And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,085 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
137 1 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Smutty goodness in this chapter
Kurt sighed as he once again erased the pencil from the page. He just couldn't get the costume redesign right and it was driving him crazy. Granted, he was only half focused on the task at hand as most of his thoughts were on Blaine and the election. He checked the time on his phone and saw that it was past 4, Blaine would be home from school by now. Kurt slid the paper to the side and picked up his phone, he quickly dialed Blaine's number and smiled as Blaine picked after the first ring.
"Kurt." Blaine greeted, Kurt could hear the smile in his voice.
"Hi baby, how are you?" Kurt asked, relaxing at the sound of Blaine's voice.
"Fine, just got in the door. I had to stay late to help some of my students with their final paper." Blaine replied.
"Did you make it home safe?" Kurt asked, his voice a bit tense.
"Yes, Sir." Blaine said, as Kurt heard him shuffling around the apartment.
Kurt let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad baby, but I have some bad news."
Blaine didn't respond and Kurt knew he was waiting for him to speak.
"I don't think I'll be home for dinner, I have to redo a design for Tina and I won't be finished before 5."
Blaine made a small sound that sounded like a pout to Kurt.
"Do you want me to bring some takeout to your office?" Blaine asked, his voice hopeful. He really hated when Kurt had to work late.
Kurt pursed his lips; he didn't want Blaine to have to travel to Midtown by himself but dinner with his sub sounded perfect.
"I don't know Blaine, I want to see you but I don't like the idea of you going out alone this late."
"Kurt, I will be fine, I'll stop by that Italian place near your building and pick up an order."
"Blaine." Kurt said, trying to sound firm but failing.
"Please...Sir." Blaine asked, Kurt let out a small laugh as he could practically see the puppy eyes he knew Blaine was giving.
"Ok fine, but you have to call me when you get on and off the train and if you're not here by...6 I'm calling the cops." Kurt laughed.
"Yes sir, see you soon." Blaine answered.
"I love you." Kurt cooed.
"Love you more." Blaine said before hanging up the phone.

The rest of the week was spent with Kurt busily finishing designs for Tina and Blaine wrapping up grades for the final semester. Finally, after days of not having a night off Kurt and Blaine sat on the couch to enjoy each others company. Kurt was lazily carding his fingers through Blaine's loose curls as they watched the newest episode of "America's Got Talent".
"I think the six-year-old is going to take it." Blaine said his voice muffled by Kurt's shoulder.
"Nah, the dance group with the dogs is for sure going to win." Kurt replied.
Kurt watched as a montage of the finalists played on the screen, he smiled as he saw the triumphs of his favorite contestants, as the montage for the dance crew ended the screen flickered and the sound of a news alert came through the speakers. Kurt sat up a bit straighter as he focused on the screen.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a Presidential debate.
Blaine gave Kurt and confused look. "What's going on?"
Kurt shook his head, "I don't know."
Just as the words left Kurt's mouth a reporter came onto the screen.
Good evening America, tonight we bring you an unscheduled speech meet between our two Presidential candidates. As most of you know tomorrow is Election Day and as a request by the Dominant candidate we have decided to broadcast one finale debate to help you, the voters, decide who will our newest President.
Kurt looked at the screen bewildered. As much as he wasn't into politics he knew debates never happened this close to Election Day. Kurt watched as Gabriel Jordan took the stand. Jordan was a tall man, with white blonde hair that was slicked back against his scalp. He wore a grey suit and deep red tie, red was often the color associated with Doms. He smiled and waved at the camera, his smile made Kurt feel almost sick to his stomach.
"Hello my fellow Dominate Americans, tonight I address you as a man who wants to change things. A man who believes that the beliefs our government was founded on have gone to the wayside, and a man who wants to set things right again."
Jordan paused as to wait for applause from the audience on the other side of the TV screen. Kurt watched as he felt Blaine scoot closer against his side.
"As most of us know our country is run by both Dominant and submissive leaders. I believe that it is unfair to ask our submissives to be in this role, and these beliefs stem from the way our current system was founded. Dominants founded our system and they should be the ones running it."
Jordan paused again and looked at someone off screen.
"I have been told my time is up, but before I let the submissive candidate speak I want to remind you to vote for Gabriel Jordan, a Dominant candidate for a Dominate world."
With that Kurt quickly hit the power button to the TV and the screen faded to black.
"Why did you turn it off?" Blaine asked.
"Because, we have been bombarded by political stuff for weeks now. Tonight I just want to not think about it all and honestly I could smell Jordan's awful hair gel from here." Kurt said trying to lighten his tone.
"Hey, don't knock the hair gel." Blaine said with pout.
"I wasn't talking about yours baby, now lets forget about all this and focus on something else." Kurt said as he scooted even closer to Blaine.
"What would you like to focus...ohh." Blaine's thought was cut short as Kurt began to suck a mark onto Blaine's neck.
"Mmm, baby. We haven't done this in a long time." Kurt purred as he continued to suck and bite Blaine's flushed skin.
Blaine panted as his heart rate sped up and blood began to rush downwards; "Kurt, Sir, please."
Kurt stopped sucking and looked at Blaine with blazing eyes.
"Go into the bedroom, take off your clothes and lay on the bed. I'll be in shortly."
Blaine nearly jumped at the command, he raced to the bedroom. Blaine tore off his clothes before remembering to place them neatly in the clothes basket. He rolled onto the bed and settled down to wait, his cock was already half-hard with anticipation.
Kurt watched as Blaine scurried into their bedroom; as soon as he was out of sight Kurt hurried into the kitchen. Once safe inside he ran a shaking hand over his face. He couldn't get the words of Gabriel Jordan out of his mind. "A Dominate candidate for a Dominate world". Kurt shook his head, nobody with that radical of views was going to win. The submissives would never vote for someone who didn't think they were strong enough to make decisions and the Dominates would never trust a man who was so dismissive of subs. Kurt nodded, agreeing with his own rationalizations. He quickly grabbed a glass of water and cleared his head. He had a beautiful sub waiting for him a few rooms over and it was time to have some fun.
Kurt quietly made his way into the bedroom, his breath caught in his throat as he saw Blaine laying spread and open on the bed.
Blaine looked at Kurt with half lidded eyes. His body felt heavy with submission.
"God, you're so beautiful baby."
Blaine didn't reply but instead opened his eyes a bit wider to look right at his Dom.
Kurt let his eyes roam over Blaine's body. The slightly tanned skin, the expanse of chest that rose with each deep breath. His slight tummy that Kurt loved to rest his head on. And his beautiful erect penis that Kurt couldn't wait to ride until he came.
Kurt tore his eyes away from Blaine as he padded over to their dresser drawer. He pulled out four scarves. Blaine let out a gasp when he saw the scarves in Kurt's hands.
Kurt laughed "Oh, excited are we baby?"
"Yes Sir." Blaine moaned.
"Good, what are the rules?" Kurt asked as he gently tugged Blaine's legs out towards the bedposts.
"Safe word is Lima." Blaine breathed.
"Good boy, I'm going to tie up and ride you. Is that ok?"
Blaine nodded quickly, his erection straining at the thought.
"And no coming till I say." Kurt reminded as he placed a quick kiss to Blaine's lips.
Blaine moaned as Kurt's lips touched his. "Yes Sir."
"Good boy, let's have some fun."
Kurt quickly tied Blaine to the bed with legs and arms attached to the bedposts. As soon as he was done Blaine tentatively pulled on the knots to find that he couldn't move. Just the way it was supposed to be.
Kurt's eyes blazed with want as he crawled on top of Blaine and sealed his mouth over his.
Blaine let his mouth fall open, Kurt took the cue and began to circle his tongue around Blaine's. The kisses deepened and Blaine's breathing became heavier.
Kurt loved stringing Blaine out before riding him, it made for a beautiful sight to come to.
Kurt moved from Blaine's mouth to his collarbone and began sucking a mark onto Blaine's hot flesh.
"Ugh Kurt, Sir. Please." Blaine moaned as Kurt bit down.
Kurt grinned as he lowered his mouth to suck on Blaine's nipples.
"Sir, please please, fuck." Blaine was whining and beginning to pull at his bonds.
Kurt pulled up from Blaine's chest and began to rub at his own cock. "Shh, baby what do you want?"
"Want you Sir, please." Blaine panted.
Kurt reached over to the bedside table and pulled out their bottle of lube. He then began to prep his own hole.
Blaine was so close to going under and watching Kurt prep himself only made the pull of submission stronger.
"Sir, please."
Kurt pushed up to kiss Blaine once more.
"I'm here baby. I'm here." Kurt purred as he took his lubed hand and began to prepare Blaine's cock.
As soon as Blaine felt Kurt's strong hand wrap around his cock he felt something in his brain fizzle and a deep haze of submission float over him. This is the moments Blaine felt most at home. When he was sure of who he was and who he belonged to.
Kurt didn't say anything as he lowered himself onto Blaine's dick.
Blaine let out a moan as Kurt began to swivel and bounce against Blaine' body.
"Oh baby, so good. Oh Blaine, so good, so thick." Kurt cried as he felt his orgasm rise up in his cock.
Blaine felt his own oragsm rising too but wouldn't come till Sir let him.
"So close baby, so good." Kurt's movements were getting faster as he felt his whole body begin to tingle and tighten.
Kurt quickly wrapped his hand around his own cock and gave it a few strokes. He let out a moan as he came, his come making streaks on Blaine's chest and face.
Blaine's body tightened as he felt Kurt's ass clench onto his dick. His orgasm was riding heavy in his balls and he needed to come but he also needed to wait.
Kurt continued to bounce on Blaine's cock for a few moments before bending down to whisper in Blaine's ear.
"Come baby, come inside me."
At the words of permission Blaine let out a cry as he came hard and hot in Kurt's ass.
Kurt moaned as he felt Blaine spill inside him, he loved having his subs come inside him. He loved feeling so connected to Blaine.
Once Blaine's dick began to soften Kurt carefully rolled off and wrapped himself around Blaine.
"Mmm, you were so good baby. So good for me."
"Thank you sir." Blaine replied sleepily.
Kurt gently placed a kiss on Blaine's sweaty forehead. "You're welcome baby. Now let's get some sleep."
Blaine let out a yawn as Kurt rose to untie his limbs. "Mmm, sleep good."
"I love when you turn into a caveman baby." Kurt laughed.
"Sex make tired, come cuddle me Sir." Blaine yawned.
Kurt laughed then wrapped himself around Blaine once more. "As you wish baby. Goodnight"


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