A Place Called Home
A Place Of Waking Up Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Place Called Home: A Place Of Waking Up

T - Words: 2,498 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 23, 2012
862 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: So sorry about how long it took be to update, been busy with finishing up school. Updates will be more frequent!So anyway! Blaine finally woke up! This chapter starts off with a flashback, the flashback is entirely in italics ! So it should be easy to keep up with!The song in this chapter is Teenage Drean by Katy Perry, I listened to this version while writing it, so I like to think it adds something, maybe listen to it while reading? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me1ZNMxRqpE&list=FLgPGAI37HAVkxFl_NG5rT-Q&index=2&feature=plpp_videoThanks for sticking with me!

"Kurt?" Blaine looked at Kurt's face as he whispered his name. His arm was around Kurt's torso, spooning him contently. All Blaine could think of was how amazing it was to wake up to this beautiful boy. It was the morning after their first time, everything had gone amazingly, and if possible Blaine loved Kurt even more.

"Kurt?" Blaine whispered the name of the most amazing man again. Kurt didn't stir, Blaine knew how weird that was, since Kurt was always such a light sleeper, so he took it as a chance to impress this boy. Blaine carefully untangled himself from Kurt and quietly tiptoed out of his room. He went down his stairs, into the kitchen. He decided he was going to make Kurt cinnamon pancakes and a fruit salad for breakfast.


As Blaine was mixing the batter, all he could think of was how he and his amazing boyfriend had just made love for the first time. Man, how he loved Kurt, and how last night had made him realize he never, NEVER, wanted to be with a different man than Kurt. Kurt was his one and only, and if he was lucky enough that Kurt felt the same, which he had a good feeling he did, he would spend the rest of his life with Kurt in his arms.


Kurt sleepily opened his eyes; he looked at his surroundings and blushed as the night before flashed before his eyes. Blaine and him panting, moaning, and whispering each other's names out of love. Last night had been amazing, he didn't regret it one bit, the timing was perfect, and the man he spent it with, was definitely the perfect man. He glanced at the bed and wondered where Blaine was. He wanted nothing more to cuddle with him and smell the wonderful scent that was Blaine. He got up and stretched and tried to locate his shirt, but he couldn't find it. He decided just to grab one of Blaine's shirts and to just wear his boxers. He knew Blaine's parents were away for the week, so he didn't have to worry about being caught.


You think I'm pretty without any makeup on

You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong

I know you get me, so I let my walls come down



Kurt grinned at hearing his boyfriend sing. He loved that dreamy voice he had, and that song just brought back so many wonderful memories of him and Blaine. This was the song that started it all. Kurt slowly walked out of Blaine's room and quietly tip-toed down the stairs so he could hear Blaine sing the song that described their relationship so perfectly.

Before you met me, I was alright

But things were kinda heavy

You brought me to life

Now every February, You'll be my Valentine,


Kurt couldn't believe how true those lyrics were. They were both kind of lost before they met each other, but everything seemed to fall into place once they met. And Kurt smiled at the fact that he now did have a Valentine forever and always, and that, that Valentine was Blaine and would be till the day they both died. Kurt stopped and the edge of the stairs and just listened to Blaine sing, smiling happily. How could things be so perfect?

Let's go all the way tonight


Kurt could hear Blaine stop and slightly giggle and those words, which made Kurt grab his mouth so his giggle couldn't be heard, he didn't want Blaine to know just yet that he was listening.

No regrets, just love

We can dance until we die

You and I, will be young forever


Kurt quietly glided to the door of the kitchen and peeked in, he could see Blaine dancing around as much as he could while cutting fruit. The sight made Kurt smile contently.

Kuuuurt Hummel, You make me feel like

I'm living a Teenage Dream

The way you turn me on


Kurt's eyes began to water out of pure joy when he heard Blaine put his name into the song, knowing, for sure now, that Blaine was thinking of Kurt as he sang that song.

I can't sleep, Let's run away

Kurt, don't ever look back

Don't ever look back


Kurt couldn't take it any more, he pushed the door open, and said, "Never." Blaine turned around, at first looking embarrassed, but Kurt didn't even notice, because Blaine was wearing HIS shirt, and man did he look good in it.

"Kurt." Kurt's eyes were filled with tears. He ran toward Blaine and brought him into a tight embrace.

"I love you so much Blaine Anderson."

"I love you so much, Kurt Hummel." Their lips interlocked in a sweet kiss. When they separated, still in each other's embrace, Blaine said, "I baked you breakfast, Kurt."

"You didn't have too. I would of done it."

"I wanted too."


"Yes babe?"

"Will you finish singing for me?"

"As you wish." Kurt smiled at the reference to The Princess Bride, the movie that was the one they had first ‘watched' together as a couple.



"Will you finish it with me?"

"Of course my love."

In perfect harmony, Kurt and Blaine began to sing together, the song that meant so much to them.

 My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance 
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete




"You are my missing puzzle piece."

"I'm complete with you, Blaine." Blaine kissed Kurt. Kurt's hand found it's way into Blaine's hair, as Blaine's hands found their way to Kurt's boxers, and carefully tugged them down. Kurt moaned and did the same to Blaine's boxers. Blaine took his shirt off of Kurt, and Kurt didn't have to worry about doing that, since Blaine was already shirtless.

Blaine pulled back when he felt a tear fall from Kurt's eye.

"Why are you crying beautiful boy?"

"I just love you so much, Blaine. Please don't ever leave me."

"I would never leave you, Kurt. You are my everything." Kurt smiled at that and kissed Blaine softly.

"You are my everything too."

And that was how Blaine and Kurt's second time happened on the kitchen floor of Blaine's parents house.




Tears fell from his eyes as the memory of his and Blaine's first time flashed into his mind. How from that moment on, Blaine always liked to call him beautiful boy, especially when he was crying, the fact that those were Blaine's first words waking up gave me an incredible amount of hope.

After Blaine mumbled his first words, Kurt was too much in shock to reply, and Alison had told Blaine to try to rest a little, as she took Kurt and Rachel out of Blaine's hospital room.

"Alison, is everything okay? Does Blaine remember? Will he remember? What is happening?" Rachel was in hysteria as soon as the door shut.

"Rachel, please calm down!" Alison giggled as she spoke, but abruptly stopped when she saw the tears coming from Kurt's eyes were still flowing.

"Oh, Kurt." Rachel cried as she grabbed Kurt and brought him into an embrace.

"Is it possible that he lost part of his memory, Alison?"

"It's possible, especially with the meds Dr. Connolly had him on, those can mess with the memory, but so far nothing has pointed to the fact that he would lose his memory. But I have to ask you Kurt, is what he said have any relevance?"

Kurt nodded, "Yeah, he asks me that question pretty much anytime I cry."

"Ohmygosh. That is so true. Now that I think about it, whenever I talk to Blaine when you're down, he always says, ‘my beautiful boy is crying' and so on." Rachel half screamed. 

"See? This is a good sign, Kurt" Alison smiled.

"When can we see for sure?" Kurt asked.

"In an hour or so, he'll be pretty much as wide awake as we can hope for in this situation, and that's when I'll be asking him some routine questions and such. Until then, I'm going to have to ask you two, to stay out of this room. Understand?"

"Of course." Rachel nodded.

"Kurt? Promise me?"

"Fine. I promise." Kurt sighed.

"Thank you. I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria in about an hour and a half, and then we'll go address Blaine together. Sound like a plan?"

Rachel smiled and nodded, and then grabbed Kurt's hand into hers and led him down the hallway, then down the stairs, and down another hallway until they reached the cafeteria.



Blaine laid on the bed. He truly had no idea where he was, he didn't know what date it was, and he couldn't even come up with a solid year. He knew it was two thousand and something, he just had no idea what that something was. He couldn't even remember his last memory, something was really just wrong.

He looked around and came to the conclusion that he was in a hospital, and the reason he was in the hospital was because something was wrong with him, he had just no idea what. He looked down at his stomach, and saw a long scar there, he figured that had to do with why he was here, it looked like a stab wound. A stab wound. Hmm. That seemed familiar some how.

His thoughts went back to that beautiful crying boy, he must have been crying for him. When he saw him, it was such a relief, he just wanted to hug and kiss that beautiful boy so bad.

There was a knock on the door. Blaine pushed himself up against the headboard and called for them to come in.

First two girls came in, one looking so familiar, memories began to swirl into his brain, of the long, dark hair and the squirrelly smile, he knew that he knew her, he just couldn't put a name to her face. The last one to come in was the beautiful boy, a smiled instantly came to his face, and when the boy say him smile, the boy smiled too. Now, Blaine knew for sure that he knew that beautiful boy.

The one girl with blond hair, the one Blaine was sure he didn't know, sat next to him. He began to shake his head, and the blond looked to him confused. Blaine tried to get the words together and just barely managed to mumble, "I want him to sit there."

The blond smiled, nodded, and then rose. The boy smiled and slipped into the chair that the blond had previously occupied. Blaine looked at the boy and smiled a toothy smile. He looked down at the boy's hand and felt the urge to hold it, so he raised his shaky hand and tried to reach for the boys. Luckily, the boy noticed and grabbed his hand with a smile and a tear.

"Please don't cry, beautiful boy." Blaine hadn't quite figured out yet why that phrase felt so right on his lips. He knew he would figure it out soon; it was on the tip of his tongue, yet it wouldn't come to him just yet.

The boy squeezed his hand and shrugged, "I'm sorry. I'll try my best to stop."

"Are those happy tears?" Blaine's voice came out like a child's.

The boy nodded and squeezed Blaine's hand again.

The blond stood from her chair and made her way over to Blaine, offering her hand. Blaine took it and shook it in an awkward fashion.

The blond smiled.

"I'm Dr. Brooke. But you can call me Alison."

"Hello Alison."

"I'm you're doctor"

"Is that so?" Blaine's gaze never left the boys face. Alison moved back to her seat, and wrote something on her chart.

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions, can you answer them for me to the best of your ability?"

Blaine's gaze finally turned to Alison, and he couldn't help but realize how breathtaking she was, and he nodded, fully ready to give his full attention to the doctor, so he could figure out what was going on, and so he could regain the memories that he could feel on the tip of his mind.

"What's your name?"

Blaine grinned, that was one thing he definitely did not forget, "Blaine Anderson."

"Good." Alison smiled, "Can you tell me how old you are?"

Blaine frowned, and the boy squeezed his hand, giving Blaine the strength to answer the question, "No, I can't."

"Can you give me a guess?"

"I would say late teens, early twenties."

"Good. That's really good. You're twenty, Blaine." Blaine smiled.

"Now, this one is going to be hard, but please answer what you think, don't be scared about answering wrong, this is not a test. Do you know what month it is?"

"I have no idea. Maybe, December?"

"That's really good Blaine."

"Is it December?"

"No. It's the first of April."

"Then how is that good?"

"December is when you checked into the hospital."

"December what?"

"December 14th."


"I know this is a lot to take in Blaine. But please try your best to stay up. Is there anything you would like to ask me before I continue?"

"Why am I in the hospital? Why is it April already? Why have I lost over three months?"

"So, I don't take it you remember the events of that day."


"I promise I'll explain later. Can I continue asking you some questions?"

The boy squeezes his hand again and Blaine nods to Alison.

"Okay, can you tell me your sexual orientation?"

Blaine's breath catches but he answers with confidence, "I'm gay." Blaine sees the boy to the side of him smile at that, oh he would do anything to see that boy smile all the time.

"Very good. Okay. Next question. Can you tell me who this girl is?" Alison pointed towards Rachel and Blaine sighed.

"I know that I know her. Her face is so familiar and my brain is filled with memories of her. I know we went to high school together, and I know she has a beautiful voice. But for the life of me, I cannot remember her name." Blaine's voice grew very soft towards the end of his sentence. The boy began to rub his thumb across Blaine's, making Blaine sigh in content.

"Blaine, that's really good. It's perfectly normal for you to not know her name. That will come back in time, I'm not going to tell you her name quite yet, I will let her in a little bit. I want to ask you a few more things then I will tell you what happened and why you're here."

Blaine nodded.

"What high school did you go to?"

"I went to more than one, I think I might of gone to two."

The boy nodded in agreement.

"Where were they? Can you tell me the names?"

"I know they were in Ohio. That's it. I can picture both of the schools in my head, I just don't know their names."

"That's good. Those facts will come back to you over time, I swear. Now one more question and I'll tell you how you got here." Alison paused and looked to the boy at Blaine's side. "Do you know who that boy is?"

Blaine's breath caught as he began to answer the question. 


End Notes: Hope you liked! Update soon! I promise!Review please?


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How can you do this to me?Amazing as always! I cannot wait to see what happens. I really hope Blaine remembers Kurt.The flashback was perfection. Bless.

Crying...crying the whole chapter long. It is such a beautiful chapter. Thanks for that. And I can't wait for the answer Blaine has. :)

Thank you! I'm sorry it made you cry, but I hope it was good tears! Thanks for reading!