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Crimson: Part Three

E - Words: 3,476 - Last Updated: Jan 23, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 13, 2014 - Updated: Jan 13, 2014
190 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Im so happy with the response Ive gotten to this story; thank you!
Part Three

It was harder to sneak around now with Burt often on the lookout, but surprisingly enough it was Katie who helped them on the nights they managed it, covering for Kurt so he could slip off to Blaine's room.

“You told her??” Blaine hissed.

“Not everything,” Kurt replied. “Just about us, and she's on our side.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Blaine said. He was fond of Katie, more so than he'd been of the rest. She was headstrong and whip-smart and shared a strong likeness of her mother with Kurt. They were qualities he admired, but they also made her somewhat of a wildcard.

“Katie is loyal to me,” Kurt said defensively. “You don't need to worry about her.”

“If you say so, dear.”

Kurt stuck his tongue out mockingly. “Come kiss me,” he ordered.

“Bossy tonight,” Blaine noted, pulling him close.

“I'm always bossy; it's just that usually you refuse to listen.”

Blaine raised an eyebrow. “And what is it, exactly, that you'd like me to listen to?”

Kurt gripped Blaine's waist, one hand sliding innocently across his stomach, then daringly down, darting under his briefs to stroke his cock. Blaine growled against his lips before taking them forcefully, rutting up into the touch.

“Make love to me?” Kurt breathed into Blaine's mouth.

Blaine froze. “You know I can't. Stop pushing.”

“I won't,” Kurt insisted.

“You're not going to change my mind, Kurt. Not about this.”

“But why? Tell me why!”

Blaine sighed and took a step back. “You know why,” he said testily. “I won't be able to control myself.”

“You've stopped until now,” Kurt argued, “I don't know why doing that would make it any different.”

“Kurt, we're not having this discussion again. Keep pushing and I'll leave.”

“Oh that's right,” Kurt spat. “That's your solution to everything… just run away! Run away and lie.”

“Shut up,” Blaine hissed.

“And why should I? You can't control everything!”

Blaine could feel his body tensing, readying for a fight, and tried desperately to force his anger down. His temper was a familiar problem. It had been explosive even before he became a vampire, but now it was positively destructive, and it wasn't something he was willing to risk displaying around his mate.

“I'm warning you to stop talking. You're acting like a spoiled brat! This is exactly why—“ he paused, cutting off his words just in time.

“Why what?” Kurt demanded.

Blaine felt trapped, uncertain what to do. He could leave the room, run away like Kurt said he would.

Or he could be honest—an over-appreciated virtue, in his opinion.

“You're barely seventeen,” he whispered, finally giving in. “You're still so innocent, Kurt. I want to preserve that for as long as I can.”

Kurt stared at him in shock for a moment, and then he did something completely unexpected.

He laughed.

“So wait, you've been sneaking into my room since I was fifteen to watch me masturbate, to tell me to masturbate. You've had me in nearly every position imaginable. You've orgasmed and made me orgasm while drinking my blood, and now you're worried that penetration will… will what, steal my childhood away?”

“Of course not; that's silly,” Blaine protested weakly and, oh God, was he blushing?

“It is silly,” Kurt agreed, studying him carefully. Blaine wanted so badly to shrink away from his gaze.

Kurt blinked and broke the contact abruptly, and Blaine thought for a moment that he was off the hook. Then…

“Do you think it's odd that I still wear a boy's nightshirt to bed?” Kurt asked, fingering the hem of the long, gown-like white garment he wore.

Blaine stared at him, transfixed and confused. Kurt's eyes danced with mischief. Before Blaine could formulate a response, Kurt was tugging his shirt up and off, revealing his lean, pale body. Blaine's breath caught in his throat.


“I don't look like a boy anymore though, do I?” He backed towards the bed, sprawling onto it and dragging one hand across his chest and stomach. “Do you ever think, Blaine, that without you I'd still be untouched? I mean, there is that one boy down the road… you should see the way he stares.”

Blaine growled low in his throat, startling himself with the noise. What was Kurt thinking, mentioning that? Kurt belonged to him.

“Without you, I'd only have my hand,” Kurt mused, fingers now teasing at his half-hard cock. “I doubt I'd be very creative, though. I probably wouldn't think up half the things you've shown me…”

Without really deciding to, Blaine had made his way over to the bed. Kurt was such a feast for the eyes, his flesh perfectly white in the moonlight, his body toned but his face so unbearably delicate. “So damned gorgeous, Kurt,” Blaine muttered, reaching out for him but stopping short of touching.

“Did I ever tell you about the first time I masturbated?”

Dazed, Blaine merely shook his head.

“I was eleven,” Kurt continued. “That day I'd gone looking for you in the servants' quarters because I wanted to tell you about something I'd read, but when I got there… you were naked, in your bed, fisting yourself. I didn't even know what that was but… it made me so hard, watching you, and I was so confused. After I went to bed that night I tried it…” finally, Kurt's hand closed around his cock, now fully erect, and he stroked himself languidly, Blaine whining, his body twisting with desire as he fought the urge to pounce.

“I thought of you,” Kurt said, voice thick and hand picking up speed. “So there, you see, not so innocent.” His hand slowed, and he turned his head to meet Blaine's eyes. Blaine knew in that moment he'd been played. “Unless that's what gets to you,” he added, reaching out to trail one finger down Blaine's chest. “That's it, isn't it? You enjoy the thought of my purity, and you don't want to give that up.”

Blaine sucked in a breath, his hand closing around Kurt's wrist just to hold him there, to have him close.

“But the thing is, Blaine,” Kurt said demurely, allowing his eyes to travel down the length of his own body before they once again locked on Blaine's own, “I'm a really good actor.”

Blaine broke. He was on the bed and straddling Kurt, tearing at his own clothes, before he even knew it was happening.

“God, Kurt, I have to have you. I have to have you! Tell me I don't have to wait.”

“You don't have to wait,” Kurt said. He was smiling but breathless, writhing now as Blaine kissed and licked every bit of skin he could reach in his frenzy.

“Can I bite you?”


Blaine hardly paused to wait for an answer, dragging his fangs against the unblemished flesh of Kurt's shoulder—a shallow cut that would bleed lightly and heal fast—and sealing his mouth over the wound. Kurt moaned and his body tensed beneath him; Blaine could feel the swell of the boy's cock pressing hot against his hip and reached a hand down to stroke him light and fast.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered, shifting some of his weight away so that Kurt was able to do so. His mate's legs fell open instantly, and Blaine abandoned Kurt's shoulder to look at him. “You're glorious,” he said.

“Just do something,” Kurt urged in response, bucking his hips up to accentuate his eagerness.

Beginning where he'd left off, Blaine trailed his lips down Kurt's body zealously, only pausing when he reached his hips to lick and suck and kiss.

“Blaine, stop teasing please,” Kurt pleaded. Blaine smirked against his skin, licked once more at his thigh, and then without warning bit down hard.

“God,” Kurt cried, his leg jumping at the initial pain. Blaine drank deeply for only a moment, releasing him with a final brush of his lips as he carefully withdrew his fangs, Kurt's blood smearing in a crimson streak across his skin.

“Had to mark you,” Blaine said, his voice near a growl.

Even if he wanted to now, he wouldn't be able to stop.

He next moved to Kurt's balls, already drawn up tight, and spent a few moments licking and sucking them into his mouth while Kurt whimpered above him, his hands twisting painfully in Blaine's hair. Kurt's cock bobbed temptingly against his stomach, dark pink and smelling so perfect, and Blaine couldn't resist it for long. He gave no warning before swallowing it down, his gag reflex practically nonexistent since his human life had passed, though he hadn't indulged in this since then, either—not after the first time some poor lad quite unintentionally became his meal.

Kurt keened and thrust up sharply while Blaine played his tongue around the head, savoring the taste that was so different from his mate's blood but still so purely Kurt that he pondered for a moment whether this could sate his hunger too. The boy was controlling himself rather poorly, his fists so tight in Blaine's curls that it was a wonder he hadn't yanked them out, his hips moving madly, Blaine's name falling endlessly from his lips.

Reluctantly Blaine pulled back, his desire overcoming him to the extent that he feared his fangs might extend without his consent. “Shh, love,” he calmed Kurt's protests, leaning up to kiss him sweetly. “Do you need me to take the edge off first?”

Kurt's eyes fluttered open to meet Blaine's and he whined, a wordless reply that Blaine understood just as well. He ground his pelvis down against Kurt's once, twice—and Kurt was coming between them, biting down on Blaine's neck as his nails raked over the skin of Blaine's back.

He clung to Blaine when he was finished, distancing himself only far enough to kiss him hungrily. “Let's keep going,” he urged, hands moving to cup Blaine's ass and tug his hips back down for emphasis. Blaine smiled at him, kissing both his flushed cheeks.

“Of course. To be honest, I'm not sure you have much choice in the matter.” One more chaste press to Kurt's lips and he shifted down his body once more, his hands closing underneath the boy's thighs to force them further apart. Kurt was ungodly beautiful exposed for him like this, and he had no intention of ever giving him up.

“You're mine,” he said, looking back up to meet Kurt's eyes. Kurt nodded, adoration evident in his gaze.

Unable to wait a moment longer, Blaine lowered his head to taste. Maybe it was the beast within him, but what he'd craved most over the past few years was to map every inch of Kurt's flawless porcelain flesh. And now at last, here they were.

Kurt was quieter now, the few cries he gave weaker, more pathetic, almost lazy as he squirmed against Blaine's mouth. “It's too much,” he said finally.

Blaine's hands tightened on his legs. “You can take it, sweetheart. Gotta get you nice and wet.” He licked firmly, finally breaching Kurt's tight muscle the barest amount, then did it again more purposefully, holding Kurt's hips in place. He paused after a moment. “This won't be enough, not if I don't want to hurt you… please tell me you thought to bring the vial of oil I gave you?”

To his relief, Kurt nodded, pointing over to Blaine's nightstand where he must have tossed it earlier.

“Can you reach it?”

Kurt huffed, wriggling and stretching while Blaine went back to work on his ass, grinning wickedly at his ploy. Finally Kurt managed to grab the little bottle, and he tossed it at Blaine's head.

“Thank you,” Blaine said cordially, leaving him momentarily to kiss over the bite mark he'd left earlier. He returned and worked relentlessly with his tongue for a few more minutes, glancing up every once in a while to watch Kurt pant helplessly, his expression a cross between pleasure and agony. The image sent a sharp spike of arousal through Blaine. Reluctantly he withdrew, grabbing up the oil and spilling some into his hand as he leaned up to kiss his mate deeply, soon impaling him with two fingers.

Kurt inhaled sharply. “You might have warned me,” he whined.

Blaine laughed and kissed his neck. “Not as much fun,” he said, “and besides, I'm growing impatient.”

“And to think just an hour ago you were fighting this tooth and nail,” Kurt pointed out, his words broken up by little sighs and moans.

Blaine felt a rush of regret, but he no longer possessed the self-control to entertain the notion of stopping. Instead he thrust his fingers more deliberately, enjoying the way Kurt twitched and cried out with his movement, and nuzzled in closer to the soft heat of his skin. “You underestimate how much I long for you, as always,” he said softly. “Waiting was always a game I was destined to lose.”

His mate smiled at him tenderly. “I prefer to think that we've both won. I, too, have ached for this… I've dreamed for so long of your hands and your mouth on my body, and of your… your…”

“If you can't say it, maybe we shouldn't do it,” Blaine teased.

Kurt flushed prettily, and Blaine couldn't help but kiss him again. “I do want this,” he insisted.

Blaine sighed and touched their noses together; Kurt's eyes closed in contentment. “Let's see that you do.”

Kurt had been mostly soft since coming several minutes before, but Blaine reached to stroke him with his free hand. At first, Kurt hissed at the over sensitivity, but sure enough his cock soon began to swell. “Feel good again?” Blaine asked.

Kurt sighed happily and his eyes fluttered open, his head lifting from where it had fallen back against the pillow. “Yes.”

Blaine smiled, changing the movement of his fingers to twist instead of thrust until he found just what he was looking for. “How about now?”

“God, yes Blaine, please…”

“Just one more finger baby; need you good and stretched for me.”

Kurt nodded, allowing his head to fall back as Blaine carefully worked a third finger inside. Kurt's ass was like a vice around Blaine's hand, tight and virginal and unyielding, and even his best efforts didn't get Blaine as far as he'd like. Finally withdrawing his hand, he moved again to kiss Kurt, cupping his clean hand around his face and pressing him firmly into the mattress. “The pain will pass, okay? I'm sorry.”

Kurt smiled at him, sweet and happy. “I'll be alright.”

“Get me wet?” Blaine asked.

Kurt's eyes darkened. “Yes.”

Blaine climbed up his body, straddling his face and taking careful hold of his head with both hands. Kurt's mouth fell open with no prompting, and Blaine slowly lowered himself, his cock sinking into the slick heat inch by inch.

Kurt began to choke, and Blaine drew back, stroking his hair as he recovered.

“Relax your throat,” Blaine suggested, descending again after a few moments. “Open up; you can take it.”

His mate still looked somewhat uncomfortable, but seemed to manage better this time. Blaine began to thrust at a slow, steady pace. “Tighten your lips; suck a little. Use your tongue. You need to get me dripping, sweetheart.”

Kurt obeyed, his technique somewhat sloppy and amateurish but it didn't really matter, the mix of innocence and desire in his eyes more than compensated. He had never done this before, never would for anybody but Blaine, because Kurt was his.

It was getting good, too good. Kurt still choked a little every so often, his throat contracting around Blaine's length and his mouth contorting, and it was all Blaine could do to give him some space each time it happened. He should probably have given it up—let the boy kneel for him and work him over at his own pace—but something in Kurt's eyes made it clear that he wanted this and even if he didn't, Blaine wasn't certain he could stop himself regardless.

The first hint of delightful contraction moved through him, and it took all Blaine had to force himself to retreat. He took a deep, shuddering breath, realigning their bodies, and stared down at his mate, taking his spit-slick mouth in a passionate kiss. “Thank you,” he murmured, really meaning it.

His hand crept down between them to seek out Kurt's cleft, stroking firmly where he'd prepared him earlier. “Are you ready?” he asked, kissing Kurt's brow as the boy squirmed under his caress.

“Yes. Yes, please.” His words were all breath, sending a shiver of excitement through Blaine's body. His hands moved to the back of Kurt's thighs, spreading and shifting him until they were aligned just right. Then, in one smooth, powerful motion, he buried himself inside.

Kurt cried out immediately, his body arching sharply under Blaine's, legs drawing up, his face contorting with the pain. “Shh,” Blaine soothed him. “It's better this way. Wait it out and it'll get better; you'll see.”

Blaine held still as long as he could—moments that stretched with the weight of his impatience and the incredible clench of Kurt's body around him. He shifted, grinding gently, getting Kurt used to his girth. His first thrust was slow, tentative. Each that followed was a little quicker than the last, fueled by his relentless desperation. “How does it feel love? Is it better?” It was difficult to tell from his lover's breathing.

“Better,” Kurt answered, his thighs tightening around Blaine's hips. “It's just so… full; it's odd.”

Blaine chuckled and kissed his throat. “Can you handle a bit more?”

“I'll try,” Kurt said, for a moment sounding so young. “Blaine I want to. Please.”

Blaine's hands shifted to grip his mate's hips. “Move with me,” he urged, guiding the boy's motions.

“Oh!” Kurt's mouth fell open, his pelvis beginning to gyrate of his own volition.

“That's right,” Blaine praised, “just like that.” He shifted to kiss Kurt's open mouth, trailing wetly down to his neck as they together found their rhythm, let their bodies take control.

“I'm not… not gonna last…” Kurt told him.

“You don't have to,” Blaine said, seeking out his mate's cock between them, slick to the touch with sweat and precome. “You come whenever you can.”

“Yeah,” Kurt breathed, his hips twisting with less control now, his body jerking with little spasms. He was breathtaking. “Blaine I need…”

“God, yes,” Blaine answered, knowing immediately what it was his mate sought. Suddenly he needed it too, needed it more desperately than he ever had before… even in those first, aching moments of hunger. “Kurt I have to,” a flick of his tongue where Kurt's heart pounded in his throat was all the warning Blaine gave. He found a safe place to bite and sank his fangs into his mate's willing flesh, blood flooding up to meet and fill his mouth.

Kurt whined, writhing beneath him as though crazed. A few more thrusts into Blaine's fist and he was spilling between them. Blaine continued feeding, knowing the blood loss would enhance the boy's orgasm and draw it out. His mate's blood sent a buzz throughout Blaine's body, setting him on fire, turning his arousal into something wild and inevitable. He spiraled further and further out of control, his hips rushing furiously into the tight heat of Kurt's body, barely clinging to sanity as it exploded all at once, sharp and sudden.

To his horror, Kurt was near fading when he came back to himself, his body lax and barely moving beneath Blaine's own. He retracted his fangs immediately, licking over the wound to seal it as quickly as possible. “Shh, love, you're okay,” he told the boy, trying to disguise his growing panic. He hadn't taken enough blood to kill Kurt—not even close—but it was enough to weaken him for quite some time; far longer than Blaine was willing to risk.

He pet over Kurt's hair and his mate nuzzled against the touch, dazed and disoriented. “I need you to do something for me, okay?” Raising his left arm, he swiftly opened a vein in his wrist, wincing at the flare of pain. Blaine lifted Kurt's head, bringing the wound to his lips. “I need you to drink for me. Can you do that sweetheart?”

Kurt shook his head weakly. “Ill urn me,” he slurred.

“No. Not so easily. We've mated now, Kurt; we're connected. I promise it will help. It won't hurt you.”

To his immense relief, Kurt seemed to accept his explanation, parting his lips just enough to allow Blaine's blood to trickle into his mouth. Soon his tongue darted out to taste and he latched on, drinking more deeply. Blaine allowed it for a few moments then pulled back, Kurt's head lifting up to follow him.

“Taste's good,” he said.

“Mmm. Now you know how I feel.” Mindless of his wound, Blaine sank down into the bed and pulled his mate close.

“I can sleep here?” Kurt said, already curling into him with an exaggerated yawn.

Blaine smiled, his heart bursting with affection. “Yes. I'll wake you when you need to leave.”

“Don't let go,” Kurt pleaded, squeezing around his body.

“Never,” Blaine promised, meaning it more now than ever before. Kurt was his, was pounding through his blood, and there was no force on Earth or elsewhere, for that matter, that Blaine wouldn't fight to keep him. “I'm never letting go of you.”

When he tilted his head down to seal his vow with a kiss, Kurt was already fast asleep.


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