Warblers of Dalton Academy
Chapter 4: Trigger Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Warblers of Dalton Academy: Chapter 4: Trigger

E - Words: 2,799 - Last Updated: Aug 01, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Jun 05, 2012 - Updated: Aug 01, 2013
235 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Authors note: So the songs in the last chapter went unrecognized! They were: Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend by Marilyn Monroe, Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship, and the other mentioned is Somethings Got a Hold on Me by Christina Aguilara. The one in this chapter is She's a Bad Mamma Jamma by Carl Carlton. There is also a trigger warning for this chapter. You have been warned.Other than that, enjoy darlings.Reviews would be lovely!!


"WHERE IS IT?" Maria and Sebastian were tearing the room apart trying to find Sebastian's cellphone before he went on his date. Sebastian was due to leave soon, and he couldn't leave without his cellphone. "Bash, your back pockets vibrating...." Maria turned her head in his direction as she heard the noise.  Shoving his hand into his back pocket he found his iphone. Which seemed to be laughing at his pain, as was Maria. "Really?! We've been searching for ten minutes! You didn't think to check," she was cut off because she was laughing too hard.

   "Oh hush. How do I look?" he asked. Turning around to let her get a good view of the outfit; jeans and a button down black shirt with the top button undone and white tie loosely hanging around his neck. "Handsome, now go. The movie starts soon and you do not want to stand him up." Sebastian took off, stopping to thank Maria for her help. "Yeah, yeah now go boy!" she shooed him out. He left, and she followed behind; stopping in the common room to relax and watch TV. Flipping through channels until the Spongebob movie popped up on the screen, "Yesssss!" she cheered and settled in with one of the many blankets in the room.

   Patrick and Spongebob were in the sundae shoppe when she heard two voices behind her reciting the lines as she watched the characters say them. Turning Maria saw Blaine and Jeff, having just walked in from outside. "Hi! It's cold as hell outside, mind if we join you?" The girl simply nodded and they came and sat down. "Where are you guys coming from?" the alto asked. Blaine answered, "Watching the basketball game, Kurt went shopping with his Mckinely girls; so I gathered Jeff here and we decided to go support David." She nodded, and laughed as the boys began the chorus of Waittteerrrr   calls Patrick and the little yellow sponge do. They began acting out the whole movie, dragging Maria in at the times when she wasn't laughing.

   By the end of the movie the three of them were laughing so hard, tears were streaming. "That was awesome, I've never seen anyone who can quote the Spongebob Movie that well. Bravo gentlemen!"

"You were fantastic! Honestly! Whhhooaamygod that was fun!" Jeff was wiping tears from his eyes. "Alright, who's hungry and up for some burgers?" Blaine and Maria's hands shot up and the trio headed to Jeff's car. Once they were in the automobile, Jeff blasted the radio and a familiar tune came blasting through the speakers. Blaine started singing it first:




Look at her


She's a bad mama jama

Just as fine as she can be, hey

She's a bad mama jama

Just as fine as she can be


Her body measurements are perfect in every dimension

She's got a figure that's sho' 'nuff gettin' attention

She's poetry in motion, a beautiful sight to see

I get so excited viewin' her anatomy

The other two taking back up and singing the chorus carried on as they drove:


(She's built) She's built, she's stacked (Oh, she's got)

Got all the curves that men like (She's got all the curves that men like)

(She's built) She's built, she's stacked (Oh, she's got)

Got all the curves that men like (Got all the curves that men like, look at her)

The three were smiling as they drove and were singing like maniacs:


She's a bad mama jama

Just as fine as she can be, hey

She's a bad mama jama, oh

Just as fine as she can be


Looks like she's poured into the gold, she bad

The essence of beauty, ooh, such lovely hair

She's foxy, classy, oh, sexy, sassy

She's heavenly, a treat for the eye to see

Maria took the next part  to everyone's surprise:

(She's built) She's built, she's stacked (Oh, she's got)

Got all the curves that men like (Got all the curves that men like, oh)

(She's built) She's built, she's stacked (Oh, she's got)

Got all the curves that men like (Got all the curves that men like, ooh-wee)

Jeff took the next part, staring at Maria as he sang:


She's a bad mama jama (Ooh, she's bad)

Just as fine as she can be, hey

She's a bad mama jama, ho...ho...

Just as fine as she can be


Woo, hoo

Na na na na na na na na na na na na

Woo, hoo

Na na na na na na na na na na na na

Woo, hoo


She's built, she's stacked

Got all the curves that men like


Her body measurements are perfect in every dimension

She's got a figure that's sho' 'nuff gettin' attention

She's poetry in motion, a beautiful sight to see

I get so excited viewin' her anatomy


(She's built) She's built, she's stacked (Oh, she's stacked)

Got all the curves that men like (Got all the curves that men like)

(She's built) She's built, she's stacked (Oh, she's got)

Got all the curves that men like (She got all the curves that men like, look at her)


She's a bad mama jama (Hey...hey...hey...hey...yeah)

Just as fine as she can be (Oh, yeah)

She's a bad mama jama, (Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...I don't understand)

Just as fine as she can be


She's a bad mama jama

The group pulled up the burger joint laughing as they entered.


Sebastian was barely paying any attention to the movie playing, he was as close as he could be to Kahlil without really touching him; and he smelt amazing. Thoughts scattered in the brunettes head like wildfire, and his heart was fluttering, palms slightly damp. His heart soared ten thousand feet when he felt Kahilil's  hand come up and fit into his; a perfect fit. His thoughts ran wild again. Focus on the movie, isn't it supposed to be scary? Focus on that. And that he did for a solid twenty minutes, then he let his eyes stray and saw that the bass's had done the same. Sebastian suddenly felt bold and released the other boys hand and snaked his arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. Kahlil complied.

     So far so good. Kahlil look up at Sebastian with big brown eyes and smiled; the latter took this opportunity to lean down and kiss the boy. To his relief, the bass kissed him back. They stayed lip locked until the end credits were rolling. Standing; the walked out hand in hand.


       And he was ambushed by the long legged beauty the minute he walked through the door almost 3 hours later then he should have. "What happened?!" she was practically frothing at the mouth. "Tell you didn't do the ditty on the first date Sebastian." She punched his arm because he was making her wait. "Of course not, was tempted to though, but I kept my dignity." She raised an eyebrow. "Well, other than you two sucking face what happened?" He simply smiled and walked past her to change into his sweatpants to sleep. The one thing that made Maria's skin crawl was the fact that he slept shirtless.  "Tell me, I spent a decent chunk of time helping you find that damn cellphone!" He sighed, knowing he owed her for that. "Fine, come. Sit, we'll talk." He gestured her towards the epic beanbag which now had a twin that he bought for her. They lay on the beanbags and Sebastian gave her the rundown of his night; from the kiss and the hours after that. "We were on the hood of his car, looking out across this really freakin nice water and just cuddling. I've never actually cuddled with anyone before; for the first time in my life I wasn't thinking about being dirty with him, I was happy just being there. " and on her went. Well into the night they talked and together they both dozed off laying contentedly on the beanbags.

  She's sitting in the back seat of the car, clawing at the back window screaming to find her fathers. Its not fair she got snatched away, screaming and crying she takes the blow of the adult in the front seat. She can't fight back she's only 6. It wasn't supposed to be a day like this, she wants her fathers back so badly. Screaming louder and louder. And louder until she blacks out from lack of oxygen to her brain. Flashing forward ten years, now she's stuck in that empty classroom again, the bald headed man staring her down as she's back into a corner. Breathing in Maria can smell her own fear and his excitement and she can see that tent in her teachers pants.  A tent that makes her want to vomit that lunch up; a mess she'd gotten herself into. The girl is suddenly feeling so much smaller and the man is so much taller and in a burst of pain she finds out that tent was for her. It has been for months, she can't run from him, he'll kill her. She running down the hall anyway, trying her best to fight him off then her faces connects with the door, and with a pain so severe but less painful than what he's done. Shes out cold, and being dragged through the empty school into the classroom again.

Maria woke up from her nightmare, breathing heavily and covered in sweat; glancing over she sees Sebastian, sound asleep.  It was only a dream. Just a dream. Not disturbing him she rises to go wash herself off a bit, she reminds herself it's all in the past. But as Maria wipes her face down, the foundation she's wearing comes off to bare the scar on her face. A scar from where her face connected into the door. Sick to her stomach she vomits, retching up everything then heaving.  Checking out the door, the long legged girl checks to make sure her roommate hasn't awoken yet. And he hasn't. Maria simply grabs a blanket off the bed and heads back to her beanbag, in an attempt to sleep. But sleep never comes to her; so wrapped up tightly in her blanket cocoon she laid there. Not making one sound.

 The Warblers sat in the study a few days later working on homework. Occasionally breaking the silence by asking someone for help; the boys had bonded with Maria well, she had made very good friends with Blaine, Jeff and Sebastian. So ultimately the boys were anxious, knowing her past, when she was strangely quiet that day.  So, upon finishing his homework Sebastian went to the shared room, to see if he could talk to Maria.

    He knocked lightly; not hearing a reply he knocked bit louder.  A sound of distress sounded from the other side of the door and a voice soon followed, "Er....just a minute..." He heard a zipper, and shuffling and then finally acknowledgement that it was safe for him to enter. When he walked in the first thing he noticed was a very disheveled Maria attempting to act casual on the bed. "Hey Bash, how're you?" she asked. Willing him with her eyes to not ask what he wanted to. "I'm fine, bit worried about you. You've been oddly quiet the past few days." Smooth start, now for him to pry a bit.

     "I'm here if you want to talk, I know you have some things you'd love to keep hidden because we don't know each other that well..but I really don't want you doing anything....odd?" Sebastian fumbled his way through the last part. Maria looked at him, with a seemingly vacant look but her eyes betrayed the pain she felt. "I'm fine Sebastian. Just very tired, that's all. So tired in fact I'm going to take a nap. So if you don't mind." She gestured for him to leave, and he began walking away; something caught his eye and made him stop. "Lift up your sleeve."  Maria looked at him eyes wide and gaping and she searched for a way to deny it. "Don't fight with me lift up your sleeve." She didn't move.

   Sebastian lurched across the room in one swift movement and pulled up the blood soaked sleeve of her cotton casual shirt. Across the arm he saw multiple cuts and areas that were turning purple; he didn't saw a word just looked into her eyes. She was crying. "Bash please don't say anything to anyone. I won't do it again I just felt so upset and it's the anniversary of what happened.." "Anniversary of what happening...?" Sebastian was listening but was also focused on the hoard of destroyed flesh in his line of vision.

   "...Something....one day I'll tell you, just please don't say anything. They'll take me away again and this is the only place that would accept me. After everything I've been through I can't lose something that I've already latched onto. I can't lose something that can fix me.  This was just a spur of the moment thing...I promise I won't ever again. Bash please don't." The tenors eyes latched onto the alto's and he saw the regret there, something that made him decide not to snitch on her. "Fine. But we're cleaning this up." He rolled the sleeve up and guided her into the bathroom, where he began washing off her wounds. "Can I ask why you did this?  Did we not make you feel welcome? Or happy? Did someone do something?" Sebastian was wrapping her arm in gauze and she remained thoughtful for a moment.

  "When it gets to a certain point, small things trigger you. Small things, or sometimes nothing at all. You do it to make sure this is all real. That you still feel anything, and for the off chance that maybe someone will notice the blood on your sleeve---like you did for me. And reach out to help. No one cared at Crawford, all those girls you'd think someone would help me out. Anybody. But no, here I remain, lonely as ever." Maria looked up into Sebastian's face, and saw he had tears spilling down his cheeks.

"I don't care how late it is, where you are, or even  if we are fighting I promise you Maria. I will always try my best to let you know you aren't alone. And I will take care of you, to the best of my ability. No one deserves to feel alone." He cautiously went to hug her and was surprised at the strength of the girl who had seemed so weak before; pull him into a tight hug. "Thank you."  Was all she said. "Anytime, and I mean that. So I'm going to give you a few anti-biotics and you have a choice Ri."

 "I'm listening," she replies eyes on the boy. "You can stay up here if you want to, I'll tell the boys to leave you be for the night if you want to be alone. If you don't, and since it's a Friday; they're having a Men in Black double feature down there as soon as everyone finishes the homework. You in?"

 She smiled and nodded. "Fantastic. I'll let you change and clean up, see you down there." He walked out of the bathroom, having left a bottle of the anti-biotics out for her to use.

   Kurt hated these types of movies, but he remained downstairs simply because his boyfriend loved them; it was compromise. Kurt sat through these weird movies and Blaine dealt with the heavy shopping, tit for tat. Not focusing on the screen at all, his eyes wandered looking around the room; the boys seemed to be enjoying the movie. As did Maria, he also noticed how she was sitting a lot closer to Sebastian than any other guys.

Maybe she likes him... his theory was immediately canceled out when he saw Maria nudging Sebastian towards Kahlil. Thank god she finally got close enough to touch with somebody. Maybe she is feeling better. Again, his thought process was interrupted; this time by a certain dark haired boy. He felt lips at his ear, "I think I've had enough of this movie, meet me upstairs in ten?" Then he kissed Kurt's neck, slurring the boys' speech a bit as he continued on. Kurt couldn't focus, Blaine's lips on his neck was pulling all the blood from his brain into a nether region.

"Deal." Kurt uttered, and Blaine silently planted one of Kurt's lips before standing up and announcing that he was going to bed. A chorus of halfhearted goodnights came from the boys, too absorbed in the action on the screen to care. Maria was the only one to say goodnight fully and surprisingly give Blaine a hug goodnight; leaving Blaine in awe. She took her spot back in the pile of comforters; although she sat alone now that Sebastian was curled alongside Kahlil.

  Blaine walked upstairs, waiting in his room for Kurt to come join him.

 Yawning, Kurt stood "I'm off too, I'll see you all in the morning." He waved his hand goodnight to everyone, smiled warmly at Maria who seemed genuinely content and carried himself off to his room.



End Notes: Saving the smut for the next chapter!!!


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