A Place Called Home
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A Place Called Home: A Place Of Questions

T - Words: 2,177 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 23, 2012
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Author's Notes: I'm soooo sorry for the long wait. The chapter didn't seem to want to get written, and I was bummed because not that many people are reading, but then I realized I don't care if only five people read this, I'm doing it for them and me. So, Thank you so so so much to the readers that I have. It means a lot, it really does.ANYWAY, the story begins with a flashback, when Kurt and Blaine meet. Just fyi, this story is canon until college life, and I also changed the fact that Blaine is a year younger, I didn't like it much, so it changed! :)ALSO, my lovelies, nevermind, I'll tell you at the end!ENJOY!

"Excuse me." Blaine turned around to glance up at the staircase where the voice was coming from, where he saw the most gorgeous boy ever. The boy continued to speak, "Uh. Hi. Can I ask you a question? I'm new here." Blaine was pretty sure the look of astonishment at this boy's beauty was evident on his face, but he managed to answer anyway, he reached his hand out to shake the boys' and said, "My name's Blaine."

"Kurt." The boy said. ‘Kurt' Blaine thought, ‘That's an awesome name, hmm Kurt.' Blaine was shot out of his thoughts when Kurt began to ask a question, "So, what exactly is going on?" Blaine smiled.

"The Warblers. Every now and then they throw an impromptu performance in the senior commons. It tends to shut the school down for a while."

"So, wait. The glee club here is, kind a cool?" Kurt sounded confused and astonished, and that being a possibility. A glee club? Being cool? No way.

"The Warblers are like rock stars." Kurt raised his eyebrows in shock when Blaine finished speaking. Blaine noticed and decided he had to bring Kurt to see it.

"Come on." Blaine said, as he followed his instinct and grabbed Kurt's hand, "I know a shortcut." Blaine lead Kurt down a hallway that truthfully wasn't a shortcut, he just wanted an excuse to hold this boy's hand for a little longer. When they entered the senior commons, the room was full. Kurt looked around in shock, and Blaine turned around to excuse himself, when Kurt noticed something.

"Wow. I stick out like a sore thumb."

"Next time, don't forget your jacket new kid." Blaine smiled, and used this as an excuse to touch Kurt's (non-uniform) jacket, "You'll fit right in." Blaine smacked Kurt's shoulder in a more masculine way than touching Kurt's jacket had been. Blaine thought Kurt was gay, but he didn't want to freak him out if he wasn't. Blaine then started to back away, as the Warblers began to harmonize behind him, "Now if you'll excuse me." Blaine said as he backed away and began to get in formation with the other Warblers.

You think I'm pretty

Without any makeup on

You think I'm funny

When I tell the punch line wrong

As Blaine sang the rest of the song, he noticed how he actually had to make himself look away from Kurt. Kurt was just amazing. Did he really just think that? He JUST met Kurt. But there was something about him that was so intriguing and amazing and Blaine was going to make sure he figured it out, especially if that meant he would get to spend time with this mysteriously beautiful boy.



"Blaine?" Alison said his name for the third time, since she asked him if he remembered this beautiful boy. Blaine had stayed completely still, trying to put all the memories into words, trying to find the name, trying to make sure he said everything perfect so the beautiful boy would smile again. Blaine glanced to his side and saw the boy, Blaine frowned at the sight, the boy looked upset, and it only took Blaine a second to realize why. Him. The boy was getting upset and sad because he didn't think Blaine remembered him. Blaine did remember him though, this boy was his everything. He began to shake his head in the boy's direction, trying to reassure him by rubbing his thumb over the boy's hand. He just needed two more seconds to get the words together. He looked over at Alison, who began to frown.

"You don't remember him, Blaine?" Rachel asked.

Blaine shook his head.

"It's okay, Blaine. I'm sure that will come back over time." Alison tried to sound reassuring as she wrote something down on Blaine's chart. Blaine heard a sob, and his head flung to stare at the boy. The boy seeing Blaine had looked tried to put a smile on, and squeezed his hand. The boy shrugged and said simply, "Blaine. It's okay. I'm fine. I just want you to be fine. It's okay if you don't remember."

Blaine shook his head.

The boy took a deep breath, "No really, it's fine. Don't worry about me, worry about getting better."

Blaine shook his head again. He kept trying to form the words, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out except a groan that sounded full of pain.

"What hurts, Blaine?" Alison got out of her chair to come check Blaine.

Blaine shook his head again. Why couldn't he speak now, when the words had flowed out moderately easily while asking Alison's other questions?

"No." Blaine finally got a word out, though not the word that would really help this situation. He took a deep breath and winced slightly out of pain coming from his side.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked, she began to sound worried too. Blaine nodded this time and took his hand that wasn't holding the boy's, and held up his pointer finger, showing that he just needed a minute. The boy nodded and whispered something to Alison.

"Yeah. That might be a good idea." Blaine over heard Alison whispering to the boy. The beautiful boy turned back to Blaine, took his hand, and said, "I'll be right back, I just have to-" Blaine shook his head. "I have to go do this, uh, thing." Blaine shook his head again and squeezed the boy's hand.

"Blaine. It's okay. I'll be right back." Blaine could hear the sorrow in the boy's voice. No. Blaine could not let him go and cry over him, when he remembered him; he had to do something to make him stay. As the boy walked towards the door, Blaine shouted, "NO!"

The boy, Rachel, and Alison all looked to him with the look of shock evident in their eyes. Blaine kept shaking his head, tears welling down his face, as he kept whispering, "No, no, no, no, nononononono, don't leave me, no, no." The boy ran over to Blaine and took his hand, and ran his other hand over his cheek to wipe away the tears.

"Blaine. Blaine. Look at me." Blaine looked up at the boy, but continued to murmur, "no," and "don't leave me," over and over again. "Blaine. I won't go anywhere if you don't want me to. I'm sorry if I upset you, but I'm still trying to wrap my brain around what is happening too." His voice became as loud as a whisper, "I just, I don't understand why you want me to stay if you don't remember me. Don't you want someone that you know, here?" Blaine shook his head as he saw a tear trickle down the beautiful boy's face.

Come on, Blaine. He began to think to himself, get the words out.

 "No. No." Blaine pulled the boy's hand to get him to look at him. The boy looked up and shrugged and whispered, "I'm trying here Blaine, but I just don't know what you want."

"You." Blaine managed to whisper as the tears began to well up around the rim of his eyes. The boy looked up in shock and managed to hoarsely get out, "Really, even if you don't remember me?" Blaine shook his head, and the boy's face shot to a look of confusion.

Blaine finally got the words together that he had wanted to say since Alison asked the question. He took a deep breath, and took the beautiful boy's hand, and looked directly at his beautiful, blue eyes.

"Well, I would want you even if I didn't remember. I'll always want you. You're my everything. How could I forget you? That would be like forgetting to breath." Blaine shut his eyes and finished, "You're my reason to breath," He paused, and said the name he had refused to say even in his head till this point, "Kurt." He heard Kurt take a deep breath, he opened his eyes to see Kurt looking down at him with the most happiest, loving look he could remember, and the next thing he knew, Kurt was kissing him, and oh my gosh, if that wasn't the best feeling in the entire world. He opened his mouth, and felt their tongues touch, and this felt like home, Kurt began to straddle him and Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt's beautiful hair.

"Boys. Come on! We're still here you know!" Rachel snickered and Kurt jumped off of him as if he completely forgot about the others in the room, "There will be plenty of time for that later, trust me."

"It's been over three months, Rachel. Sorry if I have needs." Kurt murmured under his breath, and Blaine couldn't help but smile. He reached out and grabbed Kurt's hand, and rubbed his thumb up and down Kurt's hand. He saw Kurt smile.

"Well. That was interesting." Alison smiled, "I'm truly happy that Blaine remembers you, Kurt. But it was probably against my better judgment to let that to continue for longer than a peck. Blaine did just wake up from a comma, and is still healing from the wounds caused. So let's try to get things G rated over here, shall we?" Alison snickered, and then took a seat closer to Blaine, "Blaine? I'm going to ask you a series of questions about Kurt now. Is that okay? I want to see what part of your brain was affected, and see if the things you have trouble remembering will come back or not." Blaine nodded, and then Alison asked the first question, "What is Kurt's full name?"

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel." He felt Kurt smile on the other side of him.

"Have you met his father?"

"What? Of course. Mr. Hummel, I mean Burt, he is like my second father. I've met him more times than I can count."

"Is Kurt's father married?"

"Well, Kurt's mother," Blaine got quiet and looked over at Kurt, who nodded to him, giving him permission to continue, "she died, when Kurt was real young, I think when he was eight?" Blaine looked up at Kurt for reassurance, Kurt nodded, and Blaine smiled at remembering that fact. He continued, "Well, eight years after that, Burt married Carole, uh, Carole, I don't remember her last name, but she had a son about Kurt's and my age."

"Tell me about Kurt's and your life."

"We met when we were both juniors. He came and spied on, on, uh, on the, on the glee club at the school I went to at the time. We became friends, I was stupid and didn't realize how in love with him I really was." Kurt shook his head and whispered, "You were never stupid."

"Yeah, I was, still am apparently, if I'm here." He gestured to the room he was in, but when Kurt opened his mouth to protest, he shook his head and continued, "Anyway, I finally realized how amazing he was, we kissed, then I transferred schools for him, because he had transferred back to the other school, and then we spent our senior year together. Then we moved to New York, we both attend NYADA."

"Where do you live?"

"In the dorms at NYADA."

"Where does Kurt live?"

"He lives in an apartment, off campus."

"Right. Okay, one more question before I finish, what is the most recent memory you have, not including waking up here? Just try to pin-point it."

"I have no idea, I remember kissing Kurt." He shrugged.

"Can you remember what you were talking about?"

"We were talking about moving in together, I think. Yeah, yeah we were. I remember, we just moved me in to the dorms, and my roommate was a real homophobe, and Kurt wasn't comfortable coming over, and I wasn't cool with that. We had talked about moving in together before, but my parents didn't want us too, but, wait no that can't be my last memory."

Alison looked up from the clipboard, "Why?"

"Because, you said my attack happened in December, and that must of happened in the mid September."

Kurt nodded, "Can I tell him?" Alison nodded and Kurt continued, "We actually did move in together, Blaine. We, uh, well, you, I guess, moved into my apartment October 4th."


"When you get checked out of the hospital, you can stay in the apartment, it'll help bring back memories of those months that seem to be gone from your memory, I can stay with uh Rachel and Finn."

Blaine shook his head, "That's stupid, of course you can stay in the apartment, Kurt. It's not like we haven't," his voice decreased to a soft whisper, "you know, spent countless nights in that bed anyway." He winked, and Kurt turned a bright red. Blaine smiled, but then it hit him. "Wait you said Rachel, right?" Kurt nodded and looked confused, but then comprehension overcame his face, as he understood that Blaine hadn't placed Rachel as Rachel yet, just some girl he knew he went to high school with. Blaine turned to Rachel and smiled, "Your name is Rachel Berry, and Finn, that's Kurt's step-brother, last name is Hudson, and you two live together, and me and Kurt were extremely jealous that both of your parents didn't care." He smiled, the memories were coming back, maybe this whole thing would be easier then he thought? He grinned and grabbed Kurt's hand. 


End Notes: Okay! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! The story is actually not close to being finished, I have had the idea from the beginning that the whole story is about Kurt and Blaine finding their home, with eachother. So the story will continue long after Blaine comes home.Remember what Blaine and Kurt were both going to ask eachother the night of the attack? I hope so, because it comes up again soon!ALSO! I go on vaca soon, so I'm going to post another update by Thrusday night, then there might not be one for a few weeks, but I probably will update sooner, I'll write it on my phone, if people want me too!PLEASE REVIEW!I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me!And I do have a tumblr, username RebeccaMarie95, It's mostly Klaine feels so :)Spread this story around, eh?Okay, I'm done. Thanks again lovelies!


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