Dec. 31, 2021, 1:26 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:26 a.m.
But why?
It was just his father. However, this was the same father who not two months or so ago had kicked him out of his own home. At least the heated house was a lot warmer then the early February weather outside.
Once he had entered the warm and once loving room, he was hit by a thousand memories. He’d grown up here, he’d spent all his life here. The memories of simple things like watching cartoons as a kid and then the bigger ones of taking his first steps only a few feet away from where he was standing now. He knew he was never the son his dad wanted when his parents found out they were having a son, but he still hoped he was still a little bit proud of him.
“Kurt, have a seat." The voice of his dad pulled him out his thoughts. Kurt made his way toward the loveseat across from the couple on the other couch and gingerly sat down.
“I hope you’re well and so is…” Burt’s voice trailed off but gestured to the growing baby bump. Kurt just smiled softly and nodded his head. The silence then hit, the only noise was the ticking of the living room clock.
“Why did you do it?” Burt’s voice came in a low voice.
“Burt,” Carole warned, but Kurt knew his father would want a answer, even if he didn’t have a good one.
“I…it was a mistake, like Blaine told you it was at Rachel’s party-”
“--Weren’t her fathers there!?” Burt interrupted, Carole put a gentle hand on top of his.
“No.” Kurt said simply then continued, “Both me and Blaine were drunk and we both did something we’re not proud of.” He wasn’t going to tell his dad about Blaine’s past with sleeping around.
Kurt sighed, then had to ask a question that had been buzzing around in his head all day. “Why did you invite me here?” he asked.
“I know that kicking you out was a mistake, Kurt.” Burt said with a sigh. “And I’m not proud that I did it either, it was the heat of the moment and I'm sorry.”
Kurt was a little taken back, Finn had told him his dad wanted him back but he didn’t think he would apologise.
“Thank you, but I thought you would want me to apologise to you. I mean you made it clear that you were disappointed in me…” Kurt said not looking his father or Carole in the eye.
“I was,” Burt admitted. “But then I realised that you’re my son, and I watched you grown from my sweet baby boy into the man you are now. I guess hearing that you were pregnant threw me off and that really made me remember that you’re not a little kid anymore. You are going to have a baby, it's just something I knew could happen but didn’t think would. And now I have a beautiful grandchild on the way, and I'm so proud of you, Kurt." Burt declared, sharing a smile with Carole and Kurt.
“I'm sure Finn told you about what we said, about you moving back in with us.” Carole said and Kurt nodded in response, “And what do you think about that?”.
“I love you all so much, and you’re my family and I'm so happy that you still love me after my mistakes, but I can't leave Blaine. I know we are very…confused in what is happening between us but I really care about him, and he’s finally coming around to caring about the baby. I just think if I left him then we would go straight back to the start.” Kurt told them.
Burt and Carole nodded, showing they understand him.
“We’re here if you need us, you know that right?” Carole asked as she stood up and moved to pull Kurt into a motherly hug.
Kurt smiled into the embrace. “I know,"
The two separated with a soft smile and then Burt shared a hug with his son.
“So!” Carole said once Burt and Kurt had pulled back from the hug. “Tell me about how the pregnancy’s going.”
A week had passed since the talk with his father.
Kurt and Blaine were sitting, eating on the couch when Kurt dropped a question, which like earlier in the week, had being going around his head.
The boy in question looked up from his food.
“Why haven’t you ever told me about your family?” Kurt asked, not sure how he would really react to the question. He heard the metal fork hit the plate.
“W-why do you want to know?” Blaine questioned, putting the plate on the coffee table.
“Its just, after talking to my dad I remembered that I never realised how lucky I am to have the type of family I have. But, you never told me about yours.”
“There’s not much to say…” Blaine told him.
“But surely-”
“Look, just drop it!” Blaine shouted, his voice raised and then stormed out the room to his own, slamming the door behind him like a five year old in a tantrum.
Kurt just sighed, he rested his hand gently on his stomach and rubbed it softly
“You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with his anger...” He whispered to the unborn child.
Kurt didn’t want to try and talk to Blaine, it must be something big for Blaine just to get angry over a simple question. Later that night Kurt made his way to his bedroom, well he calls it that but it's still boring to him. Nothing made it his. He fell asleep easily, but was awoken a few hours later by the need for a drink.
He made his way out of bed and to the kitchen, on his way out he saw Blaine’s door was open a crack, he must of come out at some point. He slowly and softly opened it, wanting to check to make sure Blaine was okay.
He closed the door back to how he found it, he saw Blaine asleep on his bed. Kurt walked over and saw in the sleeping boys hand, a photo album which had been left open. The page it was open on was one that looked like a family photo. A man, who’s hair was light brown and had dark brown eyes, had his arm around a woman, who Kurt guessed was his wife. The woman’s hair was darker and curly, her eyes shining from the sun. The couple had two boys sitting in front of them, smiling. One, who looked the eldest, had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Then next to him had dark hair which was curly and his eyes shining too. He looked like Blaine.
They looked happy.
Kurt could see how the love was being shown. His heart began to melt slightly at the caption under the photo.
‘Through the tough times and sad times, whatever happens, we will always love each other.'
good chapter =)
AMAZING! Like always :) cant wait for more! :D
Awh... That was kinda sad...
That was so awesome!
haha thank you ;) and dw its not abandoned, I just havent had a very good week (I'll explain more when I update next) so i havent been able to write a lot. I'll hopefully update sometime this week and if i dont you and other readrs have permission to hunt me down and force me to write ;D
Please update. :) Don't abandon thie fic. It's one of the good ones.
Please update! :'( I check everyday to see if you're back. I love this story!