Lost Boys
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Lost Boys: You Know What This Means

T - Words: 2,260 - Last Updated: Aug 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Feb 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 09, 2013
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Author's Notes: Comments, questions, concerns? Review!P.S Jo is my fave Jbro :)
You Know What This Means

Blaine stared at Kurt for a long time, his face passive as the news washed over him. Kurt let go of his hand, and Blaine was scratching again as he processed what had just happened.

"Okay," he said slowly, blinking his eyes once. He turned to Santana and Jeff who had continued eating their pancakes. "Are you sorry?"

Santana looked up at him, a wicked glint in her that Jeff mimicked as they stared him down. "It was just a little itching powder," Santana started.

"Nothing to be sorry for," Jeff finished.

Blaine nodded, pursing his lips in thought. He looked down and then back up at the smirking duo, except this time his eyes were wide and open, tears making their way to the surface as he sniffled. "You're not sorry?" he crooned, his bottom lip trembling in the effort to keep his tears down.

Jeff glanced at Santana, a look which she returned. They seemed to understand one another before Jeff spoke without doubt in his voice. "We're not sorry."

Blaine's demeanour completely changed and suddenly there was a bright smile on his face. He stopped scratching his arm and rested his head in his hands, blinking up at the duo innocently.

"You two are cute," he said with a mischievous edge to his voice. "If you think a little itching powder is enough to do me in. I go to an all-boys school where we are given little means of entertainment—"

"Oh you mean the copious amounts of gay sex isn't enough for you?" Santana quipped.

"—And way too much free time," he said ignoring Santana completely. "And we're inventive. Itching powder is so fourth grade guys, at this point, I'm practically immune."

"But you were scratching, Kurt pointed out.

Blaine shrugged, leaning back a smirk of his own growing on his face. "I faked it."

Santana nodded looking impressed . "Not bad hobbit, not bad."

"But you must know," he continued, his gaze flickering easily between the two of you. "That this means war."

Burt let out a load groan, removing his plate and stepping out of the way. Blaine raised an eyebrow at the man who shook his head with what Blaine could only pin as something close to despair.

"This happen a lot?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded. "Every now and then," he answered.

"But nothing was as bad as the summer of 2006," Burt said as he placed his plate in the sink. "Now I'm not going to even try to stop this because I know you'll just do it anyway, so I'll only give you a few rules. 1. Don't break anything or I will rain all kinds of fiery hell on you. 2. Don't get me involved, you won't like it if you get me involved. 3. If any bones get broken you're calling a truce, and 4. If it gets as bad as 2006, I swear to god I will take you to places where even the man upstairs won't be able to hear you scream."

Santana saluted with a wink, "No problem Burt," she reassured. "We're much older now."

"Which is exactly why I don't trust it," he retorted rolling his eyes.

"Relax," Jeff said finally putting his knife and fork down. "I doubt it'll get that bad."

"Yeah," Santana agrees. "I don't think Blaine's made of tough stuff."

The curly haired boy snorted indignantly. "You'd be surprised," he replied with a shrug.

"Play nice guys," Burt said holding his arms up in a sign of defeat. "Oh and rule number five, Kurt you're on Blaine's side. He deserves a chance."

And with that final decree Burt left the room, leaving the teenagers to their own devices.

Kurt rolled his eyes but didn't argue, shooting Jeff and Santana a menacing glare. "One more rule," Kurt started, his blue eyes cold so that the duo knew he wasn't joking. "None of this starts until Blaine finds a job. And if you even dare to touch my room, you both die, understood?"

"That's two rules," Jeff pointed out.

"Understood?" Kurt all but growled. Santana rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Yes Mr. Man, it's understood."

Kurt gave her a sarcastic smile, "good. Now clean these up, I have to go find Blaine a job."

"Dude, no," Jeff started to argue.

"I said I'd cook," Kurt said calmly. "Not that I'd wash up." Jeff pouted but Kurt just shrugged as he stood, pulling Blaine with him. "Look at it this way, the sooner Blaine gets a job, the sooner your pranks can start."

Jeff visibly perked at that, practically jumping to his feet to pick up the plates. "Go!" he shooed at them as he hurriedly worked. "Santana and I must begin preparations."

Kurt rolled his eyes but didn't argue as he left the room, Blaine close on his tail.

"This is going to suck."


The car ride was quiet. Kurt had led him to the garage where a big black Navigator was parked. According to Kurt the car was his, but it was basically the family car since Burt's was always at work with him. Though he said, and he was kind of scary when he said it, that if anybody so much as scratched his baby there would be hell to pay.

Blaine was surprised; he didn't think Kurt would have been a car person, but who was Blaine to judge, he still rocked out to the Jonas Brothers—Nick was his favourite...shut up!

Blaine watched the view blur by. He thought he vaguely remembered some of the streets from his time as a lonely lost wanderer, but he really couldn't be sure. The car trip wasn't very long as they both hummed along to the music on the radio, after ten minutes Kurt pulled off of the road, and parked in front of what looked like a wooden warehouse.

Kurt got out first, and Blaine trailed after, giving the place a once over as he followed Kurt inside. The building was large and like Kurt's house, was made mostly out of wood. There was an overhang that held the sign "Carol's Flowers and Groceries," in big red wooden writing. Underneath it was a porch that held a screen door, where an open sign was slightly askew as it bounced on the mesh. Kurt walked up the porch steps that creaked slightly underfoot, and disappeared into the darkness of the entrance. Blaine took a deep breath and quickly followed him, not wanting to get too far behind.

The inside matched the outside in its adorable country charm. The lights were cheery and bright as they rained over their heads onto the clean linoleum floor. To Blaine's right was an empty cashier stand, to his left were grocery aisles, and in front of him were rows upon rows of fresh produce.

Kurt, after noticing the empty check out, continued straight, past the produce, causing Blaine to have to scurry to catch up.
"A lot of these fruits and veggies are grown by my dad," Kurt said as they walked by the peppers. "I didn't show you the backyard, but there's a greenhouse and an apple tree and the vegetable section of the yard. It's kind of my dad's zen place so be careful not to destroy anything when you go there."

Blaine makes a face. "What makes you think I'd destroy—"

"When you get to know Jeff more, you'll understand. I have to take precautions," Kurt retorted without needing Blaine to finish the question. The brunette just nodded though he doubted Kurt noticed the movement. They walked for a little while longer, Blaine awed by the sheer size of the place, when he saw an incredibly large man on a ladder doing something to the lights.

Kurt smiled and Blaine looked between them, resisting the urge to scowl. Who was this?

"Finn!" Kurt called looking up at the kid. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes and a lop sided smile that lit up his face when he laid his eyes on Kurt. He stopped what he was doing to the light, and clambered down the ladder before pulling Kurt into a tight hug.

Blaine squirmed slightly, but didn't say anything as he watched the...warm interaction. You look good," Finn said with a nod after giving Kurt a once over.

"Why wouldn't I?" Kurt asked sounding offended. "It's me, I always look good."

Finn nodded, putting his head in his hands as if thinking something through. "True," he agreed. "But I heard about the bet—"

"He didn't!" Kurt exclaimed with anger lacing each word.

Finn just shrugged, not deterred by the boy's wrath. "It's Jeff."

Kurt let out a frustrated noise and buried his head in hands. "I'm going to kill him."

Finn just chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I don't have to save up bail money do I?"

Kurt looked up from his hands, raising a perfect eyebrow. "Did I say I was going to get caught?"

Finn shrugged. "You're angry. You make mistakes when you're angry."

Kurt opened his mouth to speak, but whatever snarky comment he was about to make was cut off by loud chatter and groaning from the front of the store.

"This is heavy as shit, ma'am, what's in here?" a rough voice whined. Blaine had to stifle a laugh at a swear word and ma'am being used together so easily.

"Less questions more lifting." A kind woman's voice replied.

"You're not lifting enough," another male voice whined.

A groan, and then a slight bang as whatever it was the boys were carrying hit the ground. Finn moved past Kurt and Blaine to look at the commotion.

"Oh hi mom," he said with his lopsided smile and a wave. "Need any help?"

"Nah," the woman replied, "these two have it."

"Well I do," the second male voice said.

"Jake," Finn's mom chastised.

Jake shrugged but didn't say anything else, as the boy—who had a Mohawk, Blaine could now see from around Finn's big body, shot him a heated glare. The woman walked over to where Finn and the duo were standing, leaving Jake and the mohawked boy to their own devices.

"Hey, Mrs. Hudson," Kurt said when she reached them, all signs of the previous anger he had gone.

"Hello, love," she said pulling him into brief but warm hug. "And call me Carol, honestly, Mrs. Hudson was my mother." Kurt rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

"How was the store in my absence?" Carol asked addressing her son next.

"Fine," he answered. "The light was flickering so I fixed it and then Kurt and his friend walked in."

Carol turned to Blaine who had his hands in his pockets. At having her attention on him he quickly took a hand out and extended it, planting a smile on his face. "Hi," he said genuinely. "I'm—"

"—Blaine, yes hi," Carol said taking his hand.

"How did you..?" Kurt started.

"Oh Burt called me when I was out, told me to keep an eye out for this one."

"That's very sweet," Blaine said with a small smile.

Carol let out a small laugh. "Well you are going to need it, starting a prank war with Santana and Jeff, not very smart."

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Are they really that good?"

"You haven't heard about 2006?" Carol inquired.

"That's a story for another time," Kurt interrupted. "I'm actually here because Blaine needs a job."

"Oh," Carol said. She stood for a moment before shaking her head. "Sorry," she said with genuine disappointment. "But I'm fully employed. Try Golden Star, the Berry's are always looking for new talent."

Kurt nodded, "Alright thanks Mrs—Carol." She beamed at him happily.

"No problem, Kurt. Sorry I couldn't help," she said turning to Blaine. "But if you have a green thumb I always need help in the garden."

"I don't know if I do," Blaine started. "But I'd be happy to give it a try."

"Great," Carol replied with a smile. "I'll call whenever I need the help then."

Kurt nodded with a smile turning to go. "I'll be back later," he said leading Blaine with a light grip on the curly haired boy's forearm. "As soon as this one's employed."

Blaine gave a dorky half wave with a wide grin. Carole waved back in amusement, and if Kurt wasn't holding his arm he would have face palmed.

They stepped out into the warm summer air and Kurt let him go, turning to look at him for the first time since the left the house. "Well they seem nice," Blaine said with a smile.

Kurt only nodded making a facial expression Blaine couldn't quite discern.

"Princess!" A deep voice from before called. Both Kurt and Blaine turned to look as the Mohawk guy approached from the side of the store. He was in a wife-beater and low riding jeans held up by a thick leather belt, his brown eyes glinting with mischief.

"Noah," Kurt said with an eye roll as he got closer.

"Who's this," Noah asked gesturing to Blaine.

"I'm Blaine," Blaine said holding out his hand. Noah didn't take it; he just stared at him like he was some kind of alien creature before turning back to Kurt.

"He staying with you?"

"Yes," Kurt nodded.

"You two dating?"

Kurt scoffed crossing his arms. "No."

Puck smirked, "We'll see how long that'll last."

"Excuse me?" Kurt asked raising his brow.

Puck held his hands up, though his smirk didn't fade. "Calm down, princess, I'm going. Nice to meet you Blaine," he said holding out his hand. Blaine took it with slight wariness. They shook and let each other go before Puck took his leave; brushing Blaine's shoulder as he disappeared into the store.

"Okay," Blaine started.

"Yeah," Kurt shook his head. "I don't even have an explanation for that."

Blaine shrugged. Kurt shook his head again before nodding towards the car. "Come on, let's go." He stepped off of the porch and looked back at Blaine, cocking his head as a small smile spread across his face.

"The Berry's are going to love you."


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