April 29, 2012, 8:34 a.m.
April 29, 2012, 8:34 a.m.
“Hey” she whispered looking at Blaine’s eye in horror, but didn’t want to ask questions. Kurt went upstairs to check on Ella, who was finally asleep. “You guys staying over?” Blaine asked Rachel. “Is that ok?” she asked. Blaine chuckled “course”
When Kurt came down he brought spare sheets and pillows for the two on the couch. When Rachel was asleep with Finn again, Kurt and Blaine went up to their room.
Kurt put on some pyjama bottoms and one of Blaine’s old tee’s, were as Blaine wore pyjama bottoms and no tee. Just how Kurt liked it, they snuggled up together Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt as he snuggled into Blaine’s chest. Kurt was asleep but Blaine was trying to read but could stop thinking, about what had happened tonight.
“So, where’s your fairy buddy’s gone with your bastard child..” the man started but was stopped by Blaine punching him in the mouth. Finn pulled Blaine back by his arm.
“No one! And I mean no one, calls my daughter a bastard child and you don’t mess with my family!” Blaine yelled.
“Blaine! He’s not worth it!” Finn hissed in his ear. Blaine pulled out of Finn’s grasp and began to walk away.
The man grabbed the back of Blaine’s shirt and turned him around and punched him in the eye. Blaine kneed him in the stomach, making the man then called Blaine more names. This made Finn made
Finn grabbed this guy and pulled him off Blaine and threw him in to the wall.
Blaine panted “Thanks Finn”. The man’s wife came over, quickly apologized and grabbed her husband and dragged him off.
Blaine felt dizzy, and leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor. It was quiet till he could hear Ella crying from the short distance behind the school. He forgot Finn was there and broke down in tears.
“Come on man” Finn said holding his hand out to Blaine and lead him towards the car.
The night played over and over again in his head. What happened? It was all normal watching their child’s play and ended up needing stitches. Blaine felt guilty for ruining Ella’s night.
He took his reading glasses off his face and placed them on the bedside table then slowly unwrapped Kurt’s arms around him and got out of bed. He walked down the hall to Ella’s room which was open a few inches, he opened it enough so that he could slip in.
Ella’s room was a very girly room, with a lot of stuff being pink or purple. Letting her choose her decorations in the room may have been a bad idea. The walls were pale pink with a white carpet, her bed was in the middle of the room, above the bed was pink see through curtains which she always put over her bed before she went to sleep. The rest of the room only had her wardrobe and dresser, mirror and desk and two pictures on the walls, one was one she choose a family photo of the three of them and the other was sheet music in a frame, the song was Perfect.
He creped slowly over to the bed, the sleeping girl’s covers were half way down her legs and had a few pieces of hair over her face. Blaine knelt down beside her bed moved the covers back over her, moved the pieces of hair back behind her ear and kissed her gently on her forehead.
“Im so sorry baby if you got scared tonight” he whispered, “I will never do it again I promise and if we ever meet anyone like that again I swear, ill walk away” Blaine sighed “I guess I wanted to be your hero” He smiled.
He got up to turn away back to bed. “You are my hero Baba” He heard a sleepy but perky little voice behind him, he turned back around to see Ella awake and laying on her side that faced Blaine.
“You and daddy have always been my hero’s, you don’t have funny costumes or anything but you two save me when im in trouble” She smiled. Blaine sat on the end of her bed, “How are you only five?” Blaine joked and told her to go back to sleep, kissed her cheek and went back down the hall.
He got back into his bed and pulled a still sleeping Kurt back into his arms. He fell asleep like this knowing that at least he didn’t feel as guilty.
When he woke up he was alone, where was Kurt? He looked at the clock on the wall: 9:56, he wasn’t late getting up. And as much as Blaine hated getting out of bed as soon as he woke up, he preferred cuddling first, he went down stairs after pulling on his dressing gown.
He walked in to the kitchen seeing Rachel and Kurt sitting at the breakfast bar, drinking coffee. When Kurt saw Blaine in the doorway he smiled, “Morning Babe”
“Morning, why you already up?” Blaine asked sleepily. Kurt put down his coffee and went over to Blaine, wrapping his arms around him waist and kissed him gentle on the lips “You can go back to sleep”
Blaine put his hands on Kurt’s shoulders and said “Nah, im up now” he chuckled “Anyway im use to being kept up a lot with you” he said in a deep sexy voice.
“Blaine!” Kurt said, as Rachel suddenly became interested in the conversation.
“Hey, its true you know what kind of..” Blaine looked over Kurt’s shoulder to see Rachel watching them “fun and games we have” this made Kurt laugh.
“You play games without me?” a small voice said behind them, although she’s small she scared Blaine not expecting her to be there.
“God Ella how do you get around with no one hearing you” Blaine asked turning his head around to see Ella, still holding on to Kurt. “You didn’t answer my question!” she said nearly yelling.
“Shh.. You’ll wake up your uncle Finn” Blaine said. Both Kurt and Rachel snorted at that comment. “He don’t wake up if this place was on fire” Rachel said laughing.
“But Ella to answer your question, these’s games only for adults” Kurt said winking at Blaine who he could see in the corner of his eye smirking.
“But..but…im a big girl!” Ella said jumping up and down on the spot.
“Hey what you doing kangaroo?” Jason said as he walked pass to his mother, with Finn closely behind.
Ella stopped jumping and crossed her arms across her chest. Kurt pulled away from Blaine and went and picked up Ella, “come on lets get you dressed grumpy” he said which did make Ella smile.
When Ella was out the room Finn told Jason to get dressed too. When the kids were gone Finn sat next to Rachel. “How’s your eye mate?” Finn asked Blaine.
“Sore, but I can see so I cant really complain” Blaine smiled.
“You don’t have to put on a brave face, its okay I saw you last night. Even when you broke down I could see you wanted to look brave” Finn said as he poured himself a bowl of cereal and milk.
Blaine nodded slightly, he knew that especially after the midnight chat with Ella. But then again he didn’t want to just be brave for Ella but for Kurt too, Kurt was strong and went through a lot during high school and a bit in college. Blaine promised him that he wouldn’t have to worry about anything like that when they got married and he was going to keep his promise, he would do anything to make Kurt smile, cause when Blaine knows he did that he falls in love all over again.
“So, what are we doing today?” Rachel asked seeing the awkwardness in the room. “Well, we could go to the park?” Blaine asked, it was great that although Finn and Rachel lived in New York too they lived down Lower East Side, where as Kurt and Blaine lived in Upper West Side meaning The Hudson family couldn’t go to central park as often.
“Sounds good, Jason’s got a new football we could take that have a bit of fun” Finn smiled. Sounded like a good plan.
By the time everyone was dressed and ready it was getting near 1pm. But the day was still young.
Blaine, Finn and Jason were running around with Jason’s football playing some kind of game, were as Rachel and Kurt were sitting on a blanket watching with Ella sitting on Kurt’s lap.
“Oh my god, I swear if Finn hurts Jas im going to kill him!” Rachel said sitting up worrying. “Rachel calm down, Finn would never hurt him” Kurt said who was laying down resting on his elbows to sitting up slightly with Ella now sitting on his stomach watching her Baba while playing with the buttons on Kurt‘s shirt.
“I know…. FINN, DON’T YOU DARE GET THAT T-SHIRT DIRTY” Rachel yelled. “Wow, I thought I was bad” he smiled but Rachel gave him a ‘don’t joke with me’ look but then started laughing.
“Daddy, can I go play?” Ella turned round asking. “umm sure if you want to” Kurt said smiling. Ella ran off to join the boys when Blaine looked up to Kurt, Kurt mouthed ‘be careful with her’ then did up the button at the bottom of his shirt Ella undid.
Blaine winked and gave a ‘okay’ sign. “Why is she playing!?” Jason asked as he got up from being playfully tackled by Finn.
“Because im going to show you how to really play” Ella said giving Jason a bitch look, not that she knew. “I’ve said it before and ill say it again, she is so Kurt’s daughter” Finn said smiling to Blaine, as Jason walked off. “Okay you against me, deal? Sorry dad” Jason said.
“Sure, but we play my game. All you have to do is get from your side to the over with out getting tackled or having the ball taken away, simple” Ella gave a cute smile as Blaine chucked.
“talk about family rivalry” Kurt joked watching Rachel worried again, then Finn, who sat next to Rachel and put his arm around her waist pulling her close, and Blaine, who sat behind Kurt and wrapped him arms around his waist pulling him into his lap, came over to watch.
“Ready Jas?” Ella asked. Then Jason ran toward Ella, she was about to let him run past till the very end point were she put her foot out causing him to trip and fall. Ella then picked up the ball that fell out his hands and ran to the over side of the marked
out pitch.
“Jas! Jas! are you okay my baby!” Rachel said pulling away from Finn and run towards Jason who was getting up. Rachel started getting the wet mud off Jason’s coat. “Mom! Stop it im fine” Jason moaned.
“No, its cold and your now covered in mud!” Rachel said scowling at Jason. “It was her fault!” Jason said pointing to Ella who was now back sitting next to her fathers waving and smiling.
Rachel couldn’t argue but she did love her niece. She pulled Jason to the blanket, “I think we better go now” Rachel said. Finn got up too said their goodbyes and left the
three of them alone.
Kurt turned his head to see Blaine smiling, “What?” he asked in confusion. “Well, Ella’s off talking to a bird” he turned to see Ella looking up at a tree saying ‘hello’ to a bird, “and theirs no one around” since it was winter it was getting dark quick, since then lived near by they wouldn’t have to leave as quickly as a lot of people.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt’s head and made his way down to his lips for a passionate kiss, Kurt turned around and wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck. Then Blaine pulled Kurt down so that Kurt was laying on the blanket and Blaine was on top. He brought their lips together and ran his tongue along Kurt’s bottom lip hoping to let it enter, which he did. They made out for a few minutes, Blaine would even every now and again softly bit on Kurt’s bottom lip, which made Kurt moan into their kiss. Blaine then left Kurt’s lips and started kissing along Kurt’s jaw then down to his neck and started kissing and sucking on one spot, which again made Kurt moan again. Blaine made his way back up to his lips. Then Blaine did something Kurt didn’t expect, with them being in a public place and their daughter being only a couple of yards away (and hadn’t yet noticed her fathers making out) Blaine ran his figure’s along Kurt’s jean waistband slid his hand down slightly.
Kurt pulled away, “We cant do that not here” Kurt said between pants. Blaine nodded, and leaned in to whisper in Kurt’s ear, “But I have a bit of a problem and im sure you do to”. This was true. Kurt laughed. “Think anything un sexy” Blaine whispered again “vaginas?”, that’s it they were both fixed.
“Daddy can we go home now im getting cold?” Ella said coming up behind them, Blaine got up off Kurt and pulled Ella in to a hug to warm her up and bit before picking her up and walking towards their car followed by Kurt.
:D I love you right now!! This chapter just made me happy!Update soon xxxxxxx