, it was just a dream why are you letting it shake you up so bad?" She asked as she slid a steaming cup of mocha towards him.

"I...I just can't shake the feeling that things are about to get bad. And that dream just made that feeling feel more real."

"What do you mean things are about to get bad? Do you think something is going to happen at the election?" Santana asked.

Kurt shook his head; "I don't know but if that Jordan guy ends up winning, things won't be good."

Santana nodded; "He is such a creep. Do you really think he could win?"

Kurt began to answer just as Brittany bounded over with Blaine in tow. "Tana are our mocha's done?" She beamed.

"Here ya go doll." Santana said as she handed Brittany and Blaine two cups.

Blaine took his and slid into the stool next to Kurt. He knew something was wrong, no matter how hard Kurt tried to hide it. Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder hoping to offer his Dom the comfort of a sub.

The four finished their drinks rather quickly and Kurt checked his watch. "Well, Blaine and I better get going. We have to head to the polls and I want to go before it gets too busy."

Santana nodded as she took away the dirty cups. "Kurt, would you mind taking Brit? She has her dance class tonight and I don't know if I'll have time to take her before getting off work?"

Kurt felt a bit uneasy at the request but agreed. "Sure, it's no problem. Brit, is it ok if you come with me and Blaine?"

Brittany nodded before grabbing Blaine's open hand. "I love hanging out with Blainey. We can pop our voting cherries together!"

Blaine and Kurt let out a loud laugh at Brittany's comment. "Well, I guess it's settled now. We will drop Brit off on our way back!"

"Bye, Tana. Don't miss me!" Brittany said as she gave her Mistress a sloppy kiss.

"Don't lose my girl Kurt." Santana warned as the three walked out of the coffee shop.

The polling place was only a few blocks from the coffee shop. Blaine and Brittany held hands the entire walk while Kurt listened happily to their conversation. The light banter between the two subs helped him to focus on the love he had for both of them, for all of his friends. Santana was right, he shouldn't let a stupid nightmare ruin his day. Everything would be fine.

After a few minutes of walking they rounded the corner and spotted the polling place. Kurt stopped dead in his tracks as he saw a mob of people blocking the entrance. Blaine, too focused on Brittany's story didn't see his Dom stop and ran right into Kurt's still form.

"Uff, Kurt what is..." Blaine stopped as Kurt's hand rose to shush him.

Kurt's eyes were wide as he read the signs that the mob held above their head. "Bottoms are bottoms for a reason" ,"Jordan, the Dominate the Doms need" and "Doms subs, the way it should be."

Kurt felt a cold hatred rise up in him as he took it all in. He didn't understand how any self-respecting Dom could feel this way about submissives. Kurt stepped around the corner a bit more and nearly gagged when he saw the protesting Dom's submissives. They were all crouched together in the dirt next to the stairs to the building. Some of them were blindfolded, all of them were wearing gags and leashes. Kurt knew that this play was common among many D/s couples but he had never seen a sub be treated like this in public.

Blaine followed Kurt around the corner and followed his Dom's eyes to the imprisoned subs. He wanted to run away, instead he grabbed Kurt's hand. Kurt kept his eyes on the mob in front for a few more moments before turning back to two subs.

"Sir, what is going on?" Blaine spoke up his voice weak with fear.

"It looks like some of the Doms are trying to get their views across to potential voters. Listen Blaine, I understand if you want to turn around and go home. We don't have to go up there." Kurt said looking into Blaine's fearful eyes.

Blaine shook his head; "No I want to vote. Brittany are you ok to go up there?" Blaine asked turning his attention to the blonde.

Brittany bit her lip but nodded.

"Ok, can we vote Sir?" Blaine asked looking at Kurt again.

Kurt grabbed Blaine's cheeks and gave him a soft kiss. "Of course you can baby. Ok, listen just stay close to me. Don't let go of my hand or Brittany's once we get in we will be fine."

Blaine nodded and intertwined his fingers with Brittany's. "Lead the way." He said forcing a smile.

Kurt grabbed his subs hand and quickly began walking towards the building. As they got closer to the protesters Kurt heard loud slurs and shouts being hurled towards them.

"All pets are supposed to be on a leash!" Someone shouted.

"Looks like this Dom has two bitches to beat!" Another spat.

"Are we sure that twink is even a Dom?" A large woman asked as she stepped closer to Kurt.

Blaine looked up and let out a snarl. "Back off."

Kurt looked back with stern eyes but Blaine didn't notice.

"Woah looks like this little Dom needs a lesson on how to keep his sub in line." Someone said before stepping up to block Kurt's path to the building.

"Seriously?" Kurt asked giving the other Dom a once over. He was shorter than him, shorter than Blaine even and he smelled like old fish. "We're just trying to vote, so please back the fuck off."

The shorter Dom laughed. "I think we see where your bottom gets his attitude."

Kurt let out a low growl as he grabbed Blaine's hand tighter. Blaine, in turn, squeezed onto Brittany's.

Kurt glanced quickly back at Blaine before beginning to push through the crowd of Dom's.

The shorter Dom who was blocking Kurt's way was easily bowled over by Kurt' force.

"Fucking poof!" He yelled as the crowd surged forward. Kurt felt bodies ram against him as he tried to hold onto Blaine.

The shorter Dom, who seemed to be the leader of the group was now standing. He looked at Kurt with an evil gleam in his eye; "Teach them a lesson." He shouted before Kurt felt his arm be torn away from Blaine's grasp.

"Blaine!" he screamed as he watch both Blaine and Brittany be pulled into the crowd.

"Oh shush you twink, we are just going to teach your bottoms a lesson or two about respecting Doms." The short Dom laughed.

"Get your fucking hands off me, you have no right to touch my sub!" Kurt was fighting against the hands that held him.

"Rights won't matter once Jordan is president, it's time to get used to it!" Someone shouted as Kurt felt himself being pulled toward the leashed subs he saw earlier. As he got closer he heard the sound of Blaine's shouts and Brittany's cries. He tried to pull towards them but was held in place.

The crowd in front of him parted and Kurt's heart dropped when he saw Blaine struggling against the hands of three Dom's.

"Stop! Red! Let me go! Red!" he shouted as he tried his best to fight. Kurt felt his stomach lurch as he heard Blaine scream the universal safe words.

"Shut up, you bottom bitch!" Someone shouted before a punch was hurled at Blaine's face. Blaine swerved but the force of his moment sent him sprawling onto the gravel beneath him. Kurt screamed just as the sound of police sirens hit his ears.

Kurt was hardly aware of the chaos that surrounded him all he was aware of was Blaine who was lying too still a few feet away.

"Hands off the sub!" One of the officers yelled as he jumped out of his car. The Dom's holding Blaine quickly threw the small sub to the ground before taking off in the opposite direction.

Kurt broke away from the pair that was holding him in place and ran towards Blaine.

"Blaine, baby!" Kurt cried and he hit his knees next to Blaine. Just as Kurt was helping Blaine up off the pavement an officer strode over to them.

"Sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave." A gruff voice sounded above Kurt.

Kurt looked up as Blaine leached onto Kurt's side.

"What do you mean I have to leave? My sub was the one being harassed!" Kurt protested.

"We're clearing out this whole area. If you do not leave we will have to use force." The officer replied.

"But we haven't even voted yet!" A small voice sounded behind Kurt. Brittany had appeared next to him. Her face was stained with tears but otherwise she looked unharmed.

"The Board of Elections will call this evening to remedy the situation. Now please vacate the premises." The officer said as he began to push the three down the street.

"Hey watch it!" Kurt spat as one of the harder pushes knocked Blaine off balance causing him to fall again.

"Sir, if you don't take your subs and leave I will put you all into custody!" By now the officer was shouting.

"Custody for what! The Doms you let run away were the ones who attacked us. Ask their subs who are still tied up over there!" Kurt shouted pointed to the huddle of subs who hadn't seemed to move at all despite the chaos.

"Sir, please retreat back to your home." the officer pushed.

"This is bullshit!" Kurt yelled.

"I'm going to need backup." The officer called. Kurt's eyes widened as the officer reached for his baton.

"Ok ok, we are leaving!" Kurt conceded. He quickly grabbed Brittany's hand and wrapped his other arm around Blaine, who hadn't said a word throughout the ordeal.

The officer gave Kurt a menacing look as he turned away, leading the two scared subs down the street.


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