And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 17

E - Words: 1,626 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
124 0 0 1 0

"I can't believe you didn't grab my purse. It's a Chanel I thought it would attach to you arm via gay magnetics." Santana sassed as she and Kurt pushed against the crowd.

"Don't blame me. I was more worried that you got kicked out for stealing a bottle of Dom Perignon from the bar." Kurt returned.

"Hey, I tried ok." Santana joked.

"So, wanna tell me what happened?" Kurt asked as they entered into the empty theater.

Santana shrugged her shoulders. "Some guy heard Brittany asking for a drink at the bar and decided that he was the one in charge of enforcing the new law about subs not speaking in public."

Kurt's mouth gaped open. "What did he do?"

"He just started to yell at her and pushed her around a bit before I punched him out." Santana said nonchalantly.

"You did what!?" Kurt shrieked.

"What, you would have done the same if someone treated Blaine like that!" Santana defended.

Kurt started to protest but he knew Santana was right. He would do anything to protect Blaine.

"So you got kicked out?" Kurt assumed.

"Yes, which is bullshit because he was the one assaulting my sub." Santana bit. "At least he got kicked out too, and he was not happy about it."

"I bet. Was Brittany ok?" Kurt asked.

Santana nodded. "It took her a while to calm down. I took her across the street to a coffee place and we sat there."

"I am sorry that happened." Kurt apologized. "I shouldn't have made you come."

Santana gave Kurt a small smile. "It's fine. I am glad you made us get out of the house. Brittany was really torn up about this whole Jordan thing so I think it was a good distraction."

Kurt smiled back. "Do you have your purse?"

"Got it, lets go find Blaine and Brit." Santana said as she started out of the theater.

As the pair hurried out into the street they found most of the crowd gone besides a small commotion coming from the side of the theater.

Kurt hurried over to the noise to find a crowd of people rushing the stage door.

"Wow this is crazy!" Santana commented.

Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "This is actually calm compared to other stage doors."

"Are you kidding me?" Santana balked.

"Nope, last winter some star from that show Sing! was in How to Succeed and they had to shut down that stage door because his fans caused too much of a disturbance." Kurt said. Santana sighed and shook her head.

"Kurt!" A shrill but familiar voice sounded from deep within the crowd.

Kurt craned his neck to see a barely visible Rachel Berry jumping up above the crowd.

"They're here for Rachel!" Kurt giggled as he grabbed Santana's hand and gently pushed through the crowd.

"Rachel!" Kurt called as he reached the barrier the theater had set up.

"Oh Kurt!" Rachel said rushing over to him ."I can't believe it. I can't believe this is real!" Rachel cried.

"And Santana! I can't believe you came!"

"Yeah well, you did a good job Berry." Santana smiled a she hugged the overexcited Rachel.

"You were amazing Rachel! Did you already see Blaine and Brittany?" Kurt asked mid-hug.

"I saw Blaine for a second but then he ran off. I tried to follow him but then I got swarmed." Rachel answered.

"It's fine. We will find..." Kurt started before a scream sounded from deep within the alley. His whole body tensed as a surge of dominance and fear rushed through him.
Kurt took off with a flash. Santana barely had time to call his name before he disappeared into the darkness.

Kurt's eyes adjusted quickly to the shadowy surroundings of the alley. He whipped his head around wildly looking for the source of the scream. When another scream rang out Kurt's blood froze in his veins, this scream belonged to Blaine. His eyes darted to the far corner of the alley and he saw two large men swarming a small mass that was sprawled onto the concrete. Blaine let out another scream but this one signaled defeat.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kurt cried as he rushed towards the men.

The men looked back at Kurt before sprinting out the other side of the alley. Kurt didn't even try to chase after them, instead he sprinted towards Blaine hitting his knees hard next to the sub.

"Blaine." Kurt cried, trying to keep his voice calm and controlled. The smaller boy twitched slightly and tried to open his quickly blackening eyes.

"Blaine, sweetie. I am here. It's Kurt. You're ok." Kurt said gently pulling Blaine's body onto his lap.
Blaine's mouth moved but no sound came out. Kurt gently kissed his sub's cracked and bloodied lips.

"Shh baby, I'm here just stay with me." Kurt cooed. Blaine's body shook as if a cold wind had blown in then went limp in Kurt's arms.
"Blaine!" Kurt cried pulling his sub closer. "Somebody help!" Kurt called.

"They are on their way Kurt." A voice sounded from behind him.

"He needs an ambulance, please help." Kurt was starting to shake and he could feel tears running down his cheeks. "Please god help."

"Kurt!" The voice was closer now and a pair of soft hands landed on his shoulders.

"Kurt, the paramedics are coming now it will be ok."

Kurt tore his eyes away from Blaine's bruised face to see Rachel standing behind him. "They hurt him". Kurt said his voice weak. "I can't believe they hurt him again. It is my fault."

"Kurt, honey it isn't your fault." Rachel started to console but the sounds of sirens stopped her.

"Kurt the ambulance is here. They are going to take Brittany and Blaine to the hospital. It will be ok."

Kurt's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of Brittany, was she here to?

"Sir, please step aside." A gruff voice brought Kurt back to the surface.

"No, he is my sub." Kurt said as he pulled Blaine tighter.

"Sir, we can't help him unless you let go."
"Kurt, you have to let them help Blaine." Rachel said as she tried to loosen Kurt's grip on Blaine.

Kurt let out choked sob before letting Blaine fall gently to the ground. The paramedics swarmed his small body immediately blocking Blaine from Kurt's view.
Kurt tried to see over the mass of medical personnel but he was only able to hear bits of diagnoses.

"Fractured skull, internal bleeding, punctured lung." Every one of the injuries listed felt like a hot iron being twisted into Kurt's gut.

"Ok, let's load him up. Do we have the girl?" One of the paramedics asked as they lifted Blaine onto a gurney.

"Yeah, she is in the back. Her Domme is pretty upset she can't come with us." Another replied.

"Well have the cops deal with her we have to get them to the hospital." The first paramedic said before turning towards Kurt. "As you can tell we have to take your submissive to the hospital.":

"I'm coming with him." Kurt stated quickly approaching the gurney and taking Blaine's too cold hand.

"Sir, we no longer allow Dominates to ride in ambulance with submissives. Feel free to take up your concerns with the police on site, but now we have to get him to the hospital or he will die." The paramedic informed.
Kurt felt his heart stop as the thought of Blaine dead ran through his mind.

"Come on Kurt we can walk with him to the ambulance." Rachel comforted as she steered Kurt out of the alley. Kurt didn't drop Blaine's hand until the paramedics started to lift the gurney into the back of the ambulance.

"Ok, let's roll." The paramedic signaled before the two ambulances sped off.

Kurt stood there numb from shock until a loud voice shouting in Spanish caught his attention.

He quickly turned his head toward the sound to see Santana being restrained by no less than three policemen as she tried to lunge towards two other men
"Voy a puta que te mate. �C�mo se atreve la toques!" Santana spat.

Rachel let out cry before leaving Kurt and rushing over to Santana.
Santana, stop! What are you doing?!" Rachel cried.

"Malditos bastardos!" Santana yelled again this time at the cops restraining her.

"Santana!" This time Kurt called the Domme's name as he rushed into her eyeline.

"Kurt! Kurt!" Santana called wrestling out of the cops grip. "Kurt, they are charging Brit with insubordination against Dom's. She could go to jail! Kurt she didn't do anything. Those bastards tried to rape her!"

"Wait what?" Kurt said shaking his head.

"Sir, do you know this woman?" A stern looking cop asked.

Kurt nodded slowly, still trying to grasp the situation.

"Well, will you please remind her that is she does not calm down she will be going to jail along with her sub".

"Wait, why is Brittany going to jail?" Kurt asked.

"Insubordination, and the other sub is looking at that plus assault." The cop answered.

Kurt's mouth fell open. "The other sub? Do you mean Blaine?"

The cop looked down at his notes and nodded. "Yeah, Blaine Anderson. The two Dom's he attacked gave a statement and after we patch him up he is on his way to the city jail."

Kurt let out a harsh scream before running toward the cop.
"They attacked him, how dare you say he is in the wrong!" Kurt yelled as he began to throw punches at whoever was near.

"Fucking A, somebody help me!" The cop cried as Kurt continued to fight.

"He is my sub!" Kurt yelled before a jolt of electricity coursed through his body and he fell limp onto the pavement.


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