Second Chances
I Can Explain...Really! Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: I Can Explain...Really!

M - Words: 3,865 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
340 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I managed to insert the name of the story into the story and I feel way to accomplished XD
Chapter Sixteen

I Can Explain…Really!


Burt watched the boys walk in. Their hands were tightly clasped together and their steps did not fumble. Good…that was good. What they did in the next few moments counted. Their every move was important, their every word and gesture. Burt needed them to do well, for his sanity as well as theirs.

The boys sat down silently across from him, the shotgun on the table making the silence awkward and unbearable.

"Dad, put that thing away," Kurt finally said, his voice pushing its way through the haze of awkward.

Burt shrugged, placing his hands calmly on the gun. "It's protection."

"Protection from what?" Kurt asked confused and defensive. Burt didn't reply, but he gave Kurt a look that seemed to say, 'Oh you know what from.' The father son combo stared at each other before Kurt looked away, his gaze flickering to Blaine. Burt had won that one.

"So," Blaine decided to cut in to make the conversation actually move somewhere. Burt shot the boy a death glare but Blaine carried on barely fazed. Kurt and Burt's bitch faces were so similar and it was a face that Blaine had gotten so often that he barely even blinked.

"I know what you must be thinking," Blaine started.

"Are you sure about that, son?" Burt asked leaning forward. "Because if you did, I'm quite positive you wouldn't have come back here."

"Sir," Blaine countered trying to get leverage in the conversation so that he could push his point across. "In my defense, there was a lot going on that you don't know about."

Burt shrugged and looked Blaine dead in the eye. "I know what I need to know." He said menace pouring off of him like torrential rain. "You broke my son. You gave him hope after everything he's been through, and then you yanked it away. That's enough to make the average man irate, imagine what it does to me."


"I don't believe there's an excuse in the world that can write off what you did."

"Dad!" Kurt exclaimed. "Just hear him out."

"No," Burt said sternly making a hand motion to make Kurt stop talking. "No. I don't see any reason why I should." He turned back to Blaine. "And you know what? Having you in my house is making me feel sick to my stomach. I would thank you kindly if you left now and never came back."

A beat passed where nobody moved. Blaine was frozen to his seat and Kurt was frozen in horror and distress. When Burt gave Blaine an expectant look, Blaine returned it with a steady gaze. His gaze was stoic as he took in every detail of Burt's face.

"Now," the man said raising the shotgun two inches from Blaine's face. Kurt visibly paled and his face made a perfect 'O' shape. Blaine's gaze went back to Burt, his hands were still but one drop of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Blaine made a choice.

"No," he said as firmly as he could.

Burt cocked the gun and pointed it back at Blaine. "What did you say?"

"Blaine!" Kurt gasped. "Dad," he said turning to his father. "Stop!"

"I said No," Blaine said raising his brow, his family's hereditary sassiness slipping through. "You told us two minutes, and I ask that you honour that. If you still wish me to leave after that then fine, but I have something to say and I demand that you let me say it."

Kurt watched wide eyed as he dad didn't move, his stillness was almost surreal as he watched Blaine, the shotgun not wavering once. Slowly, almost too slow to notice, Burt lowered the gun.

"You have exactly two minutes," he said his eyes flickering to the clock above the door. "Go."

"Mr. Hummel," Blaine started. "You were right. You were so right. There is absolutely no excuse for what I did to Kurt, but you have to understand, it wasn't out of the malice of my own heart."

"One minute," Burt said his expression a neutral and constant 'don't care.'

Kurt gave Blaine a frantic look but the dapper boy ignored him, refusing to let his panic set in. "I was forced to do it," he said careful not to rush his words. "My mother and brother have had a running feud and she figured the ultimate way to get to him was through me. So she threatened you and Kurt, and I couldn't let her do it so I gave in to her demands."

Burt was nonplussed. "And what did she threaten us with?" he asked. "And even so, most threats are empty Blaine."

The dapper boy resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I wouldn't have done what I did on an empty threat, sir." He said trying to keep his voice as respectful as possible, though irritation was starting to boil under his skin. "You don't know my family, and you don't know my mother. That's my fault yes, but it was of import. She's…psychotic is a bit strong, but ruthless, and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants."

"You haven't answered my question," Burt said leaning back.

Blaine sighed and Kurt squeezed his hand in reassurance. "She was going to have you sent to jail."

Burt chuckled sarcastically. "Wow," he said with a dramatic flourish he could have only learned from Kurt. "Scary!"

"For life." Blaine said flatly. "For murdering Elizabeth."

Burt froze, before disbelief set him into motion again. "You're joking," he said slowly narrowing his eyes at Blaine as if they could see through a lie.

Blaine shook his head. "No sir."

"Well that's still stupid," Burt defended. "Because it's a lie. I would never do anything like that to Elizabeth. She was my everything." Burt's words were laced with an emotion that was hard to distinguish. All Blaine could tell was that it was old, it was deep, and it echoed the pain he had felt when he had told Kurt good-bye.

Poor Burt.

"I…I know," Blaine said slowly, a lump suddenly in his throat. "But she had the whole story figured out and with her fabricated evidence and bought jury…you would have gone straight to jail Mr. Hummel. And I couldn't let that happen, but there was no way I was going to let Kurt know. What would I have said?" he asked looking at Burt, his soulful eyes open and sad, begging him to believe him. Blaine was puppy eying Kurt's father and it might even be working. "Hey there, sorry for the inconvenience but you have to choose now; me, or your father and the only life you've ever known?" Blaine sighed suddenly and he slumped back in his chair looking at his hands.

"In all honesty Mr. Hummel," he said biting his lip. "You're right. I shouldn't be here right now, I don't' deserve to be in this safe house because I took the coward's way out. I couldn't bear to stand and watch Kurt leave me, so I left him. There were other reasons of course but that was the main one and…" he looked up, tears welling in his eyes. The room was silent as the relatives watched Blaine slowly break down. "I am so sorry," he said blinking back the tears. "I'm a terrible person I know but, I made a mistake and Kurt is giving me the option of another chance. Isn't that what we all strive for, Mr. Hummel? The moments when we get to right our wrongs and fix all the mistakes we made? I'm covered in scars; they're deep and old and some are new, but they'll always be there because I don't have any do-overs. This is my one chance, Mr. Hummel. This is my one chance to fix everything, to live the dream, to get my second chance. All our second chances. I don't beg very often, sir. But I am begging you here. You don't have to forgive me, hell, I haven't even forgiven myself. But please leave room for possibility, for a smidgen of hope that I'm not a total screw up and that Kurt and I can work this out. Mr. Hummel, please give me a second chance. And if I mess up again, don't worry, I'll be too ashamed to ever show my face around here ever again."

Silence filled the room, but they wouldn't have been able to hear a pin drop. Kurt was tense, hyper aware to every single movement that hadn't been made. Blaine had more or less crumbled in his seat; his hands stock still as they clasped together, his head down unable to meet Burt's studying eyes.

In turn his dad was erect in his seat, his bald head slightly cocked as he studied Blaine. Then all of a sudden everything shifted. Burt's eyes warmed and a broad smile fell onto his face. The atmosphere lightened and Blaine looked up confusion all over his terse face.

Burt saw Blaine's expression and he couldn't help it, he started laughing; deep raucous laughs that rocked his whole body. Kurt and Blaine stared at Burt confused, scared, and Kurt bordering on angry.

"What?" he asked a challenge in his tone. "Was this all some kind of sick joke?"

Burt looked at Kurt and started laughing even harder, his body folded in on its self as he tried to catch a breath, but God it was so funny.

"Dad!" Kurt yelled smacking his hand on the table. Burt wiped his eyes and tried to take a deep breath.

"I—I'm sorry," he said over laboured breath. "But…oh you kids kill me."

Kurt cocked his head, his icy eyes staring daggers at Burt. "What part of this is funny to you?"

"T—the part wh—where you and your face and Blaine and his eyes and oh my god!" Burt fell back into laughter, his arms winding around his stomach.

"Okay Blaine," Kurt said standing up. "We're leaving."

"No wait!" Burt called grabbing his son's hand. "Wait, I'm sorry, I'll explain. Just sit." Kurt rolled his eyes but sat, pulling his hand out of his dad's grip. The boy crossed his legs and arms and shrugged. "Go on then," he said as an invitation to begin.

"To keep things short," Burt said wiping his eyes, the laughter still in his voice. "I spoke to Cooper."

Kurt groaned and understanding flashed through Blaine's eyes. "Does that boy have no boundaries?" Kurt asked looking at Blaine.

The curly haired boy just shrugged. "It's Cooper," he said as if that was a suitable reply.

"It's not really his fault," Burt said to his irate son. "You'd be surprised what people confess when there's a shotgun held to their faces."

Kurt smiled devilishly at the thought of Cooper under his father's wrath, but Blaine was less amused. "Why the gun?" he asked carefully, still not sure where he stood with Kurt's father.

"I come home to find my son nowhere in sight and a twenty something year old getting frisky on the dance floor with a couple of teenagers? I know they're not my kids but I have some responsibility. Besides," he patted the shotgun fondly. "It's fun."

Kurt rolled his eyes and a smile crossed his features but he didn't relax his body. "What was the point of this?" He asked exasperated.

Burt shrugged again. "I had to make sure Cooper was telling the truth, and that I could trust you," he said looking to Blaine. "I'm really fond of you kiddo," he said truthfully. "But you hurt my son bad, and I've got a duty to keep everybody around me safe; mentally, physically, and emotionally."

Blaine nodded relief trying to flow through his body. "So you don't want to kill me?" he asked slowly trying to clarify everything before he let relief take over his senses.

"Not today, son," Burt answered. "And may I say I am very sorry for what you had to go through. You're a good kid, and you're good with Kurt. Be good to him because if you ever hurt him like that again," Burt leaned forward, the menace suddenly back in his voice. "I will use this." He patted the shotgun once and Blaine nodded.

It was a good thing he wasn't planning on doing anything to Kurt except give him all his love or else he'd be even more scared right now. But Blaine knew Burt just wanted what was best for his son, and somehow, Burt thought that Blaine was good for Kurt. It made Blaine smile that Burt wanted him in his son's life. It was a privilege and Blaine was determined not to have it taken away from him.

"Yes sir," Blaine said with a smile. "I can reassure you, I will never give you a reason to have to use that again. Scout's honour."

Burt smiled and stood leaving the gun on the table. "Good," he said ruffling Blaine's hair affectionately. "Because I like you." He paused and turned to Kurt as an afterthought. "You too," he said giving Kurt a knowing look. "Don't you dare mess this up, or do anything to hurt this boy."

Kurt looked offended. "As if I would ever!"

"I know," Burt shrugged. "But your mother was a heartbreaker in her prime, and I don't want you throwing away something special just because you can."

"She was?" Kurt asked surprised. "I never knew that."

"I suppose you don't know a lot of things," Burt said not unkindly. "And neither did she."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked cocking his head at the standing man.

"I mean," Burt said smiling a little bit at the memory. "That she almost ended everything."

Kurt looked at his dad in shock. "You're kidding." He deadpanned.

"No," Burt said shaking his head. "But it's a long story for another time. All you guys need to know is that I know what this," he said pointing to both of them, "Feels like. And it's also why I'm giving you a second chance," he said to Blaine.

Kurt moved to speak but Burt picked up the gun and walked to the door before Kurt could say anything. "You guys should start breakfast," he said looking at his watch. "I've got a feeling fifteen kids eat a lot."

Kurt nodded dumbly, struck silent by his dad's new found information.

"But seriously guys," Burt said stone faced as he stared the two boys down. "You two really do have something special. Take care of it. And Blaine," he said turning to the shorter boy. "You can call me Burt."

With that final statement Burt left the room, probably to put his shotgun away.

Blaine smiled widely. "If we ever break up, I get Burt."

Kurt smiled shaking his head. "That's not fair," he said pushing himself out of the chair. "Then I lose both of you."

Blaine shrugged following Kurt's movement and standing up as well. "I guess you better not let me go then."

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist and pulled him towards him. "I think I can manage that." They both smiled and leaned in for the kiss at the same time. It was short and sweet, and they both pulled away at the same time, matching shit-eating grins on their faces.

"I love you," Blaine said with an air of awe around it. As if he was still surprised he could say it.

"I love you more," Kurt replied resting his forehead against Blaine's.

"I love you most," Blaine finished.

They stood like that for a while breathing in each other's presence, when Kurt pulled away looking slightly put out. "My dad's right," he sighed. "Those assholes are going to be hungry."

Blaine snorted but nodded his agreement. "Yeah…how are we going to feed thirteen people, the majority of which are teenage boys who inhale food like its air?"
Kurt paused for a second before smiling widely. "Pancakes!"


"Oh my god," David said groggily, his eyes opening to the wonderful smell of sizzling bacon. "Who is cooking and why are not married?"

"Because you're betrothed to me," Wes said from the other side of the blanket. He hadn't opened his eyes yet but David's loudness had awoken him and now he was slowly being pulled into the world of consciousness.

A tanned hand suddenly smacked David in the face and slowly dragged down it, pulling on his lip and cheeks. "Ssh," Rachel said groggily. "Too early. Must sleep."

David pushed her hand off of his face and rolled his eyes. "Sorry princess," he said rolling out of the blanket. "But there's bacon."

At the word bacon, Nick, Jeff, Artie, Wes, and Quinn's eyes popped open and happy smiles planted themselves on their features. All their heads popped up and David had to stifle a scream at how startlingly in sync they were.

"Did someone say bacon?" Quinn asked rubbing her eyes.

"I can smell it," Jeff nodded.

"What are waiting for?" Nick asked looking at the kids who were awake.

"To the kitchen!" Wes yelled. The Warbler boys all raced to the kitchen except David who stayed behind to help Quinn help Artie into his chair. They rolled him in together and melted at the sight that they saw.

Kurt and Blaine were cooking together. Blaine was wearing a dorky chef hat, and Kurt was wearing an apron that said 'Kiss the Chef.' They moved around each other like liquid. Kurt mixed the pancake batter and gave it to Blaine who spooned it into the pan. Kurt then twirled around Blaine to flip the bacon and pulled out a cutting board and knife. Blaine was already at the fridge and he pulled out tomatoes and mushrooms and passed them to Kurt who got to chopping. Blaine flipped the pancakes and Kurt handed him a serving tray to put them on.

They were like a well-oiled machine that worked without words and it was mesmerising to watch.

"Don't just stand there, sillies," Blaine said without turning around. "All this food isn't for us."

The teenagers all stared at each other and shrugged, as if they needed to be told twice. They sat down eagerly at the table that was slowly being packed with stuff.
There were plates piled with bacon, sausages, baked beans, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and oranges. There were three trays filled with regular pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, and blueberry pancakes. There were two jugs filled with orange juice and apple juice, and there was maple syrup, chocolate syrup, blueberry syrup, jam, and butter. It was a feast.

"I want one," Wes said.

"Just wait," Kurt reprimanded. "I'm getting your plates now."

"No," Wes corrected shaking his head. "I want one of you. You cook, you clean, you always look fabulous, and you're funny as hell. Blaine," Wes said turning to the short boy. "I want him."

Blaine chuckled encircling his arms around Kurt's waist. "Sorry, but he's spoken for. Also," he said cocking his head. "Are you even gay?"

Wes shrugged taking the pile of plates from Kurt's hands. "I like what I like. I really couldn't care what's under there as long as it's good in bed." Quinn smacked his arm lightly and he rolled his eyes. "And I care about what's," he tapped his head. "Up here. Brains are tr�s sexy, non?"

The group chuckled lightly at Wes and his 'words of wisdom.' They couldn't be argued with anyway.

"Well with those lovely words," Blaine said snuggling into Kurt further. "Bon appetite!"


Cooper awoke to warmth that he hadn't felt in years. Skin on skin, breath on breath contact that sent shivers down his spine. He smiled softly and cracked his eyes open. Stacey slept next to him, her head resting on his arm facing him. He pressed a kissed to her forehead, and moved slightly, trying to pull his hand out from under her head. She groaned and moved closer to him, winding her arm around his waist. Never mind then, he'd just wait.

He made himself comfortable again when a sharp finger pushed itself into his side making him gasp in pain.

"Hey asshole," Kurt's voice said. "We need to talk."

Cooper sighed turning to look at the boy but not able to get him in sights. "Do we have to?" his sleep gruff voice said.

"Yes," Blaine said matter of factly. "Because I am still pissed at you."

The older Anderson heard footsteps walk away and he groaned to himself. There really was no rest for the wicked.


"Are you sure you want to do this now?" Kurt asked quietly to Blaine as they stood in the doorway.

Blaine nodded his reassurance. "There's no better time. Everyone is either asleep or distracted by food, and I want to talk to my mother today too. I want this done so I can live in peace for once in my life."

Kurt nodded biting his lip. "Are you…are you planning on forgiving him?" he asked softly.

"I honestly don't know," Blaine replied truthfully. "He left me Kurt, all by myself with the fucked up shit that goes on in my family. And then he sat back and let my mother ruin my life. And then he strolls back in and decides to fix the mess that he created because he feels like it? He was the closest thing I've had to a proper loving family member and then he does this to me. I really don't know if I can forgive him…not yet."

Kurt nodded, processing Blaine's words. He debated with himself for a second deciding whether he should comment or not before just going for it. "What about Rachel?" he asked softly. "You had her, and as far as I've heard you're the one who pushed her away."

"What else was I supposed to do?" Blaine practically growled, careful to keep his voice low so as not to disturb the guests. "We were twins sure, but we were never that close. I know I pushed her away but I had to, I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready for her. She tried to get closer to me after Cooper left but it felt like I was just trying to fill the void, and no matter how hard she tried she could never fill it. I love Rachel, I really do, and I am so sorry what I did to our relationship, but she just wasn't Cooper. She wasn't what I wanted."

Kurt nodded again still biting his lip. "Okay, love," he said offering a weak smile. "Well maybe after this you can work on things between you two."

Blaine looked down sheepishly. "Maybe," he said softly.

"And for what it's worth," Kurt said putting his hand on Blaine's shoulder. "I'm pretty sure she's already forgiven you."

Blaine looked back at Kurt and smiled a watery smile. "Okay," he sighed letting out a breath. "I…yeah okay, definitely."

Kurt smiled properly and pulled Blaine in for a kiss. "Don't worry, love, everything will work out for the better."

"I hope so mio amore," Blaine said seriously. "I hope so."

"Blaine," a voice called breaking the boys up. "Where are you?"

"Meet us in Kurt's room," Blaine called back pulling a disapproving face. He really wasn't looking forward to this.

"Okay," Cooper replied and they heard him head towards Kurt's basement abode.

"Do we have to do this?" Blaine asked frantically.

Kurt chuckled. "This was your idea."

"I know," Blaine pouted. "What a terrible one."

"Let's just get it over with," Kurt reasoned. "I'll be there with you and I'll calm everything down if it gets too crazy. Don't worry. Like you said, you just want peace right? Well this is your first step."

Blaine curled his lip but sighed in acceptance. "Fine." He said, put-out. "But don't let me do anything like this again."

"I promise." Kurt said with an amused smile. "Cross my heart."

End Notes: TBCComments, questions, concerns? REVIEW!


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