Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.
Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.
“You’re a five year old, Blaine!” Kurt bellowed. He was struggling to free himself, but laughing too hard to succeed.
Blaine stopped and put his face right up to Kurt’s. “You love it!” He said triumphantly.
“Yeah, I love it,” Kurt said, out of breath. And then they kissed. Blaine couldn’t help but grab Kurt’s ass roughly and pull him against his morning arousal. Kurt yelped, biting down on Blaine’s lower lip. The kisses became frenzied, a mess of teeth and tongue and lips. Blaine was throbbing with want.
“Shit! Blaine, get off me. Shit. I’ve got to get ready for work.” Kurt was trying his best to push Blaine off of him. Blaine tried not to scream from frustration.
“We’ll finish this in the shower, then,” Blaine said as he scooped Kurt up off the bed and carried him into the bathroom fireman style. Kurt protested loudly between giggles until he was set down on his feet. Blaine leaned into the shower to set the water temperature and felt Kurt slap his ass, leaving a stinging handprint in its wake.
“Get in.”
Kurt swiftly complied with Blaine’s command. They were both standing under the spray of warm water, hands skating across skin and muscle. No time to waste, Blaine grabbed the soap and squirted some into his hand. He rubbed his palms together and reached out to fondle Kurt’s balls. Kurt clutched Blaine’s shoulders, his fingers digging into the flesh. Blaine massaged and rubbed until he felt Kurt shudder and become soft.
Blaine eagerly awaited his turn as he watched Kurt soap up and step behind him. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, pressing their bodies close so he could reach Blaine’s hard cock. Blaine braced himself, placing his hands flat against the cold tile. He moaned as Kurt stroked the length of him and placed kisses along his shoulders.
“That’s it, right there,” Blaine said as Kurt brought him to the brink and then over the edge into bliss. The men finished getting ready and ate breakfast together before Kurt had to leave for work.
“Don’t forget to meet me for lunch at the sandwich shop,” Kurt said after taking a sip of his coffee.
“I won’t forget, Kurt. It’ll be the second highlight of my day,” Blaine said, his dark eyebrows lifting suggestively. He polished off the last of his apple muffin washing it down with what remained of his coffee.
“You’re gonna kill this interview. I can feel it!”
“I’m so lucky to have you,” Blaine said with a smile.
Kurt blushed as he replied, “You’re not the only lucky one. I’ve got to go or I am going to be late.”
Kurt kissed Blaine’s cheek and ran out the door. The scent of him lingered in the room calming Blaine’s nerves as he cleaned up the breakfast dishes. He ended up cleaning the entire apartment just to keep busy. Since they both were naturally neat and organized it didn’t take long. The morning seemed destined to move at a snail’s pace and Blaine worried that he might lose his mind before it came time to leave.
Blaine set the alarm on his cell phone to go off when it was time for him to leave and turned on his favorite playlist as loud as he dared. The songs were sentimental, full of fond memories. He belted out the lyrics to each song and danced around the room until he started to get sweaty. Carefully removing his shirt and tie, he smiled as "Teenage Dream" filled the room. This song would always make him think of Kurt, Kurt and dreams coming true.
He freshened up and applied more deodorant while softly singing and thinking of all the firsts he had shared with Kurt. They had grown so much together, been there for each other through the good and the bad. He remembered the first time he laid eyes on Kurt on the staircase at Dalton, their first kiss over Pavoratti’s tiny Bedazzled casket, singing together, dancing together at Prom, summers at Six Flags, the first time they made love, graduation, moving to New York. There were so many good memories and experiences that they had shared.
Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm snapped Blaine out of his reverie. His heart gave a leap as he hastily put his shirt and tie back on. He grabbed his suit coat and went to meet his teenage dream for lunch.
Over sandwiches it was obvious that Kurt was trying to avoid topics that would add to Blaine’s nervousness. The way he struggled to come up with stories that had nothing to do with Vogue or fashion or law or jobs was adorable. Blaine found himself laughing more than once at the struggle more than the actual stories. As soon as they entered the Vogue office building Blaine felt his nervousness peak.
He was grateful he didn’t have to wait long before he was called in to the interview room. The room he found himself in was stylish and inviting. The interviewer was even more so, a woman with warm eyes and a friendly smile and looking like she stepped right out of the latest issue of Vogue. Blaine felt at ease as he answered the questions and discussed what unique gifts he could bring to the team. He was able to hide his shock when he was asked to stay for a second interview.
The second interview was more detailed and rigorous. Blaine was grateful for the suit coat that hid the sweat soaked areas of his shirt. He felt like he had answered well to all the questions and he had been told that the law firm he interned for gave him high praise. He was both optimistic and excited when he left the building. He sent off a text to Kurt and headed home.
Walking to the apartment Blaine realized they hadn’t had anyone over to visit since they moved in. They had been living in their own little bubble. It was time to change that. They needed to have a party. Kurt would love to plan a housewarming party. It would be good to reconnect with friends they had been neglecting.
Blaine missed his family, too. He knew Kurt must be missing Burt and Carol. It had been over a year since either young man had been to Iowa. With new jobs it seemed unlikely that they would be able to travel in the near future. They might have to steal a long weekend to make it happen if they didn’t want to wait months. Maybe they could convince family to come visit them in New York.
Kurt was just as excited about having a party as Blaine anticipated. They began to plan the food and guest list over a delicious homemade meal. A date was settled on, it would happen in a month. They even texted friends to tell them to mark their calendars. This would be the first party they had thrown together at their own apartment and they wanted all their friends to be there.
Monday afternoon Blaine was at the restaurant when his phone rang. He usually kept it off at work, but had been keeping it on ever since his interview. His heart leapt into his throat as he answered.
“Blaine Anderson?” asked the person on the other end.
“Yes,” he replied. He swallowed hard and held his breath.
“This is Cynthia Curtis from Vogue. We’d like to offer you the position that you interviewed for last week,” she continued, giving him details about the job and when he would need to start.
“I’ll see you on Monday. Thank you,” Blaine said as he ended the conversation.
“Yes!” he shouted a little too loudly in the back storage room. He got a few strange looks as he went in search of his manager. He gave notice that his last day would be Friday and finished out his shift with a grin on his face.
Excitement stirred in him as he opened the door to the apartment. He walked in and saw Kurt watching him from the couch. Project Runway was on the television and his sketchpad was in his lap. Blaine walked over and sat beside Kurt on the couch trying to keep his face from betraying his news.
“Hey, how was your day?” Kurt asked as he grabbed his hand.
“It was okay,” he said breaking into a broad smile. “I got the job!”
Kurt jumped off the couch dragging Blaine up with him, pulled him into a crushing hug, and yelled, “You got the job!”
“Yeah, I got the job,” Blaine said softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of Kurt’s neck.
I did enjoy the story! Very much!One little note: The Hummel-Hudsons, the Andersons, McKinley, and Dalton are all in Ohio, not Iowa. Both 4 letter states that begin and end in vowels, both in the Midwest, both Native American names, Ohio State and Iowa State both MAJOR rivals of Darren Criss's alma mater University of Michigan (that's probably not what threw you, though *grin*), and the names do sound somewhat alike in some USA regional accents ("uh-high-yuh," for instance); but, nope, they're not in Iowa. *hugs*
I am so glad you enjoyed the story! LMAO at the Iowa catch! I don't even know where that came from. Edited it! I don't think I've made that mistake in any of my other stories but now I must go check them all. :-)