For All Eternity
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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For All Eternity: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,552 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Dec 08, 2014 - Updated: Dec 08, 2014
128 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Klaine drama but I promise it doesnt last long!

Liz and Darla were cuddling on the couch in the living room. They were kissing softly."I am so glad I am out of the hospital! Im nervous but its time to tell my mom that Im gay. Im tired of hiding. She didnt take Blaines coming out well at all. They dont talk anymore. Thats why he moved to Ohio. I dont want to leave you." 

"I will be right here. I got your back." Darla said as Liz got up and started to pace."Shell come around. She loves you both. Sometimes it takes a while for parents to come to terms with their children being gay." 

"I know. Its been over three years since Blaine came out. My mom and I are close, but I dont know if our relationship can survive this."

Just then the front door opened, Liz and Darla sprang to opposite sides of the couch as Tonya Anderson walked in. She had a confidence about her that Liz admired. Liz went over to her mother and hugged her. "Mama, I have something to tell you. Would you please have a seat? This is my friend Darla. I ask that you please have an open mind about what Im going to say."

"Glad to meet you Darla, whats going on sweetie?" 

Liz sat down next to Darla, opposite her mother on the couch, took her mothers hand and took a deep breath...


Kurt and Blaine were in the car on their way home from their celebratory dinner. Blaine was driving and his fiancée was next to him talking animatedly. He loved every minute of it. Kurts tone then changed to more serious. "I want to talk about Liz. I have an idea of how we can help her."

"Whats the idea?" Blaine asked stealing a kiss as they were stopped at a red light. 

"I think Liz would be happier in Ohio. She could go to McKinley. She could join glee club and be herself. She would live with us. I know you miss each other. Its a win-win for everyone."

"I think that its a wonderful idea and I agree. We have to get my mothers permission first because Liz is a minor. I have a feeling Liz would jump at the idea. When we see her tomorrow we will mention it." Blaine said smiling at his love and grabbed his hand. 

The light changed to green, Blaine started to accelerate and go through the intersection, a car was coming up to the light to the east of their car, going way too fast and ran the red light and hit the passenger side of the rental car Blaine was driving. Kurt went flying, his head hit the dashboard with such force he was knocked unconscious. The hand that was holding Blaines loosened its grip as he fell back into his seat. 

"KURT!!!!" Blaine screamed and ran to the passenger side, tears running down his face,"Please wake up my love. Im not going to lose you! Fight! Come back to me! I need you with me. Its not your time! Please come back to me! I love you!"

Pulling out his phone he dialed 9-1-1. He had to reign in his hysteria while talking to the dispatcher. The driver who caused the crash did not stay on the scene. While waiting for the ambulance, Blaine touched Kurts face, begging him to wake up. Kurts breathing wasnt its normal rhythm. As Blaine leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, the ambulance arrived. 

"Over here! Please hurry!" Blaine said frantically. The EMTs tried to look Blaine over for injuries but he fought them off."Im fine! Kurt isnt! Please help him!"

As they pulled Kurts limp body out of the car and onto a stretcher, Blaine kept pace with the workers as they wheeled him to the ambulance. Not giving the paramedics a choice, Blaine told them,"Hes my fiancée. Im going with him." After Kurt was loaded in the ambulance, Blaine crawled in. On their way to the hospital, he tried to call Liz asking her to meet him, but couldnt get a signal. He needed support and she was the only family he could turn to.


"This is something I have known for years. I didnt think I could say it to anyone. Blaine and his boyfriend know. I was attacked at school because of what Im going to tell you. Let me phrase it this way." Liz said getting up, going behind Darla putting her hands on her shoulders,"Darla is not just a friend. Shes my girlfriend. I love her. Im gay, Mama. Im attracted to girls like Blaine is attracted to boys."

"Thank you for telling me Liz. Im sorry. I want to be supportive. I love you because youre my daughter. Im sorry you cant stay here" Tonya said.

Tears streaming down her face, Liz was a little shocked,"Mama, dont say that! Please! You dont mean that. Parents are supposed to be supportive and love their children no matter what. Dont make me move out. I love you."

Getting up to leave the room, and not looking at her daughter, Tonya whispered,"Im sorry."

Liz fell into a ball on the floor. Her head on her knees. She never felt more broken. She felt her girlfriends arms around her, she raised her head to look at Darla. "This was a mistake! I shouldnt have told her. I should have known. After what she did to Blaine, I should have known."

Grabbing Liz in her arms, Darla said,"Stop it! You are the strongest and bravest person I know. I think finding the courage to tell your mom was inspiring. I admire you for doing that. I love you and this is not going to change that." 

"I love you too." Liz was about to say more but her phone went off. It was her brother, "Hi Blaine! Whats going on?" 

"Um..we were in an accident and...Kurt is hurt bad. Are you able to get to the hospital?" Blaine said in between sobs.

"Im on my way! Stay strong big brother! I love you." Liz said and hung up. She turned to Darla and said, "I need a ride to the hospital. I will explain on the way." 

Without saying a word, they went out the front door and headed to the hospital as fast as they could.


Kurt was in a semi-private area of the Emergency Room, attached to an IV to keep him hydrated and to administer pain medication. Blaine was sitting by his side holding his hand. He hadnt stopped crying since they reached the hospital. He kept thinking that it should have been him in the passenger seat. At the last minute they decided that he should drive. Putting his head on their hands, he whispered,"Im so sorry my love! It should have been me. Please forgive me." 

"Mr. Anderson?" the doctor asked as he entered the room."Are you related to the patient?"

Looking up through tear filled eyes, Blaine answered, "Yes, Im Blaine Anderson. The patient has a name, its Kurt. Im his fiancée. Whats going on?"

"We have scheduled Kurt for a CT Scan to see if there is any bleeding in or around his brain. If there is we will probably have to release the pressure. We are going to wheel him down to Radiology. It usually takes 15 minutes." The doctor said, when he saw Kurts engagement ring on his finger and Blaines matching one, he looked at Blaine and said,"While he is having the scan the ring needs to be off." Blaine knew this wasnt true, but confronting a homophobic doctor would take more energy than he possessed at that moment. Blaine nodded as two techs came in and got ready to wheel Kurt out of the room. 

"Can I tell him something first?" The doctor nodded and stepped out with the techs to give Blaine privacy. "I will be right here. I love you so much. I have to take your ring off but I will hold it for you." Blaine kissed Kurt tenderly on the lips as he removed the ring from Kurts left hand. 

After Kurt was gone, Blaine pulled out the shirt Kurt was wearing that afternoon. He brought it up to his face and took in a deep breath. It smelled like his cologne and natural scent. He leaned up against the wall and slid down. He was normally a strong person but when it came to his sister and Kurt, it was harder to stay strong. When he was sitting on the floor, Blaine brought his knees to his chest, buried his face in the shirt and cried uncontrollably. He suddenly felt a light touch on his shoulder. He looked up, half hoping to see Kurt standing there, and saw Liz sitting next to him on the floor her arm around him.

"I dont know what happened. We were on our way back from dinner. We were celebrating. Lizzie, Kurt and I are engaged. We were almost to the hotel at a red light and, when it changed to green we started to go across the intersection and all of a sudden, the other car comes out of no where and slams right into the passenger side. Kurt was knocked unconscious instantly. He hasnt woken up at all. What if he doesnt? I feel so guilty! It should have been me! Im so scared Lizzie. I cant lose him. He is my world." Blaine said staring at the gold band that he had given Kurt. He was trying to withdraw inside himself. 

"Well first off, congratulations for getting engaged! Im so happy for you!" Liz said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek."As for Kurt he is going to be fine. You should not feel guilty. The accident was just that, an accident! He will wake up. Its not his time yet. It would be too cruel for him to be taken from you now. I bet you that he will wake up when he comes back. You believe me right?"

Nodding, Blaine answered."Yes I do believe you. Where did you get your positive attitude from?" 

Liz grinned,"Oh, its just something I learned from my brother!" At that they both burst out laughing, they both needed the release.

"Lizzie, Im so glad youre here. You are the only family I have besides Kurt." Blaine said kissing her on the cheek. Noticing that her eyes got a distant look, he asked,"Whats wrong?"

Sighing deeply she fought to maintain her composure,"Well, I told Mama Im gay. She kicked me out. I was heartbroken. I thought she wouldve become more accepting over the years. You, Kurt, and Darla are my only family. Darla dropped me off. I love her so much, Blaine. I know Im only seventeen but I know that I love her." 

"Im so sorry Lizzie, Id hoped she would have as well. I was a sophomore when Kurt and I started dating. He was a junior. We were young but we knew we were in love with each other and that we would survive. It sounds like you and Darla are the same. Im happy that you have someone. Im lucky that my first love was also my soulmate. I have something I want to ask you."

Sniffing and wiping the tears from her eyes, Liz said quietly,"I would do anything for you."

"Kurt and I want you to come live with us in Ohio. You could go to our old high school and join glee club. I know you love to sing and are really talented. You could be yourself there. You dont have to answer right away but we would be honored."

Wanting to impulsively say yes, Liz hesitated because of Darla, she didnt want to leave her, but if it meant a better life, plus a chance to be closer to her brother and Kurt, it was going to be hard to turn down,"I have to talk to Darla first but I really, really want to."

Just as Blaine was about to reply, the curtain opened, they wheeled Kurt back in the room. Blaine and Liz stood up. She walked over to Kurts side and kissed his forehead then whispered in his ear."Blaine told me that you two are getting married. Im so excited. Please wake up and come back to him. Hes not complete without you. Youre his other half." 

Blaine was on the other side of the stretcher, looking at the love of his life and his sister, when he heard a groan coming from Kurt. His head moved to face Blaine as if he knew instinctively where he was. "Kurt?! Im here. Please open your eyes. If you can hear me, please open your eyes."

Slowly Kurt opened his eyes part way and whispered, "Blaine? What happened? The last thing I remember was our engagement dinner. Where are we?"

Letting his emotions get the better of him, Blaine took his hand,"You were hurt in a car accident. You have been unconscious for about six hours. Were at the hospital waiting for the results of your CT scan. I have something for you. I actually gave this to you earlier but when they took you for the scan the homophobic doctor you had, made me remove it." Blaine held up Kurts engagement ring and slipped it back on his left hand. Then trying to lighten the mood, Blaine said,"You havent changed your mind have you?" 

Smiling Kurt said,"No I havent. I cant wait to be your husband. Please take me in you arms." Blaine instantly enveloped him in a hug. When they parted and were still close to each other, Blaine rested his forehead against Kurts and smiled."Please dont scare me like that again. I went insane. If something worse had happened I wouldve lost my better half."

Caressing his face, Kurt replied,"I wont I promise! I want to go to our hotel room. I dont want to be here. Being in your arms is what I need right now." 

"Kurt Hummel?" The doctor asked coming back into the room. "Im Dr. Wroe, I work with your other doctor, he has been removed from your case because of complaints. I have the results of your scan." Noticing Blaine and Liz in the room, "I have to ask in regards to your privacy, can I give you the results with them in the room?"

Nodding and taking Blaines hand, "This is Blaine Anderson, my fiancée. This is his sister Liz. They are my family and can be here to hear the results."

"Alright. The scan came back negative for any blood pooling in or around the brain. It shows you just have a bad concussion. Youre cleared to go home as long as you have someone with you at all times for the first twenty four hours." Dr. Wroe said smiling. "I will get started on the discharge paperwork. I also want to apologize for the other doctors behavior. The way I see it. Love is love! Congratulations!"

"Thank you so much doctor." Kurt said. 

Nodding the doctor left the room to start the paperwork. Blaine, Liz and Kurt looked at each other and then Liz said, "Ok if no one is going to suggest it I will. Group hug!" They all laughed as they held each other. "I will call Darla and see if she can give us a ride back to the hotel. Do you mind if I stay with you two tonight?"

Looking at each other, then at Liz, both guys said in unison,"We would love it."


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