Somewhere Only We Know (A Klaine Story)
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Somewhere Only We Know (A Klaine Story): Chapter 1

K - Words: 2,215 - Last Updated: Mar 11, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Mar 11, 2012 - Updated: Mar 11, 2012
400 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Chapter One:


Blaine and I sat in the coffee shop after school, like everyday, sipping our hot drinks and trading stories about the classes we didn't have together (which, I must say, there were a lot of!).

"You have to take Parenting class with me next semester! Seriously, Blaine. I cannot, I repeat, cannot be the only gay kid in that room. I can see it now, being forced to partner with a girl," I gushed to my boyfriend, who sat across from me, holding his latte with two hands, with that fake smile he uses when girls hit on him.

"What?" I asked nervously. "I was just rambling…I mean, you don't have to if you feel uncomfortable. I can beg Rachel to be my partner, unless Finn joins the class…" I fade away, seeing a tear slide down Blaine's cheek. It wasn't the class, was it?

Something else was going on, but he wasn't saying anything. Blaine doesn't cry all that much, he's the strong one in this relationship, of course. But, I know enough about Blaine to know, I am the only person who has made him cry, whether it be a big fight, or a romantic gesture.

"Blaine…?" I reach out to touch his hand…he pulls back a little and sighs. I don't say anything. I know he'll talk on his own time. I look down at my coffee cup, which I have nervously drank almost empty.

"Kurt," Blaine said softly and I look up, his eyes catching mine. "You know, I have so many things I want to do with you before…" he drifts off and looks away for a few seconds.

"Before what?" I ask carefully. I heard Blaine take a deep breath and finally tell me what he wanted to say.

"Kurt, my dad's job got relocated…to Chicago, Illinois,"

My mouth fell open, and I sat frozen. Then I snapped out of it. This must be a joke! Of course! Blaine wouldn't just move halfway through the year, not when he just transferred to McKinley.

"Haha, that's funny Blaine. Great joke! You really had me there for a moment, I really thought-"

Except Blaine's eyes didn't change from the teary look I had just seen. He wasn't kidding.

"You're really leaving, aren't you…?" I whispered timidly, letting a tear escape. Blaine just nodded. We sat in silence for a while. Finally I broke the silence. We needed to talk, alone.

"Blaine? Do you want to go somewhere more private?"

"Yeah, alright." was all he said.

"Come on, I'll drive you to my house. Give me your keys," I commanded lightly. It was my turn to be strong, even though I was screaming on the inside.

On the way to my house, Blaine didn't even look my way, and the radio stayed off. Usually we sang duets from my musical CD's during our car rides together. Now we sat in silence.

I turned the lights on to my bedroom and closed the door while Blaine got situated on my bed. He had taken off his shoes, and just slumped down on the pillows, eyes closed. I set down my bag and lightly sat down next to his feet. I instinctively put my hand on his leg and sighed.

"I…" I started slowly. "Maybe, I can ask my dad if you can stay here for the rest of the year and the summer, until I leave for NYDA. You could live with Finn in his room, or maybe in that spare room in the basement? You know where the office is right now? I could decorate it for you,"

"Kurt…" Blaine sat up straight. "You know that offer sounds great, but I don't think either of our parents would go for that. And also, I don't know if that's the best idea for us,"

"Why?" I asked, suddenly letting out the tears I've held in.

"Because, I just…"

"You just don't want to, I'm getting the feeling you don't want to stay here! What about Glee Club, Blaine? How can you leave us right before Regionals! It's in a few months; You know Mr. Schu will be coming up with a set list soon! And what about…what about me….?"

"Kurt! Calm down! You make it sound like I'm just abandoning a sinking ship! The McKinley Glee Club was great before me, and it will be great without me!" Blaine suddenly burst out. "As for us, we are fine. You know I love you, and just because I'm leaving Lima, doesn't mean I'm leaving you."

"Are you sure? Because it sure feels like it!" I stood up and stomped over to my closet, stopping in front of the door, hiding my tears from Blaine.

"You know what? You're being a selfish jerk right now! It's not all about you! I'm the one leaving, not you. I think I have a right to be upset and selfish, not you!" he yelled loudly. "So guess what? I'm leaving!" I heard him stomp over to, I assume, my door. I whirled around.

"Blaine…" I cried out.

"No, Kurt, don't even bother," he gave a look of disgust to me, crinkling up his nose, in a face I found so adorable in the past, but now holds a whole new meaning. I was hurt. Blaine slammed my bedroom door, hard.

"Blaine!" I screamed. "Wait…come back…" I whispered. "I love you…" I crumpled to the floor, hysterically, full out bawling.

Tears blurring my eyes and chest heaving, I somehow found my way to my bed. I pretty much crawled across the floor, and threw myself into the pillows, probably ruining my new pants in the process. But I didn't care. Blaine was so so more important than a pair of pants, or any article of clothing I owned. And he was gone.

I knock came at my door, probably about an hour later. Or what felt like an hour. My crying had succumbed to a few drops here and there, and I sat buried in one of Blaine's sweater vests he had left at my house yesterday.

"Kurt?" my dad's voice sounded through the door. "We're, uh, going out to eat a Breadsticks tonight. Carole didn't feel like cooking," he gave a little chuckle. "Be ready to go in a few minutes."

"I can't! I'm…I'm buried in homework, and I need to practice a new solo for Glee," I lied, trying to keep a steady voice.

"Alright," Dad cleared his throat. "I, uh, guess we'll bring something back for ya," and he was gone too. I buried back into Blaine's sweater vest. I breathed in his scent, still strong as ever on his vest, and started to cry again. This was going to be a long night…


As soon as I showed up at my house, I ran past my parents and into my room, not letting them see my red face. I shut my door quietly, so I didn't attract attention, and flung myself onto my bed.

I can't believe this! Kurt…Kurt of all people should have understood me! But he didn't. He didn't understand at all, and he was being selfish about everything. Why did he keep pushing for me to stay with him? Didn't he know I couldn't?

I groaned in frustration and banged my head repeatedly against my pillow. Why? Why did Dad have to get a job in Illinois? That's so far away from Ohio, and I don't want to go!

But I can't stay.

Something sharp was poking into my side. I sat up, dried my tears with my hands, and dug my hand down to my side.

A zipper.

It was Kurt's zip up red sweatshirt. No one knew he had this, because he barely wears it. It was a gift from his Aunt, a few years back. Of course, it was Polo brand, not some cheap Wal-Mart brand, but still. Kurt only wore it on cold winter nights when sleeps. And that one time last weekend when he snuck over to my house and crawled through my window. Kurt accidentally left it under my pillow after we made love…

Oh boy, why did I think of that? I had finally stopped crying and all it took for it to come back was to remember that night! I put on Kurt's sweatshirt and lay down on my bed.

He should know.

I can't just stay with his family. I'd be like a freeloader, someone eating up all they're food and taking up their space. I'd feel like I wasn't supposed to be there.

And why would Burt and Carole ever agree to be living there?

I really miss Kurt…


There was a short knock at my door, followed by a voice.

"Kurt," I opened my eyes and looked toward the door. Finn had opened the door a crack and poked his head in. "I brought up some food for you. I didn't know, if maybe you'd be hungry?"

"Sure," I said flatly, as he walked into the room. Finn knew something was up, he was, after all, my brother.

He shut the door and strode over to my bed and sat down, carton of food still in hand. Shifting awkwardly, he set the food on my night stand. The smell of Italian food wafted into my nose. I realized then that I was a little hungry. I eyed the food carton, hoping it was Fettuccini, Blaine's favorite. I teared up again at the thought of Blaine.

"What's going on, Kurt?"

"It's Blaine. He's moving to Illinois and when I offered him a place to stay till the end of the year, turned me down. He doesn't love me anymore…" I cried out.

Finn pushed himself further onto the bed and awkwardly pulled me into a brotherly hug. "It's going to be okay. Kurt, I know he doesn't hate you,"

"But w-why doesn't h-he want to stay with meeeeee?" I wailed against Finn's chest. He just lifted a hand and uncomfortably patted my back, clearing his throat nervously. After he stayed silent for a while, I took in a breath and tried my hardest to keep from blubbering any longer. When I finally got myself to stop, I unclasped my hands from behind Finn's back and looked at him.

"You don't have to, it's okay. I'll be f-fine," I let my breath hitch a little.

"No," His voice came out strong. "I know if Rachel and I had a fight, you'd be there for me. It's what brothers do."

"Thanks, Finn," I said quietly.

"But you know, Blaine had a point. Even if mom agreed to letting him live here, there's no way Burt would. They would never let Rachel move in, they'd be afraid of…things…"

"Are you serious, Finn? Just because I'm bottoming Blaine, doesn't make me a girl! I'm still a guy, and guys, can't get pregnant!"

"Whoa, man, I think I'm seriously scarred for life! You really did not need to go into detail about you and Blaine's sex life for me to understand the point," Finn put his hands up over his face and blushed furiously.

"Sorry…" We sat in silence for a few more minutes. When Finn's face turned back to it's normal shade and his hands were back in is lap, he spoke again.

"Dude, if you called Blaine and said you're sorry, he would forgive you for sure. Blaine…he's…I actually like him. And I know he loves you more than anything else in this world, he wouldn't just walk away,"

"How do you know that for sure, Finn? I don't want to insult you, but sometimes your logic and thinking skills aren't the greatest. Like the time you slept with Santana and lied to Rachel about it? Or how about last year at Regionals, when you kissed Rachel on stage? And what about that time-"

"Enough, Kurt!" Finn's voice loudly echoed across my bedroom walls, and I quieted my own voice. "Geez, I can see when you get so upset, you tend to take it out on others." he said quieter this time. "And I know sometimes my actions are not the greatest and I don't always think things through, but this time, I know for a fact I am right." I thought about this for a moment.

"Fine, I'll call Blaine," I sighed. Finn smiled. "Good, see, I knew my brotherly talk would help out,"

"Don't push it," I warned, but I smiled a little in spite of myself. Finn really was a good brother. "So how about some food? I'm actually starving now."

"Good, because I even saved you a few breadsticks." Finn slid the carton off my stand and set it carefully on my bed, opening it and revealing it's contents.

"Fettuccini," I grinned, "this is Blaine's favorite." Finn smiled some more and grabbed a breadstick.

"You mean, you saved you a breadstick,"

Finn waved his stick in the air, mouth full. "Yeah, ob courth. I gottta keep up my strength."

"Careful! You'll ruin my sheets!" I shouted out, while carefully unwrapping the plastic ware from it's cellophane wrapper.

"Sorry…" he laughed, letting some of the bread fall from his mouth. He reached up and caught it before it hit my bed. I let out a sigh of relief and finally scooped up some Fettuccini with a fork and took a bite."Hey, what's that buzzing noise?" I dug around in my blankets to find my cell phone, with Blaine's name lit up on the screen.
"Go," I told Finn who stood up slowly and trudged out of my room, hoping to hear a bit of the conversation. I waited until he was outside to answer the phone.
I pushed the green answer button. "Hello?"


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