April 19, 2012, 7:39 p.m.
April 19, 2012, 7:39 p.m.
Day Two--
Kurt was in a deep sleep, tangled in the sleeping bag, and Blaine’s body. Blaine watched him sleep, admiring how his eyelashes lay gently across his lower lid, his hair matted to his forehead with sweat, his lips laid gently together. Blaine loved how Kurt’s naked chest moved ever so slightly as he breathed in an out. He stroked his cheek, sighing with happiness. Kurt was beautiful, and Blaine was so happy to be the one he tangled up with him inside the double sleeping bag. Kissing Kurt’s forehead, he settled back down, snuggling into his neck and closing his eyes.
Their tent shook, as someone attempted to knock on it. I guess they didn’t want a repeat of last night.
“Kurt, can I come in?” Finn’s voice came from outside the tent door. Blaine didn’t answer, he was so comfortable and warm, he didn’t want to move. Finn shook the tent again, calling again.
“Come in, Finn,” Blaine sighed against Kurt’s neck. He didn’t move from his position as Finn emerged in the doorway.
“Oh, uh, you’re still…” he stuttered awkwardly, staring and Kurt and Blaine’s shirtless chests. Blaine smiled, lifting his head from Kurt, halfway sitting, or as much as Kurt’s body, still tangled with his, would allow.
“Shhh, he’s sleeping.” Blaine whispered, gently pushing sleeping Kurt’s hair back from his eyes and kissing him on the forehead again.
“Hey, look, man, I’m really sorry about last night-” Finn started. Blaine shook his head and held up his free hand.
“It’s okay, people make mistakes. If you’re cool, I’m cool.” Finn laughed, relaxing a little, watching Blaine stare at his brother.
“You really love him, don’t you?” he blurted. Finn didn’t mean for it to come out, but he let it slip. Poor Blaine was already embarrassed enough about last night.
“Yes,” Blaine said quietly, not looking up from Kurt’s sleeping form. “I love him so much.”
“Take care of him then.” Finn grinned, knowing now that he didn’t embarrass Blaine at all. His brother’s boyfriend just nodded, turning back to Kurt. “Anyways, I uh, was coming to see if you and Kurt wanted breakfast. Quinn made some food over the fire, so far everyone whose had it said it tasted really good. Who knew she could cook?”
“Yeah, we’ll be out in a bit. I’ll wake Kurt,” Blaine smiled genuinely. “Save some for us.”
“Sure,” Finn left the tent, waving as he walked out and zipped the tent back up.
“Kurt,” Blaine whispered in the sleeping boy’s ear. “Kurt, honey, wake up.” he kissed his lips softly, letting his hands trail down Kurt’s cheeks. The boy stirred under his touch, fluttering his eyes open in a way that made Blaine’s heart beat faster.
“Hi.” Kurt smiled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Hey, sleepy head.” Blaine caressed Kurt’s cheeks with a smile. “Finn was just here, It’s time for breakfast.”
“Mmm…sounds nice. I’m hungry.” Kurt untangled himself from around Blaine, still clad in only his underwear, and stood up slowly, looking for his overnight bag. “Blaine? Where can I find a mirror?” he asked, still groggy from sleep.
Blaine chuckled at that, knowing Kurt wouldn’t of thought to bring a mirror, and reached into his own bag and pulled out a hand held one. “Here, I knew you’d forget it.” Kurt grasped the mirror from his hands, staring into it.
“I can’t believe there isn’t a mirror out here.” Kurt grumbled to himself, digging through his skin care bag. Blaine chuckled at Kurt’s normal bad morning attitude and started to dress himself, watching Kurt out of the corner of his eye, who was starting his vigorous skin regimen.
“I’m gonna go ahead and get some breakfast, do you wanna join me after you’re done?”
“Yeah, go on ahead. I’ll meet you in a few.” Kurt mumbled, still rubbing cream on his face. Blaine smiled and unzipped the tent, careful not to open it too far, so the others didn’t see his boyfriend in his underwear. Not that two of them already haven’t.
Oh god, I hope they didn’t tell anybody…
“Hey, Anderson, finally awake? So how’d it go last night? You and Hummel finally get it on?” Puck called out as soon as they spotted him walking to the fire pit, where everyone else sat, some in their day clothes, others still in their pajamas. Blaine made his way over to where the breakfast food sat, and fixed himself a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, pouring himself a glass of orange juice to go along with it.
“Leave him alone, Puck,” Quinn laughed, eyeing Blaine. She was still dressed in her pj’s, which would have been surprising if she was the same girl he met last year. But she wasn’t exactly. Quinn had changed in a way, with her shorter hair and friendlier attitude, that comes when you’ve been knocked down so many times like her. Even if she was a cheerio again, Blaine would say she was the nicest girl on the team. He guessed that’s why the two of them had such a strong friendship.
“Thanks, Quinn, but no we did not get it on, Puck. But I’ll keep you posted.” He joked and high fived Mike, sitting down on the picnic table bench between him and Quinn and starting to eat his eggs and bacon.
“But I thought you guys-” Finn said but Rachel quickly cut him off with a shush and a nudge to the knee. No one had noticed, thankfully, and Kurt emerged from their tent, dressed in a flannel shirt, no doubt stolen from Blaine’s overnight bag, that damn vest of his from his butch phase, and a pair of dark jeans. Blaine wanted to cry, because his boyfriend just looked so damn cute with his usually wide blue eyes shaded by his lashes in a tired manner, shuffling slowly toward the group.
Blaine forgot to bring coffee. Oh boy, Kurt was gonna be just a peach to be around this morning. Possibly all day with the attitude Kurt had about camping.
“You look a little tired there, Kurt.” Wes smiled as he approached them, dragging himself along.
“Mmm.” Kurt grunted drowsily.
“What’s wrong with him?” Wes responded to Kurt’s grunt, looking at his friend Blaine.
“Please tell me someone packed coffee.” He groaned tiredly, eyeing the group. Thankfully, Sam pulled a bag of coffee grounds from the food tub, tossing it to Kurt, who caught it.
“Mercedes said you’d need coffee in the morning. She was right about you. You look like crap…” Sam faded off, noticing Kurt wasn’t really paying attention, just busying himself with heating up some water over the fire and twisting his coffee beans into a filter and tying it off so it created a makeshift teabag like thing.
“He’s kind of sluggish until he gets his coffee. Don’t expect much of a response.” Blaine chuckled, causing the rest of the group to laugh along.
“Shush, Blaine.” Kurt threw him a small smile and went back to pouring the coffee into a cup.
“So he talks to you? All I got was an incoherent grunt!” Wes joked.
“Because he loves me, right Kurt?” Blaine put his arm around his boyfriend who had taken a seat in Mike’s spot next to Blaine when Mike went to change his clothes with the girls. He was the only guy not dressed in day clothes.
“Yeah, sure,” Kurt hummed contently, sipping his coffee slowly. The guys cracked up, teasing Blaine over Kurt’s response.
“Guess he doesn’t” David slapped his best friend, Wes‘s, knee.
“Even Rachel says it back, even if she’s preoccupied in some new solo or NYADA application or whatever.” Finn teased his brother’s boyfriend, laughing harder when he realized Kurt appeared like he didn’t even know what was going on.
“Come on, guys, Kurt’s just tired, leave him be.” Blaine kissed his boyfriend’s temple, resulting in a happy sigh from Kurt.
“You know your laughter is giving me a headache.” he joked, setting his now empty cup on the table behind him. “And Blaine, sweetie? They’re laughing at you, not me.” He smirked.
“Ahh, I see you’re back to normal!” Blaine playfully pushed him, causing him to giggle.
“Hey, Kurt’s awake!” Mercedes laughed, as she made her way with the rest of the girls, and Mike, toward the fire pit where the boys sat.
“Yes, ‘Cedes. Now what kind of torture are you guys going to put me through today?” he smiled, not actually meaning what he said. Kurt would hate to admit it, but even though he’d been embarrassed, slept on the hard ground in a cold tent, and got caught about to have sex with his boyfriend, he was actually enjoying himself.
“Oh, you see, Kurt, that’s where me and Blainers here decided we were gonna take you on your very first fishing trip.” Puck grinned, pulling out a few fishing poles. Kurt winced.
Kurt never liked the idea of fishing. It was dirty, and fish stink. And why did Blaine look sort of excited?
“Blaine…?” he asked warily. “You want to take me fishing?” Blaine of course just chuckled and pushed the sleeves of his flannel shirt up to reveal his tan arms.
“Yes, Kurt. I know you don’t like fishing, and frankly, I’m not to keen on it either. But we’re out here in the woods…and I thought, why don’t we try it out?”
“You’re gonna have to do a lot to make up for this, Mr. Anderson!” Kurt snapped, but smiling secretly at his boyfriend.
“I promise, I’ll go shopping every weekend for a month with you.” the smaller boy laughed and handed Kurt a fishing pole, while Puck came around behind and pushed a fished hat, complete with those gaudy hooks, atop his head.
“If I have to wear this hat, make it two.” he grumbled, trudging off towards Puck, Wes, David, Mike, Finn, Artie and Sam, Blaine falling in stride next to him.
“Hey, come on now! I think that hat makes you look adorable.”
“You’re gonna pay for this, Blaine.” Kurt groaned.
“I know, honey.” Blaine patted his back, grinning.
“Ugh, this is so boring! How can you guys sit here for hours in silence?” Kurt whined, leaning his cheek against his hand and propping his elbow against his knee, where he sat Indian style on the ground. The hat that was perched on his head was ugly, but it keep the sun out of his porcelain face.
“I think it’s relaxing.” Finn stated, casting his pole out again, after he had just caught his second fish of the morning.
“Dude, that’s cuz you’ve caught two fish already,” Wes laughed, gesturing to where his pole sat, not moving even a little. “I haven’t caught a thing.”
“Sorry, guys, I have to agree with Kurt. This is pretty boring.” Blaine plopped down next to his boyfriend, abandoning his fishing pole.
“Screw you guys then. We’re all having a good time.” Puck said, turning back to Finn and asking which bait he had been using.
“We’re going back to the campsite.” Blaine announced, pulling Kurt up, who sighed in relief. “See you guys later.” he called as the two of them walked hand and hand toward their camp site, which wasn’t very far from where they were fishing. Kurt had no idea what the girls were doing while they were down there fishing, but the idea of sitting with them sounded more appealing to him than standing by a lake, waiting for fish to magically grab on to a hook.
The boys wandered back into the clearing, spotting all six girls sitting in a circle, gossiping no doubt.
“Hey, Kurt! We were just talking about our boyfriends, wanna join!” Rachel called when she spotted Kurt and Blaine, walking through the camp site, hand in hand.
“Yeah, actually, that sounds like fun.” Kurt winked at Blaine and dropped his hand, sitting next to Rachel on a camping chair. Blaine continued his slow walk toward the group while they started talking.
“So…we were talking about the most embarrassing things they’ve ever done.” Rachel explained, setting her hands neatly in her lap as Blaine took a seat next to his boyfriend. “I’ll go next. The other day, I invited Finn to help me practice for my solo. I told him I had to use the restroom, and I’d be right up, go ahead and make yourself comfortable. So when I walked in my room, Finn was laying on my bed, in only his underwear! He thought “making himself comfortable” meant get ready to have sex!”
The group burst out laughing, Kurt laughing the hardest, seeing this as blackmail for the next time Finn caught Kurt doing something his parents didn’t approve of.
“Alright, my turn!” Kurt called, pointing at himself and laughing. He glanced at Blaine before beginning to tell his story.
“So, this was when we first started dating, it was about 2 weeks in…” he paused to look at his boyfriend of a year, wondering if he knew what he was talking about.
Blaine definitely did.
He shook his head, trying to get Kurt to stop, but he continued anyway.
“We were kissing on my bed, which we did a lot because you know how it is when you kiss someone for the first time.“ Kurt smiled lovingly at Blaine, then turned back to the group. “But anyways, my dad didn’t know Blaine and I were together yet and had only met Blaine a few times. He was supposed to be at the shop, but he came home early and walked in on us. And you wanna know what Blaine told him?”
Everyone laughed when Kurt paused for dramatic effect.
“He told my dad he was my CPR coach and was teaching me how to save lives, so that’s why he was on top of his son!” Blaine’s cheeks grew pink and he hid his face in his hands. Kurt giggled and sat on him, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling his hands away.
“But it was cute,” he kissed Blaine, who was still blushing. The girls whooped and clapped laughing at Blaine’s embarrassment. “I’m sorry, it’s just your turn to be embarrassed.”
“Alright, alright. Settle down, before I tell an embarrassing story about Kurt.” He pulled Kurt further onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his thighs.
“Hey, no that’s not funny!” Kurt exclaimed, covering his boyfriend’s lips with his hand. Blaine licked his palm, causing Kurt to yank his hand away.
“Ok, you’ve been embarrassed enough already this weekend.” He giggled, kissing Kurt on the nose.
“Alright then, how about we talk about the sweetest things? Like one time, Sam sung to me and we ended up in a duet. That was before we were back together, but it was perfect!” Mercedes exclaimed, smiling hugely.
“Mercedes, I’m supposed to be your best friend, when were you planning on telling me this!” Kurt demanded with a smile. Mercedes just shrugged and Tina decided she would go next.
“Mike is just all around sweet…I can’t even begin to think of just one special thing.”
“Come on! You got to share one!” Rachel insisted, flipping her hair back. “Or I could just go.”
“No!” the group shouted in unison, sending them all into another giggling fit, even Blaine. Kurt did not want to hear another story about his brother. It was just weird, hearing about their sex life and their cutesy stories.
Everyone eventually quieted, and waited for someone to speak up.
Blaine took advantage of the silence and spoke from his place under Kurt. “I think the single most amazing thing Kurt has ever done for me is stop me in the hallway at Dalton the very first day I laid eyes on him.” He kissed Kurt on the lips, very lightly.
Everyone ‘awed’ and clapped, obviously voting theirs the cutest.
“Alright, everyone has to answer this one! No back outs!” Santana called, standing up in the middle of the circle of girls, Kurt, and Blaine. “What turns you on the most?” Kurt gapped, trying to hide his blush and curling closer to Blaine.
Santana, of course, started. “I say, Brittany’s cheerio’s outfit.” Rachel kind of looked pale, and the others nodded politely, not sure of what to say, since Santana wore the exact same thing. After a few seconds, Rachel went next, saying something about Finn being shirtless.
Eww… Kurt thought, not sure of what to think.
Everyone shared a wide variety of things, such as Mike’s dance ‘hot’ dance moves and Sam’s singing voice, to Artie’s hands, surprisingly coming from Quinn.
“What?!” Santana giggled, unsure of what to say. Quinn wasn’t even with Artie. Kurt didn’t even know she liked him like that. She was a cheerio, used to be one anyway. She used to go for guys like Finn and Puck. Now Artie? Now that was a surprise…
Blaine, on the other hand, was not surprised at all. He’d known for a while now, when Quinn shared this secret over coffee at the Lima Bean. She’d changed so much, and at first, Blaine wasn’t sure what to think. But Quinn had changed enough, he found out. She stopped trying to be something she’s not, and tried to be who she really was inside. Insecure, and actually really sweet. She was just now trying to show that, even though it wasn’t always coming out that way.
“Yes, I like Artie. Is that weird…?” she asked slowly, sinking lower into her seat, eyeing Blaine out of the corner of her eye. Blaine smiled warmly, showing her he had her back. Kurt turned his head, looking quizzically at Blaine, wondering why Quinn was smiling back in this direction.
“I’ll tell you later.” He whispered in his ear, kissing the back of Kurt’s neck quietly. Kurt nodded, still wearing that god awful hate, and turned back to where the girls were shooting Quinn with a billon questions.
“Seriously, come on Artie, you need to grow a pair and ask her already! Dude, she’s hot.” Puck was gathering his fishing gear, getting it put away.
“Yeah, she’s changed. Or at least showing a new side of herself! I mean, how often do you find someone as sweet as her and that hot?” Finn laughed, leaning on Artie’s chair. “But guys? Don’t tell Rachel I said that.” the guys chuckled, nudging Finn and sending out mild insults.
When the laughter died down, Artie spoke again. “I don’t know guys. What if I ask and she says no? Quinn’s…amazing.” he sighed, looking down at the thought of Quinn rejecting him.
“Are you gonna ask him out? You got to, he would be crazy to say no!” Mercedes insisted, knowing that if she didn’t take a chance now, Quinn may never get another chance. Mercedes was lucky, that Sam and her got another chance. But what if Quinn didn’t?
“I was thinking about it…” She smiled, blushing. “I mean, he’s so…I don’t know…” she trailed off.
“So what? He’s a wonderful person, you and Artie would go great together. And don’t you guys already spend a lot of time together lately?” Tina told Quinn sincerely.
“Yeah, but we’ve just been kind of working on that English assignment together….and sometimes we…sing…”
“You guys are a bunch of clueless idiots!” Santana yelled. “you like him, he likes you. Why not go for it?”
“Agreed.” Kurt laughed at Santana’s blunt answer.
The guys had finished putting their fishing supplies in the tackle boxes and had gathered everything up. Puck started to push Artie, as they all walked toward the camp site.
“Look man, she has to be crazy about you. Why would she take that extra time just to hang out? No homework attached?” Puck insisted.
“I-” Artie started, turning to face the boy pushing his wheelchair.
“Don’t start, Abrams. She wants you.”
“But she-”
“What part of shut up do you not understand?”
“Fine, I’ll ask her.” Artie sighed nervously as they trekked up the steep hill next to their camp site.
“See, look, she’s staring at you!” Puck whispered, letting go of his chair.
By then, the guys were coming back from fishing, Puck wheeling Artie up the steep hill. The girls, Kurt, and Blaine giggled, watching Quinn watch Artie and Puck.
“I say it’s Kurties turn!” Blaine called out from under Kurt., tearing the girls gaze off the guys, going to put their fishing gear away.
“Oohhhh, yeah I wanna hear this!” Santana drawled, staring at the boys tangled in the camping chair.
“I…Blaine Anderson!” he groaned, lightly pushing his face.
“Oh so just all of Blaine or is there one certain thing?” Rachel giggled, taking Kurt’s groan as an answer, even though it wasn’t intended to be.
“Ugh, fine. I like his…his lips!” Kurt exclaimed, knowing that was not a wise answer. Now the rest of the boys were joining their circle, wondering what the commotion was about.
“Whoa, did I just hear Hummel announce he likes Anderson’s lips?” Puck tried to fist bump Kurt, but was greeted with a frown, followed by Kurt looking at Blaine, blushing. The rest of the guys were standing in a bunch in front of the girls. Finn was the first to move, going to sit next to his girlfriend, Rachel, and kissing her on the cheek. Kurt changed his position so he was sitting on Blaine’s lap right side up, tangling his legs with his boyfriend’s. Everyone else found another seat, leaving only Artie, looking a little nervous.
“Artie, you wanna come…sit by me?” Quinn said, shyly. Which was surprising, Quinn wasn’t that shy usually. He smiled and nodded, wheeling his way over to where Quinn sat in one of the camping chairs. Mercedes glanced at them knowingly, and Blaine looked up from Kurt’s shoulder, where he was nuzzling him lovingly, arm’s wrapped around his waist, long enough to smile and send out a small thumbs up. It was mid day now, and the guys had caught and cleaned a few fish. Starting a fire, Puck laid them over the hanging tripod and started to cook them.
Those look nasty!” Rachel exclaimed, not happy about having to eat fish for lunch. Finn whispered something in her ear, and they stood up, making their way to the tents.
“Mm, Blaine when do we get to be alone?” Kurt murmured quietly, so that no one would hear them.
“Later tonight.” Blaine secretly kissed up his neck.
“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna have to go ravish you in our tent right now.” Kurt moaned quietly, causing Blaine to stop.
“Then I’d better stop.” He smiled, kissing him once more on the cheek and settling for rubbing his hand up and down his arm. “Mm…feels nice.“ Kurt muttered, eyes growing heavy. Blaine continued to rub his knuckled up lightly over his arms, lulling Kurt to sleep.
“Blaine, What…” Kurt mumbled, sitting up completely on Blaine’s lap, still groggy from sleep. Kurt had fallen asleep a little before lunch, and had napped for about two hours. Blaine hadn’t moved once. He just let sleeping Kurt get comfortable on his lap while the others quietly laughed at him. Quinn was kind enough to abandon Artie for a few minutes to bring him some lunch and something to drink. It was now 3:20 and everyone was lounging around the fire or playing games in the clearing. Artie and Quinn were talking quietly over by Blaine and Kurt’s tent, courtesy of Blaine. He told Quinn if they wanted more privacy, her and Artie could talk in his tent. Kurt was sleeping at the time, so he didn’t mind it at all.
“You’re awake.” Blaine kissed Kurt’s temple, stopping his conversation with Finn, who had since came back from the tent with Rachel, about Kurt actually.
“Yeah…how long was I asleep?” he asked, yawning and standing up. Blaine followed, shaking his legs and hoping around. He was stiff, from letting Kurt sleep on him for so long.
“About 2 hours.” Blaine responded, pacing, not really wanting to sit back down.
“Oh god, I’m sorry Blaine!” he giggled, covering his mouth with his hand. Blaine smiled and wrapped him in a hug.
“It’s fine, Kurt. But if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m gonna go see if I can join Mike and Puck.” the shorter boy gestured to where the two boys were throwing a football back and forth. Kurt smiled, shaking his head and plopped back down into Blaine’s warm chair as he took off toward their friends.
“So, Kurt…” Finn trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“Finn.” he retorted, with a smirk. “So where’d you go earlier?”
Finn shifted uncomfortably in his seat, looking a little embarrassed. “What do you mean?”
“When you and Rachel went to the tent?” Kurt teased, taking pleasure in how Finn was getting a little riled up by it. He didn’t know what they did, and frankly, he did not want to know. Kurt was just interested in watching Finn squirm uncomfortably.
“Alright, Alright!” he finally burst, putting his hands up. “Wehaveotherfoodwe’rehidingfromyouguys!” he said quickly, blush rising on his cheeks. Kurt let out a squawk of laughter. They were hiding food? That’s all?
“Food Finn? You hid food from all of us?” Kurt couldn’t help but laugh again at his brother’s strangeness.
“Yes, we have other stuff to eat. Rachel’s a vegetarian, remember?”
“Yeah, I know that, Finn! But you have to hide it? why?”
“Because she doesn’t want to share…”
“Like any of us would want any of her food.” Kurt said dryly, settling back comfortably into his seat as Finn mumbled I know. “So what’s for supper? I’m starved since I missed lunch.”
“Umm…I think they’ve got hotdogs.”
“Oh god, I think I might just go eat Rachel’s food!” Kurt pretended to gag. Kurt Hummel doesn’t eat hotdogs. They’re gross and processed. Not his idea of good food.
‘I really hope Blaine brought something else’ Kurt thought, feeling disgusted by the fact he had to eat hotdogs for supper.
When the boys finally joined the group, Blaine sitting down in the chair next to his boyfriend’s, Kurt sighed and looked up at Blaine.
“Honey, please tell me you have something other than hotdogs to eat?”
Blaine chuckled and took his boyfriend’s hand in his own. “No, Kurt. You’ll just have to eat the hotdogs.”
“But I don’t like hotdogs.” Kurt pouted.
“You’ve never even tried one before!” Blaine laughed, squeezing his hand and watching Puck start grilling the hotdogs.
“They look gross.” he stated, staring down at their hands.
“They’re delicious, trust me.” the younger boy laughed as Quinn wandered up to ask to take Blaine aside. Kurt frowned and pouted some more while Blaine took Quinn inside their tent. He was jealous of Quinn, getting alone time with his boyfriend. Just when he had Blaine just about to cave and let him eat something else. Ok, maybe not. But still. He wanted his boyfriend to pay attention to him.
‘Why am I being so clingy today’ Kurt thought, crossing his arms.
The blond diva (at least for today) was still sitting with his arms crossed when Mercedes approached him.
“What’s up your butt, Hummel?” she teased, plopping down in Blaine’s now empty seat.
“Blaine’s not letting me complain to him about hotdogs, he left me.” He frowned, then laughed at his ridiculousness. He was kind of being a brat today.
“You’re kind of a diva, Kurt.” she giggled. “So what’s up?”
“Just waiting for Blainers.” He sighed, inspecting his fingernails which had been covered dirt from their fishing trip. “How can he be so into this camping thing? He’s so…gay.”
“You’re stereotyping?” Mercedes raised an eyebrow, staring at Kurt. Kurt was not one to judge, especially not his boyfriend.
“You know what I mean.” He snapped, grinning. “He’s so put together and clean and so…so Blaine. Him liking camping is as unexpected as me liking david Karofsky.” Mercedes laughed, knowing exactly what he meant.