April 29, 2012, 8:34 a.m.
April 29, 2012, 8:34 a.m.
“Yeah 12 weeks has gone pretty quickly” Blaine smiled looking at Kurt.
When they got to the hospital Blaine checked them in and then joined Kurt in the waiting room. They were both nervous and were getting a few strange looks at people who were wondering why two guys were in the maternity part of the hospital.
“Anderson?” A Nurse called, Kurt and Blaine both stood up and followed her in to a room. The doctor came threw, Dr. Diana Harrison, the one doctor in this hospital that had delivered a pregnant mans baby before. “Hi, you must be Kurt and Blaine” she said shaking both their hands.
“Now, if you just want to lay on the bed and lift your top up and we can get started” she smiled. Kurt followed her instructions while Blaine sat on the chair next to the bed and took Kurt’s hand.
“Okay im just going to put this gel on your stomach, it maybe a bit cold” she said squeezing the gel on his stomach and then turn to the machine.
She placed the controller and place that on his stomach and moved it around until…
“And there’s your baby” she said smiling again. Kurt and Blaine looked at the screen at the same time and probably started crying the same time to. Kurt turned back to Blaine, he smiled. “oh my god Kurt, thank you” he said kissing him on the lips. “What for?”.
“Just this, and choosing me out of” he said taking in a big breath and kissed the hand he was holding.
“Now everything looks normal…. Oh hang on” the doctor said taking a closer look. “What?” Kurt said worried now. “I’m not sure how to put this but umm lets just say im not seeing just one baby, looks like two” she said still staring at the screen.
“Im sorry you mean twins?” Blaine said in shock. The doctor wiped the gel off Kurt and left them to talk.
Kurt turned his head back to Blaine, “Soo, twins”. Blaine was still a bit in shock “Yeah, two babies, I mean don’t get me wrong we’ll love them both but wow!”.
Kurt smiling as Blaine leaned over and kissing him gently on the lips again.
Kurt groaned and threw the top off and sat down on the bed. Blaine walked pass and saw Kurt “Hey what’s wrong?” he said walking into the room.
“None of my clothes fucking fit me any more” Kurt said with his head in his hands. Since they were having twins Kurt was 16 weeks and started showing about two weeks ago, this now being a problem.
Blaine smiled “Here” Blaine said walking over to his wardrobe and opened it “take your pick”. Kurt looked up in confusion, “Im a size bigger then you so you can wear my clothes till we can get you some more”
Kurt smiled “I love you, how did I get some one so sweet” he took a top off the hanger and slid it on, it .
“I love you too” and pressed a kiss on his lips. “This may not be the best time but we need to talk” Kurt said looking up at Blaine , “What about?” he asked.
“Money” Kurt looked at him seriously “I know with you working at Dalton here, you get paid well and everything, but since I wont being working…”
“What do you mean not working” Blaine interrupted. “Well, since this is my first year working at the fashion company they didn’t know I could get pregnant so when I told them they thought I need some sort of extra time, so last week they told me I could start maternity leave. I told them I’d be fine but I couldn’t do anything when my boss has a idea I cant get it out her head” he sighed.
“Oh, but aren’t you getting money?” Blaine asked. “Yeah but its only half of what I was earning” Kurt admitted, “Crap we were just surviving on that money together” Blaine said sitting down next to Kurt. “I know and now we find out were having two babies that doesn’t help I mean we have to buy twice the stuff” Kurt said even though the last part was stupidly obvious.
Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt’s shoulder he sighed “We’ll mange”. “Maybe but something else, what do we do about space. We where going to give the baby the guest room but theirs not enough room and Ella’s room is bigger”
“I thought about this too but we cant kick her out her room, she’ll turn all not wanting the babies anymore” Blaine said. “I guess we will just see what happens” Kurt said standing up. “Where you going?” he asked, “Blaine its 2:45 Ella needs picking up from school”
“Oh right, who’s going?” he asked. “I will I haven’t been out the house in a while” Kurt said putting his coat and shoes on. He said goodbye to Blaine and walked out the door, as he walked down the street and to the school bus stop he wrapped his arms around his stomach to cover the slowly growing baby bump. It wasn’t big but you could clearly see it if he didn’t do this.
When he got there a few parents were waiting as well. “excuse me?” Kurt heard a voice behind him, he turned and saw a woman around the same height as him with her black hair in a bun. “Can I help you?” he asked. “Yes, are you the father of Ella Anderson?” she asked.
“Yes” he said. Then the woman who he had only just meet slapped him across the face.
“What the hell?” he asked realising one hand to hold to his face, the other still on his stomach. “You and your husband should be ashamed!” she yelled getting the rest of the parents attention. He looked at her in confusion before she continued “Taking that girl away from her parents just so you and your husband could create a hell hole for her and making more sin’s!”. Kurt could see a cross necklace resting on her and a tattoo on her wrist saying: God is the only one who is right.
Oh Crap.
“You have no idea about my family. We didn’t take her away form her parents we are her parents” Kurt said not raising his voice since this was a place they picked up their kids. “Of course you did or maybe one of you are her father but you took her away from her mother that’s wrong!” she continued to yell.
Kurt shook his head and chucked resting his arm around the other again.
“What’s so funny!” she asked. “Nothing its just she doesn’t have a mother, like I said we are her parents” Kurt said firmly. “of course she has a mother!” she said.
Kurt leaned up against the bus shelter continuing to listen, “How else was she born! Two men cant have a baby, neither you or your husband can get pregnant!”
Kurt then did something he never thought he would do. He dropped his arms to his slide and put them in his jeans pockets, his coat fell backwards reviling the baby bump to the woman and the rest of the parents who were still watching. “Explain that then” Kurt said waiting for the woman’s reaction.
She stood back puzzled, but before she could say anything the bus pulled up and the first child off was Ella, she ran towards Kurt who pulled her in for a tight hug. “Hi daddy” she said smiling, “Hey sweetie” Kurt said looking up to see the woman watching them. Kurt took Ella’s book bag in one hand and lifted her on to his hip with the other.
She smiled and kissed his cheek. They walked back home, with Ella not noticing the red mark on Kurt’s cheek which still stung. When they opened the door he let her down and she ran to the living room to see Blaine as Kurt put her stuff in the closet in the hall. Blaine was in the kitchen making Ella a ‘after school’ snack of apples and grapes.
When Kurt walked in to the kitchen, Blaine looked up and saw the red mark straight away he dropped the knife he was using to cut up the apple and wrapped his arms around him. “What happened babe?” he asked worried, “Just some woman yelling at me about us stealing Ella from her parents and she slapped me” Kurt said looking down.
“Hey” Blaine used his index figure and thumb to lift Kurt’s head up. “Don’t worry I sorta showed her up, I was trying to hid the bump and then when she pissed me off I showed her after she said ‘neither you or your husband can get pregnant’” Kurt chuckled at the end. Blaine kissing him on the forehead “Im proud of you”
“Thanks” he smiled and pulled away to go sit in the living room. Finding Ella standing on a chair so she could look in the mirror, she was trying to take her hair out of the French plait she wanted in her hair so much this morning. Kurt smiled and came up behind her and helped her, when it was out her new curly wavy hair looked gorgeous, shame she didn’t get that from Blaine, but she had the same beautiful hazel eyes and long straight chestnut hair works so well on her it was to good to be true.
Ella thanked her dad and gave him a hug then looked up at him, “Daddy why is your tummy bigger then normal?” she asked only just noticing. “Because your going to have a baby brother or sister” he replied helping her down from the chair. “I know that but if the stork brings the baby why does your tummy get bigger?” she asked.
Blaine walked in just as Ella asked, he gave Ella her snack then looked at Kurt who turned to him and gave him a ‘I told you’ look and walked to lean on the doorframe as a signal for Blaine to answer the question. “cause that’s were the baby is growing El” he said smiling at her. Now she look even more confused, “But I th0ught it grew with the stork?”
“No” Blaine said deciding that she knew about homophobia and a lot of stuff a five (nearly six) year old shouldn’t really know so she may as well know about this “The baby grows and then after 9 months it come out” Blaine told her. “Oh, how does it come out?” she asked. Blaine thought of a way to put this, then choose away “the doctor cuts open where the baby is growing and it come out and is born” he said (he was telling the truth but only about c-sections he wasn’t going to tell her about natural child birth).
“Oh” she said again then skipped off placing a grape in her mouth with no more questions. Blaine looked at Kurt he sighed “Okay, you can say it”.
“Thank you, I told you so” Kurt smiled, “I told you she would ask”
“And I said we’ll cross that bridge when it come and now look were over it” he smiled. “Clever boy” Kurt said kissing Blaine’s nose, he chuckled.
“Now, I dealt with babies you get sex?” Blaine smiled. “Fine, ill get Rachel to do that” Kurt said always knowing a way to get out of these things. Blaine took Kurt’s hand and lead them to the couch where Blaine sat and pulled Kurt into his lap kissing his lips gently.
“What was that for?” Kurt asked as Blaine pulled away, “No reason I just love you” Blaine smiled at the cheesy line. “I love you too” Kurt kissed him. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt for a tight hug until he felt something hit against his arm.
Blaine looked up at Kurt who just smiled, Blaine moved one of his arms so he could place his hand on Kurt’s stomach, and felt what felt like a kick or punch or something.
Blaine laughed gently “Wow” was all he could say. Kurt shook his head “You say wow to that, but that’s what keeps me up at night” Kurt then smiled again.
About 2 months later, Kurt was sitting in the hospital waiting room, alone. Where was Blaine? He thought, he said he would meet him at the hospital today was the day the would find out the sex of the twins.
Then the door opened and in walked Blaine, with Ella? Kurt looked up in confusion and shock. Blaine sat down next to him as Ella went to look through the stack of toys in the corner.
“Hey babe” Blaine said smiling. “Hey not that I don’t love her but why is Ella here? shouldn’t she still be at school its like half one.” Kurt asked. “Well, I thought out of all of us she’s the most exited so I told the school that we had a family issue and that I had to take her, also she wanted to see the babies and know if she’s getting sisters or brothers or both” Blaine waited for Kurt’s reaction.
Kurt smiled and pressed a kiss on his cheek and whispered “thank you”. “Anderson?” the nurse called, Blaine stood up and helped Kurt up before playfully tackling Ella from behind picking her up and taking her down the hall.
Kurt laid on the bed as Blaine sat on in the chair with Ella on his lap. When the doctor came in they did the same they did last time. Then the babies showed up on the screen, Blaine still in shock at the beautiful babies. Ella looked at the screen too “I don’t see them” she told the doctor who laughed and pointed them out. Ella shook her head “No still don’t see them” she sat back down on Blaine’s lap.
“So, do you want to know the sex?” she asked them. They both nodded as the doctor turned back to the screen. “Well, by what I can see it looks like two boys” she smiled.
Blaine took Kurt’s hand in enjoyment, not that he didn’t love Ella he did with all his heart but he always wanted a son he didn’t know why but he just did. They thanked the doctor and left the hospital, when they got in the car Blaine turned to Kurt and just a smile said it all.
When they got home Ella went to her room to watch a DVD, while Kurt and Blaine went to the kitchen. Blaine poured himself a glass of wine, yes it was only 3pm but come on he was only human…and turned to Kurt, who was sitting on the side of the kitchen counter. Blaine drank some of the wine then put it next to Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt’s neck while standing in between Kurt’s legs.
“Hey so, happy?” Blaine asked since they didn’t really talk in the short ride home, “Yeah, now we will have a girl and two boys that seems like a good family” Kurt smiled “What do you think?”
“Not that I wouldn’t have loved another or two more girls im happy I always wanted a son for some reason, and my dad has always wanted a grandson” Blaine sighed and both of them were upset about the last part.
Blaine didn’t have a strong relationship with his parents but now that he had grown up they had tried to be at least civil. When they told them they were having Ella they were happy and like Blaine had said his dad wanted a grandson. When Ella was born he loved her but they could tell he was disappointed, since then Ella had only meet them once.
“Its not about what your parents want it’s what we want” Kurt said pulling out of Blaine‘s embrace and got off the counter in to the living room. Blaine felt a bit guilty but followed him in “I know but maybe I can connect more with a son” Blaine said, “What and you cant with Ella?” Kurt said upset that Blaine seemed to be disappointed with a daughter too.
“God no I didn’t mean it like that I love El” Blaine said, Kurt knew when ever Blaine called her El he meant anything he said about her. Neither of them knew why it was that when Blaine called her El he was serious it was just something he did and anyway Ella loved it.
Kurt sighed “I know you do” and pressed a kiss on his lips, Blaine grabbed his drink as they went to sit on the couch. “So, now we know were having two boys should we think about names” Blaine asked holding his glass in front of Kurt trying to tease him before taking another mouth full.
“Sure, you got any? Cause I was thinking I named Ella so you should name these two anyway I cant think of any boy names” Kurt smirked. “Umm yeah, I do actually. I was thinking of Tyler because it was my granddad’s name and you know how much he meant to me” Blaine smiled. Kurt did, when Blaine’s parents went through a stage of disliking him, Blaine moved in with his granddad who adored him and didn’t care about Blaine’s sexuality. “And I thought El should get to name the other one” Blaine finished.
“Why are you full of such good ideas?” Kurt asked. Blaine helped Kurt up then he went to put the empty glass in the sink and then followed Kurt upstairs.
When they go to her room they found her laying on her stomach on her bed cuddling a toy frog while watching ‘Princess and the frog’, yep she got the love of Disney films from them. “El?” Blaine asked as they came in. Ella looked up “Have I done something wrong” she asked, since her fathers never really came to talk to her at the same time unless it was important. Kurt chuckled “No, we actually have a important question to ask you”
“You know that your having two brothers well we have got one name and we want you to come up with the other” Blaine smiled as he watched Ella grin from ear to ear. “Okay, I have been thinking of one” she said, “What?” Kurt and Blaine said at the same time.
“Logan” Ella said with a smile. Kurt and Blaine looked at each other a smiled showing they liked it, then Blaine turned back to her, “Why Logan?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but it sounds good” she said shrugging her shoulders but smiling.
“Tyler and Logan, I like it” Kurt said putting his hand on his stomach.
Now they had a name and the sex, they need everything! They went out shopping the next day and brought cribs, changing tables, and even bags of clothes for a couple of dollars, Thank god for second hand stores. They also got diapers, toys and a bunch of other stuff.
They washed all the clothes and cleaned the stuff before setting up the nursery.
It really was amazing, the light blue walls with two cribs with mobiles on each facing each other from different sides on the room, a lot of toys placed around the room and the changing tables near the wardrobe which held all the clothes. Ella even made them both pictures to have on their sides of the room, a tiger for Tyler and a lion for Logan.
“I think we did good” Blaine said wrapping one arm around Kurt’s shoulder “Well you did good” Kurt said smiling at Blaine.
HELL YEAH! Twiiiiiiinsss xxxxxxxxxLol, later on in the pregnancy, you can write Kurt complaining because the unborn boys are fighting in his stomach. LOLUpdate Soon xxx
haha I didnt think of that!! i will have to write that now ;D x
oh man, i LOVE this story! very much so. hehehehe, kurt and blaine are having twins! and i like the names tyler and logan–they are a bit unique and are not common like (yech!) john. the thing that i can't get out of my head is the confrontation that kurt had with that "woman" at the bus stop in the last chapter. i can't help thinking that there's more of it to come. oh god, now i'm picturing kurt getting beaten up by a group of homophobic parents and losing the twins–i just hate it when my imagination runs away from me. please don't let anything like this happen to kurt, tyler, and logan...
Trust me (spoiling it a bit but oh well!) I'm not planing on anything happening to either of them getting hurt ;D mostly because I'm looking forward to writing a 'big sister' Ella ;D Thanks for loving my story xD and dw nothing will happen to the boys, trust me ;D