If I Could Use Your Love
Chapter 25 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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If I Could Use Your Love: Chapter 25

T - Words: 3,007 - Last Updated: Apr 30, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 36/? - Created: Jun 23, 2014 - Updated: Jun 23, 2014
124 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

No songs in this chapter but I do have some links to share!


The Root:1 wine bottle

The slumped Root:1 bottle

The holiday wine bottle


Thank you so much for reading! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

-Rae (tumblr)


Being back in Los Angeles felt strange after Blaines mini vacation to Ohio with Kurt. Overall, it was nice; he had a great time with his family and Kurts. But now, with the holidays just around the corner, Blaine was at a loss.

"Just get him some lube." Kayleigh snorted as she lounged on Blaines bed and flipped through a copy of Cannon.


"Why not? Its not like you guys wont use it."

"Why did I even bother asking you?" Blaine groaned and buried his face in his comforter. He should have known asking Kayleigh wouldnt be much better than asking Cooper. "Youre a girl, arent you supposed to be good at this stuff?"

"Youre gay, arent you supposed to be good at this stuff?"

"Touché." Blaine grumbled.

Kayleigh put down her magazine and scooted up next to Blaine. "Look, whatever you decide to get him will be appreciated. He knows you cant afford to get him something ridiculously expensive and hes not going to feel like you didnt try just because its something small. Really, Blaine, hell love it no matter what you decide to get him."

"I know," Blaine sighed as he pushed himself up on his elbows. "Its just that I dont know what to get that will be enough to show him how much I appreciate everything hes done for me."

"Youll think of something. And that will make it even better because you were the one who thought of it, not somebody else."

"Thanks, Kay." He glanced over at the magazine Kayleigh was flipping through. "Are you imagining your photos on those pages?" Blaine asked, gesturing to the edition of Cannon on the bed.

"Maybe." Kayleigh mumbled, turning a bit pink.

"When do you start anyway?" Blaine had been ecstatic to learn that Kayleigh had been offered a job as a photographer for the magazine a few short weeks ago, even though she was told she wouldnt be able to start right away.

"Officially I start at the end of January. I told Gio I would stay until then. I have a bunch of training sessions that I need to go to so I can learn all of the company policies and blah blah blah. I have to work my way up to being on my own for shoots and everything but at least its a start!" Kayleigh squealed excitedly. Blaine didnt blame her.

"Im so excited for you, Kay! I know Ive said it a million times but you deserve this, youre going to be amazing!"

"I hope so. Ive worked hard for it; I hope I can get up there."

"You will."

Christmas was drawing nearer and nearer and while Blaine saw a lot less of Kurt due to his tight schedule of trying to get everything filmed before the holidays, he still felt like he had no free time. Blaine had deadlines to meet too, with contracts and production of both his own music and others. He spent most of that little free time writing and trying to come up with ideas for Kurts Christmas present. So far all he had were crumpled up pieces of paper littered all around the garbage can in the corner of the music room. It wasnt until later, when he was glaring at his empty coffee mug as if it had all the answers but refused to share them, that an idea sparked and he set to work.

They ended up agreeing a few weeks prior to Christmas that they would have to celebrate a few days later. With all of the last minute deadlines the both of them had to meet and with Kurt flying to Ohio for the holiday, it would be easier to worry about the two of them after Blaines parents (who were coming to L.A. to see him and Cooper) returned to Ohio and Kurt returned to California.

Christmas was pretty quiet for Blaine, as usual. It hadnt been the big affair it used to be since he moved out, but he didnt mind, as long as he got to see his family. He wasnt surprised when his parents asked about Kurt and how everything was going; he answered them and did his best to dodge Coopers teasing remarks. He felt comfortable though; ever since his talk with Kurt on Thanksgiving all of that unconscious tension with his parents had melted away.

Blaines parents flew back the day after Christmas and Blaine prepared himself for the following night, making sure everything was ready for Kurts gift. He was getting jittery and nervous by late afternoon on the 27th when he was headed over to Kurts place.

Calm down. Its just Kurt.

Blaine tried to shake his thoughts but knew the effort was fruitless. He hadnt celebrated a holiday with someone like this in years; he felt wholly out of practice. That mustve been why he was feeling so nervous.

He tried to calm himself the entire ride over to Kurts but nothing he tried worked. His combination of excitement and nerves was too great to tone down. Taking a deep breath, he walked up the front sidewalk to the porch while carrying a large gift bag filled with several wrapped boxes. He couldnt help but shift his weight from foot to foot anxiously as he waited after ringing the doorbell.

"Blaine! Merry Christmas!" Kurt exclaimed, practically throwing himself at Blaine in a tight hug. Blaine stumbled back for a moment but caught himself as he secured his arms around Kurts waist.

"Merry belated Christmas to you, too." Blaine sighed happily. "How is your family?"

"Wonderful as always! Though Carole was a bit bummed she didnt get to see you." Kurt took Blaines hand and led him inside, grinning back at him all the way. Kurt practically bounced as he pulled Blaine eagerly into the kitchen. He seemed lighter since they wrapped up filming for a little bit until they had to pick it back up again in mid January. For right now on his short break, all he had to worry about was not burning dinner.

"Im sure shell see me again soon," Blaine replied, following the delicious scent coming from the stovetop. "What is this?" He sniffed again over the simmering pot. "This smells amazing, Kurt."

"Thank you! Its a soup recipe I kind of threw together in high school, but Ive tweaked it a lot over the years. I just put the bay leaves in there so that may be what youre smelling right now."

"This will probably be the best Christmas dinner Ive ever had." Blaine said truthfully, leaning against the island counter.

"Blaine, it could hardly be that. I got in late last night and threw this together because Im too lazy to actually cook." Kurt laughed as he stirred the soup.

"But thats what makes it the best!" Blaine came up behind Kurt and enveloped him in a gentle hug, hooking his chin over Kurts shoulder and settling his folded hands on his stomach. "I cant even begin to count how many traditional Christmas dinners Ive had. Im glad you threw together something small. Its perfect."

"Im glad you think so." Kurt beamed at him, then kissed his cheek. "Can you do me a favor and grab some bowls out of the cabinet to the left of the sink? And there are spoons in—"

"Honestly, Kurt, how many times have I been here?" Blaine asked with a grin, opening the drawer and pulling out two spoons before moving to the cabinet for two bowls.

"You seem rather giddy tonight," Kurt commented, giving the soup a final stir.

"Im trying to calm myself down. Clearly its not working." Blaine shrugged, holding a bowl for Kurt to ladle soup into.

"Whats got you so worked up?"

"A combination of nerves and excitement about your Christmas gift. Mostly nerves." He held out the other bowl as Kurt served more soup and brought them to the table, Kurt following behind with spoons and napkins, and then returning to the kitchen for glasses and a carafe of ice water.

"Why? I know you well enough to know that whatever you put together for me was most likely really well thought out and also probably way over the top." Kurt teased. "Im sure Ill love it. Now quit your worrying and eat your damn soup."

"Yes, dear."

"Dear god, Blaine what is all this?" Kurt asked as he sat down on the couch while Blaine unloaded all of the individually wrapped parts of Kurts present from the gift bag.

"Its, well... Some things I have to explain, but most of it is pretty self explanatory." Blaine rubbed the back of his neck as he sat down next to Kurt.

"Okay... Blaine, you really didnt have to—"

"I wanted to. Over the top right? Like you predicted. And trust me, it really isnt much."

"Okay, okay." Kurt said, giving in. "So."

"So. First," Blaine said, handing Kurt a cylindrical gift wrapped up in white paper covered in evergreen trees and scrunched at both ends with ribbon as if to resemble a piece of candy, "This is one of the first things I got, mostly because I knew youd use it." He watched as Kurt untied the ribbon and began to peel back the paper. "I went to that shop you love by the food market that has all of the specialized cooking ingredients and—"

"Truffle oil? I love this stuff! I have the best recipe to make with this! Thank you!!" Kurt exclaimed while reading the label. Blaine smiled and reached back to get the next part of the present.

"So next... Can you trust me for a minute?" Blaine said tentatively as he pulled out a tin container.

"Of course," Kurt said, drawing his eyebrows together. "I always do."

"Okay, close your eyes." Kurt did as he was told with a raised eyebrow and Blaine opened the tin, breaking off a piece of what was inside. "Take a bite." He said, holding it to Kurts lips. Kurt chewed for a moment before opening his eyes widely.

"Oh my god, Blaine. Is this—? This is the best biscotti Ive ever had." Kurt said around his mouthful, still chewing eagerly.

"You really like it?"

"Yes. God, this is amazing. Where did you get it?"

"Originally, my mother. I changed the recipe a bit." Blaine grinned.

"You made this?!" Blaine nodded as he handed Kurt the tin full of the rest of the biscotti. "Every event from now on," Kurt said seriously. "This is how you thank me." He opened the cover and broke off another piece, popping it into his mouth. "Im going to get fat off of biscotti alone and I dont even care."

"You will not. You could never give up cheesecake for that long." Blaine teased.

"Hey!" Kurt swatted his arm playfully, but then he gave a dramatic sigh. "You are right, though."

"You have nothing to worry about. So... next?" As Kurt placed the tin container on the coffee table, Blaine reached next to him and grabbed the flat gift wrapped up in sparkly, red paper. "Have you ever heard of wine bottle slumping?"

"Maybe? I feel like Ive heard of it before, but I have no idea what youre talking about." Kurt replied as Blaine handed him the gift. He started to unwrap it as Blaine continued.

"I dont know if you remember, but the first time I came over here—"

"This is the wine we drank; I remember!" Kurt said, holding up the flattened bottle of Root: 1 Cabernet Sauvignon. "This is beautiful!" Blaine smiled in agreement.

"I remember thinking that the bottle was so pretty and itd look really cool if it were slumped... I dont know, some people just use them for decoration, sometimes people use them for appetizer platters, I just—"

"Blaine. Its beautiful; I really love it." Kurt smiled and kissed Blaines cheek before turning back to admire the craftsmanship of the bottle once more.

"Good. Im glad, because this segues into the next part really well..." Blaine reached behind him for another present wrapped like a candy. He traded with Kurt and set the slumped bottle on the table, watching as Kurt carefully opened the next gift.

"Oh wow! This is the cutest wine bottle Ive ever seen!! Its so festive!" Kurt laughed as he traced his fingers over the cursive words "White Christmas" and pictures of mittens painted on the bottle.

"So tonight our job is to drink this, then Im taking the bottle so I can have it slumped and return it to you for your future holiday decorations." Blaine smiled as he took it to the kitchen to uncork it and grab two wine glasses.

"You are spoiling me right now," Kurt said as Blaine returned. "Seriously, Blaine, this is the best gift I could have asked for. Thank you." He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Blaines lips before taking the offered wine glass.

"Im not done yet." Blaine smirked as he sat back down.

"Blaine—" Kurt started to protest.

"Relax. Theres only one left and its from Kayleigh, too." Blaine reached for the gift bag behind him.

"Should I be worried?"

"I promise you its not lube."

"Is it bad that Im shocked?"

"She did suggest it, so no, its not bad. I shut down that idea before it had the chance to grow. She just helped me out with this one. Once you open it, itll be pretty obvious why she helped." Blaine handed the Santa Claus gift bag to Kurt and watched as he reached around the tissue and pulled out the photo album he and Kayleigh put together.

He watched as Kurt flipped through, the smirk falling from his face and turning into a soft smile. Kurts eyes filled with awe as he looked at all of the pictures Blaine and Kayleigh had picked out from her collection of pictures she had of Kurt and Blaine. Blaine was honestly surprised that she had so many; he had originally asked for one from the shoot to frame, but ended up making a small album full of both posed and candid shots instead.

"Oh, Blaine, these are beautiful." Kurt finally spoke in a whisper up as he flipped through. "No wonder she got that job; these are really exquisite. Thank you," He looked up at Blaine and smiled slightly, emotion filling his eyes.

"Dont thank me; thats my job. I just dont know how to say it and I cant say it enough. There really is no way I can repay you for everything youve done for me. I really dont know where Id be without you." Blaine murmured sincerely.

"You dont have to thank me, Blaine."

"I dont think any way I try would be enough anyways."

"It is," Kurt breathed, his eyes flicking down to Blaines lips as he inched closer. "Trust me; it is." He closed the distance between them and kissed Blaine gently, yet passionately. They moved their lips softly against one another before pulling apart bashfully. "I should go get your present now," Kurt muttered against Blaines lips with a breathy chuckle. Blaine opened his eyes as Kurt skipped over to the kitchen and couldnt fight a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"So your present," Kurt began to explain, "isnt really anything I can physically give to you, so I kind of made it into a guessing game." He handed Blaine an envelope that had holly berries printed on the corner and his name neatly scrawled across the center in Kurts curvy handwriting. He turned it over in his hand and slid his finger under the flap to tear it open, sensing Kurt bouncing beside him. Inside he found four photos and a folded up piece of paper that had instructions not to open written on the outside.

"Okay, so Im guessing this is some kind of celebration." Blaine said, noting the picture of a champagne bottle and two toasting flutes.

"That would be correct. Keep going." Kurt encouraged. Blaine looked at the picture of the plane next and frowned.

"Are you—Kurt, youre not taking me somewhere are you?" Blaine asked feeling a little guilty.

"Of course I am! And before you say it, dont even worry about it. I wanted to do this." Kurt said sternly with a look in his eye that told Blaine not to argue.

"Okay..." Blaine flipped through to the next picture to find himself looking at a familiar bridge that took him a moment to place.

"Is this that bridge? God, youre going to kill me for forgetting the name... in Central Park, I want to say Gape... no, Gap—Gapstow! The Gapstow Bridge! Are we going to New York?" Kurt nodded excitedly as Blaine smiled brightly and flipped to the last picture to see what the last clue was. He saw what looked like a huge disco ball on the side of a building and immediately it clicked. "Kurt. Kurt. Are you taking me to New York for New Years Eve?!" Blaine turned to Kurt over-excitedly and was ecstatic to see his matching grin.

"Yes! I was invited to a party thats being held in an office building by Times Square. I thought youd like to be my plus one!"

"I would love to be! Kurt this is amazing! I cant believe youre taking me to this!" Blaine looked at Kurt with a mixture of excitement and disbelief.

"Well believe it. I couldnt just leave my best friend here all alone!" Kurt smiled and prompted Blaine to unfold the piece of paper in his hand. "That just has our flight information on it, since we cant print the tickets until the day before. We leave the thirtieth and get back on the second."

"Im—I dont even know what to say right now. Thank you. This is the best Christmas present ever." Blaine said seriously with a squeeze to Kurts hand.

"I could say the same to you," Kurt smiled briefly before standing up, dragging Blaine up with him. He kept holding Blaines hand and grabbed the biscotti tin in the other hand, motioning to the Christmas wine bottle on the table. "Grab the wine, we need to start working on that while the night is young!"

"Its going to take you about ten minutes to finish that biscotti, isnt it?" Blaine asked though it wasnt really a question. He followed Kurt closely and couldnt help but laugh at his resolute grin.

"If Im determined enough, itll be gone in five."


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