Second Chances
Too Heavy for a Feather Falling Quickly Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Too Heavy for a Feather Falling Quickly

M - Words: 6,256 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
341 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Songs are Chiquitita by Abba and Forever by R. Kelley

Blaine was riding on cloud nine. He had never felt as happy as he did right now. Never had he felt so whole and complete, and it was Kurt who made him feel this way. Kurt Hummel, the boy who had given Blaine everything.

Blaine looked at his watch and saw it was almost three in the morning. Sneaking back into his house would be hard but it didn't even bother him, because he was Kurt's and Kurt was his. Blaine stopped because he couldn't stop himself; he was bathing in the afterglow even though he was miles away from his boyfriend and the room where they'd had their first time.

That's right. Blaine and Kurt had had sex and it was beautiful.

Blaine was inside his car, a massive grin on his face. He really wished he could stay the night, to be able to wake up cradled in his lover's arms, but he knew he couldn't. He didn't have a reason to be gone for the entire night; all his friends were overseas or visiting relatives so he couldn't use them as alibis. As it was sneaking in at three, glowing like a fucking angel would be the end of the entire relationship considering Blaine couldn't lie for shit. Deflecting he was good at, shutting somebody out he was good at, but complete plain faced lying? Not his strength. It was yet another reason he was sneaking in; if he came home at nine in the morning he would have to have an excuse which would mean lying, and since his mother was a walking lie detector it would be metaphorical suicide.

Not even slightly weighed down by all that he had to lose, Blaine exited his car and looked at the silent house. All the lights were off giving the house a cold and detached feel that wasn't all that alien to Blaine. It had the same vibe as his mother which made sense since it was her house. That's it, her house, not theirs.

With a shake of his head Blaine snuck around the side of the house looking for the drainage gutter. When he found it he gave it an experimental pull making sure it could still hold his weight. When it didn't creak or groan or move, Blaine smiled and started hauling himself up. Finally something was going his way. When he hit the roof overhead he groaned to himself because here came the hard part. He needed to reach behind him, and grab onto the roof edge, and then pull himself up without falling or making any noise. Reaching out with his right hand, Blaine clawed at the air for a few moments before he felt the roof surface of the shingles on his fingertips. Praying that he had a strong enough grip, Blaine let his legs go, and reached out with his right hand grabbing the roof. He breathed heavily as his entire body dangled in the air. Taking a deep breath, Blaine pushed himself up and climbed onto the roof.


Resisting the urge to do a little dance, Blaine clambered silently over to his window and opened it, climbing in silently. He smiled. He was a ninja.

Suddenly the lights turned on and Mrs. Anderson stood in his doorway leaning against the frame, eyes trained on her nails as she looked incredibly bored.

"Honestly dear," she said finally raising her gaze to look at her slightly out of breath son. "You didn't need all those theatrics; you could have just used the front door."

It took everything in Blaine not to physically deflate, he had been so close. "Well mother," he said faking a nonchalant shrug. "Where's the fun in that?"

Trying to avoid eye contact Blaine moved to his bed, sitting on it, and trying not to blush. He would never be able to look at beds the same way again. He had sex with Kurt on a bed. He giggled.

Jane raised an eyebrow at her son. "What's so funny?"

Blaine shook his head, his soft curls bouncing slightly. "Nothing," he said attempting to wipe the smile off of his face. "Sorry."

"Where were you?" Jane asked getting straight to the point. She decided it was best not to ponder over her son's intricacies; she had something she needed to do.

"Nowhere," Blaine said. She met his eyes and he looked away almost instantly. She rolled her eyes; she needed to teach him how to lie better.

"Now we both know you're no good at lying," she said walking over to him, and kneeling in front of him. Blaine was now taller than her by a good two feet, but the boy had never felt smaller underneath her scrutinizing glare. "So let's try this again. Where were you?"

"I was at a friend's house," Blaine tried.

"Better," Jane said with an appreciative nod. "What friend?"

"Just a friend."

"You shouldn't add the just," Jane scolded patronizingly. "I didn't ask you if it was more than a friend, I asked you their name. By adding the just you gave away exactly where you were, as if I didn't know anyway."

Blaine looked at her in surprise.

"I'm done with these games," she said taking Blaine's shock as a good thing. "I know you've been gallivanting with this boy, and it's time that you stop. I can't have you ruining everything by giving into your teenage urges."

"He is not some boy!" Blaine exclaimed loudly, louder than either of them had expected. "His…his name is Kurt." Blaine continued quieter. "And these aren't some "teenage urges,"" Blaine continued. "I am gay; I like guys, why can't you just accept that?"

"I won't have you ruin the credibility of this company or our family," Jane said with venom. Blaine just rolled his eyes, every time she spoke; the business came before her own family.

"My sexuality shouldn't discredit anything," Blaine countered his face a stoic mask, a less cold version of hers. If Cooper was a replica of his father, then Blaine was a replica of his mother. They were both short, had tons of curly black hair, had big hazel eyes that could speak volumes, and both could hide their emotions like pros. The difference was Blaine wasn't as good at playing with other people's emotions like his mother was.

That was Cooper's area.

Blaine took more after his dad in mannerisms; dapper, laid-back, but loyal, and trust-worthy. He'd do what he could but he didn't like being in the mix unless you did something to bring him there. And if you did, it may very well be one of the worst mistakes of your life. He had his mother's temper.

"It discredits everything and you know it," Jane replied with certainty. "I don't see why you keep playing this game, and quite frankly I've had enough of it. You will break up with this…boy tomorrow."

Blaine scoffed, anger suddenly coursing through his veins. "No," he said defiantly.

"…No?" Jane said the word like she had never heard it before, and coming from Blaine she probably never had. "Did you just say no to me?"

Blaine swallowed thickly but didn't back down. "I love him," he said with gusto. "I love him with everything I am, and if you can't accept that then fuck you."

Jane's eyes darkened but Blaine was too far into his rage to even care. "Who are you to ask this of me?" he asked standing up and backing away from her. "You've taken a lot of things away from me but I won't let you take this, I can't!"

Jane stood slowly. "Did I give you a choice?"

"We always have a choice," Blaine said watching her movement with wary eyes.

"Who told you that?" Jane asked with amused disgust.

"Kurt," Blaine said with pride.
Jane just rolled her eyes. "Okay then, you want a choice? Here's a choice." Jane moved to the bed and threw a pile of papers onto it, ones that he hadn't even noticed she was holding. Blaine didn't move and she rolled her eyes again. "Well, look at them," she said with a huff. Blaine tentatively moved towards them and what he saw made his eyes go wide in shock.

"W-what is this?"

"It's your choice," Jane said coldly watching her son with steely eyes. It was sad, love made mortals of everybody. Once somebody had something to lose they were so easy to play with. "You have twenty-four hours to break off all relations with your friend. Failure to do so will result in what you see in front of you."

"Mother please," Blaine started.

"That is your choice," she cut him off. Without another word Jane picked up the papers and piled them nicely in her hand. "I didn't want to do it son," she said with a softer expression than he had ever seen grace her face. "But the more you defy me, the bigger my guns get."

"It'll destroy him," Blaine said looking through her. His eyes were glazed and if Jane were a weaker person she would have felt pity.

"If you don't," she said walking towards the door. "I will."

Blaine's eyes focused and he sent his mother one last heart wrenching look. She just shook her head, her feature's cold again. "Twenty-four hours." And with that she left, closing the door behind her.



Cooper had his head between his knees and his fingers raked through his hair. "I have to talk to her," he keened. "I need to talk to her." He moved to rise but Santana pushed him back down.

"Slow down, cowboy," she said. "I wouldn't advice that just yet."

"Why not?" Cooper asked, composure finally settling around him. He had calmed down from the shock and frenzied panic he had gotten into upon hearing the devastating news. To say Santana felt awkward was an understatement, she wasn't very good at comforting people, but Cooper had made her a fast learner. She had held him while he cried after his vomiting spell, and luckily for both of them she had some gum on her which he had chewed on viciously before spitting it out.

The tears hadn't lasted long, but a heavy air set over him as soon as they stopped. It seemed like that too was finally breaking and Santana wanted to sigh in relief. This guy was exhausting, which made sense considering who his siblings were.

"Because you didn't tell me you were Blaine and Rachel's brother."

Cooper gave her a pleasantly surprised look. "You knew?"

"I figured it out." Santana said.

"How did you even know I existed, Blaine doesn't talk about me."

Santana rolled her eyes. "You're aware you have a sister right? Who has a mouth the size of New York City. I don't usually listen to a thing she says, like ever really. But when I do I find out interesting things. You were a passing comment but I was surprised enough that obviously I remembered you. And then I put it all together, fucked up mum, you're here for your brother who plays guitar, it wasn't that hard to piece."

Cooper shrugged. "Well yup, I'm Rachel and Blaine's renegade brother, call the cops you found me!" he said sarcastically. "Can I go talk to Stacey now?"


"What is it?" Cooper asked scrutinizing her hesitant expression. "Because I don't have time for this," He stood up despite her efforts to push him down again.

"Then you better make time," Santana snapped. "Look I am treading on eggshells here. I've already told you too much."

"Then stop—"

"Do you want to get burned?" Santana questioned the eldest Anderson with annoyance and anger, pushing his shoulder. "Because that is what'll happen if you just waltz back in there."


"You need to think about Stacey," Santana continued. "She…she used to blame you, for a very long time she blamed you." Cooper looked taken aback, like someone had just kicked his puppy. He must have taught Blaine that expression too.

"Why would she blame me?" Cooper asked.

"Why does anybody ever blame another for their troubles?" Santana answered with a shrug. "Because it hurts so much more when no one is at fault and it never ends well when one blames the world. She needed a venting system, and unfortunately it was you."


"You weren't there," Santana said so lowly she may as well have been screaming. The impact was the same and it sent a chill through Cooper's core. "She screamed for you over and over again and you weren't there," Santana cut herself off and took a deep breath.

"How do you know all this," Cooper asked when she looked back at him, her eyes cold and unreadable as ever.

"I used to help out at my aunt's psychiatrist centre," she said with a modest shrug. "The money was good and it felt nice…helping people."

"Then why'd you stop?" Cooper asked curiously.

"Life," Santana said with an eye roll. "The Cheerios—my cheerleading squad—"

"I was right," Cooper said with a smile.

"It was really time consuming," Santana continued, ignoring him. "It's where I met Stacey. I was a cute kid, nobody could resist me."

"I'm sure," Cooper said with a smile. Santana just rolled her eyes and sat back on the swing crossing her legs. "So what should I do now, oh wise one?" Cooper said with a dramatic flourish before sitting down next to her.

Santana rested her head against the back of the swing so that she looks at the sky. Cooper copied her movement; there really is nothing better than a starry sky.

"Well," she said patting his leg. "You can stay here and count your stars, and I'll see if I can actually get Stacey to talk to you."

"You're really not going to let me in?" Cooper said with slight disbelief. He always got the women who could say no to him, honestly.

"Trust me 'guitar boy,'" Santana said using his nickname lightly. "It's for your own good."

Cooper rolled his eye but didn't say anything more. They sat in each other's company in silence, neither talking, neither feeling the need to, though Santana could feel Cooper getting more and more restless beside her. She moved to stand when a loud sound startled her.

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy,
Come on sugar let me know,
If you really need me just reach out touch me,
Come on honey let it show!

Cooper pulled out his cell phone from his suit pocket looking irritated. "Yeah," he said pressing it to his ear. "Yes this is he…who is this…oh…hi...?" Santana gave him a questioning look to which Cooper answered with a small head shake. Santana rolled her eyes and grabbed the phone out of Cooper's hand and put it on speaker phone. A familiar voice wafted from the speakers.

"…and I think it would be a really good idea if—"



Stacey was trembling and it took less than two seconds before Kurt was hugging her again, though it was more like he was holding her together as every part of her threatened to fall apart. It didn't sound like she was crying, just shocked he supposed. Reliving an experience that traumatic it was…it was terrible. Bad things always happened to such good people. Stacey didn't deserve it. Nobody did. But if he ever found that bastard Gary Barrowman, he would give him a piece of his mind. Kurt wasn't a violent person but right now he was more than willing.

Stacey shook even harder than before and Kurt's heart clenched. What could he do? Her head was burrowed in his neck and her hands were pressed between them as Kurt's arms pulled him and her together. Her ear was by his mouth and as if on instinct he started to sing.

'Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong?
You're enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes there is no hope for tomorrow'

His mother used to sing this to him when he was younger. When the nights were too dark, or his nightmares too scary, she would sing him back to happiness with her clear beautiful voice.

'How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're oh so sad, so quiet

Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I'm the one you must rely on
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see you've broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together'

Her shaking subsided a little bit, and Kurt wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. He was helping.

'Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go
And the scars they're leaving
You'll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving

Chiquitita, you and I cry
And the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, Chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, Chiquitita'

Stacey slowly pulled herself out of Kurt's strong grip and looked at him; her big eyes were haunted and so filled with anguish that Kurt almost wished she was a guy so he could kiss the pain away.

'So the walls came tumbling down
And your love's a blown out candle
All is gone and it seems too hard to handle
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
There is no way you can deny it
I see that you're oh so sad, so quiet'

He let her go and she backed up, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to calm herself.

'Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go
And the scars they're leaving
You'll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving'

She opened her eyes and gave Kurt the smallest of smiles.

'Chiquitita, you and I cry
And the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before
Sing a new song, Chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, Chiquitita'

Kurt carried the second last line with quiet strength.

'Try once more like you did before'

To his surprise, just as he opened his mouth to sing the last line Stacey cut him off singing the words loudly and strongly though tears glistened in her eyes.

'Sing a new song, Chiquitita.'


"Santana?" Wes asked confusedly from the other side of the phone. "What are you doing?"

"Where are you?" Another voice—Nick it sounded like—interrupted.

"Kurt's house still," she answered. "What's going on?"


Rachel watched in half fascination half disappointment as the boys all crowded around Wes and the phone. As planners went, this was most definitely the most flawed plan she could have expected them to make. Everything was a variable, if one person didn't cooperate they were screwed and it made her nervous. Honestly, this was the last time she was putting anybody's lives in the hands of these boys; they were completely unreliable!

"What makes you think anything's going on?" David said to Santana's voice. Rachel could hear the entire conversation from her vantage point and she rolled her eyes. Like these guys could con Santana.

"I'm not stupid," she said in a deadpan voice. "So let me ask you again, what are you planning?" The boys all gave each other a meaningful look before turning back to the phone.

"Okay here's the deal," Wes said. "We have a plan."

"But it's completely unstable," Nick said.

"And there are so many unknowns and things that could go wrong," Jeff added.

"So we're going to need your help," Wes finished.

"No shit," Santana said. "But that doesn't explain why you're bothering the older gayer Anderson."

"Yeah," Wes said slowly. "We need…Cooper," he said directing the conversation to Cooper. He wasn't an idiot; he knew he had to be on speaker phone.


"We're going to need you to talk to Blaine," Wes said.

"If you didn't notice," Cooper said mockingly. "He really doesn't want to talk to me right now."

"A lot of people don't want to talk to him right now," Santana added. Wes ignored her pushing on.

"It's kind of imperative. From what I hear, you're the one who knows everything. You need to lay the truth down to Blaine and you need to do it now."

"That was the plan," Cooper said. "But I don't know where he is right now. And I can't just leave."

"Why not?" Jeff asked with something akin to anger…frustration maybe.

"Because my life is complicated."


"He met an old flame he hadn't expected," Santana said. "And if he doesn't take great care, that flame will burn him till he's nice and crispy."


Rachel rolled her eyes again. See, so many variables plus the ones they weren't expecting. Honestly. The boys looked stricken like they didn't know what to do about this. Rachel rolled her eyes again, and walked over to them snatching the phone out of their hands. If they were going to do this they would do this right.

"Do you still love her?" she asked fighting off the Warblers who were grabbing for the phone.

"I…what?" Cooper asked taken by surprise. "Rachel is that you?"

"You know it's me," she replied. "So once again, this time with feeling, do you love her?"


"Good," she said with a smile, this would be easy then. "How much?"

"He was going to ask her to marry him," Santana interjected.

Rachel heard one of the boys whistle behind her in appreciation. "Must be one hell of a lady," Ignoring the distraction she turned her attention back to the phone and her brother who was on the other end.

"What happened?"


"She upped and left when Cooper had to leave for three days," Santana answered on behalf of the tongue caught Anderson.


"But she still loves him," Santana added.

"How do you know?" Cooper asked and Rachel could practically hear Santana roll her eyes.

"She's a girl," Rachel said. "I'll take her word for it."

"You don't even know who it is!" Cooper exclaimed.

"It's Stacey," Santana said.

"Aw!" Rachel squealed. "I'm going to have Stacey as my sister in law!"

"What?" everybody asked in perfect unison. In any other situation Rachel would have giggled.

"Don't worry," she said with a devious smile. "I have a plan."


"Santana's taking her sweet time," Mercedes said as the credits rolled. She looked around her, "So are Kurt and Stacey."

"So is the damn pizza guy," Artie grumbled.

"She's outside," Brittany said. "Talking to Blaine's brother on the porch,"

"How do you know that?" Tina asked from around the pillow she had clutched to her chest.

"She's right," Mercedes said with respect in her voice. "Or at least about the porch part. I didn't think Rachel and Blaine had a brother."

"Course they do," Brittany said with a shrug. "Don't you listen?"

"To who?" Artie asked rolling over to the window to take a peak. They were on the phone it looked like…weird.

"The hobbit with the loud words," Artie gave her a blank stare.

"My guess is Rachel," Tina said looking at Brittany. Everybody shrugged it made sense.

"Nobody does," Artie replied to Brittany. The blonde girl just shrugged tapping her hands on her knee. "I'm going to go check up on San," Brittany said after a pause. "Something's happening."

"Okay," Artie said. "I'm going to choose another movie."

"I'll go with you," Mercedes said suddenly, standing up and joining Brittany who was already at the door. Mercedes looked at Tina who just rolled her eyes and stood.

"Fine I'll come with."

Artie looked around in dismay. "Well I'm not going to stay here by myself," with a head nod he wheeled over to them motioning for Brittany to lead the way.

"What about Kurt and Stace," Tina asked. Everybody paused and heard a familiar soft tune coming from the kitchen. Mercedes crunched her brow in confusion. Why would Kurt be singing that?

"We better go now while they're distracted if we want to get out unnoticed." Artie said interrupting Mercedes's thoughts.

"Who said anything about going unnoticed?" Tina questioned.

"Fun did," Artie answered. "Now move." Tine and Mercedes rolled their eyes and walked over to the door, unlocked it and steeped out into the warm night air.


"Everybody got it?" Rachel asked feeling oddly accomplished.

"Yup," Santana said. "Text us when you're five minutes away."

"That's the plan," Rachel answered.

"Kick-ass," Santana replied before hitting the end button. Cooper looked at her and she raised an eyebrow. "What? We can't waste our time talking; we've got a marriage to save."

Cooper rolled his eyes and leaned back in the swing, kicking his legs slightly so that it rocked slowly. "I suppose I should say thank you," he said not looking at her.

"Thank me when she says yes," Santana said. There was a brief pause and she spoke again, "This is a big gamble you know."

"I know," Cooper sighed.

"But you're in love," Santana said scrutinizing his face while he still avoided eye contact.

"Too bad love is a losing game," he said stopping their rocking.

Santana just shrugged, "We'll see." Suddenly she heard the tell-tale signs of a door unlocking and she smiled. Perfect, she'd need their help anyway. Mercedes, Brittany, Tina, and Artie exited the door and walked over to them with curiosity plain on their faces.

"So you disappeared to talk to a random stranger of the night?" Mercedes asked placing her hands on her hips. Santana rolled her eyes.

"He's not random."

"Or a stranger anymore, thanks," Cooper inputted, taking in the most culturally diverse group of kids he'd ever seen. A black kid, an Asian kid, a white kid, and a paraplegic. It was like something out of a bad sitcom. "Hi," he said standing and holding out his hand. "I'm Cooper."

"Anderson," Santana added. "Of the Blainchel Anderson family."

"So Britt was right," Mercedes said with nothing short of surprise. "They have a brother."

Cooper shrugged. In a mock whisper he said, "Everyone has their dirty little secrets."

"Well I'm Tina," Tina said finally taking his outstretched hand. "And this is Artie, Brittany, and Mercedes. It's very nice to meet you."

"And I you," he said with a smile. "Considering that I'm going to have to ask you for your help."

Mercedes raised her eyebrow again. "For what?"

Santana smiled this time, subconsciously looking at Brittany. "We're going to get this piece of sexy hitched."


After a brief fight over who would drive, Rachel just rolled her eyes and took the wheel with Nick riding shotgun. David, Wes, and Jeff were stuck in the backseat growling obscenities about how she only chose him because he had sucked up to her before with all the hand kissing and compliments. They quieted down eventually, or rather; they were drowned out by Rachel's iPod that was blasting Streisand songs throughout the Audi A8 W12 that belonged to Wes.

"I have to say," David said with a smile. "You are a genius."

"I got the brains, Blaine got the looks, Cooper got them all," Rachel said with a shrug. "And we all got talent, but I got the most," she finished with a smile.

"Don't engage her in conversation," Wes hissed. "She might lose focus and get a scratch on my baby." Nick rolled his eyes from the front seat.

"Relax," he said. "We'll be fine, we're almost there anyway."

"Somebody text Santana," Rachel said making the smooth left turn. "The back-up is almost there."


"Oh god," Stacey said shaking her head and wiping the remaining tears from her face. "That was way too emotional. Let's never do that ever again."

"I don't know," Kurt said with a small laugh. "Don't you feel infinitely better now?"

"I'm not answering that," Stacy said. "But thank you."

"For what?" Kurt asked raising a slender eyebrow. He was leaning against the counter, his black jean clad legs were crossed and his elbows were propped up on the counter carrying his weight.

"For making me get that out of my system. That was a long time coming."

"I don't know if you should be thanking me, more so than Cooper." Kurt cocked his head fixing her with a questioning stare. "Are you going to talk to him?"

"No." Stacey answered instantly, crossing her arms and avoiding looking at Kurt.


"Because I don't want to," she answered firmly.

"It might be good for you though—"

"How!" Stacey exploded looking up at Kurt again. "How will talking to him help me? I just closed those floodgates, I really don't think now will be a good time to open them."

"You need to let these feelings out. Look I know it sucks, but he doesn't know. How could he have known? As far as he knows he went away for three days, came back and you had upped and vanished. I'm thinking about his feelings here as well as your own, he was probably heartbroken and now here you are looking sexier than ever." Stacey shot him glare and Kurt softened, shaking his head. "He deserves an explanation."

"And he'll get one…just not today."

"You still love him!" Kurt exclaimed pushing himself off of the counter. "The man you love is sitting outside waiting for you and you're just going to let him go?"

"Do I have any other choice?" Stacey retorted. "It's been two years and we've both changed. I'm not the Stacey he fell in love with anymore, nor is he my Cooper. I'm doing him a favour."

"I think that's his decision to make." Kurt said. "Don't shut that door just because you're scared."

"Scared of what?" Stacey challenged looking him dead in the eye, daring him to say it. Kurt returned the gaze, head bitch meeting head bitch. Stacey broke eye contact first and Kurt said softly, with no venom or anger in his voice; "scared of being rejected."

"Fuck you."

"Don't hate me for telling you the truth," Kurt said with a soft shake of his head. "This is what friends are for. And you did the same for me. I only want to help." Stacey didn't respond, but sighed once, closing her eyes.

"I really don't think I can handle rejection," she said softly. "Not from him."

"Well he's still here, isn't he?" Kurt said moving over to her and taking her hand in his. He pulled her to a standing position and put his hands on her shoulders, scrutinizing her face. "Trust me when I say, a guy wouldn't stick around just to rub dirt in the wound. Not a good guy anyway. And if he's anything like Blaine—" Kurt stopped himself, swallowing thickly. "If he's as great a guy as he sounds, then you've got nothing to worry about."

Stacey nodded thickly, and he felt her shoulders square underneath his fingertips. She took another deep breath and softly pushed Kurt's hands off of her. "Let's get this over with." Before the pair could even move, the doorbell rang.

"Well," Kurt said with a soft smile. "Speak of the Devil."


"Is this going to work? I don't think this is going to work!" To say Cooper was freaking out would be an understatement. Honestly, the boy was in full-fledged panic mode. Mercedes was sure that in a second he'd start hyperventilating and then pass out from lack of oxygen.

Santana watched him with contempt until finally Rachel reached out to her brother, stopping his pacing mid step. "Breathe," she ordered. Cooper took a deep breath and visibly deflated.

"I don't think this is going to work," he said.

"Oh hush," Mercedes said. "We promise you, this will get you some positive results."

"Yeah," Wes added. "We've made sure that she can't slam the door in your face, and that she'll be outside."

"And she still loves you," Rachel said.

"While I can't guarantee she'll say yes," Santana finished. "It'll definitely soften her up."

Cooper shook his head, raking his hand through his thick black hair. "How did you guys convince me to do this again?"

"You want to big brother," Rachel said with a smirk. "Otherwise would you really be standing here right now?"

Cooper raised a brow and Rachel nodded. "Exactly, so stand up and everyone get in position. I think it's time we got this show on the road." Everybody stood up from the various places they were lounging and went to their assigned positions.


Stacey brushed off imaginary creases in her clothing as she walked to the door. She took a final deep breath before opening the door. "Cooper—" she started but her words caught in her mouth. It was the fucking delivery man who had never showed up.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," the boy who couldn't have been older than thirteen said. "I g-got…I got lost."

"Whatever," Stacey growled. "How much do I owe you?"

"Just check to make sure it's the pizza you ordered," the boy said holding out the box so she could open it. "We've had some mix-ups tonight." Stacey just rolled her eyes and complied with the boy's suggestion opening the box.

She gasped and jumped back staring at the pepperonis on the pizza that spelt out the words Marry Me.

"What the—!" she started but was cut off by the sound of music coming from outside.

The pizza boy held out his hand, "If you would?"

Shocked and slightly nervous Stacey didn't move staring at the boy like he was out of his mind. Kurt just smiled and placed Stacey's hand in the boy's. Before she could say anything he pulled her out of the doorway and over to the swing set at the end of the porch where Cooper was sitting with Jeff, Nick, Wes, and David circled behind him.

He looked up at her and said;

Baby I have something that I want to ask you,
He patted the seat next to him, so sit back and listen.

The pizza boy gently pushed her into the seat and Cooper smiled. He stood up quickly and stood in front of her, crossing his arms looking pope-like.

Hey miss beloved we are gathered here,
to join each other hand and hand,
no more playing house
no ,
cause I want to make it real do you understand,

To have and to hold, Cooper took her hands softly in his
Til death do u part,
No one could ever interrupt the beats of our hearts,

Cooper smiled and let go of her hands stepping back.

Cus this I gonna last,

The Warblers stepped out from behind the swings swaying softly as they sang

forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever

Cooper sang softly over them, repeating forever's in his melted chocolate voice. They swayed until they were behind him, where they promptly stopped their evers and turned around with their hands clasped behind their backs, until only Cooper was facing Stacey.

Now there is no one here to speak out and interrupt this ceremony ah baby yeah
(baby just say) The Warblers sang as David turned around.
All you got to do is say,he sang
Say that you love me Cooper took over and we will walk

The rest of the Warblers turned around swaying again taking over the vocals as Cooper sang over them again.

We will walk down the aisle watching the people smile,
flowers are everywhere,
nothing else can compare

The four boys pirouetted to the back, and kept on turning until they hit the other end of the balcony, leaving Cooper alone.

Girl you got the kind of love that
makes a man like me want to settle down
a picket fence and a house yeah

Rachel, Mercedes, Brittany, and Santana walked up the steps from the driveway taking up the forevers as Cooper harmonized over them.

Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever

Santana and Brittany moved to Cooper's left side while Rachel and Mercedes went to his right.

And ever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever

Girl I'm down on my knees Cooper fell to his knees in front of Stacey.
What's it gonna be?

The girls took up the next vocals with the Warblers, who slowly walked the length of the balcony pretending to be walking down the aisle.

What's it gonna be, what's it's
gonna be,

(Talk to me) Cooper begged

What's it gonna be, what's it gonna be, what's it gonna

(Two words yeah)

What's it gonna be what's it gonna be,
Baby you and me, baby
you and me, baby you and me, baby you and me

The Warblers and the girls stopped all at once.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Forever and ever

Nick and Jeff turned to each other and started slow dancing as they sang. So did Mercedes and David, Rachel and Wes, and Brittany and Santana. They continued on as Cooper sang over them.

Forever baby, you and me baby, I will be your man you will be my lady,

Cooper held out his hand again and she took it without a second thought

We'll walk hand and hand side by side. He pulled her up to him and his other hand encircled her waist pulling her into a slow dance

I will be the perfect groom you the perfect bride,
would you just think about it baby,

He let her go stepping back.

Just think about it baby

He stepped towards her again, holding her face and putting their foreheads together as he sang staring directly into her eyes.

You and me will be together girl,
rain, sleet, snow no matter what the weather

Just think about it baby,
think about it girl,
we'll be making love for eternity raise a family,
girl I'm on my knees,

Cooper dropped to his knees again


(Marry me) The still dancing couples sang

Marry me

(Marry me)

Cuz I love you baby

(Marry me)

There's no other baby

(Marry me)

For you baby

(Marry me)

Said a picket fence

(Marry me)

Dog and a house

(Marry me)

About 12 kids
You cooking me breakfast in the mornings, and I'm taking the garbage out

Marry me marry me, marry me, Cooper grabbed her hand, still on his knees and brought it to his face, pressing against it softly as he continued on, pure passion and truth reining from his voice.

Marry me, marry me, marry me

He wants to marry her, he needs to marry her. It's been two years too long, and he can't survive another minute without her.

Marry me, marry me, marry me

He met her eyes which were shining and on the brink of tears. He smiled softly and kissed her palm, standing again.

Marry me, marry me, marry me,

The music started to fade out and Cooper stepped closer until he and Stacey were no more than a breath apart

marry me, marry me

Marry me he whispered before finally, leaning down and kissing her.


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