Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.
Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.
The apartment was amazing. It had a clean, simple layout and plenty of closet space. Blaine knew it was the closet space that had sealed the deal for Kurt. It would be ready to move into the first of the month, which was only a week away.
It was Sunday night and they had stayed in for dinner. They were sitting on the bed with the television on in the background. Blaine took Kurt’s foot in his hands and massaged it. Kurt groaned in appreciation.
“There’s something I missed.” Kurt paused for a beat. “Blaine, when is your lease up? I really don’t want to live in that beautiful apartment all by myself.”
“I guess you’re in luck then. I only signed a one year lease. I’m month-to-month right now.”
“This is perfect!” Kurt said as he bounced on the bed.
Blaine leaned up to the head of the bed for a quick kiss.
“It is perfect, isn’t it?” Blaine said with a sparkle in his eyes. He grabbed Kurt’s other foot to rub.
Monday morning came too soon. Blaine had brought over an overnight bag on Saturday so that they could spend the whole weekend together without traveling back and forth between the hotel and Blaine’s apartment. It made him feel like he was on vacation, a really nice vacation. Like all vacations, though, it had come to an end. Now it was time for them to go back to work.
Kurt was already up and getting ready. When he walked out of the bathroom fully dressed Blaine’s jaw dropped. Kurt was stunning. He smiled and did a little twirl to show off his ensemble.
“You’re going to stop traffic in that outfit, Kurt.”
“I know. This is my first day of my first real job with Vogue, Blaine. My dream job!” Kurt was smiling so wide it looked like his face might split in two. It was a rare moment.
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” Blaine joked. He slid out of bed clad only in his boxer briefs and made his way to Kurt. He slipped his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulled him in for a kiss.
“I want you to have a wonderful day and call me at lunch to tell me all about it.”
“Will do,” Kurt replied as he smiled into another kiss. “Talk to you later!”
Blaine watched Kurt close the door behind him as he left. He needed to get home and get some things done before his shift at work. He got ready quickly and was out the door.
He was sitting in his stuffed chair eating his lunch when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID quickly and answered.
“Hi there.”
“Blaine! Oh my god! You aren’t going to believe this!” Kurt was practically yelling into the phone.
“What happened?” Blaine asked in alarm.
“Blaine, the legal department is hiring. I spoke to HR about you and they want your resume. Blaine? Are you there?”
“Oh my god, Kurt! I can’t believe it. They really want my resume?”
“Yes. I’ve introduced your name, now you need to email your resume and cover letter to them as soon as possible. Today, if you can manage it. Get something to write with so I can give you the information.” Kurt was speaking fast from excitement. Blaine grabbed a pen and scrap paper and took down the information as Kurt rattled it off.
“Well, I have been filling out paperwork and listening to office procedures all morning. What have you been up to?”
“I’ve let my landlord know I’m moving out this weekend. I’ve called the utility companies to cancel services and set up service at the new apartment, our place, on Saturday.” He felt a thrill saying the words out loud.
“Oh good! Look, I’ve got to let you go. Are you sure you don’t want to see me after your shift tonight?”
“Kurt. You know I want to see you. But I’ve suddenly got a lot to get done if I am moving this weekend. I’ll call you when I get home, okay?”
“Okay, I understand. I love you.”
“Love you, too. I’ll get that resume sent over before I head to work. Thank you for letting me know about the position. Bye.” Blaine sat stunned for a minute after ending the call. It was hard to believe how bleak his outlook on life had been just a few days ago. All the darkness and heaviness had been replaced with light.
Now he just had to land that job!
At the end of the day Blaine dragged himself towards his bed and collapsed with a grunt. He was exhausted. Work had been okay, but he couldn’t stop thinking about all the things he had to get done before Saturday. There was now an ever-present nervousness, too. If he wasn’t thinking about the move he was thinking about the Vogue job. Right now he was thinking about the move which meant he was also thinking about Kurt. He needed to call him, to hear his voice.
Blaine stripped off his clothes until he was down to his blue boxer briefs and crawled under the covers of his bed. He grabbed his cell and made himself comfortable.
He pushed the send button and smiled when Kurt answered on the first ring.
“Hey,” Kurt said.
They sat silently on the phone together for a moment just listening to each other breath. It occurred to Blaine that it might be a bit creepy if they weren’t both doing it. Instead, it was comforting, almost like being in the same room together.
“Kurt, what do you want to do about furniture?” Blaine asked. He had been making lists in his head all day. They didn’t have much time to get everything done considering they both were working every day.
“I don’t have time to properly shop for furniture before Saturday. I need everything. Shit. At least you have a bed!” Kurt said, his voice getting higher as panic set in.
“No problem. I’m really good at sharing. Do you have much to move?”
“Just 4 huge suitcases and a couple small train cases. It’ll all fit in one cab.”
“Great. I’ll arrange for my stuff. It’s not going to take much time to get moved in. We can spend the rest of the day furniture shopping. I think that takes care of everything,” Blaine said.
“You’re so efficient. Now, enough of that. What are you wearing?”
Blaine wasn’t sure how Kurt managed to be funny and a sexy at the same time. He just was.
“I’m in bed in my underwear. You?” Blaine drawled.
“Truth? Silk pajamas, but that can be changed.” Kurt’s voice caught on the last word. Yeah, this was happening. Blaine felt a shift in the mood. The air seemed a little heavier and he had started to sweat.
“Take your clothes off for me,” Blaine’s request rumbled up from his chest. He was already half-hard.
“I’m unbuttoning my shirt right now. I wish it was your hands,” Kurt admitted. Blaine could hear the sound of fabric rustling on the other end. The sound made his dick ache.
“Imagine it is. My hands are gliding along your shoulders as I push your shirt off. I’m tucking my fingers into the waistband of your underwear and tug them down your legs. Spread yourself out so I can just look at you. You’re so sexy.” Blaine took off his own underwear in record time while he was talking.
“You’re gorgeous. I love how your hands feel on me. That’s all I can ever think about when I get off.” Kurt’s voice sounded strained and Blaine could hear him panting.
“Are you touching yourself now?”
“Tell me how it feels, Kurt.” Blaine reached down and wrapped his hand around his own cock and gave it a couple lazy strokes. God, he was already so hard. He reached over and pulled the bottle of lube out of his nightstand.
“So good…uhn…warm, everywhere…Blaine.” Kurt sounded close. Blaine was so turned on he knew he would be close soon, too. He held the phone in the crook of his neck while he opened the lube and applied a small dab to the palm of his hand. It felt cool and slippery as he began to glide his hand up and down his cock with long, firm strokes.
“Oh god, Kurt. I wanna taste you. Lick you all over, kiss you. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Yes!” It came out as a strangled cry.
“Come for me, baby,” Blaine whispered. With those simple words, Blaine heard a sharp intake of breath as Kurt came. Blaine gave himself a few quick, rough tugs and felt his own release spill onto his hand and stomach.
Well that was certainly very very pleasing. Looking forward to reading more :)
Thank you so much for the review! I am glad you like it. I will have the entire story up and complete within the next few days.
Hot! Woot woot for phone sex :D
Glad you liked!
Dirty talk never works for me in real life, but it sure does in fics! Wonder what the difference is.... Maybe it's because the authors write really great build-ups to it. :)