And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 1 Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,158 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
140 1 0 1 0

Blaine frowned as he adjusted the thin leather collar that sat snugly around his neck. It was one of the few things he disliked about teaching: he hated having to hide the symbol of his relationship, despite school policy that teacher's orientations should be kept under wraps. Even with the policy, most students knew where Blaine stood on the spectrum, and while clearly a submissive, Blaine was one of the most respected teachers at Bushwick Academy. As Blaine finished adjusting his outfit, he heard Kurt call him from the kitchen.

He and Kurt had been dating since high school, but according to the government, their bond wasn't recognized until Kurt got his Dominant license. Dom licenses were given to registered Doms once they turned 21. Kurt, on the other hand, earned his license at the age 18. This was a rare case but there was a testing process young Doms could go through if they were ready for their partnership to be recognized by the government. The day after Kurt received his license he officially claimed Blaine and the pair took off for New York City. They had been living there for five years and loving every minute.

Blaine quickly made his way through their apartment and into the small kitchen. He stood quietly in the door waiting for instruction from his Dom. Kurt hummed quietly as he stirred his coffee. He turned around and a small frown pulled across his face.

"Kurt?" Blaine questioned, his eyes searching his Dom's face. "What's wrong?"

Kurt shook his head and gave Blaine a smile, "Nothing baby, just hate to see you like this."

Blaine's eyes dropped to the ground. "Am I not wearing the right outfit, I swore this was the one you laid out..."

Kurt stopped Blaine's ramblings with a firm kiss. "Blaine, your outfit is fine. I just hate seeing you wearing clothes, you know I prefer my boy naked." Kurt said with a smirk.

Blaine stifled a laugh as he looked into Kurt's shining eyes.

"Or in a pair of sexy panties," Blaine teased.

"Or in a pair of sexy panties," Kurt echoed pulling Blaine close and make a grab at his ass.

"Kurt!" Blaine squealed as Kurt gave him another kiss.

As Kurt pulled back he motioned for Blaine to sit next to him at the table.

"So, what is on the agenda for today?" Kurt asked as he began to munch on a piece of toast.

"Nothing exciting, the kids have a test and I have to catch up on grading their essays. A boring day," Blaine replied, "What about you?"

"A busy day, I have to finish designs for Tina. Then Rachel has been bugging me to help her with her audition for some new production of Wicked or something." Just as Kurt finished speaking his voice buzzed in his pocket. "Speak of the devil." He said bringing the phone to his ear.

"Your ears must have been burning." Kurt said giving Blaine an apologetic look. Normally phones were turned off when they were at home but lately Kurt had been too busy with work for him to ignore phone calls.

"Kurt Hummel were you singing my praises?" Rachel said on the other end of the line.

"Not exactly." Kurt said with a smile.

"Oh you, well anyway I was wondering if we can push our meeting to 7? I have a dress fitting at 9 and I can't miss it." Rachel said, the sound of car horns sounded in the background.

"Rachel it's nearly 7 now, I would have had to leave five minutes ago to get to the theater in time." Kurt said with a roll of his eyes.

"I know, that's why I'm on my way to pick you up. We should be there in five minutes. See you soon!"

Kurt started to protest but the line was dead. He let out a sigh as he turned off his phone.

"Everything ok?" Blaine asked tentatively.

"Yes, but I've got to cut our breakfast short. Sorry, love."

"It's ok, I need to get to school anyway." Blaine smiled.

"I promise to make it up to you later." Kurt said as he stood up from the table.

"You don't have to, Sir". Blaine replied as he helped Kurt put on his coat.

"Oh but I want to." Kurt cooed pulling Blaine in for a passionate kiss. Blaine started to moan into Kurt's mouth when the sound of a car horn sounded just outside the door.

"Shit." Kurt said as he pulled back.

Blaine shrugged his shoulders.

Kurt looked out the window before going in for another kiss. But yet again the car horn honked...Rachel was getting impatient.

Blaine let out a small laugh as Kurt dropped his head against his shoulder. "She doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"I know, I know." Kurt said with a sigh. "I'll text you later."

"I love you." Blaine said as Kurt opened the door.

"Love you more." Kurt said with one last kiss before bounding towards the waiting car.

Blaine looked out the door to see Rachel smiling at him from the open window. "Sorry about stealing your boy, Blaine, but you understand, right?"

"Yes, Rachel I do. Good luck with your audition!" Blaine called as he waved towards Kurt.

"See you later." Kurt said before Rachel pulled the door shut and the car drove off.

Blaine looked down at his watch, it was still a bit early to be heading to school but he never liked being in the house alone so he quickly ran upstairs to get his satchel and books. After gathering his belongings, Blaine quickly locked up their townhouse and headed towards the subway.

Blaine smiled as he took in sites on his walk. It was early spring, and the weather was just starting to lose the cold bite that came with the winter months.

Blaine liked this time of year, he just wished he could enjoy it more. But with warmer temperatures came end of the year tests, meaning Blaine spent more and more time planning and grading.

As Blaine took the stairs down to the subway platform, he nearly ran into a long line of people waiting at the turnstiles.

"Woah, watch it." A gruff looking man said when Blaine nearly ran up against him.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." Blaine said as he looked past the man to see a line of people waiting to get onto the platform. Blaine scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "Why is there such a hold up?" He asked to no one in particular.

"They are taking a survey of orientations. Not sure why." Someone answered briskly.

Transportation workers standing near the turnstiles with clipboards. As people passed they were checking their orientation license, Blaine sighed but decided not to question the action any further. He quickly dug out his wallet and proceeded to take out his sub license.

The line moved fairly quickly but by the time Blaine got onto to the train he had used up the extra time he gained by leaving early. The train was quite full, so Blaine slid towards the back before popping in his headphones and settling in on the ride.


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