Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
"Don't sound so surprised," the eldest Anderson said. "He has many a reason to be angry with me. And we didn't part on the best of terms."
"You didn't part on any terms at all," Rachel said pointedly. Cooper shrugged his hands still in his pockets.
"That wasn't entirely my fault." Rachel stopped her pacing in front of her brother, carefully studying his face. She hadn't seen him in years, none of them had. Of course their mother was to blame for that, she barely liked to consider him a part of family, and in fact she didn't even know he was here right now. But Rachel could care less about the ruckus it would cause later. Blaine needed his big brother.
"But some of it was." She replied.
"Everybody has some blame," Cooper said running a hand through his hair, the first 'nervous' gesture she'd seen him commit all day. "They always do." He looked down at the floor, his last sentence lacking the constant Cooper assuredness he usually spoke in. He suddenly looked incredibly young, younger than his twenty-six years despite the tallness that only he had inherited from his father. Rachel and Blaine hadn't been so lucky.
Sighing deeply Rachel moved to her bed and patted the space next to her twice. Cooper looked at her in question and she smiled and tipped her head.
"I need you on my side," she said with a cheeky grin. "Considering that Blaine is going to murder me."
"Psh," Cooper scoffed sitting next to her. "He won't murder you."
"Oh, no?" Rachel asked. "Have you met Blaine? He has our mother's temper."
"I know," Cooper said flicking his hand. "But Blaine is a more of a pee on everything you love type person."
"It's when somebody pisses you off, so you pee on everything they love." Rachel looked horrified, and Cooper burst out laughing lying back on her bed. "Don't sorry sis; I'll make sure he stays away from any suspiciously large drinks."
"Thanks, I guess." She lay down next to Cooper, both their legs dangling over the side of the bed, though his were quite a bit longer almost grazing the floor. They lay in silence for a few moments taking a second for their thoughts. Rachel had taken a big risk bringing Cooper here, and she honestly hoped it worked out for the good. She missed her older brother, they had always been close and not being able to see him properly since he was eighteen had been hard.
"Cooper," she said softly not looking at him.
"Yeah, Starshine?"
"I've missed you."
Cooper turned to look at her, an uncharacteristically soft smile on his face. "I missed you too."
"Okay," Nick said with a slight crease to his brow. "Who was that?"
Jeff looked at him like he just poured his milk before his cereal. "Did you seriously miss that entire conversation?"
Nick rolled his eyes and walked over to Blaine who was still standing in the middle of the room. "How come you never told us you had a brother?" he asked softly placing a hand on his shoulder. Nick was surprised to find Blaine shaking with anger.
"I'd step back if I were you, Nick," Wes warned taking a step back himself. Nick glanced at Wes but didn't heed his warning, instead stepping in front of Blaine impairing the shorter boy's view of the door. Blaine's dark hazel eyes focused on Nick's brown ones and he breathed in through his nose and then out through his mouth just like they had practiced.
"Easy now," Nick said gently rubbing soothing circle on Blaine's back. "Just breathe." A few minutes later and Blaine could move again without the stream of anger flowing through him and turning his vision red. "There we go," Nick said with a small smile. "Feeling better?"
"Much," Blaine said without smiling, but it was the best they could hope for.
"So," David said clapping his hand soundly. "Does anybody care to explain?"
Blaine's head snapped towards the boys on one side of the room like he'd completely forgotten they were there.
"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea," Wes said shaking his head, "At least not for now." Wes looked at Blaine for confirmation but the curly haired boy was distracted by the Warblers in his room.
"What are you guys doing here?" he asked not rudely, in a tone that was more level than either Wes or Nick was expecting.
"Well..." Jeff started.
"We're here on a mission," Wes interrupted giving Jeff a warning look. "So go get re-showered and all dolled up. We're taking you out."
"And where, pray, are you taking me?" Blaine asked raising a bushy eyebrow. "In Lima, Ohio nevertheless."
"That is irrelevant," Wes said with a shrug.
"You're really good at persuading me," the sarcasm dripped off of Blaine's voice and Wes cursed internally. This really wasn't the mood he needed Blaine in. Cooper was an uncalculated move, hell his piece wasn't even on the playing board and now that he's here the whole games gone wack.
"Look," David stepping forward and crossing his arms. "It's either you go shower yourself, or we'll shower you for you." Blaine gave him a skeptical. "Don't think we won't do it…remember the camp incident?"
Blaine's eyes went wide for a fraction of a second before he nodded brusquely. "Fine, whatever. I need something to cool me the fuck down anyway." Blaine grabbed his towel and strode with heavy footsteps to his bathroom before gently shutting the door.
Blaine just swore. He was really, really angry. "Fuck!" Wes exclaimed. "This will ruin everything. I just know it."
"So, for how much I know about you, I don't really know that much about you." Kurt swung his and Blaine's hand leisurely in the space between them as they both rocked gently on the swings. Kurt sat on the left, Blaine on the right, with their backs to the rapidly setting sun. It was getting dark and all of the children and their parents had gone home, so they were free to proceed how they liked without any judgement.
"Well," Blaine said rubbing his thumb over Kurt's soft hand. "What do you want to know?"
"Would everything be too vague?"
Blaine chuckled lightly. "Seriously," he said squeezing Kurt's hand. "Give me one specific, something you care a lot about."
"Okay…family," Kurt grinned. "Tell me everything about your family!"
Blaine's face fell and Kurt suddenly felt awkward. He rubbed Blaine's hand softly. "I'm sorry," he said apologetically. "I didn't realize that was a sore subject. See," he continued trying to lighten the mood. "That's why you were supposed to choose."
Blaine smiled and looked at Kurt. "No, I—I should tell you. I mean we're in a relationship and I really care about you, so I should be able to tell you everything right?"
"Only what you feel like telling," Kurt said with a warm smile. "I won't be offended if there are certain things you want to keep to yourself. I know it feels like longer, but we've really only known each other for three weeks now, and our first date and kiss was two days ago. There is still a lot of growing room for trust and comfort."
"Well," Blaine said sounding slightly surprised but looking calmer and impressed. "When did you become such a smarty pants?"
"Why so amazed?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow. "And for your information I am a genius and a man of many talents."
"I'm sure modesty is on that list too." Kurt stuck his tongue out at Blaine causing his eyes to crinkle in the most adorable way. "Aw how cute," Blaine patronized. "You're mature as well."
"Don't make me flip you off, Anderson," Kurt threatened. Blaine laughed.
"Ah, the bird!" he yelled. "The most fearsome of all creatures. Whenever they are flipped they fly into a rage and attack. Please," he begged hopping off of his swing and kneeling in front of Kurt between his legs. "Don't set it free! It will go for my face…I love my face!"
Kurt looked down at him; neck suddenly hot at their…compromising position. Blaine was on his knees between his legs begging Kurt not to 'set it free.' And he was giving him the puppy dog eyes, damn if this boy didn't know what he could do to Kurt.
"Well I didn't want to be the one to say it," he said. "But that's what she said…or rather that's what he said."
"Wow," Blaine said not moving. "I can't believe you just said a 'that's what she said joke…'"
"Finn and Puck are rubbing off on me," Kurt said shrugging. "The entire glee club is actually."
"But you're so quaint," Kurt looked down at Blaine in contempt.
"Quaint? Really?"
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Sorry, I miss-pronounced the most beautiful, darling, gorgeous, breath-taking, witty, most stunning boy I've ever met in my life."
"Oh honey," Kurt drawled in a random incredibly poor British accent. "You spoil me so."
"What rubbish," Blaine copied the accent. "I only give you what you deserve." Blaine suddenly jumped up, holding out his hand to Kurt who looked at him astonished.
"Please kind sir," he said bowing. "Would you honour me with this kind dance?"
Kurt giggled at Blaine's utter ridiculousness. "Are you being serious right now?"
"But of course," the shorter boy said continuing on with the accent. "I'm British, can I be anything but?" Blaine winked and Kurt shook his head. Blaine shook his hand.
"The dance floor is waiting," he called and Kurt fake sighed, slowly putting his hand in Blaine's.
"Fine," he said putting his nose in the air. "You may have this dance."
Without warning Blaine tugged on Kurt's arm causing the taller boy to stand and crash into Blaine who was already standing ridiculously close. Their bodies were suddenly flush with each other, thigh to thigh, chest to chest, hand in hand. Kurt was suddenly breathless.
"W-we don't have any music," he managed to breathe out. Blaine shrugged leading and stepping to the side. "I'll guess I'll make some then."
"You think I'm pretty without any makeup on," he sang softly and slower than the original, making it into a makeshift slow song for them to dance in time to as they spun in slow circles next to the swings.
"You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong,
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, Do-own."
His voice broke on the down. Kurt stopped their slow movement and watched with confusion as a single tear fell from Blaine's eye.
"Hey," Kurt cooed softly wiping the tear away with his thumb. "What's the matter?" Blaine looked away so Kurt cupped his face and held in position, firmly but not painfully, so that Blaine was forced to look at him. "You can tell me anything, remember?"
"And you said you wouldn't force me," Blaine said sadly. Kurt bit his bottom lip knowing that Blaine was technically right.
"But it hurts seeing you like this," Kurt said stroking Blaine's cheeks softly. "Especially when I know that there's something I can do to help."
Blaine shook his head, a hard feat against the strong grip Kurt had. "Believe me when I say there's nothing you can do."
"You're right," Kurt said. "But there's something you can do. You can open up to me, talk to me. I want to listen." Blaine avoided his gaze, staring at the ground.
Kurt, still biting his lip stared intently at Blaine, hoping the boy would listen to him and speak. Kurt hadn't been lying when he said he barely knew him. After the kiss Kurt had gone home and replayed it over and over in his mind. Then he went on to imagine their entire lives together in a completely non creepy and stalker-ish way, when he realized that he knew next to nothing about Blaine. The boy had mastered the art of deflecting and reflecting questions so much that Kurt must have done all the talking. Well it wasn't going to happen again, Blaine was on Kurt's radar and he wasn't leaving, or deflecting, or reflecting ever again.
Finally Blaine looked at him and relief poured through Kurt followed quickly by an unshakeable sadness. Blaine looked so world shatteringly heart-broken. On reflex, Kurt held his arms out open and Blaine collapsed into them hugging Kurt tightly but not crying.
"I'm sorry," he said his lips brushing lightly against the skin of Kurt's neck sending sparks down the pale boy's spine. He shook his head softly.
"Never apologize for needing to be held."
They stood like that for a long time, the darkness of night setting in around them. One by one the twinkling stars ascended the night sky, casting a small amount of light above them. The crescent moon rose lazily into the sky, and it wasn't until the first sounds of night-time critters started chirping did Blaine pull back with a watery smile.
"See that wasn't too bad," Kurt said with a small smile. "We should do it more often."
Blaine let out a choked laugh rolling his eyes. "That was an unexpected emotional break-down that won't happen again. So don't worry you're safe."
"Blaine," Kurt said meeting his boyfriend's saddened eyes with his steady gaze. "Letting your emotions out is okay you know. Bottling stuff up isn't good for you."
Blaine rolled his eyes with a smile. "Don't worry, Kurt," he said with a reassuring clap on the shoulder. "I'm okay. I'm always okay and I will always be okay."
"Psh," Kurt scoffed. "I cannot wait for the day you realize how wrong you really are."
"No you don't," Blaine said matter-of- factly.
"Of course not," Kurt replied. "You wouldn't be able to handle it."
Hot water splattered against his skin, scorching his body and rolling off of him in waves of steam. His shoulders were tense and his head was pounding. That was not the wake-up he had been expecting nor wanting. Cooper was here. Cooper. And what's worse? Rachel invited him. Rachel! He just didn't understand it. Sure Rachel and he had been pretty close, but not as close as Cooper and he. And then the bitch had betrayed him, and dropped off the face of the planet for six years. Who did he think he was? Showing up here looking like he owned the place—
Blaine punched the hard tile of the shower wall, not even feeling the pain shoot up his arm or the blood drip down from his now split knuckles. He rested his head against the tile, his eyes screwed shut as he hit the wall over and over again as he fought frustrated tears.
This just wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to have come back from Italy, get close to his sister again, win Kurt back even as friends, and start the new year with happiness and some stability in his life. Instead he and Rachel were still as distant as ever despite their ever present similarities, he and Kurt had been avoiding (?) each other for weeks, and Cooper's sudden arrival had thrown Blaine's life way of balance. Why did nothing ever go his way?
Sighing deeply and heavily, tied down by the weights of his world, Blaine pushed himself off of the wall. He looked down as the water fell heavily on his head. He watched as the water span in a fast vicious whirlpool and Blaine couldn't help but wonder when his life had become one and why he didn't have the power to stop it.
"Look," David said to the currently panicking Wes. "We don't really have a choice. The girls have done our their part and we need to do ours."
"All we have to do is get him there," Jeff said shrugging. "I don't see why that'll be so hard."
"Come one," Nick said from where his head was perched leisurely on top of Jeff's. "He's obviously freaking out, he'll be hard to persuade."
"Then we'll just make him," Jeff said with an evil smirk clapping his hands together. "I have the chloroform and rope."
Nick gave his boyfriend an incredulous look. "Is there something you're not telling me?"
"I have weird fetishes," Jeff said with a shrug.
"More like kinky as hell than weird," David countered shaking his head at Jeff. "I mean chloroform, really? You have a willing boyfriend right here. I really wouldn't recommend rape. You know prison and all that jazz."
Jeff rolled his eyes, "I wasn't going to rape anybody."
"That's what they all say," Nick said sighing sadly. "I didn't know he was unconscious—"
"They said yes before they passed out," David added.
"We just like it rough—"
"Why the hell do you guys know so many rape excuses?" Wes asked breaking into the conversation but never ceasing the pace of his pacing. "You know what?" he continued. "I changed my mind, I don't want to know. Let's get back on track. How are we going to lure Blaine out of this room? It's going to be hard. You see that duvet?" Wes pointed at Blaine's currently unmade bed. The boys nodded wondering what this had to do with anything. "When I found Blaine this morning he was wrapped up in and he said it was his cocoon of warmth and happiness and he never wanted to leave."
"Ooh," David hissed. "He has hit an all-time low."
"Now you see the predicament."
The boys all thought in silence, Wes thankful that Blaine always took unmanly long showers. "I've got it!" Jeff yelled out suddenly. "Rachel!"
"What?" everybody looked confused.
"Well Blaine was always saying he wished things between him and her were better right?"
David nodded. "Yeah, so?"
"So," Jeff continued bouncing slightly in excitement. "We can get Rachel to go talk to Blaine, put things to peace between them, and convince him to go."
"Do you think she'd really agree to do it?" Wes asked absently playing with the vast array of bracelets on his wrists.
"She brought Cooper here for a reason," Nick said. "And I highly doubt it was to drive a bigger wedge between her and her brother."
"So you think she'll do it." Wes said.
"I'd bet Jeff on it."
"Ssh sweetie," Nick said patting his head. "She'll say yes, I'm sure of it."
"Okay." David said nodding approvingly. "That only leaves one thing…who's going to ask her?"
"NOT ME!" They all yelled at the same time.
"Fine," Jeff said. "This means war."
All of the boys stood, staring each other down before charging at each other each trying to push the other through the door. It quickly became Nick and Jeff versus Wes and David because Nick and Jeff were dating and had automatically called a truce.
"I will win!" Jeff screamed as he pushed Wes who was inches from the door. Wes grunted pushing back with all his might. Nick and David ceased their fight to watch the final score. With one last and final shove Wes fell through the door and into the hallway.
He looked around in surprise and sighed. "Do I have to?" he whined.
"Yup," David said.
"Those are the rules," Nick finished.
"Adios," Jeff waved his fingers at Wes. Jeff wore a satisfied smirk. "And remember, you can't come back till it's successfully done." With a wink from Jeff, a shrug from David, and a sympathetic look from Nick, Jeff slammed Blaine's door shut, locking it.
"Well Fuck."
The impromptu performance quickly escalated into a full fledge karaoke night. Tina pulled out the machine and everybody except for Stacey, were belting songs at the top of their lungs. Whenever Santana and Mercedes weren't on stage though, they were attached to their phones like they held the universe inside of them.
"Hey Satan," Kurt said coming to sit next to her while Mercedes was singing a heart breaking rendition of Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You.
"'Sup, prancing Smurf?"
"Nothing," he said. "Just wanted to say thanks, you know for all of this."
Santana looked at him in amusement. "Okay, what do you want?"
Kurt rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "What makes you think I want anything?"
"You just said thank you," she said. "To me. And when I asked you what you wanted you crossed your arms. That's a defensive movement which lets me know you're lying. So," she said smiling at Kurt's slightly bewildered face. "I'm going to ask you again. What do you want?"
The light-skinned boy huffed.
"Hey don't get prissy," Santana laughed looking at her cell-phone because it had vibrated in her hand. "It's not my fault you're so easy to read."
"Fine," he said glowering at the phone. "Who are you texting?"
"None of your business, gay boy." She replied, flipping her phone to type a message.
"Why not?" Kurt asked annoyance starting to roll under his skin.
"Because it's none of your business," Santana repeated sending the message and placing the phone on the floor next to her on the other side of Kurt.
"Friends don't keep secrets," Kurt tried, though he knew he wasn't kidding anybody. He couldn't guilt Santana into anything; he never could before so it most definitely wouldn't work now. The girl in question just looked at him, her eyes alone saying 'really bitch, really?'
"Yeah, yeah I know," Kurt said waving his hand. "But I had to try."
"Valiant effort," she said sarcastically. Kurt rolled his eyes and turned to Mercedes who had just ended her song.
"Santana," she called from the stage. "You're up!"
Jumping up, Santana stood and walked over to the karaoke box, taking the mike form Mercedes who went to sit next to Stacey. Santana looked through the songs that luckily Kurt had updated a few weeks before, before smiling wickedly and turning to the 'crowd.'
"This," she said with a devilish grin. "Is for my girlfriend Brittany S. Pierce," she winked at the blonde girl before music started playing from the speakers and Kurt chuckled.
"That was never the way I planned, not my intention," Brittany giggled happily.
"I got so brave, drink in hand, lost my discretion," A soft light caught Kurt's eye on the floor.
"It's not what I'm used to, just want to try you on." He looked at it and a devilish smile graced his beautiful face.
"I'm curious for you caught my attention." Kurt reached over and picked up Santana's phone, thankful that she was too distracted by Brittany to even look his way. Unlocking it, Kurt went to her most recent message knowing it was a major breach of privacy but not even caring. She, Stacey, and Mercedes had been at it all night, and it was getting on his last nerve. And if they didn't want to tell him, then he'd find out himself.
"I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick!" She had two conversations. One to W#1, and the other to Rachel. Kurt didn't know who W#1 was but why the hell was Santana texting Rachel? Glancing back at Santana to make sure she wasn't looking, (she wasn't), Kurt opened the conversation.
It's going to take longer than expected
Ugh really? Y?
B's being angsty and W#1 said we shouldn't force him.
Sounds kinda srs. What happened?"
Not sure he won't go into details, all I kno is B's asleep now.
My boy's getting suspicious. How much longer?
I don't know, Cooper came a day early. Blaine's pissed.
I thought you said he was here to help!
It's a bit more complicated than that…
Wait what? Cooper was back in town? The Cooper? As in Cooper Anderson? As in Rachel and Blaine's mysterious older brother! Kurt was confused. Cooper hadn't been heard from for like, six years. Blaine had told him so himself. Confused and now slightly worried Kurt scrolled down through the next few messages.
Hobbit what arent you telling me?
Tiny Jew
Loud mouth
*sigh* fine…Rachel.
Sorry, am with Cooper. He says hi btw.
So what's happening?
Just keep him there…we're not sure how long this will take
K, but hurry the fuck up.
That was the end of the conversation, and it did nothing to quell Kurt's worries. What the actual fuck was going on. To say he was more confused than ever would be understatement. It seemed like Santana and Rachel were planning something that involved Blaine and him. Plus Cooper was back in town a day early and Blaine is less than happy about it which really was to be expected. How else was Blaine supposed to handle his big brother up and leaving him when he needed him most? Which leads to why was Cooper back in the first place, and what plans does his arrival complicate?
Kurt felt very bewildered, like he'd just chosen the red pill when he truly should have picked the blue one. Now he was more confused than ever and he couldn't even ask Santana about it without her realizing he'd gone through her phone which would not end well. Reluctantly Kurt put the phone back where he found it and turned back to Santana who was just finishing Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl. He narrowed his eyes at her, watching her relaxed fluid movements. She was an excellent actor. But by the end of the night, Kurt would know what was going on.
It was a promise.
Wes paced outside of Rachel's bedroom. It was safe to say he was freaking out. What was he supposed to say? "Hey there! I know we haven't talked since, well, at all, but I need you to go talk things out with your brother and sort out your issues because I need my boy happy again so he that he can get his beau back?" Yeah, because that's not pretentious or creepy in any way.
Wes stopped in front of the door playing with the bands on his arm. He raised one arm to knock, opting to just wing it, when he heard soft mumbling from inside.
Well darn, Cooper was in there. Should he wait or just go in anyway? Asking Cooper to leave would be rude though. Then again he was a dick, who had left his family for no good reason. But what if they were talking about something important? Wes rolled his eyes in annoyance at himself. Nobody cared about Cooper anymore, so he most definitely shouldn't worry about being rude to him. But some semblance of decency fought inside of Wes, stopping his hand from knocking. Sighing again Wes lowered his hand in defeat.
"I don't have all day," he whispered to himself. "Or much sanity left considering I'm talking to myself." Shaking his head, Wes took a look back looking up and down the hallway and then back at the door. If he knew what they were talking about he could figure out whether it was too important to interrupt or not. Double checking that the coast was clear Wes pressed his ear to the door. The sound was super muffled but from the pitch of the grumbles it sounded like Cooper was talking.
"What on earth are you doing!" A voice screeched. Wes froze, paling. He turned around to see an offended looking Mrs. Anderson.
Mrs. Anderson grabbed the boys' ear, pulling the lanky teen down to her height. "Don't make me ask again." She all but growled. Wes gulped loudly.
"I-I I was just checking to see if it would be okay for me to interrupt," Wes stuttered out. Mrs. Anderson rolled her eyes at the boy.
"Yeah sure you were," she spat. "What were you really doing? What were you going to do to my baby?"
"What!" Wes exclaimed. "I would never do anything like….that to Rachel. What is wrong with you, that's disgusting!"
"Did you just ask me what's wrong me?" Mrs. Anderson asked pulling harder on Wes's ear. "I'm not the one who was listening and watching a young lady in her room at seven in the evening."
"It wasn't like that I swear!"
"I've had enough of your lies." She tugged him forward to Rachel's door. "I'll let you tell her the truth instead."
"So who's going to be the one to let mother know I'm home again?" Cooper asked standing by Rachel's door with his suit jacket in his hand. He was about to leave before the question popped into his head. The only thing he really knew was that Jane was going to be pissed. No, more than pissed. Furious. Irate…these words aren't even strong enough for the surge of anger she was going to feel. It would be like how much energy the Death Star uses to run and blow up planets, shoved into a 5'5 Philippine woman.
"Ha," Rachel laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, that." Cooper raised a black brow. "See the thing is," she said walking towards him with big eyes. "I was kind of hoping you would avoid mother with everything you were worth."
"Is that so?" Cooper asked not amused
"And why should I do that?" he asked looking down at her, suddenly surprised by how pleading her eyes were. It was crazy how good Rachel and Blaine's puppy eyes were. Cooper had tried to learn them but it had never worked. He blames it on the fact that his eyes are a cold blue, and he's much too prideful to fake beg effectively. Blaine and Rachel just said it's because he's too ugly to be cute.
"Because it would only add more friction in this house," Rachel replied not letting up on her eyes. "And everything is already super tense with Blaine moping and mother being well, mother. So I don't think we should add to that."
Cooper sighed looking at his younger sister in exasperation. "What did you think would happen when you invited me home?"
"Well you weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow!" Rachel exclaimed. "And now you showing up early have messed up Blaine's mood. Now he won't want to do the plan which will destroy everything. And I love you and all but you were always very good at messing things up."
"So I keep hearing," Cooper sighed.
"I'm sorry," Rachel said sadly. "It really wasn't supposed to be like this."
"No it's okay," Cooper said putting a smirk on his face. "I really should avoid mother anyway. It's too late to deal with her issues."
Rachel looked at the clock on her nightstand in confusion. "You realize it's only 7:30 right?"
"Psh," Cooper scoffed. "Anytime is too late to deal with her shit."
Rachel laughed pulling her brother into a tight hug. "Despite what you may think," she said. "I'm really glad you came."
"Well I couldn't let it pass the ten year line," Cooper replied pulling out of the hug. "That's when things get awkward." Rachel laughed shaking her head.
"If you were trying to escape the awkward," Rachel said. "I think you chose the wrong house to return to."
"Yeah well if your puppy eyes weren't so damn good I wouldn't be here," he said jokingly. At her stricken expression Cooper laughed and fluffed her hair. "Relax," he said pulling her into a half hug. "I knew the risks when I said yes. I still know them. It's good. I'm glad to know somebody here still thinks about me. Now," he continued placing a hand on the doorknob. "Before we start a pathetic pity party I'm going to go. Love you Starshine, I'll be back soon."
Cooper opened the door, and jumped back in surprise at the same time Rachel froze completely. There standing in the doorway, holding Wes's ear in a stern grip, was Mrs. Anderson.