And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 15

E - Words: 1,263 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
128 0 0 0 0

The phone rang several times before Santana picked up with an angry, "What!?"

"Well goodmorning sunshine." Kurt preened into the phone.

"What the hell do you want twink face." Santana snarked.

"We're at the coffee shop." Kurt answered.

There was a loud sigh on the other end of the phone; "Fine come on over, I am not feeding you though so you better bring stuff for me and Brit to eat."

"See you soon sweetie." Kurt teased before hanging up the phone.

Blaine looked at Kurt expectantly.

"We need to go to Starbucks to feed the witch but she said we can come over." Kurt smiled grabbing Blaine's hand and leading him towards the nearest Starbucks.

After stocking up on four large pumpkin spice latte's and enough baked goods to feed a small army Kurt and Blaine found themselves at Santana and Brit's apartment door. Kurt shifted the bag of goodies in his hands to knock on the door but didn't even make contact before the door swung open and Santana snatched the bag away from him.

"God did you go all the way downtown for these?" Santana asked hurrying into the kitchen.

"Good to see you too San." Kurt started but a shrill cry from Brittany stopped him.

"Blainey!" The blonde cried before crashing into the smaller sub.

"Oof, Brit!" Blaine said as he caught the girl.

"Blainey I missed you so much I thought I would never see you again because the mean angel is keeping all the sub's locked up." Brittany said as she pulled Blaine over to the kitchen table.

"Mean angel?" Kurt questioned as he and Santana followed the subs.

"Gabriel Jordan." Santana explained. "Like the angel Gabriel."

Kurt nodded his head and sat down next to Blaine. "We brought pumpkin spice latte's and all the pastries Starbucks had."

"Yum!" Brittany said as she dug into the treat bag.

"How was it out there?" Santana asked.
"I mean its pretty much the same, just not a lot of people about." Kurt answered.

"I am surprised you two went out." Santana commented. "I think everyone we know has hunkered down since the news."

"Really?" Kurt asked through a mouthful of biscotti.

"Yeah, Brit was even talking to Artie and he said Lima is the same why, I mean it was always a ghost town but still." Santana said.

"Kurt have you talked to your dad?" Blaine asked shyly.

Kurt shook his head. "Not really, I know he spends most of his time in D.C with congress I don't think he has been home to Lima in months."

Blaine nodded and continued to munch on his bagel.

"So why did you two venture out?" Santana asked.

"There was no food in our house." Blaine answered.

Kurt laughed a bit; "That and I think staying in the house is cowardly. And honestly Blaine and I talked the whole way here an nobody said anything about a sub talking in public."

"Really?" Brittany asked.

"Honestly, I think Jordan is all bark and no bite." Kurt added.

Santana shrugged just as Kurt phone began to ring. Blaine looked at Kurt expectantly as he answered the phone.

"Hello?" Kurt greated.

"Kurt! I am so sorry I haven't called in so long but everything has been so crazy with the performance and the whole rearranging of parts. But I have some good news to come out of all this mess! I am playing Elphaba, the lead was a submissive and is unable to perform anymore. And we talked about going on strike to show our disdain for the new laws but you know the show must go on so we are just going to raise money during intermission for a group that is fighting against the new laws, I can't remember their name right now but I know you would like the group if you joined it."

"That's great, Rachel." Kurt said as Rachel took a breath.

"I know, but anyway I called to invite you to the opening night I have seats reserved for both you and Blaine. They aren't front row but I promise they are good, you two could even come backstage for a tour after the show." Rachel said brightly.

"That is great Rachel, we are with San and Brit now could they come too?" Kurt asked as Santana shot him a look.

"Of course! I will tell the box office to hold two more tickets for them. There are perks to being the star! Well, ok I have to run but I will see you after the show tonight!"

The call ended before Kurt could say goodbye.

"I can't believe you Kurt." Santana nearly shouted.

"What!" Kurt shouted back. "You and Brit need to get out of your apartment."

"But won't we get in trouble?" Brittany asked.

"No of course not Brit." Kurt reassured.

"Kurt, I don't think this is a good idea." Blaine chimed in.
Guys are you kidding me, we can't spend the rest of our lives being hermits and things aren't going to change unless we get out there and fight them." Kurt said, trying to rally the group.

"And going to a Broadway show is going to help us 'fight the man'." Santana drawled.

"Yes, because they are taking a donation during intermission for an organization that is doing just that. And we need to show 'the man' we aren't afraid to go out and our lives." Kurt said resoutley.

"Kurt, I don't think it is a good idea." Blaine added quietly.

Kurt turned to his sub with a frown. "Blaine, you had been saying for weeks how you were excited to see Rachel on stage."

"Yeah, I know but that was before all this shit happened." Blaine reminded.

Kurt twitched a bit at Blaine's use of a swear outside of the home but he knew the reason behind it. "Blaine, I promise nothing will happen to you. You have me and Santana there to protect you."

"That is if I agree to go." Santana pointed out.

"Oh we both know you are coming." Kurt stated.

"Are we really going San?" Brittany asked her eyes gleaming with hope.

Santana let out a loud sigh. "Fine we will go support the hobbit in her little play. But there better be free booze at this thing or I will be sorely disappointed."

The three others laughed as they made plans to meet up in front of the theater at 7 that evening. After the plans were set Kurt and Blaine said their goodbyes and left the girls apartment.

"Are you sure it will be ok to go tonight?" Blaine asked as they exited the building.

"I am positive, it will be so much fun and we need some fun in our lives." Kurt answered.

"I can't remember the last time we had fun." Blaine mused.

Kurt nodded his head, it had been so long since he had felt excited for something. And he knew going out tonight was just the remedy for Blaine and him both.

"Then it is settled. Tonight we are going to have fun, both at the show and maybe when we get home later." Kurt teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Blaine blushed and let out a small giggle. Tonight would be fun.


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