Sept. 11, 2013, 10:06 a.m.
Sept. 11, 2013, 10:06 a.m.
Later that day there was a knock on Blaine’s door and he ran to answer it, smiling when he opened it at Sebastian.
“Hi there sexy.” Sebastian grinned and entered the Anderson home.
“Lets go upstairs.”
Blaine led Sebastian to his bedroom and closed the door behind them. He watched as Sebastian shrugged off his jacket and sat down on the bed. Blaine followed and sat down beside him, as soon as he sat down Sebastian’s lips were on his making Blaine moan. The kissing was passionate and had lot of tongue; there was hair and shirt tugging from both of them. Blaine pushed Sebastian back on the bed and pulled both of their shirts off, lying on top of Sebastian and continued the kissing.
Kurt wanted to see how Blaine was because he was pretty drunk last night. They also needed to talk about Sebastian because this weasel was trying to get in on their relationship and take his boyfriend away from him. He needed Blaine and he loved him so much. He honestly saw a future with him and wanted to marry him one day so he really wanted to work through it all. He knocked on the front door to the Anderson home. The door opened and Dianna answered.
“Hi Kurt, Blaine’s upstairs.” She smiled, letting Kurt in.
He walked upstairs and pushed open Blaine’s door. His heart shattered when he looked inside. His boyfriend was almost naked and kissing another guy. Not just another guy. Sebastian. Tears welled up in his eyes and he was so hurt and angry.
“Glad you’re getting what i wouldn’t give you. I hope you know that this means we’re over.” Kurt shouted, tears running down his cheeks before he turned and fled the house.
Blaine was shocked to see Kurt in the doorway and it hurt to see him so upset. There was a pain in his chest; it hurt more when Kurt declared them over. He realised that he didn’t want this, he didn’t want Sebastian. He wanted Kurt and he knew that they were supposed to be forever. Sebastian was kissing his neck but Blaine pushed him away and got up. He grabbed his clothes and got dressed. He needed to find Kurt and talk to him, beg for his forgiveness.
“Get out. This was a mistake.” Blaine told Sebastian and ran from the room, down the stairs and to Kurt’s house. He banged on the door but Kurt didn’t answer.
“Kurt! Please open up!” He shouted. “I need to talk to you!”
Kurt was curled up on his bed crying so much and so hard, his body hurt and he felt sick. He heard the bangs on the door and ignored them. He didn’t want to see Blaine right now; he was too hurt and heartbroken. He was right. Blaine had been cheating on him and was having sex with that... Sebastian. He knew that he could never avoid Blaine forever because their parents were dating and having a baby together. He was beginning to wish that he gave into Blaine last night and just had sex with him in the car so then he didn’t have to go somewhere else to get it. His phone kept ringing, he saw it was Blaine so he rejected the call and turned his phone off. Why would he want to talk to Blaine? He had betrayed him and smashed up his heart. He lay there and cried until he couldn’t cry anymore.
Blaine went home after ages of banging on Kurt’s door; he was going to do whatever it took to win him back. Once he got back to his room, he saw Sebastian still there and still half naked. He didn’t even want to look at Sebastian because of how much guilt he felt. Sebastian really needed to go so he could fix things with Kurt. He needed to fix things.
“I thought I asked you to leave.”
Sebastian just grinned at him.
“Can you please go? I have things to fix.” Blaine told him but Sebastian just kept grinning. “Why are you so happy?”
“Revenge is so sweet.”
How could you do that to kurt he's been through so much, Blaine has broke his heart so much why again? Ugh I hate this they better get Back in the next chapter.