And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 10

E - Words: 1,762 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
132 0 0 0 0

Kurt frowned as he sent down his phone. Blaine usually called him once he made it to school but he hadn't called yet. Kurt started to dial Blaine's number when a knock at his office door interrupted him.

"Come in." Kurt called as he slid his phone into his pocket.

The door swung open and Tina bustled in carrying several swatches of fabric.

"I know it's only August but we should really start thinking about the designs for Rachel's dress for her opening night." She stated as she placed the fabric down on a table.

Kurt let out a huff and dramatically collapsed onto his desk. Rachel had asked him to design her dress for the red carpet even for Wicked.

Tina crossed her arms and gave Kurt a look. "Seriously Kurt, we have to get this done."

"I know. But I don't want to." Kurt's reply was muffled by his arms.

Tina sighed as she walked towards the desk and plopped into one of the chairs. She hated being the one to force Kurt to work; but they were behind on the winter line. "Kurt, we have to get started on this. We got behind with all the political stuff..."

"Political stuff?" Kurt questioned sitting up. "It was just stuff to you?" His voice was pulled tight.

"Kurt, stop with the daggers. You know I care about all of it just as much as you do." Tina chastised. It was true, she did care about all the political "stuff". She and Mike had spent almost as much time as Blaine and Kurt writing letters and attending various rallies.

Kurt sighed; "I know Tina, I'm sorry."

Tina nodded as she pointed to the pile of fabric. "Can we at least decide on a color? She needs the dress by October."

Kurt nodded and stood up; Tina was right it was time to get back to work.


After an hour of debating over whether to use dusty rose or blush as a color choice Kurt called it quits. He wanted to get home before Blaine. He quickly tidied up his office before grabbing his bag and heading down the elevator. As he exited onto the street he felt a few splatters of rain hit his cheeks.

"Fuck." He swore under his breath. Of course it would rain. He half-heartedly looked for his umbrella, knowing he didn't have it. Kurt cursed himself as he threw his hand out to hail a cab. He hated to pay for it but the sky foretold of worse things to come and he didn't want to risk getting caught up in the storm.

As soon as he found a cab Kurt slid in and told the driver his address. He then pulled out his phone to text Blaine.

The weather is getting bad, take a cab home and call me when you leave the school.

No reply came through but Kurt figured Blaine was busy with meetings and planning. He slid the phone back into his pocket and sat back against the seat.


The sky was dark as night and Blaine shivered against the wind and rain. His short sleeved button up and jeans did nothing to protect from the storm. He had only ran a few blocks away from the school but he was already soaked to the bone. He let out a small sob as he fumbled for his phone. As he rifled through his bag he heard a shout. Blaine looked up thinking it was Sam chasing after him. It wasn't Sam, instead Blaine saw a few unknown men running towards him.

"Hey you!" One of them called as he approached Blaine.

Blaine panicked and started to sprint away. But the men kept chasing him.

Blaine ran down the deserted sidewalk trying to get away. His mind was racing as fast as he was. Who were these guys and what did they want from him? Blaine looked back to see that the men were gaining on him as he did he lost his footing on the slippery concrete and fell face first into the street. Blaine let out a cry of pain as his ankle twisted sharply and a flash of pain tore up his leg. Blaine tried to get up to run but a swift kick to his side left him sprawling in a puddle of rainwater.

"Where you trying to run?" The man who kicked him sneered.

"Leave me alone." Blaine shouted, hoping someone, anyone would hear him.

"Fucking sub." One of the men spat sending another kick into Blaine's stomach.

"What do you want from me?" Blaine cried as he tried to sit up.

Suddenly a gun was flashed in front of Blaine's face. The sub let out a frightened squeak before clamping his mouth shut.

"I want you to shut up and hand over your phone." The man with the gun said punctuating his words with the gun.

Blaine's hands shook as he reached into his bag to pull out his phone. As he handed it to one of the men he noticed the screen light up with a text from Kurt. He had no time to react before the phone was ripped out of his hands and thrown onto the pavement next to his thigh. The man aimed the gun at Blaine before moving it slightly and shooting the phone.


Kurt wiped his hands on a towel as he looked out the window of the townhouse. The rain pelted the glass and the wind shook the trees that lined the sidewalk. Kurt looked at the clock knowing it was too early for Blaine to be home from school but he was still worried.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent Blaine a text.

Hope things are going well, call me when you're done.

Kurt put the phone down and went back to preparing dinner. Trying to ignore the feeling of dread creeping up in his stomach.


Blaine let out a terrified scream as force of the bullet and shards glass from his phone hit his leg.

"I told you to keep quiet!" The man with the gun yelled before slapping Blaine across with the still warm barrel of the gun.

"Hey!" Blaine stilled at the sound of another voice coming from the other side of the street.

"Fuck, Jimmy who is that?" One of the shorter men asked nervously

"Shut up Frank!" The man with the gun spat.

"Hey, what is going on?" The voice asked again this time closer.

Blaine wanted to cry out for help but the gun was still dangerously close to his head.

"Come on Jimmy, get the bottom's wallet and lets go!" Frank said under his breath.

"Ugh." Jimmy grunted as he quickly grabbed Blaine's satchel from where it laid on the ground. "We will get you next time sub." Jimmy said before spitting at Blaine and taking off.

Blaine let out a weak sob before collapsing into a puddle.

The voice that scared the attackers away belonged to an older man who was now running towards Blaine.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, causing Blaine to look up.

Blaine could feel his body shaking with fear and cold. Part of his brain knew that this man was trying to help but the other part was sending a warning to run.

Blaine quickly scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain that racked his body and started to run down the otherwise deserted street. Blaine ignored the man yelling he that he was there to help and just kept running. His feet taking him home as fast as possible.


The dinner was finished by 4. Blaine wouldn't be home for another hour. Kurt cursed himself for not timing it better. He huffed as he set the burners on low and checked on the chicken in the oven.

Kurt wandered into the living room to try to distract himself with some trash TV when a knock at the door caught his attention.

"Who is that?" Kurt wondered aloud to no one.

He padded over to the door and looked through the peep hole. The small light on their stoop did little to illuminate the person standing there but Kurt opened the door anyway.

As soon as he did a wet and shaking Blaine fell into his arms.

"Blaine!" Kurt cried as he caught Blaine's dead weight. "Blaine baby, what happened?"

Blaine didn't let out a sound as Kurt all but carried him into the living room.

Kurt set him gently on the couch but even the small movement made Blaine wince with pain.

Kurt didn't know where to begin. Blaine's face was covered in dirt and grim but underneath that Kurt could see a large bruise on his cheek. There were a few tears in Blaine's jeans and one of them revealed pieces of glass stuck in bloodied skin. Blaine was more damaged than Kurt had ever seen him.

"Blaine tell me what happened?" Kurt said as he knelt down to try to catch Blaine's gaze.

Blaine shook his head slightly as he pulled his arms around himself.

"Baby, I can't help you if you don't tell me what is wrong." Kurt pleaded.

Blaine refused to speak, instead he just looked at Kurt with tear filled eyes.

Kurt's heart felt like it was breaking over and over again. What had happened to his beautiful sub?

Kurt hated what he was about to do but he knew it was for Blaine's safety.

"Blaine, tell me what happened." He said his voice immediately changing tone.

Blaine's posture changed immediately and he looked up at Kurt with dark eyes. "I got fired." His voice was low and weak.

Kurt felt a sob rise up in his chest, but he stopped it. He nodded for Blaine to continue.

"I got fired because of the new laws, so I left the school and it was raining. I didn't have a coat." Blaine's voice was becoming watery with tears. "Sam tried to chase me but I needed to get home. I ran, Kurt." Blaine's voice started to become frantic. "Then some guys with a gun started to chase me I fell and my ankle twisted and it really hurts, they had a gun and they shot my phone and then threatened to shoot me. Someone else saw us and scared them off. But I didn't want them to help me so I ran home."

Kurt broke out of his dominating presence and pulled Blaine against his chest. "Baby where did this happen?"

"On 4th street by the subway station." Blaine sobbed.

"Shit!" Kurt thought, Blaine had run almost 30 blocks with a sprained ankle and in pouring rain.

"Please Sir." Blaine blubbered into Kurt's shoulder.

"Please what baby?" Kurt asked as he gently stroked Blaine's matted hair.

"I don't want to talk any more." Blaine whispered.

Kurt nodded, holding in tears. "Ok baby, I'm going to get you cleaned up. No more talking. I promise."

Blaine responded by burying himself in Kurt's chest.


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