Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Ding Dong!
Kurt waited impatiently for the door to open. He could hear movement inside and his hands itched to knock again so that they would get here faster. He was late he knew which meant that Blaine would get here any second, and while he despised Rachel's twin brother, he didn't want to ruin the surprise for him. Blaine had been on an exchange in Italy for a year, the length still surprised Kurt, and now he was coming home. Rachel always complained that she missed him and how jealous she was that her brother got to, for the most part, leave home before she did.
Kurt sighed and his hands tapped restlessly against his white skinny jeans. Should he ring the doorbell again? Was it too soon? Would he be rude?
Finally the door opened, bringing Kurt out of his thoughts. "Hey, there you are Kurt!" Rachel said grabbing his arm and pulling him inside, before slamming the door behind him. "We were getting worried." She seemed slightly out of breath but her smile was bright.
"Hey," he said apologetically as he pulled her into a loose hug. "I'm sorry, I completely lost track of time." Rachel's smile never faltered as she dragged him to her kitchen.
"It's okay, the party hasn't started yet." Kurt took in the decorated kitchen. There was a giant blue Welcome Home banner written in big block letters. The dining table and island were covered with a bright red table cloth that donned various party foods on top of it. He flinched at the clash of the blue and red but didn't say anything about it. Though next time, he was planning the party. People mingled leisurely around the house, waiting patiently for the guest of honour to arrive.
"Wow," Kurt mused allowed. "Blaine has a lot of friends."
Rachel laughed, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah despite what you might believe, loserdom doesn't run in the family." Kurt raised a perfect brown eyebrow but didn't comment because he was not one hundred percent sure what to say. Even though Rachel was the eldest by 1 minute 23 seconds, Blaine was and always had been the preferred child. Kurt had been Rachel's friend for two years now, and Blaine had only been around for one, but Kurt wasn't blind, and subtlety definitely didn't run in their family. Blaine was "perfect." Straight A's, lead singer of his schools Glee Club, popular, kind, funny, and attractive to say the least. Everybody who met him fell for his charm and Kurt felt bad for Rachel. She had straight A's but they didn't come naturally to her, she had to work very hard for them. She was the lead singer of the New Directions but nobody really wanted her to be. She had no friends outside of the Glee Club and even most of them couldn't stand her. Kind was a word she could put to use more often as she was prone to selfish tendencies, and as looks went she wasn't ugly but she wasn't as gorgeous as Quinn. Compared to her brother, Rachel really was the ugly duckling, but then again that's from an objective view. Personally, Kurt hated Blaine.
That's right; Kurt hated the dapper prince Blaine Anderson. He could see through his fake school boy charm in a minute. Blaine was a snob, arrogant, and honestly he was really mean to his sister. Kurt honestly couldn't stand the kid. Rachel knew this and that's probably why he was here. So that she wouldn't be alone in a room full of people who adored the jerk-off who shared her blood.
"I honestly don't know why you did all of this for him," Kurt whispered to Rachel. Over the silence they had retreated to the large window seat so that they were apart from the festivities without seeming socially inept.
She sighed deeply avoiding his eyes. "Mother and Father wanted me to." Kurt huffed and crossed his slender legs, snuggling his back into the wall.
"Would it be bad of me to say that I don't like your parents very much?" Kurt asked in a tone that implied he really he didn't care if it was bad or not. It was a fact and she would just have to accept it.
Rachel just choked out a bitter laugh. "Everybody loves my parents, just like everybody loves Blaine."
Kurt leaned in towards her and said with a small smile, "It's a good thing I'm not everyone then." A small, sad, but very genuine smile graced Rachel's lips and for one single moment she was breathtakingly beautiful. And then she pulled Kurt into a tight a hug and he was compelled to hug her back because she was stunning, and nobody in the entire world could change that.
You're my best friend," Rachel whispered in his ear. A shiver went down his spine and he felt on the urge of tears.
"You're my best friend too," he whispered back, his throat surprisingly tight. They embraced each other for a few more seconds, before mutually separating. Rachel cleared her throat and dabbed her eyes daintily with the back of her hand. Kurt wasn't sure what just happened, but he was pretty sure they had just gotten even closer than they already were. A new bond had been formed and it made Kurt warm inside.
"Everyone hide!" A voice yelled. Kurt caught Rachel's eyes and gave her a reassuring smile. He patted her knee once before standing over her and offering his hand.
"You can do this," he said smiling. Without a word she took his soft hand and he pulled her up. Together they crouched behind a plush leather couch and waited. Somebody dimmed the lights and silence filled the room. The sound of the lock being played with resounded and everybody held their breath waiting for the moment to burst from their hiding places. The door opened and a figure walked through. Maria Anderson who was platooned at the living room door raised three fingers. She lowered her ring finger, then the middle, then the pointer.
"Surprise!" Everybody yelled as Mrs. Anderson jumped up and turned on the lights. The person in the doorway shrieked and jumped a foot in the air. Kurt smirked.
"Holy s— cheesus you guys scared me half to death," Blaine said turning to the crowd with his charming smile. Kurt scoffed at the obvious almost swear, and moved back to the window seat so he could watch.
Blaine moved from the foyer into the living room hugging all the people he knew.
"I cannot believe you guys all came here just for little old me." Everybody laughed and rubbed off his thanks with "it was our pleasures," and "we missed you so much dude" and "we want to hear about all the Italian babes." Kurt rolled his eyes at the amount of kiss asses in one room. Honestly.
"Rachel," Mrs. Anderson called to her daughter who was still standing behind the sofa. "Come say hi to your brother, he's been gone for so long I'm sure you missed him."
To anybody else Maria Anderson would seem the picture perfect mother. Happy, rich, with picturesque children but Kurt knew the truth. He knew way too many truths about this family honestly, but he was glad he did. Maria was a cold hearted bitch. She was a business woman who was barely ever home, and when she was she seemed to ignore her daughter at all costs. When they did talk her voice was always harsh and cold unless she was in public like she was now, where she put so much sugar in her voice it was practically oozing honey. And it made Kurt feel sick to his stomach.
"Of course I did," Rachel said plastering a smile on her face. It wasn't fake but it was uneasy, not sure how her brother would receive her. She walked over to him arms outstretched. "Brother, Blaine, it's so good to see you again."
He smiled widely and ran into her hug. He sighed deeply snuggling into her neck. She and Kurt froze.
What. The. Hell?
Hesitantly she patted his back and he pulled her into him tighter. "Aye bella, I have missed you."
"I—I've missed you too," Rachel managed to stutter out. They were lucky the crowd had dispersed again because Kurt swore Rachel's awkwardness was touchable. Maria stood by her children watching the party while keeping a motherly eye out on her children. She didn't want them to get into another nasty fight in a public place. All her friends and work mates were here.
Blaine was still latched on to Rachel and it looked like he had fallen asleep. Rachel was still awkwardly patting his back, and he was sure if they could make eye contact he would see pure distress there. Sighing inwardly Kurt stood and walked towards the siblings, stealing himself for a fight.
"Rachel," Kurt said ignoring Maria's glare and tapping the girl on her shoulder. Both Blaine and she looked, finally making the younger boy let go of his hold and step back from his sister. Though he was still holding loosely on to her forearm. "The vegetable platters are getting empty. Would you be able to help me refill them?"
"Of course," Rachel replied. "If you'd excuse me brother?" He nodded his head and let go of her, she smiled and quickly followed Kurt to the kitchen. The doors swung shut behind them.
"Holy hell!" Rachel whisper yelled as soon as the door closed. "Did you see that!" Kurt nodded not trusting himself to anything. "He just hugged me!" Rachel continued, "He just hugged me and told me he missed me like he actually meant it!" Kurt nodded along to her rant. "That was bizarre; he's never that nice ever. Even at events like these, I don't get it… what is he planning…"
"How can you be so sure he's planning something?" Kurt asked, leaning lazily against the marble counter. "He just got back from Italy. If he's going to revert back to his douche-bag ways he'll start tomorrow." Rachel nodded, calming down slightly as her thoughts slowed down.
"I can't believe he's actually back," she said quietly.
"Either can I!" Blaine said as he walked through the kitchen door. Kurt and Rachel froze but un-tensed when they saw an Asian boy follow Blaine into the kitchen. "I am so much darker now it's insane," the boys walked to fridge not even noticing the best friends by the counter. Kurt and Rachel breathed out a silent sigh of relief that they hadn't overheard their conversation.
"The tan look suits you," the tall skinny Asian boy said, taking a step back to give his friend a once over. "That with your Italian accent and angel like voice means you'll be picking up girls in no time." Wes winked at Blaine who he busied himself in the fridge effectively avoiding a reply.
"What do you want to drink?" Blaine asked, his head peering into the cooling system.
"A diet coke please," Kurt said. Blaine jumped, as did the Asian boy. Kurt chucked to himself but stopped when Rachel gave him a death glare. She hadn't wanted to draw any attention to themselves.
"Oh it's just you," Blaine said as he calmed down. He reached into the fridge and grabbed the requested drink. Kurt scoffed.
"Just me? Please, I am fabulous and just has nothing on me." Blaine rolled his eyes as he walked up to Kurt and placed the cold Diet coke in his hands.
"I'm sorry for offending you your highness," Blaine looked up. His golden hazel eyes shone into Kurt's bright blue ones and suddenly Kurt couldn't breathe. His eyes were beautiful. He had forgotten how warm they were. They were a golden hazel, flecked with bits of bright green and gold. Kurt's gaze wandered and he took in the boy's heavily gelled black curly hair that looked phenomenal without all the product in it. His eyes flickered to the golden tanned fingers that brushed his and he almost shuddered at the contact. Blaine was warm, so warm, and his skin was a sexy golden brown that definitely suited him. Just like the Asian boy had said. Kurt's glasz eyes darted back to Blaine's and he almost gasped. Kurt had never seen so much emotion in one pair of eyes before. They bled a story of a million words that he could not comprehend, but could catch snippets of; sadness, happiness, anger, fear, confusion and a bit of lust. The emotions kept pouring out until suddenly Kurt snapped back to himself.
What was he doing? This was Blaine! Stupid, douche-y, rude, ignoramus, terribly attractive Blaine. And he was Rachel's brother. And he was "straight." Without much thought Kurt ripped the diet Coke and his hand away from Blaine's.
"Thank you, peasant," he all but spat out. Memories of two years ago washed over him and his old hatred for the boy came bubbling back. Blaine visibly recoiled and a hurt looked crossed his face before he regained his composure. His walls came down and his expression was stony, his posture erect.
"Come on Blaine," Wes said looking confusedly between Blaine and Kurt. He took a loose hold of Blaine's elbow and pulled him back gently. "Jeff and Nick have missed you and are threatening to shank me if I don't bring you to them right now."
Blaine nodded and turned, giving the Asian a shaky nod. "Of course they did, they love me." His tone was joking, loving and not in any way smug. But Kurt still narrowed his eyes at him, irritation penetrating through.
"Because everybody loves Blaine Anderson." Kurt said sarcastically. He had not meant to say it, only think it loudly to himself. But apparently the thought was too much because it pushed itself from his lips and invaded his mouth. Now it was out in the open, heavy, and excruciatingly awkward.
"What is that supposed to be mean?" Blaine asked turning back around to face Kurt who stood defensively with his hand folded over his chest. Rachel glanced at her brother and back to Kurt taking them both in. Kurt's stand was defensive and cold, powerful even in his posture. Blaine on the other hand was neither defensive nor offensive. He just stood like he would in any other conversation, not like he was about to step into hell, which as sure as Rachel had every single Barbra Streisand song in her repertoire, was about to happen.
"It meant what it sounded like," Kurt replied, his now stormy grey eyes like ice. "Everybody loves you."
Blaine cocked his head. "But you say it like it's an insult."
"Then maybe it is."
Blaine's eyebrow furrowed in confusion at the pale skinned boys words. "I honestly don't understand where all this hostility is coming from."
Kurt scoffed and took a step forward. "You wouldn't understand would you? You're little Miss perfect, why should you understand? Why should Blaine Anderson concern himself with the happenings of less perfect beings than himself?" Kurt took another step forward, and suddenly they were face to face, merely inches apart. Kurt had to look down at Blaine because he was a few inches shorter and Kurt smirked inwardly at this. "But let's not forget," Kurt continued, lowering his voice to a whisper and leaning in to speak in Blaine's ear. "That I know your secret."
Kurt pulled back and looked at Blaine who looked on the verge of tears. "K-Kurt," the shorter boy stuttered out. "I never got to apologize for that, I am so sorry—"
Kurt cut him off with a raise of his hand. "Apologies were for the days and weeks after, when you were nothing but cruel to your sister and I."
"I—" Blaine moved to speak again but Kurt plowed onward ignoring anything Blaine had to say. "Your apologies became useless after the hours and hours spent in the closet. Your apologies became forever inadequate when I tried to help and you told me to, and I quote, 'Get the fuck out of my house because I don't allow faggy freak abominations under this roof."
Rachel gasped but Kurt ignored her, continuing on with his rant.
"Your apologies became non-existent," Kurt leaned in again and whispered into Blaine's ear so that only he could hear, "When you broke my heart."
Kurt pushed past Blaine and stormed out of the kitchen. Rachel looked at her distressed brother and back to the still swinging door, before breaking into a soft run after Kurt.
Blaine breathed in a shuddered breath as a single tear fell from his eye.
"Okay honestly Kurt, what the hell was that?" It was five hours after the appropriately named "Kitchen Incident." The party had finally ended so Kurt and Rachel had resided to her bedroom since Kurt was sleeping over. They sat cross legged and facing each other on Rachel's humongous white wood canopy bed, already dressed in their sleeping clothes. This for Rachel consisted of a foot length pale pick night gown, and for Kurt a pair of powder blue silk pajamas.
Kurt shook his head at Rachel's question. "That was a years' worth of repressed angst and I am deeply sorry you had to witness that."
Rachel's brow scrunched in concern. "But are you okay?" she took his soft porcelain hands in hers and squeezed softly. "That seemed serious. Like super serious, like tell me everything right now because I deserve to know what's going on between my best-friend and my twin brother." Kurt just sighed deeply. He couldn't tell her everything, that wouldn't be fair to Blaine. Even if he did hate the curly haired dork to a cellular level, Kurt wasn't a mean person and the secret wasn't his to tell.
"I can't tell you everything," Kurt said looking Rachel in the eye to make sure she understood. "This is a two sided tale, and there are many secrets that I do not have the authority to tell." Rachel nodded her expression somber as she feared the worst. "Obviously it all started two years ago when I-"
"Rachel!" a voice called interrupting Kurt. Rachel rolled her eyes in exasperation.
"Yes?" she called back to who, Kurt assumed, was her father.
"Can you come here for a second please? I need your help."
"Sure!" she yelled back. "I'm sorry," she said to Kurt apology written all over her face. Kurt let out a tight smile of reassurance, and let it drop as soon as she left, her long night gown billowing around. He sighed. He cannot believe that he is going to tell her everything. He should be happy, relieved to get this off his chest. But Kurt just can't shake the feeling that she is going to be beyond pissed at both him and Blaine, and he honestly doesn't want to put their friendship under that strain. It would be better if Rachel just forgot about it, then Kurt could go back to pretending like it didn't happen, and Rachel could live happily and blissfully in her ignorance.
Somebody clearing their throat brought Kurt out of his semi depressing thoughts. He looked up only to be greeted to the sight of the one person her really didn't want to see.
"May I come in?" Blaine asked from the doorway.
Playing nonchalance, Kurt shrugged. "It's your house."
"True," Blaine nodded. "But I don't want to go anywhere I'm not wanted."
"You're never wanted by me," Kurt retorted looking at his nails. "In fact, this six foot radius is pushing things."
Blaine snorted, "That wasn't always the case."
Kurt replied not looking up from his nails, "And you didn't always used to be a prick. But things happen, people change." Blaine didn't answer and Kurt continued to pretend to analyze his nails. Together they stewed in an uncomfortable silence, when suddenly Kurt felt the bed dip beside him.
"Look at me," Blaine said gently, pain evident in his voice. Kurt ignored him, not moving. He was the one who got hurt here no Blaine, Blaine had no right to sound so wounded. "Kurt, please," Blaine tried again his voice breaking ever so slightly. When Kurt still didn't move he let out a shaky breath and dragged calloused fingers through his ungelled hair.
"Look," he said staring intently at the back of Kurt's head, silently willing him to turn around. "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know how many times I have to say it until you believe me but I am so, sorry." Kurt whirled around violently, anger and pain evident in his ever changing eyes.
"We've already been over this," Kurt all but spat. "Sorry means nothing to me now. You had your chance and you lost it. Actually no! You had your chance, and you let it go. So don't you dare come scurrying back to me with meaningless apologies."
"Kurt. I was young, we were young! I made mistakes and all I want is a chance to rectify them." Kurt jumped to his feet no longer able to sit through his wave of emotions. Anger, pain, regret, love, but mostly anger rippled through him as he stared at the raven haired boy.
"Don't you dare think," he said, his voice shaking from rage. "That you can traipse back in to my life, after a year of no communication, and expect everything to be all dandy and fine!" Kurt's beautiful porcelain face was that reminiscent of an angry angel's. Beautiful in its deadly ferocity, but lethal in its release. He turned his vibrant blue eyes to Blaine's, and Blaine wondered how he could see so much emotion in two orbs.
"You broke me Blaine!' Kurt yelled. The silence between them was palpable; Kurt didn't think he could breathe. "I gave you fucking—" and just as quickly as it surfaced, the anger dissipated leaving Kurt exhausted and so very sad. "I gave you everything, and you…you broke me." The exhaustion swept over him like a tidal wave, and he fell heavily on the bed, still able to leave feet of room between himself and Blaine. He was so tired now. A year's worth of pent up emotions were a dangerous thing.
"Kurt, I—"
"No," Kurt interrupted, his voice a hollow shell of the pure ire it held before. "Just go."
"Go!" Kurt said with much more fervor, though it had nothing on the energy of just minutes before. "You said you didn't want to be where you're not wanted, well you're not wanted. I want you, no. I need you to leave. I honestly cannot stand looking at you right now."
Blaine nodded jerkily, his heart pounding an erratic beat as he stood unevenly to his feet. All he wanted to do was take Kurt in his arms and hug him until all the hurt went away. But knowing that he was the one who put it there, that he was the one who caused Kurt's gentle soul sorrow, hurt him more than he could ever say.
Standing slowly, Blaine walked to the door and looked back at Kurt who sat with his head in his heads. "Just so you know," Blaine said quietly, so quietly that he wasn't even sure if Kurt could hear him. "I never stopped loving you...I still haven't stopped loving you." With those soft words lingering in the air, Blaine left. And only when they were alone did each boy finally let their tears fall.
Rachel came back five minutes after when Kurt had just managed to pull himself together. He had wiped his tears and the pink flush of his cheeks had left. His eyes were a still a bit glassy and his smile a bit watery, but as for now Rachel either hadn't looked at his face properly yet, or hadn't noticed. Never had Kurt been more appreciative or Rachel's big house until now. He knew he and Blaine hadn't been particularly quiet, so Kurt assumed she had been far enough away that she didn't hear their row.
"Sorry I took so long," Rachel said as she plopped back down on the soft mattress next to Kurt. "Family affairs; trust fund and all that business."
Kurt nodded in understanding. "You and Blaine are turning eighteen soon."
"Yup," Rachel said in confirmation to his not quite question. "Which means we'll have full access to the ten million dollars in our trust funds." Kurt nodded again, surprised at how high the number was but not surprised in the least. The Anderson's were….well of to say the least. The fact that they were passing on some of their fortune to their children was no surprise.
"Anyway," Rachel said rolling so that she was lying on her stomach at Kurt's crossed feet. "You were going to tell me a very interesting story." Kurt sighed, and a knot formed in his throat as all his feelings rose to the surface and he pushed them down trying not to cry.
"I—I was." Kurt swallowed loudly and brushed an invisible hair off of his forehead. His hand shook as he lowered it back down. Fuck he was nervous. There was just so much to tell. So many feelings that he had pushed down until they were almost forgotten, and now he was about to bring them back up again. He honestly didn't know if he was ready for it. But he didn't have a choice. Steeling himself, Kurt began.
"Like I said before, it started two years ago when I first met—"
"Hello ladies," a voice said interrupting Kurt yet again. Kurt and Rachel looked to the door to see Blaine standing there clad in a tight red tee-shirt and red plaid pajama pants. Kurt gave him a seething glare and Blaine reiterated. "I'm sorry, lady and gentlemen. Hello lady and gentlemen."
Rachel rolled up from her laying position, "what do you want Blaine?"
Blaine shrugged a small smile on his face. "I just wanted to hang with my sis and her best friend. Is that a crime?"
"Well considering what went down in the kitchen, yes it is." Rachel replied crossing her arms. Blaine scoffed walking slowly into the room.
"Are you really blaming me for that?"
Rachel raised a black brow. "Is there really anybody else to blame?"
Blaine didn't say anything, but stared in Kurt's direction. Kurt in turn, was pointedly looking at everything that wasn't Blaine. Kurt was pissed…again. Not five minutes ago Blaine was telling Kurt he loved him, and now here he was being his arrogant self like nothing had happened. Kurt new that bitchy Blaine was a cover, a mask, that he wore when all else failed. So Blaine couldn't be all right, but why was he pretending? What was the point?
"So you're blaming Kurt?" Rachel asked irritation clear in her voice.
"Didn't he insult me first?" Blaine asked cocking hid head slightly and meeting Rachel's incredulous stare.
"That is beside the point, he—"
"Look Rachel," Blaine said cutting her off as he sat down on the bed next to her and Kurt. "I didn't come here to argue with you. I came here to tell you something really important." He paused and Kurt watched as his arrogant armor slipped away. The constant smirk fell, and his brows creased in worry. He bit on his bottom lip and looked at his hands that rested lightly on his knees.
Kurt's breathing hitched as he watched Blaine. He couldn't be telling her what he thought he was. He wouldn't, not now, not after all this time.
"So you made up your mind?" Kurt asked in a whisper.
Blaine looked up at him, surprised that he had spoken to him. He nodded once, and smiled. The smile was full of hope, wonder, and uncertainty. And Kurt knew for sure what his choice was. Kurt smiled back, a beaming toothy smile that he only ever used when he was completely and wholly happy.
Rachel looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"I think I'll leave you too alone," Kurt said, still smiling. He got up to leave but was stopped by a hand on his arm.
"Don't leave," Blaine said softly. "I know you're still mad at me, and you hate my guts. But I still need you, and this is my first step of me trying to becoming the person that you deserve. I just…don't leave please?"
"But you know Rachel won't reject you," Kurt replied sadly. "You don't need me for this."
"I always need you," was Blaine's simply reply. He said like it was a fact that everybody knew, as if he was saying 'the sky is blue,' or 'we need more cheese.'
I always need you.
Kurt softened a tiny bit, and slowly sat back down. "Thank you," Blaine smiled. Kurt just tipped his head.
"Will somebody please tell me what is going on?" Rachel asked interrupting their sort of bonding moment. Blaine turned himself back to Rachel, and took a deep breath before taking her hand.
"Rachel, I have something I need to tell you. It is important, and big, and will help explain a lot of why I used to be such an ass. It will also explain all the animosity between Kurt and me."
Rachel nodded though confusion was still written all over her face. "Kay…"
Blaine looked down at their intertwined hands and breathed deeply. "I…I like…what I'm trying to say is…"Blaine stumbled over his words, still afraid to say the two small words; two words that had the ability to change his life forever. He looked at Kurt who gave him a small encouraging smile. His gaze went back to Rachel who looked at him with her warm brown eyes, and suddenly Blaine had all the courage he needed.
"I'm gay."
Silence filled the pink room for three heart beats before Rachel's face broke out into a massive smile.
"Oh Blainer's," she said squeezing his hand a little bit tighter. "You honestly thought I'd have a problem with that?"
Blaine shook his head "I just…"
"Look at who my best friend is," she said laughing softly.
Kurt and Blaine made eye contact, but Kurt looked away as soon as their eyes locked. Blaine brought his gaze back to Rachel who he had never loved more in this moment. It was true that she had a gay best friend but Blaine was still worried. Things were always different when it was your own flesh and blood. And he used to be a horrible person; he wouldn't have been surprised if she had acted disgusted just to spite him. But that wasn't Rachel. Unlike him, she wasn't a terrible person. Blaine allowed a small smile to break through and Rachel returned it.
"You're my brother Blaine, my twin brother. Of course I'd support you. You love who you love. But a word of advice," Rachel continued her tone getting more serious. "Don't tell mother and father until after our birthday and the trust fund papers have been signed."
Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I've been thinking about that. And I was going to do what you said, but if my own parents can't accept me, why would I want their money? If they really want to disown me then let them. I wouldn't want anything of theirs attached to me anyway."
"I can understand that," Rachel said delicately taking his other hand in hers as well. "But do you really want to be out in the world with nothing? What would you do for university money or rent?"
"Your sister has a point," Kurt said. "If you're going to be kicked out in the world on your own, you may as well have as many things helping you as you can get." Kurt knew the Anderson's, and he knew they didn't like him because he was gay. The bitchy attitude may also have something to do with it, but he didn't start using it on them until they started to despise him because of his sexuality. They had many a row in the past, so now they settled with silently hating each other from afar, avoiding contact with each other as much as necessary. It was good thing they were basically never home or Kurt was pretty sure he'd be dead right now. "Not to be rude or anything," Kurt continued with a roll of his eyes. "But your parents are pretty cold. I wouldn't pull any self-righteous acts here. This could make or break your future, so I'd listen to your sister. Wait until you get the money."
Blaine looked at him in slight shock, before nodding shakily. "Sure, yeah, I guess. I suppose I just don't like the idea of living off of their money."
"You already do anyway," Rachel said shrugging slightly.
"And as soon as you have a good job you can live off your own savings and keep the ten mill for a rainy day." Kurt finished. Blaine looked between Kurt and Rachel thankful for their words of advice. They had a point, so he guessed he'd have to wait. Keep up the lie just a little bit longer.
Rachel watched her brother with a smile on her face; Italy must have been good to him because he has really changed. But as much fondness she felt for him he had to leave. Kurt was about to her something important.
"Well," Rachel started not wanting to sound rude. She hadn't been sent to finishing school for no reason. "As lovely as it is having you around and not being a prick," Blaine made a noise but she ignored him. "Kurt has some important things to tell me. So unfortunately I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"There's no point," Kurt said as Blaine started to rise, "…really. I mean, he is the second lead of this tale," Kurt continued not looking Rachel in the eye.
"I'm sorry what?"
Blaine looked at Kurt, one triangular eyebrow raised. "You're going to tell her?" He asked in astonishment.
"Well there's nothing to hide now," Kurt said shrugging, feeling nervous under Blaine's stare. "I mean you just came out and she deserves to know….she's your sister."
"Could somebody please tell me what you're talking about!" Rachel said loudly, interrupting Kurt and Blaine's cryptic conversation. Kurt nodded to Blaine almost imperceptibly. Blaine turned back to Rachel and took both her hands in his again. He rubbed his thumb over them softly in s soothing motion.
"Rachel," he started. "A long time ago, Kurt was my everything."
"And Blaine was mine," Kurt said sadly.
Rachel looked at her Blaine's intertwined hands, then to Blaine's saddened face, and Kurt's. "I'm sorry what?" she asked in disbelief.
"What we're saying is," Kurt said meeting Rachel's sceptic face, "Is that two years ago your brother and I were in love."