Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
"You're nervous," Kurt said with amusement, eyeing Blaine who was looking at himself in the mirror with utter terror in his eyes.
This was it. They were graduating. The thought of how vast the future was, was both a blessing and a curse. There was just so much that could happen, so much that was going to happen and it was really getting to Blaine. The uncertainty, the excitement, the sadness, the nervousness, the everything. He was graduating. This was it.
He tried to adjust the cap on his head, but only managed to make the tassel fall into his eyes. He huffed and sighed, looking up to meet Kurt's gaze in the mirror.
"Need a little help?" The taller boy asked with a laugh.
Blaine shrugged sheepishly. "Maybe a little," he answered with a small shrug. "Care to assist me?"
Kurt walked behind his boyfriend resting his arms on Blaine's waist. "Calm down," Kurt said softly, rubbing circles into Blaine's hip. "We're finally graduating! You sir, are supposed to be happy."
Blaine sighed relaxing into Kurt's soothing touch. "I know."
"…But," Kurt lead.
"But they're going to be there," Blaine replied with a mixture of sadness, longing, and disgust. Kurt nodded not saying a word as he stopped rubbing the circles and instead wound his arms completely around the shorter boy's waist; wrapping Blaine in a comforting backwards hug.
Kurt nestled his head onto Blaine's shoulder and looked at them through the mirror.
"I know it's going to be terrible having to see them again—"
"That's an understatement—" Blaine scoffed.
"—but you were bound to see them again sooner or later."
"Yeah," Blaine said rolling his eyes. "I was just hoping for later rather than sooner."
Kurt slid his left hand back to Blaine's hip rubbing slow circles into it again. Blaine relaxed instantly into the touch. "Look at this way," Kurt said soothingly. "They're coming to a celebration. I doubt they want to start a fight. Besides, they love keeping up their appearances."
"I just don't want them ruining our day."
"I know," Kurt said kissing his shoulder. "So don't let them." He stepped back suddenly, grabbing Blaine's hand with a twinkle in his eye. "It's your graduation Blaine, finally no more high school! Doesn't that sound appealing?" Kurt asked with a smile, shaking Blaine's hand as he bounded with growing excitement. "No more slushies, or slurs, or locker shoves! No more Karofsky! You got into Julliard, Blaine. Julliard! One of the most prestigious music schools out there. I got into NYADA because I'm fabulous and we have an apartment waiting for us! Just you and me." Kurt smiled as his ecstatic excitement relaxed itself. He intertwined his fingers with Blaine's and gave him a soft look filled with hope, love, and possibility. "Life is finally going upwards for us. There is an entire world waiting for us after today, so don't let them bring you down because you are so much more than them. Loosen up," he said making a silly dance made that caused a laugh to erupt out of Blaine. Kurt smiled at his progress and took a step towards his boyfriend. "And enjoy yourself. We're graduating Blaine," he pulled on their intertwined hands and Blaine came lurching towards him, stopping an inch away. "Celebrate."
Blaine's gaze flickered from Kurt's lips to his eyes and back again. He licked his own lips before meeting Kurt's heavy gaze with a smirk.
"Celebrate you say?"
"Mhmm," Kurt nodded slowly pushing Blaine backwards towards the bed.
"I know quite a few ways we could do that," Blaine said stopping right before he hit the bed.
Kurt captured Blaine's lips into a soft kiss. "I bet I know more." They kissed again before Kurt pushed Blaine onto the bed, Kurt falling gracefully on top of him.
"I love you," Blaine said with a giddy smile.
Kurt gave Blaine a chaste kiss before parting, his lips grazing Blaine's. "I love you more."
Blaine smiled and Kurt felt it; sending shivers down his spine. "I love you most."
This was it. It was show time. Kurt shouldn't be this nervous. Why was he nervous? So he was meeting Rachel's closeted gay brother in a shed to talk, or do god knows what else all because Santana said he should.
Fuck he was so screwed.
But he couldn't back out now, everyone was distracted by food and besides, Blaine had slipped away two minutes ago. Keeping him waiting would just be plain rude. When Santana saw him leave she winked at Kurt and mimed a blowjob before smirking, mouthing 'wanky,' and turning back to the hungry boys. Kurt sighed as he quickly walked the path to the pool house trying not to let his rambling thoughts psych him out. He could do this.
The door came up sooner than he had hoped, but before he could psych himself out he held his breath and knocked on the door. There was scuffling inside before the door opened and Kurt was met with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
"Boys!" Carole called down the stairs. "Hurry up; we can't be late for your own graduation!"
Kurt grabbed his graduation cap from off his lamp, blushing even though Carole couldn't see him. "Sorry," he replied. "We're almost ready."
Blaine fixed his hat on his head finally managing to put it in a place where the tassel didn't make him want to rip it off. He was noticeably calmer, though nerves still hummed under his surface like bees.
"You ready?" Kurt asked with a smile squeezing Blaine's arm gently.
Blaine put on his hundred watt smile and tested it on Kurt. "As ready as I'll ever be."
Kurt gave him a strange look cocking his head slightly.
"What?" Blaine asked suddenly anxious.
"Nothing," Kurt replied taking Blaine's hand in his. "I just haven't seen you use that smile in a really long time. It's amazing how fake it looks now."
Blaine shrugged squeezing Kurt's hand. "It's amazing how easy it is to slip back on after all this time," Blaine answered. "Besides, knowledge is power. And other than you, nobody else will know any better so I think it'll be okay."
Kurt nodded sadly before shaking his head and dragging Blaine up the stairs. Carole and Burt stood impatiently by the door talking softly to each other. Blaine's heart softened immediately upon seeing them. He was still surprised by their kindness. They took him in when he had nowhere else to go, and they had loved him and treated him like their own son. Of course some of his rules had been different when it came to Kurt, but eventually he ended up moving into Kurt's room due to lack of space, but it wasn't as big of an issue as he'd thought it'd be. It was where he fit in; where he belonged and they made each other happy. Not even an overprotective dad could argue with that.
Carole looked up first when she heard the boys ascend the stairs. A massive smile adorned her face as she took in their cap and gowns and intertwined hands. This was really it; Kurt, Blaine and Finn were graduating. They'd be going into the big world to defend themselves on their own. Tears started to spring into her eyes but she couldn't help it, she was just so proud.
"Finn!" she called up the stairs, "Hurry up so I can take a picture! Burt," she said turning to her husband who stared at the two boys with sad eyes. "Where's the camera?"
"Umm," he said clearing his throat as he turned away from them. "It's in your purse."
"I'm coming!" Finn said as he came out of his room at a surprisingly fast gait. He shoved his head into the cap as he ran down the stairs and came to a halt dangerously close to Kurt.
"Careful Finn," Kurt said with a smile. "I don't want to have any bruises on my final day."
"Sorry bro," Finn said with a smile slinging his arm around Kurt's shoulders. "I'm just really excited and don't want to be late. I know Rachel will kill me if I'm late."
"Then let's take the pictures and go," Burt said gruffly handing his wife the digital camera. "You guys need to be onstage."
Carole held the camera up to her face beaming as she did so. "Okay boys," she said directing their poses. "Move in closer….closer….closer. I want to feel the love, my boys are graduating!" Tears pricked in Blaine's eyes at her words but tried to mask them, wiping at his face quickly. Surprisingly, Finn was the one to notice.
"What's up Blaine?" Finn asked cocking his head as he stopped posing for his mum who huffed in frustration.
"N-nothing," he said with a smile, tears falling from his eyes. "Nothing's wrong, I just…I'm one of the boys," he said gesturing to Kurt and Finn.
"Of course you are," Finn said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You're family," Burt added, giving Blaine a warm look.
"So get close to your family and smile," Carole ordered holding the camera back to her face again. The boys complied, wrapping their arms easily around each other and grinning really wide.
"I love you," Kurt whispered, and Blaine's wide hundred watt smile fell into a natural easy smile, the one that had been especially reserved for Kurt and really nice surprises.
And in case you were wondering, the picture turned out perfect.
"H-hi," Kurt stuttered out with an awkward half wave. He mentally berated himself immediately and tried not to grimace at his awkwardness. Kurt wasn't much good at flirting. Not necessarily because he wasn't skilled enough for it, but because he'd never had any practice. He mentally cursed Santana once again for putting him in this situation. There was no possible way it could end well.
"Hey," Blaine said smiling even wider and standing back to open the door. Kurt walked through with a blush, avoiding the brunette's eyes. He looked around the room eyebrow rising in interest. For a pool room it was pretty massive. More like a loft than the shed it was supposed to be. The walls were painted in soft beige with massive windows on the side that were surrounded by trees and yet were still able to let in a surprising amount of natural light. There were two cream couches, a love seat, and a small table with two wooden chairs.
Kurt glanced at Blaine who ran a hand through his dark wet curls his as he looked at the ground.
"So…" Kurt started.
"Ha, yes," Blaine laughed. "Umm…why don't you sit?" he gestured to one of the couches. Kurt blushed again and moved to take a seat, feeling the heat of the boy following behind him. They sat an awkward distance apart. Kurt glanced up to see the brunette staring at him intently. He coloured again before cocking his head and matching the boy's gaze.
"See something interesting?" he asked with a coy grin. Whoa…where did that come from?
"Maybe," Blaine replied with a smirk. "Maybe not."
Kurt rose to stand a smirk playing on his lips. "Well if it's the latter I guess I should go."
"No wait," Blaine said reaching for Kurt's arm. Electricity sparked up Kurt's arm at the touch, and then he was suddenly aware of the fact that they were both shirtless. Blaine was wet and shirtless and begging him to stay.
Well shit.
He turned back raising an eyebrow, wondering yet again where this sudden sexual prowess had come from. He'd been hanging around Santana way too much.
He locked eyes with Blaine and the shorter boy pouted in a way that was way too adorable. Kurt bubbled into laughter and Blaine reciprocated tugging slightly on Kurt's arm. The pale boy rolled his eyes but consented to the request, sitting back down a bit closer than before.
"So," Blaine started this time.
"So…?" Kurt asked with a smile.
Blaine stuck out his hand a smile on the corner of his lips. "Hi," he said slipping his hand into Kurt's. "My name is Blaine."
"Wow," Kurt said sarcasm dripping from his voice. "You know, I totally didn't know that."
"Oh hush," Blaine said swatting him playfully. "I figured this awkwardness deserved a proper introduction because I don't have a polar bear."
Kurt scrunched his brow in confusion. "A polar bear?"
"To break the ice!" he said with a cheesy eyebrow movement.
"Oh my god," Kurt replied shaking his head.
"Hey, don't blame me," Blaine answered with a shrug. "You walked right into it. Besides," he continued cocking his head slightly. "I think it worked."
Kurt blushed, giving a small smile. "I think it did too."
"Are you guys ready?" Rachel asked back stage as the New Directions milled among themselves, warming up and stretching, preparing for their last number.
"I don't think I'll ever be ready," Brittany said sadly shaking her head. Rachel paused and looked at the blonde, sadness washing through her.
"I think we need a group hug," she said holding her arms out to the group. "One last time."
"They don't work like that Streisand," Puck said crossing his arms as he replied to the short girl. "Group hugs are naturally made, usually instigated for a purpose. Not started because someone says so."
"Unfortunately he's right," Quinn said with a shrug. "But don't worry Rachel, it'll happen when the time is right."
"Okay guys!" Mr. Shue said walking into the area. "Gather round, I have a few words to say." The teens gathered around their teacher, anticipation cracking through their bones. For some it was just hitting them now that this was the last time Mr. Shue would speak to them as their choir teacher. He would no longer be the teacher who helped them through their years of high school, who brought them together and made them a family through music, acceptance, and a few illegal black mail tricks. He would now be a fellow adult, a friend. Will.
"I know you guys are nervous," he started a proud smile on his face. "But you shouldn't be. It's okay, you made it!" He made a little cheering noise and the rest of the choir picked it up quickly. "Think of where you were when you first entered the halls of McKinley; sad, desperate, friendless, fearful, alone—"
"Gee, thanks," Artie deadpanned.
Mr. Shue waved his hand dismissing Artie's interruption. "And look at where you are now, four years later with smiles on your faces and more joy in your hearts than I've ever seen. You guys made each other better, and when you leave here, I know you'll make the world a better place too. I guess I just wanted to say congratulations guys! And don't be a stranger. So break a leg with your performance, and honestly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much. Because you didn't just change each other, you changed me as well, and I'll miss you guys. My champions."
No one knows who started it, but suddenly Mr. Shue was in the middle of a very big, very warm group hug. Nobody said a word as each and every one of them just put their emotions into the embrace, though the sound of a few sniffles filled the air. This was the end of everything, and this was the man who brought them here.
The hug was a thank you and it was an, 'I love you. You made us a family, and we'll never forget it.'
"See," Puckerman said from somewhere in the mesh of bodies. "This is a group hug." Everybody burst into laughter and the solemn mood dissipated. The blob slowly became single identities as the girls ran to fix their make-up and the boys drank water and fixed their tassels.
They were on in five minutes.
Oh god. This was it.
"Can if I ask you a question?" Kurt asked after a brief silence.
Blaine nodded his head, "Of course, I mean could you imagine how awkward it would be if I said no?"
Kurt smiled nodding his affirmation. "Well logistically, I should ask you the question and then ask you if you want to answer it."
"But human's aren't known for being logical," Blaine started. "Not that I'm saying you're not logical or anything—"
"It's okay," Kurt laughed shushing Blaine before he started rambling. "We're not."
"So," the dark haired boy said with a dorky eyebrow raise. "What is your question?"
Kurt blushed opening his mouth but no sound coming out. He ducked his head and looked at his sandaled feet before looking back at Blaine and meeting his curious gaze. The brunette just nodded his head slightly, urging Kurt to speak.
The taller boy took a deep breath before meeting Blaine's soft gaze full on. The sheer intensity of it made Blaine blink.
"Have you had any boyfriends before?" he finally asked on the exhale.
Blaine scrunched his brow, apparently in deep thought. "It's surprising that that was so hard to ask," he replied honestly.
"I've never been in a relationship before," Kurt said quickly. "In fact, I've never had a boy who was remotely interested in me in ways other than torturing me slowly."
"Torturing you—what?"
Kurt's serious expression broke into a grin. "Don't worry yourself, it's just high school; nothing like a little bullying to make you a better person."
"Kurt," Blaine said with so much emotion that Kurt couldn't not snap his face back to Blaine's: a decision that was quite obviously a massive mistake. The boy's eyes were deep, warm, and so very very sad. Kurt didn't believe it was all for him, he wasn't that vain and there was no physical way all that hurt could have showed up just because of Kurt's non-graphic sob story. It wasn't even a sob story, it was a simple truth.
"You look like you've had some trouble yourself," Kurt deflected, bringing the conversation off of himself.
Blaine gave him a knowing look, "Kurt."
"What?" Kurt snapped quickly falling back into ice queen mode.
"I'm sorry."
Kurt bit his lip, meeting Blaine's apologetic gaze with confusion. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because people are stupid," Blaine started enigmatically. "They're bigots and assholes who think they have the right to do whatever they want. They try to stomp out anything that is different because they don't understand, and in the end, they destroy everything that is beautiful."
Kurt sighed. "I know," he started. "But it's not your fault."
"Maybe not, but I know how it feels to be hated for something you can't change." Blaine's breathing hitched and he looked away before taking a deep breath and returning his gaze to Kurt again. "I…I took the easy way out. I ran, Kurt and there are days when I regret it, and there are days when I'm so thankful for it that I don't even know what to do with myself. Those boys out there, my friends, they don't care and it's so…refreshing."
"Yeah well, my friends don't care either," Kurt retaliated, arguing with Blaine though he didn't know why.
"And either do your parents," Blaine replied solemnly. "You are lucky for that."
Kurt went silent, looking at Blaine's forlorn expression. He was right, Kurt was lucky, his friends didn't care and more importantly, neither did Burt or Carol. They loved him for who he was and made his home a home. Kurt knew Mrs. Anderson, and he couldn't imagine what it must be like having her for a mother. The secret Blaine carried must be such a weight on his chest, the fear of being caught—the fear of being abandoned. All of a sudden a white hot rage flooded Kurt's being.
This wasn't fair. None of it. Kurt didn't know Blaine, not really, but he didn't deserve this. Nobody deserved this. Why couldn't the world just accept them, it's not like the ancient roman warriors didn't fuck each other senseless as a way to be closer to their army bros. Homophobia is the new phenomenon, not homosexuality, and it's homophobia that's wrong not the latter.
"I'm sorry," Kurt said with such anger that his words shook.
Blaine offered a small smile. "Ironic," he said. "Now you're the one apologizing for something that isn't your fault."
Kurt exhaled trying to get the anger out of his system. He shook his head at Blaine's words, a small smile donning his irate face.
"People are still stupid," he shrugged. "So I'm a keep apologizing."
Blaine laughed running a hand through his hair. "Nothing like stupidity to bring people together."
"It's kind of scary how accurate that is," Kurt answered amusedly.
Blaine shrugged with a fake cocky smile. "I'm a genius, you didn't know?"
"And modest, too," Kurt laughed nudging Blaine's shoulder. Blaine pushed back softly and stayed there, leaning against Kurt's shoulder; bare skin on bare skin, Blaine radiating the heat that he'd soaked up from the sun.
They lapsed into comfortable silence, reveling in the feeling of the other person. Comfort of such proximity was a new experience for Kurt, and then he realized; "You never answered my question."
"Hmm?" Blaine asked, rolling his head to look at Kurt, not breaking their contact.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" Kurt asked, his blissful smile never leaving his face.
Blaine nodded. "Once," he replied. "A long time ago."
"Okay," Kurt nodded, resisting the urge to kiss the top of Blaine's head.
Blaine hummed and went silent again, letting its calming waves lap over them. They sat for a while, both lost in their thoughts, both tethered to each other by their limited skin contact.
"I think I like you," Blaine said shattering the silence around them.
Kurt looked at Blaine in mild shock, not sure how to respond. "Thanks?" he tried, wanting to hit himself as soon as the words left his mouth.
Blaine laughed not at all offended. "Sorry," he said his bright smile shining. "I just thought I should clarify that, before we go on."
Kurt nodded, "So what does that mean?" he asked looking at Blaine.
The curly haired boy smiled. "Will you go on a date with me?"
Kurt reciprocated the smile, warmth creeping slowly through his system. "Yes," he affirmed. "Most definitely."
To Blaine it was over as soon as it began. The Glee Club sang as the graduating students walked in. The Valedictorian spoke, the principle spoke, teachers faked looking sad and parents sniffled in the background.
He sat next to his sister, and she gripped his hand tightly before he could say a word. He squeezed back and focused on his breathing.
This was it.
The names were called and diplomas were given, hats were thrown and applauses were awarded. Relief and fear overwhelmed the students…ex-students as they left the auditorium for the last time.
Blaine followed the crowd as the dispersed to go find their parents and relatives. Blaine was trying to find Kurt and the Hummel's, but had lost them in the fray. He was just about to phone Kurt when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He turned around with a smile, "There you are," he started, but stopped as soon as he saw who it was.
"You were looking for me?" Cooper asked with excitement in his tone.
Blaine scoffed, the smile flying from his face. "I thought you were someone else."
"Oh," Cooper sighed dejectedly. "Well I was looking for you."
Blaine pushed past him, walking into the throng of people. "I don't want to talk to you."
"It's important," Cooper said following Blaine through the people.
"I don't care." Blaine hissed.
"I care."
"I'm sure you do."
"When will you forgive me?" Cooper asked sounding very small. Blaine whirled around, burning with the cold anger that he'd inherited from his mother.
"Why are you here?" Blaine snapped stepping towards Cooper; an action that was surprisingly threatening despite their height difference.
"Your sister is over there," he pointed across the room where he could see his father adorning his sister with a bouquet of flowers. "With the rest of your family."
"I'm here for you, Blaine," Cooper replied, standing his ground.
"I don't want you to be."
"I don't care," Cooper snapped, his hands tapping the side of his leg restlessly. "You're my family, whether you like it or not."
"There's my boy!" Blaine heard Carol say before he saw her. She appeared next to him and wrapped him in a massive hug, distracting Blaine from Cooper as he let himself relax into the love of the embrace. She stepped back with a massive smile on her face, lifting the camera.
"Come on then," she said shaking the camera. "Let's get a picture of you in your cap and gown with your diploma."
"Okay," Blaine said with a slight nod. He moved back and accidentally knocked into Cooper, who quickly stepped out of his way.
"Oh," Carol said, eyeing Cooper with scrutiny. "Do I know you?"
Before Blaine could step in Cooper smiled and held out his hand. "Hi," he said shaking Carol's hand gently. "I'm Cooper, Blaine's older brother."
The mother's pleasant disposition fell as soon as he finished speaking. She grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him behind her, crossing her arms and giving Cooper her most piercing stare.
"Is he bothering you?" She asked Blaine without taking her eyes off of the older Anderson.
"I…" Blaine paused, smirking slightly at Cooper's surprise, though he was surprised himself at Carol's protectiveness. She had been filled in about his life, but not in detail. The most she knew about Cooper was that he had left Blaine all alone, and was the reason Jane had pitted against Blaine's and Kurt's relationship in the first place. Obviously she wasn't very impressed by the guy.
"No," he finally answered, suppressing a sigh. "He's not bothering me."
"There you are Blaine!" Kurt called with a smile, coming from the same direction as Carol. He was trailed by Burt, and Finn who was playing with the tassel on his cap. His smile faultered as he saw Cooper standing awkwardly under Carol's disapproving glare.
"Hi, Cooper," he said slowly.
"Hey, Kurt," the older Anderson replied somewhat sheepishly.
"What's going on here?" Burt asked standing next to his son.
"Nothing," Blaine responded. "He just wanted to talk to me."
"Good timing, bro," Finn said not taking his focus off of the tassle. "Way to ruin a guy's big day."
"You're right," Cooper said raising his hands. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come." He turned to leave, his eyes sad as he looked over his shoulder. "Happy graduation, Bittybot."
Blaine blinked and then Cooper was gone, blending into the crowd as if he'd never even been there.
"Shit," he swore running a hand through his hair.
He looked back and saw Carol, Burt, and Kurt looking at him worriedly. Blaine forced a smile on his face and turned to Carol as he readjusted his cap.
"So how about that picture?"
"We should probably get back," Kurt said sadly. Blaine was lying down with his head in Kurt's lap, his eyes closed as Kurt played with Blaine's soft curls.
The brunette opened his eyes slowly, "but'm comfy," he whined pouting his adorable pout.
"Yes but if we don't go, Santana's going to think we're having mind blowing kinky sex in here."
Blaine laughed, not moving. "Let her think what she likes." He nuzzled his head further into Kurt's hand. "Your fingers are magic."
Kurt smiled, a light blush smattering his cheeks. "She won't let me hear the end of it," he pushed, his fingers still making their way through Blaine's hair.
"But hair," he groaned.
"Please?" Kurt asked offering a pout of his own. Blaine smiled not moving.
"Your pout may be better than mine," he mused.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "It's because I'm cuter."
Blaine nodded, "yeah you are." He sighed and finally pushed himself up, groaning at the lack of contact. "I officially hate Santana," he said narrowing his eyes.
Kurt laughed. "She has that effect on people."
Blaine grumbled some more and got to his feet, holding out his hand to Kurt. The porcelain skinned boy took it, adoring the feel of Blaine's hand in his. He was pulled to his feet, but he didn't let go of Blaine's hand. The brunette raised a triangular brow and Kurt just winked, grinning.
Blaine reciprocated the smile and started towards the door, letting their hands swing between them. He paused before he opened the door.
"You okay?" Kurt questioned, giving Blaine a strange look.
The brunette looked at him before quirking an eyebrow, "Do you want to give Santana something to talk about?"
Kurt didn't hesitate. "Dear God, yes."
Kurt had agreed to hold the after party. Rachel was going to offer her house but everyone knew that that wasn't a good idea.
They'd arrived home a while ago, everyone slowly getting down from the high of graduating. Now Kurt was setting up for the arrival of the rest of glee members and Blaine was attempting to help, but the arrival of Cooper had thrown him off.
Currently, he stood with a pile of paper plates in his hand staring at the wall as he got lost in thought about what Cooper could have wanted. In Blaine's heart of hearts he knew he wanted to talk to him—Blaine had to talk to him. It had been a year and if anything Blaine deserved some closure from the last member of the Anderson family.
He sighed and blinked, quickly snapping back to reality and putting the plates where they were supposed to be.
There was a time and place for these thoughts and this wasn't it.
This was his graduation, the end of this chapter in his life. He should be happy.
But try as he might, he couldn't quite conjure the emotion.
Blaine smiled coyly and let Kurt lead him back to the couch.
Kurt's heart was beating a thousand beats a second, but his face was calm and cool; a trick hardwired into him from years of bullying.
They sunk into the plush cushion, eyes locked on each other.
Neither one of them moved.
Silence ensued as their tensions slowly rose; sending out a sexual spark so massive it threatened to consume them whole.
Simultaneously they moved in closer, inclining their heads. Kurt closed his eyes first, his heart beating even faster though he didn't know how it was possible.
He felt Blaine's breath on his lips, hot and heavy and oh so delicious. Kurt wanted him so badly, and from Blaine's laboured breathing Kurt assumed he felt the same.
Now ain't that something.
Kurt was wanted.
A small smile spread on his face and he moved in, closing the distance between them.
It was official, Blaine hated parties.
Okay fine that wasn't true, he thoroughly enjoyed parties, but at this moment in time he didn't have the mood nor the proper state of mind to enjoy this one. He floated through it as if on a cloud, looking at the people through its wispy tendrils. He wasn't grounded and Blaine just wanted to leave.
What you really want is to talk to Cooper.
Blaine wasn't sure how he felt about that. Maybe the voice was right. Maybe he just needed to buck up and talk to his brother. Everyone had told him to forgive the man, perhaps it was time to do it before the anger and guilt tore him apart.
Fucking Cooper Anderson. Blaine groaned.
He infiltrated Blaine's life whenever he fucking felt like it, and obviously his timing was worse than Rachel's.
Siblings, Blaine rolled his eyes and closed them, trying to rub the tension out of his brow. A soft hand touched his shoulder, and Blaine jumped at the contact, his eyes wide as he met Kurt's worried stare.
"You okay?" Kurt asked slowly, knowing the answer but wanting to see what Blaine would say. The boy in question just shrugged sighing.
"Not really," he replied. "But this isn't really the time to talk about it, look," he gestured to the group of people milling around and dancing to the music. "Everyone's happy."
"Yes but you're not."
Blaine smiled, stealing a kiss from Kurt's unhappy pout. "I will be."
"But—" Kurt started.
"Hush," Blaine placed his finger on Kurt's mouth quieting his boyfriend's protests. "I will be."
The distance felt like a thousand light years. Kurt felt the heat radiating off of Blaine, the boy's smell; Old Spice, cinnamon, and something a little bit spicy engulfed his senses.
He took a breath.
He got closer.
The sound of the door unlocking.
Kurt jumped away from Blaine, leaping to his feet and straightening out his hair. Blaine opened his eyes and looked at Kurt with hurt and confusion. The pale boy pointed to the door and Blaine's eyes darkened. He got to his feet and hurried over to the back of the shed. There was a cupboard there Kurt hadn't noticed before.
Blaine pulled it open, and a bunch of pool toys fell out, littering the floor with their water fun joy.
"Stupid door," Kurt heard Rachel cuss from the other side of the door. "It always sticks—Aha!" With a final shove Rachel managed to shove the door open and stumble through looking incredibly unenthusiastic.
"Blaine," she whined giving Kurt a small wave. "We need to change that door."
Blaine looked over his shoulder at his sister as he pretended to sieve through the toys. "You're the only one it ever gives trouble to," he replied choosing a few random noodles a couple more water guns and a floater. "You replace it."
She rolled her eyes shoving past him, grabbing the volleyball net. "We're going to play volleyball," she explained backing out of his space. "So you may want to put those back."
Blaine huffed. "You're going to use the entire pool?"
"Everyone's playing," Rachel cocked her head and offered him an award winning smile that was laced with so much poison Kurt was glad that looks couldn't kill. "So yes, we're using the entire pool."
Blaine rolled his eye and studiously put the toys back.
"Relax," Rachel said, flipping her hair and walking towards the exit. "It'll be fun. It starts as soon as the net is up so hurry up and put those away so you don't miss out on the fun."
She left soon after speaking, her exit leaving a massive elephant in the room.
Curse Rachel and her incessant timing, Kurt thought to himself. It was positively reproachful.
"Well," Kurt said cocking his head at Blaine.
"That was…interesting," the Anderson twin laughed closing the closet door.
"Looks like we're going to have to be very careful," Kurt stated simply.
Blaine nodded. "Yeah, my sister always has the worst timing."
Kurt laughed. "Boy do I know it! Here," he said grabbing Blaine's arm and dragging him towards the door. "Let's go play some v-ball."
Summer blurred by in a frenzy of working, packing, nerves, and tearful goodbyes. The summer had gone by quickly and Kurt and Blaine had two days before they left for New York and moved into their apartment. They then had two weeks before school started to get settled in and buy whatever other odds and ends they needed.
Blaine was as excited as he was nervous. Kurt was as sad as he was excited. It surprised him too, he didn't think he'd be so attached to a place he despised. But in all the pain of Lima, Ohio there was a lot of happiness too, and he was going to miss that. All his friends were being scattered around the country, and it hurt more than Kurt could even believe. His family was leaving and while he knew it wasn't forever, Kurt wasn't stupid. They'd be living, loving, growing far away without him in their lives. They'd move on from who they are now and they won't be the people Kurt will remember. Sure they'll be the same, but in the end, the past was the past, and it would never be the same as the present.
Kurt was becoming nostalgic and he hadn't even left yet.
He was going to miss his room too, in ways he couldn't even imagine. This place had been his sanctuary, with its grey walls and killer sound system; he'd wasted away many a painful school night here. And when Blaine moved in, he saw his room change and become their room. Little pieces of Blaine inserted their way into the room, adding splashes of colour, life, and a crippling sensation of home. Kurt walked around the now very empty room slowly, trying to keep the tears at bay. This was it, the stark truth around him. He was growing up, becoming a man, his own adult. This room was the final remnants of his childhood, the final remnants of his youth that was fading into the grey on the walls.
He shook his head taking a deep breath. He may be getting older, but he was still young, he wasn't a bitter old man and he wasn't allowed to think like that, not yet. Kurt put a smile on his face and continued circling, breathing in the scent of his mother that was trapped in the draws. It used to be kept in his dad's room but when Carol moved in Burt gave it to Kurt.
The moving trucks hadn't been able to fit everything so the last few things would be packed into a smaller van with the drawer. Kurt had let the movers know with his crystal clear authority, that if anything happened to it, they would not make it out alive.
He made it back to the door and stopped, looking at his room properly one last time. Kurt smiled and nodded, a silent thank you that the air sucked up, making the air heavy and bringing tears to Kurt's eyes. He smiled a watery smile and shut off the light, closing the door and walking up the stairs.
The house was silent as Kurt ascended, and Kurt vaguely remembered Burt, Finn, and Blaine, saying something about a football game or something so he assumed Carol was hanging out with Mrs. Puckerman. With a shrug, Kurt went to the living room thankful for the time to himself.
He loved his family he did, but they were boisterous at the best of times and sometimes all a boy needed was to relax.
Kurt rolled his eyes. It was always the damn doorbell. Getting to his feet Kurt went to the door, opening it and sighing at the person on the other side.
"So, teams!" Santana said throwing the volleyball and catching it as she eyed the teenagers. "How are we going to go about doing this?"
"We could just split in half," Wes offered.
"That's no fun," Santana pouted. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kurt and Blaine return with a few pool toys. She smirked and looked back at the crowd. "I say we have captains."
All the boys raised their hands almost instantly. Santana laughed rolling her eyes. "No, no, I say let's let the hobbits be captains. It is their pool party after all."
She was met with a murmer of agreement. She smiled and met Blaine and Rachel's eyes. "Go on then," she called beckoning them towards the front of the crowd. "Choose your teams."
"Careful," Kurt whispered to Blaine as he walked by him. "Don't choose me, it's a trap."
Blaine smirked throwing him a quick wink. "Don't worry, with you on the opposite team, it gives me a good reason to watch you without it seeming to suspicious." Kurt blushed and Blaine laughed pushing past his sister to stand next to Santana first.
The Latina dipped her head and slunk back into the crowd. "Blaine chooses first," she stated. Rachel rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.
Blaine looked into the crowd and was faced with smiling faces, he rolled his eyes. "Wes."
"Damn," Santana groaned. "I wanted to be on Senor sexy's team."
The team picking continued on until everyone was gone, Kurt was in fact on Rachel's team along with Santana, Brittany, Nick, and Tina. Blaine had Wes, David, Jeff, Quinn, and Thad, with Mercedes doing the score keeping and refereeing.
As Kurt took his place in front of Rachel who was the first to serve the ball he couldn't help but shake his head and whisper, "I have got a bad feeling about this."
"He's not here," Kurt said leaning against the door. "And I honestly have no idea when he'll be back."
Cooper smiled. "It's okay, I just wanted to drop something off for him—a graduation gift if you will."
"You can come back tomorrow," Kurt offered.
Cooper shook his head shushing Kurt. "It's okay," Cooper said reaching into his suit jacket pocket. "He doesn't want to see me, I understand. Just give this to him for me, alright?" He pulled out a white envelope with Blaine's name on it, written in Cooper's fine scrawl.
"…Okay," Kurt said slowly taking the envelope in his hands. He examined it, noticing its stark whiteness and unblemished skin. Cooper's penmanship looked harsh on the pale paper, marring it in all its deceptive beauty.
Kurt looked back up at Cooper cocking his head. "What is it?"
Cooper shrugged. "A gift."
"A gift gift or an Anderson gift?" Kurt asked raising his eyebrow.
Cooper smiled. "A gift is a gift is a gift is a gift," he replied. "It doesn't matter who it's from."
"How much is it?"
Cooper rolled his eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me," Kurt growled. "He won't accept it and you know it."
"Then make him see reason," Cooper responded, not reacting to Kurt's anger. "It's the money that is rightfully his. He needs it for school because no matter what he says, he doesn't have enough. As long as he saves some of it for that, he can do with it what he pleases; give it to charity, build a house for the homeless, splurge it on cheap booze, I don't care, as long as I know that he's alright. That you guys will be alright."
Kurt sighed, any vehemence leaving his body. "Why not just shove it into his bank account?"
"Because I want to give him a choice."
Kurt scoffed crossing his arms. "Telling me to make him see reason is not giving him a choice."
"Kurt," Cooper started.
The pale boy laughed angrily shaking his head. "You know what? No." He shoved the envelope back at the older Anderson. "It's your gift; you give it to him yourself."
"No but's about it," Kurt interrupted with authority. "I'm done playing mediator between you two. You need to work your issues out. We're leaving tomorrow, so," Kurt started closing the door. "Come back later tonight or I'll see you in the morning. Otherwise, we'll be long gone."
Before Cooper could reply, Kurt shut the door on the man's stricken face.
The house was dark when Burt, Blaine, and Finn entered laughing about something or another. They all paused at the entrance cocking their heads for a moment before Burt shrugged and said, "Kurt's probably in his room."
The others nodded and took of their shoes, laughter still in their tone as they continued talking. Blaine stepped into the house first, turning into the living room to see if Kurt had fallen asleep while watching TV. The room was empty so he turned back to Finn and Burt who were both walking up the stairs.
"I'll be up in a minute," Blaine said. "I'm just getting some water."
Burt shrugged, "Take your time kiddo, I'll probably go to bed now anyway."
"Oh," Blaine stuttered, "Okay…night. We'll watch the reruns in the morning then." Burt smiled and nodded, ascending the stairs and turning to his room. Finn gave Blaine a heavy look before climbing again and disappearing into his bedroom.
Blaine frowned but didn't think anything of it, deciding to blame it on Finn's general weirdness and the fact that it was late. Walking into the kitchen Blaine didn't bother to turn a light on, moving around in the familiar darkness to get his glass and run the water through the filter. Turning towards the dining room he saw the outline of a figure and stifled a scream grabbing for a knife. The person didn't move so Blaine ducked to the floor, gently laying the glass down before ninja rolling to the wall and flicking the light on. Blaine quickly got to his feet and glanced towards the person all senses heightened before he saw who it was.
Cooper was asleep in a dining room chair, and it had given Blaine a heart attack.
The curly haired Anderson rolled his eyes at himself, before picking his glass up off of the floor and moving towards his brother, head cocked as he watched Cooper breathe evenly; deep into the realm of dreams. Blaine sat next to him, staring at him for a while not sure what to do. He didn't want to talk to him; he really didn't want to talk to him. But having him here now, his face so calm and young as he slept reminded Blaine of when they were younger. Back to the days when Cooper would put Blaine on his shoulders and say "Bittybot, one day you'll reach further than these trees. One day you'll hold the stars in your hands, you'll be the best that you can, and the whole world will smile at your name."
Tears pricked at Blaine's eyes, his throat seizing. This wasn't fair. Blaine was going to be the one to call him. He was going to call Cooper when he was ready, and he almost was, but this…no he couldn't do this.
Blaine rose to stand, and picked up his glass before a white envelope right behind it caught his eye. Adjusting his head he saw it addressed to him in Cooper's loopy script. Blaine frowned narrowing his eyebrows. He hesitated for a split second before grabbing it and sitting back down again, staring at it with avid distrust.
His hands shaking slightly, Blaine opened the envelop narrowing his eyes as soon as he pulled out the cheque. His eyes opened incredibly wide as he saw the number that was on it, and they narrowed again, anger consuming him.
How dare he!?
Before he could think about what he was doing, Blaine picked up his glass and chucked the water at Cooper's face, watching with amusement as the older Anderson woke up spluttering.
"What the hell is going on!?' Cooper asked confused, flailing as he tried to get a grip on his surroundings.
Blaine didn't give him any time to recuperate. "What is this?" he growled shoving the cheque in his brother's face.
Cooper wiped his face, flicking his hands over top the table before turning to Blaine.
"That was rude," he stated.
"What the hell is this?" Blaine repeated, shaking the cheque slightly.
Cooper rolled his eyes. "What does it look like?"
"You trying to buy my goddamn affection." Blaine stood up throwing the cheque on Cooper's lap. "I already told you, I don't want anything to do with you, so why the hell do you think I'd accept your money?"
"I don't care how you feel about me, just take it."
"No," Blaine denied.
Cooper rolled his eyes again, wiping some of the water off of his face using his sleeve. "I'm not trying to buy you," he replied honestly, looking up at Blaine over his now wet suit jacket. "I've just been in your position and I understand how expensive it is to be a student. And you want to be a student in New York? No, just take the money."
"Fuck you," Blaine hissed. "Fuck you and your sudden interest in my life. Fuck you and your money and your car and your mother fucking you-ness. I don't want this," Blaine gestured frantically between them. "I thought I did but now I can see that I don't. You're the last thread to my old life and I need to cut it. So thank you for coming Cooper, but I don't what you or your money so kindly leave."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"GET OUT!" Blaine yelled his chest heaving. "J-just…just go."
Cooper shook his head, regarding his younger brother with much sadness. "I can't." he said. "I have things that I need to say."
Blaine didn't reply his jaw working as he looked everywhere but at Cooper's face.
"Blaine," Cooper started. "I…I'm so sorry. I honestly…there's nothing else for me to say but that. I am sorry for everything. For all the shit I put you through, and for leaving, and for letting you push me away again. I am sorry for all of it, and I completely understand why you're mad at me and I don't know how I can change that, so I'm not trying to change that I just—"
"You what Coop?" Blaine asked aggressively meeting Cooper's eyes again. "You just want to give me an obscene amount of money and then run, never to be in my life again? You think you can just do that?"
"So you do want me around?" Cooper asked a smidgen of hope.
"That's not what I said," Blaine retorted.
"But it's what you meant," Cooper pushed. "You want your brother back."
Blaine ran his hand through his hair shaking his head. "Of course I want you back! You're my brother and you meant the world to me, but you also betrayed me Coop. In every stage of my life you betrayed me. You left, and screwed with my life, and watched my heart break into a million pieces without lifting a finger."
"I already told you I—"
"You left me on my own with nothing but a few memories and a lingering hope that somehow, you still cared about me."
"Blaine you know I—"
"And then you came back with your same cocky grin, and similar personality, but now you were older, and independent, and a completely different person than I'd known."
"But you fixed things, and you shone light on the truth and you fixed my broken heart, and you dealt with our family, and you and Stacey are happy again."
Blaine paused staring into nothing.
When he didn't continue to speak Cooper prompted him; "But…"
Blaine blinked quickly, drying the tears from his eyes. "But that doesn't make things okay. Fixing the mess you created doesn't make you the hero."
"I never wanted to be the hero," Cooper replied cocking his head. "I just wanted to rectify my wrongs. And I did that."
"Yet here I am," Blaine replied with a weak smile.
"Yet there you are," Cooper reaffirmed.
A slight pause.
"There's nothing I can do about you," Cooper said finally.
"Excuse you?"
"This," Cooper continued, gesturing to all of Blaine. "This anger that you feel towards me and all of my actions, nothing I do can change that." Blaine rolled his eyes but Cooper continued on undeterred. "I've been forgiven by everybody else."
"Everybody else isn't me," Blaine growled.
"You're right," Cooper nodded. "You are you, and only you have the power to allocate me your forgiveness. I've done all I can—"
"It's not enough."
"You might think so," Cooper agreed. "But just remember that there's nothing I can do to change the past. The old me, he's gone just like you're not who you used to be. That may be my fault, yes, but it happened and now we need to move past it."
Blaine looked at Cooper with anger, "That's so easy for you to say."
"But it's not," Cooper shook his head, looking at Blaine with sad eyes. "You honestly think abandoning you was easy? Or not being able to find Stacey after she was raped? Or the reason that she got raped in the first place was because I wasn't there, because I was looking after you in the damn hospital? My life is one sorry mistake after another, but after a while I…" Cooper trailed off, feeling awkward as Blaine stared at him through narrowed eyes. "…What?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're really going to make me re say that whole speech?" Cooper asked.
"No," Blaine huffed, waving away the stupid question. "I mean you looking after me in the hospital, what do you mean?"
Cooper cocked his head as he read Blaine's face, looking to see if this was a test but not able to read anything from Blaine's face. "Dad didn't tell you?"
"Our parents don't tell me a lot of things," Blaine said roughly. "Tell me."
"After the Sadie Hawkin's dance," Cooper started slowly. "Dad was with me when the hospital called him and he made the choice to bring me with him. I stayed with you for most of the time until you woke up and then I left because I didn't want to give you any more stress."
"…So dad wasn't lying," Blaine mused looking startled. "I remember seeing you but I thought I was dreaming."
Cooper shrugged, "You weren't dreaming. And when I got back to L.A Stacey was gone."
Blaine paled. "You were with me when she got attacked?"
Cooper nodded non-committedly.
"So it's my fault you weren't there," Blaine said slowly, looking as if he was going to puke as he spoke.
"No that's not fair to put on yourself," Cooper argued as he saw the rising panic in his younger brother. "You didn't ask me to come."
"But you did anyway because I'm an idiot and got myself hurt!"
"Hey!" Cooper yelled, pulling Blaine out of his spiraling hysterics. "Sadie Hawkin's wasn't your fault. You're not an idiot for wanting to bring a date you actually like and it's not your fault those boys attacked you. Just like it's not your fault that I left, or that I wasn't there for Stacey. Nothing was your fault."
"But it was my life," Blaine answered giving Cooper a blank look. "And I ruined it. Not you."
"Blaine no," Cooper started.
"Look," Blaine cut Cooper off blinking, trying to bring Cooper into focus, but the shock of reality was making it hard for him to do so. "I need you to go."
"I'm leaving tomorrow, but I'll call you when I'm settled in okay?"
"Okay?" Blaine pushed.
"No." Cooper said shaking his head fervently. "No, no not again I can't. You've pushed me out every single time and no. No more."
"Cooper," Blaine begged.
"No," Cooper crossed his arms. "I'm not leaving until we find peace with each other. I need it as much as you do."
"Well I don't know what you want me to do," Blaine said.
"I want you to forgive me," Cooper replied.
Blaine didn't say anything so Cooper sighed before continuing. "And then I want you to forgive yourself, because no matter what you think, this isn't your fault…you were always enough."
Silence wrapped around them as Blaine stewed in Cooper's words, his hand running through his hair as a myriad of emotions flashed across his face. His jaw worked and tears perked in his eyes but he barely made a sound. Cooper watched him with resignation. He felt the urge to wrap Blaine in a big hug but didn't think it would be well received so he ignored it.
"Fine," Blaine said finally, his voice low so that Cooper almost couldn't hear him.
"What?" Cooper asked furrowing his brows.
"Fine!" Blaine yelled throwing his hands in the air. "You're forgiven. I forgive you and all the shitty things you did to me!"
"No you don't," Cooper said disappointedly.
"You're right," Blaine nodded. "I don't. Because forgiveness isn't something that comes over night, but know that I'm trying, I really am. And one day soon I'll be able to forgive you, but that day is not today."
Cooper nodded slowly, his hands clenching in his pockets.
"And as a taken of my good will," Blaine continued. "I'll take your stupid money." A massive smile adorned Cooper's face and it took all of Blaine's will-power not to rip the cheque in half just to watch it fall from his face. Yes, he was definitely not forgiven.
"But I'm not going to use it," Blaine added.
Cooper smiled sadly, "Of course," he said.
Blaine nodded. "But I promise," he said with assurance looking Cooper dead in the eye. "I will call you."
Cooper nodded, mimicking Blaine and running a hand through his hair. "I'm trusting you Bittybot."
"Don't worry Toopha, I will."
Cooper smiled properly then, looking at Blaine with fondness. "I haven't heard you call me that in forever."
Blaine shrugged tapping his fingers on the table. "You keep calling me Bittybot, how can I not?"
"But Toopha is so embarrassing," Cooper groaned.
"Yes," Blaine deadpanned. "Because Bittybot is so much more emasculating."
"I think Rachel got the best deal with Starshine," Cooper said with a pout.
"Mm, she deserves it," Blaine replied with a nod. "But I'm pretty sure she started calling you Toopha first."
"You both did," Cooper grumbled. "You'd think two year olds would be able to say Cooper."
Blaine laughed shaking his mass of curls. "You'd think a guy would get used to his nickname."
Cooper shrugged and they lapsed into a comfortable silence, the kind they hadn't felt in many a year.
"I really am sorry," Cooper decided to say.
"I know," Blaine replied. "And I really am going to call."
"I know," Cooper replied.
And they supposed, that was good enough for now.
Volleyball went fine despite Kurt's feeling. Rachel's team won because Santana and Rachel were nothing but ruthless when it came to winning, and if Blaine was slightly distracted by a certain someone, nobody was the wiser.
Gingerly, everyone left the pool as Santana and Blaine shook hands after three tough rounds. Kurt shook his head at the two and went back to his lawn chair, lounging in it as he stretched out his slightly sore muscles.
That had been quite a workout.
He had to admit though; today had been a good day. He had a date scheduled, got a good workout, and made some new friends in the Dalton Warblers. Kurt was happy, things were beginning to look up for him and he knew from smile on his face and the tingle in his heart: this was going to be a summer he'd never forget.
Kurt awoke to soft kisses being peppered all over his body. A smile graced his face and he tiredly put his hand on Blaine's face, pulling the curly haired boy up so he could see him. Hazel eyes met blue and they both paused there for a moment, drinking each other in.
"Good morning," Kurt said with a smile.
"Morning," Blaine replied.
"I have to admit, this is a lovely way to wake up."
"Well," Blaine shrugged, or at least attempted one since it was hard to shrug properly when both hands were holding up his weight. "I wanted your last morning here to be a special one, you deserve it."
"As do you," Kurt said placing a gentle kiss on Blaine's lips.
Blaine made a non-committal sound of agreement before diving in for a deeper kiss. "I love you," he stated when they broke apart for air.
Kurt giggled shaking his head. "You really are happy to be getting out of here aren't you?"
Blaine pursed his lips, "I'll appreciate the freedom," he replied honestly.
Kurt nodded, "I get that."
"But I'm going to miss your family," Blaine said. Kurt gave him a stern loon and Blaine smiled kissing away the crease between his furrowed brows. "My apologies, our family, I'm going to miss our family."
Kurt smiled before answering. "Don't worry; I'm going to miss them too."
Blaine sighed before rolling off of Kurt, lying down next to him, entangling their legs so that they were still touching. "This is it," he said nervously. "The last day before it's you and me versus the world."
"What's the matter?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow with a small smirk. "Don't think we can do it?"
Blaine laughed moving in closer to Kurt. "Please," he harrumphed. "With you, I can do anything. And with Cooper's money anything is possible."
Blaine felt Kurt tense up next to him and Blaine sighed, bracing himself for Kurt's anger. But surprisingly it didn't come.
"You took it?" Kurt asked stoically, eerily calm compared to the anger that would have usually come.
"I had to," Blaine said with a shrug.
"Are you happy you took it?"
"It doesn't really affect my happiness," Blaine retorted. "It was for his benefit not for mine."
Kurt nodded but didn't say anything.
"Are you mad?" Blaine asked quietly.
"No," Kurt replied. "Just…surprised, I guess."
"You didn't think I'd take it?"
"I don't know," Kurt started. "I thought you'd be more…offended."
Blaine couldn't deny that. "I was at first," he admitted. "But we talked it out."
Kurt bit his lip, glancing at Blaine out of the corner of his eye, "So you and Cooper are brothers again?"
Blaine smiled, "We were always brothers. But to answer your question, no…not yet."
Kurt nodded again, searching for Blaine's hand to take in his. "And that's good enough for now?"
Blaine giggled slipping his hand into Kurt's searching one. "Yes, that's good enough for now."
The drive to the airport was silent, nobody saying a word as the reality of everything sank into them. Two of their three boys were leaving. Kurt and Blaine were going to New York and they wouldn't see each other again until Christmas.
Carol stifled a sob, hardly able to believe how fast the time had gone. It was just last week that Finn was an infant, and she'd met Burt two days ago, and adopted Blaine only yesterday. But now everyone was leaving and growing up and she had no idea being a mother would be this hard.
She had watched her boys blossom into wonderful young men, and she was happy to push them into the world, but it still hurt. A lot. And she'd miss them so much, but for now she'd have to deal.
They pulled into the airport and unloaded all their bags. Kurt and Blaine checked themselves in before going back to Burt and Carol who looked at them with mixed emotions in their eyes.
"So," Burt said gruffly, his voice thick with tears. "I suppose this is goodbye."
Kurt shook his head, "No," he said vehemently. "This is an 'I'll see you at Christmas.'"
Burt nodded, "Christmas it is."
"Oh come here," Carol crooned pulling Kurt down into a hug. "You be good now, okay?"
Kurt laughed "Of course Carol."
"That goes for you too Blaine," she said, pointing to Blaine with her empty hand.
Blaine mock saluted. "Yes ma'am."
Carol laughed and let Kurt go, kissing his forehead before looking him in the eyes and saying: "You take good care of Blaine, now. And take care of yourself too."
"I promise I will," Kurt said smiling through watery eyes. "He and I both."
Carol looked at his face one last time before letting him go with an affectionate pat. "I love you, darling," she said earnestly.
"And I you," Kurt replied tears welling in his eyes again before he turned to his father. "Daddy," he said after a small silence.
Before Kurt knew what was happening, he was being enveloped in a giant hug that Kurt realized was Burt a few seconds after. Finally hugging him back Kurt hugged him tightly, reveling in it for the future.
"I'm going to miss you, kiddo," Burt said gruffly before pulling away and patting Kurt's shoulder. "Knock 'em dead."
Kurt nodded striking a random pose, "you know I always do."
Burt nodded, not trusting himself to say anything as his throat clenched. He wiped his eyes quickly and looked at his son's face for the last time. He looked so much like his mother and he had so much of her in him, some days Burt had to stop himself before he called Kurt Elizabeth. He could remember the day Kurt was born like it was yesterday, how happy Elizabeth was, and the overwhelming pride that shot through Burt as he saw his tiny baby boy. He was so small, so fragile, but now Kurt was all grown up; ready to go into the world on his own with a good man by his side.
Burt turned his attention to Blaine who stood a few feet away shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.
"Well come on," Burt said holding his hand out to Blaine. "Come over here."
Blaine let out a breath but lost it again as Burt pulled him into a tight hug. "You're family now, you hear? I want to hear from you every week, and if you and Kurt ever have problems don't hesitate to call me, okay? We're your family too and no matter what happens, we'll be here for you."
Blaine let out a shaky breath as he blinked back tears.
"Okay," he said shakily. "I'll miss you and t-thank you, for everything."
Burt pulled away first, ruffling Blaine's hair as he let him go. "Be good."
Blaine turned to Carol who was smiling through her tears. Blaine let out a rough laugh and pulled out a hankie, gently dabbing Carol's face.
"I'll see you at Christmas?"
"And every Thursday for our Skype dates m'kay?" Blaine nodded, placing the hankie in her hand. "You keep it, for good luck." Carol rolled her eyes and pulled Blaine in for a tight hug. He clasped her back, and this time, he pulled back first, stepping back so he was standing next to Kurt.
"I think we should go," Blaine said looking at Kurt. "We don't want to miss our flight."
Kurt nodded, swallowing tears. "You're right." The pale boy looked back at his parents, at his new family with sadness and excitement bubbling through his system. "It's time to move on."
Burt and Carol nodded together, before Carol made a shooing motion with her hands. "Well what are you waiting for? Go."
Kurt and Blaine smiled and took each other's hands, blowing Burt and Carol a kiss before walking towards the gates and getting lost in the throng of people.
Kurt let out a shuddered breath and squeezed Blaine's hand. "You know," he said with an amused smile. "I think Carol likes you more than she likes me."
Blaine laughed shaking his head. "Well my charm is undeniable."
Kurt rolled his eyes resisting the urge to look back. "I can't deny it."
"I know," Blaine said with a smile. "That's why you're still here."
Both boys stopped when they found their gate, taking a seat next to each other as they waited for boarding to start. "I'm still here because you're a thief and you stole my heart," Kurt replied bumping his shoulder into Blaine's.
"No," Blaine responded. "I'm pretty sure you gave it to me."
"Potato, po-tah-to," Kurt scoffed. "Either way, I belong to you now."
"And I belong to you," Blaine said smiling.
"Now shut up and kiss me," Kurt demanded with a coy smile.
So he did.
ooohhhh mmyyyy gooodddd!!!! this was definitely one of the most emotionally taxing stories ive read on this site! thats how one knows its a goody! i ablsolutely loved it! i want to kill blaines mother. ugh! anyway it was an amazing story! one of my favs on here and ive read quite a few. dont stope writing!! =]
Aww my goodness thank you so very much! It means a lot to me and you totally made my day, so thank you very much :)
I loved this and I miss it wasn't over! This story made me sooo sad at times and soo happy at others. It agrivated me and made me overjoyed. I cried many time while reading this, but I also laughed and smiled many times. Again I LOVED this. Thank you for writing such an amazing story!<3 Emma :D