Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Ding Dong!
Kurt waited impatiently for the door to open. He could hear movement inside and his hands itched to knock again so that they would get here faster. He was late he knew, which meant that the party had already started so he'd be the odd one out in the swing of things.
Kurt sighed and his hands tapped restlessly against his leg. Should he ring the doorbell again? Was it too soon? Would he be rude?
Finally the door opened, bringing Kurt out of his thoughts. "Hey, there you are Kurt!" Rachel said grabbing his arm and pulling him inside, before slamming the door behind him. "We were getting worried." She seemed slightly out of breath but her smile was bright.
"Hey," he said apologetically as he pulled her into a loose hug. "I'm sorry, I completely lost track of time." Rachel's smile never faltered as she dragged him towards her kitchen.
"It's okay, the party hasn't started yet." She dragged Kurt through the kitchen and out to the backyard.
Kurt stood in shock.
It was crawling with boys.
Sexy boys.
Sexy shirtless boys.
Sexy wet shirtless boys.
Kurt looked are Rachel his mouth agape.
Rachel gave him a knowing smile and nodded once. "These are Blaine's friends," she said walking over to where the girls were lounging by the pool. "He asked if he could bring them over and well, I couldn't say no." She winked at Kurt and laughed, lazing back into a long beach chair that sat next to the pool. A line of them followed the edge of the pool and they were all occupied by people or people's things stating claim to the chairs.
"Why didn't you tell me there would be boys?" Kurt yell whispered looking at himself frantically. "I would have worn something semi-decent!"
"Oh hush," Rachel cooed flipping her sunglasses on. "You look fabulous. You always look fabulous. So sit back, relax, and soak up some sun."
Kurt rolled his eyes at Rachel who looked phenomenal in her white bikini with gold accents on the straps and on her hips. "Easy for you to say, you don't burn."
Rachel just rolled her eyes and patted the seat next to her. "If you're not seated with shirt off and your feet up in the next five seconds you're going into the pool," Rachel threatened. Kurt knew he could take Rachel but he was not going to chance it, chlorine was terrible for his hair and skin. Plus he'd spent a solid fifty minutes making his hair look this effortless. No hobbit was going to ruin it for him.
"Fine," he huffed walking by her chair and placing his bag on the ground. He pulled his shirt over his head and folded it gently. "Oh god," Kurt groaned. "I'm blinding."
Kurt opened his eyes slowly, leafy green light dancing across his face. He smiled as a feeling of deep peace moved like molasses through his veins.
Everything was alright.
It wasn't perfect but it was alright, and that was something Kurt could deal with. He wiped his eyes softly and yawned, stretching the sleep from his body. He felt well rested and then it hit him—for the first time in a year he had slept a full night. No nightmares or restlessness, tossing or turning. He had slept peacefully and properly in the arms of the man he loved.
Kurt shook his head trying to keep the euphoric laugh in his body as to not wake Blaine. He felt so good! Finally he managed to settle down and calm himself, the laughs sporadically shaking his body. He thought he felt light last night? If that was light then this was weightless; he was dancing on the surface of the moon and nothing would ever bring him down.
Kurt loosened his grip on the tree branch where they had somehow slept the night without falling off. It was lucky Kurt hadn't dreamt, or else who knows what would have happened. The porcelain boy shrugged and let go of the branch, tightening his grip with his thighs. He held his arms out over his head and stretched his fingers as far as they would go. He made a game of trying to catch that sunshine that was trickling in through the leaves in his hands, but the light always poured through like light does. Impossible to catch, impossible to hold onto; all you can do is watch as it passes you by because sure enough darkness is bound to follow. Kurt sighed and looked at the beauty all around him. All this was going to end.
One day this tree would age, its sap would dry and its leaves will shrivel. The roots will crack and the bark will peel. The sunshine will be gone and the tree will be done, with nothing left but a shadow of the magnificent being it used to be.
Kurt had no idea why this going through his head, but it was true nevertheless. No matter how much we wished it, nothing was forever.
He sighed and dropped his hands.
It was time to go.
Kurt looked at Blaine who slumbered peacefully with a soft smile on his face. Kurt rolled his eyes amused; he was waking him up again. It was insane how much Blaine slept, so the question of this morning; how to wake Blaine up this time?
"Hey porcelain," Santana said slinking out of the pool. She wore a bright red strapless bikini, her hair dripped down her back, and water droplets clung to her in ways that must be driving the boys mad, if Kurt were to take how most of them were staring at her as any consideration.
"If you were any hotter you'd be on fire," Kurt said shaking his head.
"If you were any gayer you'd be flaming," Santana replied with a smile.
"I…thanks?" Kurt said cocking his head at her. The Latina laughed sitting down in the empty chair next to him.
"So," she said giving Kurt a once over. "See anything you likey?"
Kurt raised an eyebrow at her. "Nope, but I see something they likey." Santana shrugged.
"Weren't you banned from Sunny Side Senior Homes for causing like twenty heart attacks or something?" Rachel asked peeking at Santana over her sunglasses.
"It was fifteen," Santana corrected. "And it's not my fault they can't keep it in their pants."
Rachel scoffed and put her glasses back on. "I'm sure."
A beat passed before Santana turned back to Kurt again. "I'm serious though," she said flicking her hair off of her chest. "They go to an all-boys school. If that's not a pseudonym for gay as the fourth of July, I don't know what is."
"Yes," Kurt rebutted. "That's why they're staring at you."
"I make everyone question their sexuality," Santana said rolling her eyes. "I'm pretty sure I turned a tree on once. Be wary if they're not looking at me," she said with a smirk.
Kurt turned away from her and grazed the boys who were lounging in and out of the pool. It was crazy; everybody really was staring at her, except for one. "He's not staring at you," Kurt said nodding his in the boy's direction.
He had black curly hair that was plastered to his face, dripping drops along his chest and arms. His black swimming trunks hung low on his hips so that Kurt could see the splattering of hair that trailed down from his belly button and disappeared under the clothing. Kurt involuntarily licked his lips and readjusted in his seat; the boy was gorgeous.
He couldn't see his face, since he was looking down and talking to a blonde who laughed loudly at something Senior Sexy had said, but damn, Kurt was sure it matched the rest of him.
"Damn," Santana whistled looking the boy up and down. "He is capital F, fine. A bit short but hey."
Kurt blushed and finally pulled his eyes away. The guy was probably straight. They're always straight.
"Rachel," Santana called to the short girl. "Who is that gorgeous piece of man meat over there?"
Rachel scanned the crowd. "Who?"
"The short one with the curly hair, standing like a male model and just as fine?"
Rachel spluttered. "That's Blaine," she practically spat. Santana gave her a quizzical look, "My brother!"
Blaine awoke to a gentle touch and a warm melody that was sweet and sincere. It wafted over his senses like honey and he leaned into the touch. The contact sent warmth through his skin and he opened his eyes to stared directly into Kurt's.
"Good morning," Blaine said with a smile.
Kurt giggled. "Morning sleepyhead."
"Mm…I love you," Blaine said sleep heavy in his voice. The words were slurred together and it was adorable. Kurt kissed his nose.
"I love you too," he whispered pressing a soft kiss to Blaine's mouth.
"What song were you singing?"
Kurt moved back and shrugged. "A song my mother used to sing to me. It's usually a lullaby but I'm versatile."
Blaine smiled. "It was beautiful," he said pressing his forehead against Kurt's. The stayed like that for a moment before Blaine sighed.
"We have to go, don't we?"
"You can feel it too?" Kurt asked softly. Blaine nodded, biting his lip.
"I dreamt it I think," he said shaking his head as if trying to make the words fall into his mouth. "A feeling, a knowledge…"
"that it's time to move on," Kurt finished.
Blaine nodded and sighed, letting go of Kurt to stand on the branch. He kept his hand on the trunk and stood facing it; arm outstretched, head down, eyes closed.
"Goodbye," he whispered soundly. "And thank you," before he turned back to Kurt with a bittersweet smile on his face. "Come on," he said holding out his hand. "We better get you back before your dad has a right freak out."
Kurt took Blaine's hand in his, and used it to help himself get to his feet. Balancing on the branch Kurt walked towards Blaine, trapping the shorter boy between himself and the tree trunk. "I'm going to miss this place," he said biting his lip.
Blaine swallowed thickly. "Me too."
Kurt nodded and leaned in for a kiss. It was sweet at first, tentative, unsure. No one knows who deepened it first, it might have been Blaine, and it could have been Kurt, maybe they did it at the same time. But suddenly the kiss was deeper, more needy, as Kurt pressed himself as close to Blaine as he could get. Blaine was his air, his light, his nutrition. Kurt was Blaine's world, his stars, his universe. They molded together, neither of them breaking for air. They just had to get closer and closer.
Finally Kurt put his hand on Blaine's chest, and he pulled up for air taking long ragged breaths. "Well," Blaine said with a smirk.
"Shut up," Kurt scolded licking his lips. "I've missed you."
Blaine chuckled, "I can tell."
Kurt took a reluctant step back, but Blaine's arms wrapped around his waist didn't allow him to go far. Now when did those get there? Blaine pouted and batted his eyes at him.
"No," Kurt said smiling. "Those demon eyes won't work on me."
Blaine whined. Literally keened, and I'll be damned if Kurt didn't get aroused by that sound. "You will be the death of me," Kurt laughed, though his voice shook a little. Blaine noticed and took a mental note for later. "I love you," Kurt said unwinding Blaine's arms from his waist, "But we are not having sex in this tree."
Blaine rolled his eyes.
"But," Kurt continued. "The faster we get me home, and the faster we get everything dealt with, is the faster you and I have to…make up for lost time."
Blaine made a noise and Kurt smiled cheekily. He stroked his thumb down Blaine's cheek and gave him a quick peck, nibbling on Blaine's lower lip.
"Let's go," Blaine breathed out his breath uneven. "Now. Now. Let's go…let's go now."
Kurt laughed and waved his hand in an 'after you,' motion.
Blaine scrambled down the tree faster than Kurt had ever seen before.
"Damn Yentl," Santana crooned. "Your brother is hot."
"You should see the other one," Rachel mumbled under her breath. Kurt raised his eyebrow but didn't comment and Santana was too busy leering at Blaine to hear her.
"Oh God," Rachel begged watching Santana watch Blaine. "Please don't."
"He's hot," Santana said, Rachel's pleas rolling off of her. "Hot people should date each other, or at least hook up, it's the laws of physics."
Kurt scoffed at her. "Beyonce and Jay-Z are together, Jay-Z isn't hot."
"Yeah but he's got money," Santana corrected. "It doesn't count."
"So does Blaine I'm assuming," Kurt said cocking his head at the boy who was completely oblivious to the blatant swooning that was happening over him.
Santana stood flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Rich and hot? I'm not seeing a downside here."
Kurt scrambled for a reply, for some reason desperately trying to think of a reason for Santana not to go over there. "If you two get married," Kurt rushed out. "You and Rachel will be sister-in-laws!"
Rachel looked at him, offended. "Yeah," Kurt carried on. "You'll be stuck with her for the rest of time."
Santana paused and took her sunglasses off. "No amount of money is worth that," she agreed. "Looks like your brothers' off the hook," she said flashing Rachel a smile. "Too bad, we would have had great sex." Rachel gagged and Santana turned to pool, flashing the boys who were looking at her a flirtatious smile. She winked before running and diving into the pool as elegant as anything.
Rachel punched Kurt in the arm. "Rude!" She said looking at him, hurt.
"Sorry," Kurt said patting her arm lightly. "But would you want Santana with your brother? Really?"
Rachel shrugged, "I honestly don't care."
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "You don't care if The She-Devil Satan-a ,has her vile little way with your twin brother?"
Rachel shrugged again, "He'd deserve the heartbreak." Kurt gave her a look. "What?" she asked. "He may not look it, but he's an a-class asshole."
"Yeah," Kurt said reaching in his bad for some sunscreen. "That's what brothers do."
"No it was worse than that," she sighed. "Ever since Cooper left he got…mean."
"Cooper's your older brother right?" Kurt squirted the sunscreen into his hand and rubbed them together.
"Yeah," Rachel said in a tone that stated the end of a conversation. Kurt rolled his eyes and leaned forwards, straddling the seat. He patted his hands on neck and rubbed the lotion in slowly and methodically making sure not to miss a spot.
He would not burn.
"That should not be legal," Blaine moaned watching the pale boy sensually rub the sunscreen into his skin. "Honestly, it's like he's doing it on purpose."
Jeff laughed rubbing Blaine's wet hair affectionately. "Here's an idea," he said in the voice an adult uses when explaining something to a small child. "Go over there and talk to him."
"I can't," Blaine whined. "My sister doesn't know about me."
"Well that guy looks as gay as my cock," Jeff said. "If she's friends with him, I highly doubt she'll care about you."
"Even so," Blaine said running his hand through his drying hair. "She can't keep her mouth shut, and I can't afford for mother to find out yet."
Jeff rolled his eyes but didn't fight. Jane was quite a character. "Look," Jeff said. "I'm going to get Trent or Wes to go distract Rachel. In that time you're going to go and you're going to talk to him okay? Find out his name or his number or something."
"Kurt Hummel," a seductive voice said from behind them. "657-893-0114." They both whipped around to see Santana standing there with a smirk on her face.
They drove back in their respectful cars, and by the time they reached Kurt's house their hormones had calmed down a little. It was slowly dawning on Kurt that he had left a group of rowdy teenagers alone at his house all night. He also realized that his dad had come home to this group of rowdy teenagers with Kurt nowhere in sight for the entire night.
"Shit!" he yelled into the hollow expanse of his car. "Shit, shit, shit! I am so fucking screwed!" He turned onto his street and saw that all his friend's cars were still there. "This cannot be good." He parked on the street and jumped out of the car, waiting impatiently for Blaine to join him.
Blaine jogged over to him a few seconds later noticing the distress on his face instantly. "What is it?" he asked scrunching his brow in confusion. "What's wrong?"
"I…" Kurt started, his breaths getting out of control "I...oh god." Blaine put his hands on Kurt's shoulders.
"Kurt breathe," he said making eye contact with the panicking boy. "Breathe."
Kurt breathed in roughly and the oxygen hitting his veins made him calm down almost instantaneously. "So-sorry," he stuttered shaking his head. "I just got astunning visual image of what state my house will be in."
Blaine grimaced, "Yeah," he said drawing out the word. "You left Jeff there didn't you?" Throughout the night the boys had been filling each other in on things they had missed in each other's year. Kurt had had more to tell, and he'd spared almost no detail on the events of the night that had led up to their smiled and shook his head. "Whatever they broke, I'll pay for the damages," he said taking Kurt's hand. "Be brave," he winked as he pulled the pale boy to the door.
Kurt frowned but allowed himself to be pulled along by his boyfriend. Kurt shuffled awkwardly by the door making no move to go in. Blaine rolled his eyes and stuck his hand in Kurt's tight pocket, scrounging around for a second before finding what he was looking for.
He flashed Kurt a smile who scowled at him, before sticking the key in the lock and opening the door.
"Rachel's brother is a twink!" Santana guffawed laughing soundly at the two gaping boys. "Now that," she paused to catch her breath, "Is a great plot twist!"
Blaine stared at her for a few seconds before his brain and body caught up to speed with each other and he gave her a dazzling smile. "Hey," he said giving her body a once over. "What's your name?"
Santana scoffed rolling her eyes. "Don't even try that straight stuff with me sir. You're gay. Gay, gay, gay! And you have a thing for my boy Kurt over there."
Jeff gave Blaine a look that Santana couldn't interpret, but Blaine seemed to understand it perfectly because he grabbed Santana's hand and pulled her with him, past the pool, past the people, towards the shed. Blaine glanced over his shoulder before opening it and pulling her in, Jeff closing the door behind them.
Santana looked at her surroundings and whistled. "Swanky," she said with an approving nod. It was like a detached loft with wood floors, warm couches, and a big screen TV on the far wall.
"Yes," Blaine said letting go of her hand and twirling around to face her. "Yes I'm gay, but nobody knows. Do you hear me? Nobody knows! I need you to keep this a secret."
"I don't know," Santana said looking at her nails all nonchalant like. "I'm not a big fan of closeted gays."
"I'm not closeted!" Blaine said looking offended.
"Then why are we standing in a closet right now?" Santana asked raising an eyebrow.
"To be correct," Jeff inputted. "This is a shed."
Santana rolled her eyes and cocked out her hip. "Like I care," she said dismissing his correction. "You're gay and you don't want people to know, that screams CLOSET to me."
Blaine sighed running his hand through his hair. "It's a bit more complicated than that."
Santana pursed her lips looking amused. "Really?" she asked raising her eyebrow. "How so?"
"I…" Blaine started. "Wait a minute," he said turning to Jeff. "Why should I explain my life story to her, I don't even know her. She doesn't even know me! Nobody would believe her even if she did say anything."
Santana rolled her eyes and leaned against the back of one of the brown couches. "See," she said giving Blaine a once over. "That idea might have worked if you hadn't just dragged me by the hand into a shed. Everyone was staring at me before I even noticed you," she said with a smirk. "I know they were looking at me when I left with you."
Blaine paled and Jeff sighed. "She's got a point dude."
"People. Talk," she added enunciating each word.
"They already know I'm gay though," Blaine said offhandedly stuck in his thoughts of how he could possibly get out of this situation.
"Wait what?" Santana asked looking at him confused. "They already know? All of them?" Jeff nodded his affirmation.
"Then what is the problem here?"
"Rachel doesn't know," Blaine said rolling his eyes. "And she can't know because she has a big mouth and if my parents find out I'm so screwed."
Santana nodded placing her hand on her chin. "Well sir," she said twirling a strand of her hair on her finger. "You are in luck. You see I have a pension for keeping things from Rachel. It's fun. Therefore, yes, I will keep this secret for you."
Blaine fist pumped and high fived Jeff.
"And to add to the awesomeness that is Santana Lopez, I will also help you get into Kurt Hummel's pants because God knows that boy needs a good fuck."
Blaine blushed and Jeff grinned like the Cheshire Cat.
"I like you," Jeff said still smiling. He turned to Blaine; "I like her."
Blaine just rolled his eyes. "Okay, yeah sure. Umm…how?"
Santana pushed herself off of the couch and slinked towards the door. "Don't worry Frodo," she said with a wink. "Auntie 'Tana will take care of all."
Kurt had to hold in a very loud Aw.
"Oh my god!" Blaine squealed grabbing onto Kurt's arm. "Oh my god look they're all so adorable!" Kurt smiled at Blaine's shameless freaking out, but he couldn't blame him. On the couch, Tina, Mercedes, Santana, Brittany, Quinn, and Artie, had somehow managed to squish together on the small couch, each in their separate sleeping bags. They slumbered with their heads all resting on each other's. Jeff and Nick were curled up on each other in Burt's recliner, hands clasped together as Nick spooned Jeff. On the floor in front of the couch Stacey and Cooper slept facing each other, foreheads touching, soft smiles on both of their faces. And the funniest and most adorable of all; in front of the TV, Wes, Rachel, and David made a very culturally diverse human sandwich with Rachel in the middle.
"Where's my phone?" Blaine whispered patting down his body. "I need to take a picture."
Kurt shook his head smiling, "I don't whether to be amused of disturbed." Blaine froze and shook his head, shaking the image of two of his best friends and his twin sister having a threesome before continuing his search for his cell.
Kurt saw the brief look of horror on his boyfriends face and had to stifle rows of laughter.
"Aha," Blaine said in excitement. Kurt rolled his eyes as Blaine prowled around the room taking photos of the sleeping kids. "Oh they're so cute!" he squealed.
"I never thought you'd be so…maternal," Kurt said with an amused grin. Blaine turned to him and shrugged. "You've never seen me around kids before."
Kurt raised an eyebrow in response. Mental note, bring Blaine around children; Kurt could just imagine it. He'd spoil them rotten; it's something Blaine would do. He'd love them, and play with them, and rustle their hair, and lift them up in the air telling them they were rocket ships who would reach the stars one day. Kurt paused as a massive feeling of want passed through him.
He wanted that. Oh god he wanted that for him and Blaine. They would be kick ass parents, Kurt could see it. And the vividness in which the pictures flashed through his mind startled him.
Blaine came back to stand at his side and the familiarity of it all was another shock to Kurt's system. Things were so simple again, so easy; as if they had never split. It was weird. Not unwanted but…weird. He'd thought this would have taken time but it seemed Blaine was like riding a bike. It was something his body, mind, and soul would never forget.
"Kurt!" a gruff voice exclaimed from behind them. Blaine and Kurt turned together to come face to face with Burt who was aiming a shotgun two feet from Blaine's head.
"Kurt," Burt repeated at a lower calibre. "Step away from Blaine."