July 23, 2012, 5:11 p.m.
July 23, 2012, 5:11 p.m.
"God," Kurt began to pray out loud at Blaine's bedside, "please wake up Blaine. He is better than me. I should be in his place. It should be me, not him. Please. Please. Bring Blaine back to me."
At that moment, Kurt swore he felt Blaine's hand move in his own hand. Or at least that's what his imagination was making up. Maybe he had been in the hospital room to long. Maybe he just needed to get up and walk around. No he couldn't possibly leave Blaine alone. No. Kurt would stay.
"Hey buddy." Kurt's head swung to the door at the sound of the familiar voice. Kurt smiled for the first time since the accident.
"Dad." Kurt mumbled as he got up and flung himself into his dad's arms and let the tears flow. He looked up at his dad and asked, "What are you doing here in New York? How did you get here so fast?"
Burt Hummel shook his head and grinned, "Carol told me. Finn told her. Nice of you to share with the whole family."
"I was going to call Carol tomorrow..." Kurt started.
"No it's fine." Burt said as he brought Kurt closer into the hug. "but anyway, Carol called me and told me the, uh, news. I was in New York anyway for a political thing. No big deal me being here. But I thought you might want someone here with you."
"it is a big deal, dad. Thanks."
"So what have the doctors said?"
"Well, it will be a temporary coma,"
"That's good news!" Burt said, trying to lift up Kurt's spirits.
"Yeah it would be, except they don't know how long it will be! They said he could be in this coma for fifty years! FIFTY YEARS! How am I supposed to deal with this? How am I supposed to live without him? Huh dad? This wasn't supposed to happen! We planned the rest of our lives together! And now that's taken away because some homopobes didn't like the way Blaine and I held hands, kissed. And the cops said they would investigate but not to expect anything. Where is the JUSTICE? those guys are fine, they get to continue living their lives, while my life is over. I can't live without Blaine. That year was hard enough, when I was here in New York and with Blaine back in Lima. But at least I still got to talk to him. I can't live without him. He is my life." Kurt collapesed into the chair he had placed right by Blaine's bed and began to cry. This wasn't supposed to happen. Blaine should be kissing him right now. Blaine and Kurt should be celebrating their engagement right now. This was just wrong.
Burt crossed over the room to Kurt. He took his hand in his and knelt down to look Kurt in the eyes. "Blaine will wake up Kurt. Any second now he'll be back in your arms."
"But what if he doesn't? Or worse what if he does and then he doesn't remember me? The doctor said that was a realistic possibility."
Burt grinned and replied, "Blaine is crazy about you, Kurt. He is probably dreaming of you as we speak." Kurt couldn't help but grin at that. He hoped his baby would wake up now. Burt continued, "Blaine will probably kill me for telling you this but last week he and I had coffee."
"Yeah? He didn't mention that to me?"
"Of course not. He was probably afraid you would catch on."
"Catch on to what?"
"Blaine asked me if he could propose to you, Kurt. Of course I said yes. You two are perfect together. He said something about you two being soulmates. Oh Kurt, you should of seen the sparkle in his eyes when he talked about you last week. He loves you. And loves conquers all, right bud? At least that's what you are always telling me."
Kurt exhaled loudly. Blaine was going to propose? Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and began to whimper. Please wake up, Blaine. Please. I need you. Kurt stopped as his felt a twitch from the hand beneath his.
Oh my god...this chapter is really good, but sad at the same point. I so hope Blaine will wake up and be okay...poor Kurt.
Blaine needs to wake up!Next chapter please!