Courage is....
Chapter 11 Promises Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Courage is....: Chapter 11 Promises

E - Words: 2,029 - Last Updated: May 10, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Mar 24, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,333 0 6 0 1

Author's Notes: Hello! sorry about not updating soon, but I was out with my friends yesterday and then we slept round there, and I didnt sleep very well :( so as soon as I got home I slept for about 4 hours (still tired now) but I woke up to finish this chapter for you guys!! hehe anyway sorry (again) about my lovely cliffhanger and people have been reviewing and tell me who they think has Bella, I can tell you now that you wont be finding out till the next chapter (I know I suck) but still... ;D

After what felt like a lifetime of just standing there trying to hold each other up, Kurt and Blaine were asked to sit down and answer questions.

The man that had been asking Burt and Carole questions got up and a smaller, fair haired women came and took his place on the love seat, Kurt and Blaine sat on the couch together.

Still trying to take it all in.

The policeman asked to talk to Burt and Carole in private, and Finn went with them, thinking the boys needed some time alone.

“Hi” The women smiled “My names Lauren and im going to be in charge of the investigation, I know this is a lot to take in but I hope you don’t mind me asking some questions” she said sweetly. She was a very nice women, and it was easy to talk to her, which helped in a way.

Kurt and Blaine just nodded. “Great, first question, How old is Bella?” she asked.

“Umm…nearly 6 months” Blaine answered. Lauren nodded “And can you describe her for us, so we have a understanding” she asked.

“Chestnut brown hair, slightly curly. Hazel eyes, she’s small and has a laugh we would know from anywhere” Blaine told her, as he continued to squeeze Kurt’s hand.

“Sounds like a special girl” Lauren said.

“She is” Kurt said, finally speaking.

She asked a few more questions, them getting easier to answer, they were personal questions but both Kurt and Blaine felt comfortable asking them.

“Now this may sound like a weird question, with her only being 6 months but is their anyone you know who may have something against you two, your family or even Bella herself?”

Kurt and Blaine just looked at each other, then nodded. “And who would that be?” she asked.

“Umm…Rachel Berry and David Karofsky are the top ones I guess” Blaine said, then feeling slightly bad for ratting them out to the police.

“Do you mind telling me why that might be?” Lauren asked, writing every questions and answer down.

“Rachel because she’s always had something against our family since we found out about her, And David because he’s jealous” Blaine said simply.

“Jealous?” Lauren asked in confusion.

“Jealous because I wont go with him, and I love Blaine. He’s tried so much to make me unhappy” Kurt said new tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

Lauren nodded.

She closed the notepad she was writing on and placed it in her lap, looking at the couple.

“Now” she started “In all honesty, im not 100% sure when we will find her, but I promise you, we will” she said smiling.

“I want you to both promise me that you will look after each other, and let anyone who you want to help you get over the shock. Try stay strong, please, we’ve had parents getting so depressed that they’ve done something to harm themselves while investigations were taking place. Even one who got so upset she killed herself, the child was found a few days later and had to be put in foster care.” She leaned forward and squeezed Kurt’s knee in encouragement.

Both the boys smiled back weakly at them in response, not really wanting to talk. She nodded again and stood up heading for the kitchen. Probably to get her partner, who was still with Burt, Carole and Finn in the kitchen.

Blaine looked over at Kurt, who was staring in to nothingness, lost in his own thoughts.

“Kurt, baby, look at me” Blaine said, Kurt turned his head slightly, so he was looking at Blaine but not by much.

“What are you thinking?” he asked, not liking when Kurt shut himself off like this. He did it a lot when something big was happening and it killed Blaine not knowing what was happening in his fianc�e’s head.

Kurt sighed “I’m such a bad parent” he said, letting the tears escape his eyes.

Blaine was in shock by that comment, he didn’t expect that.

“No, god no why would you say that? Kurt your amazing with Bella, if anything I’m the bad one. You and her are so close. I mean she cries and the second you pick her up she stops. Now does that say bad parent?” he asked, squeezing Kurt’s hand slightly.

“No but its weird. When I’m at school or out and we leave her with someone else, sometimes I just get this weird feeling in my stomach that something’s happening to her and we cant stop it cause we’re out. And nine times out of ten I‘ve been right.” he said quietly; Blaine could even feel him shaking a bit.

“Kurt that doesn’t make you a bad parent. It shows that you care and love her so much, I told you that you two have a bond and I was right.” Blaine said then stood up, and held a hand out for Kurt to take. Which he did.

“Where are we going” Kurt asked weakly.

“Upstairs, I know you and I know that any emotions you have you wont show them down here, because your worried that your dad or Carole will come in and tell you things you don’t want to hear” Blaine said, knowing he was right.

They went upstairs to their room and Blaine shut the door.

As soon as Blaine turned away from the door he saw Kurt sitting on the edge of the bed. He walked over and sat next to him.

“What are you thinking?” Blaine asked again.

“We’ve lost are baby” Kurt said now not caring about the tears falling from his eyes “We lost her, and now we don’t know what is going through her head; how scared she might be, if she’s crying for us, we know nothing” Kurt said shaking again.

Blaine took both his hands in to his own, rubbing his thumb over the back of Kurt hand, soothing him.

“I know and…” Blaine chocked back a sob and trying not let the emotion show to much, he really needed to be strong at this point “…she maybe scared but she’s our baby, and she’s pretty tough” Blaine smiled and chuckled softly at the comment.

He saw Kurt was still in his own thoughts, not wanting to do anything more then go and find her themselves.

“They’ll find her” Blaine said now letting the tears fall from his own eyes “And she’ll be back in her crib, she’ll be laughing and giggling like she does. Then we’ll watch her grow up, she’ll be talking and walking before we know it. We’ll watch her leave for her first day of school and then listen to her go on and on about it when she then gets home.

“Then before we know it, maybe she’ll be asking about a brother or sister and we know we can give her one and make her so happy. We’ll see her go to high school and graduate college, she’ll make us the proudest parents ever. And do you know why she’ll do that?” he asked, Kurt just shrugged his shoulders.

“Because we raised her, and because you were strong and taught her all these things, making her this amazing addition to this crappy world we live in.” he said scooting over on the bed, so he was now behind Kurt, then he wrapped his arms around his waist, and rested his head on his lovers shoulder.

“And because she’s Bella” Blaine simply said, both of the boys feel in silence, the only sound being when ever one of them took a shaky breathe.

Blaine looked at Kurt and saw how exhausted he looked.

“Please try sleep baby” Blaine said, kissing his cheek softly. Kurt just shook his head “How can I? sleeping wont do anything. How will it help?” he asked simply.

“It will help you, you’ll feel better” Blaine said, stroking Kurt’s neck gently. Kurt pulled out of his embrace.

“Sleeping wont make me feel better!” Kurt said nearly shouting “Having Bella back will make me feel better!”

“And you think I don’t know that?!” Blaine said shocked by Kurt’s random out burst “What you think this isn’t as hard on me as it is you!? Just because I’m trying to make you feel better and not crying as much!”

Kurt’s breathe was really starting to shake and he crossed his arms over his stomach, one hand holding the side of his face. He started to sob violently.

“Im sorry” he said “Im so sorry Blaine, I know you right its just, why did this happen to us?” he asked, the tears coming fast as Kurt collapsed on the floor sobbing.

Blaine rushed over and sat on the floor next to him, pulling him in for a tight hug “I don’t know Kurt, I really don’t know” Blaine said trying his best to calm him.

Burt went upstairs to find the two boys asleep in the bed. Blaine had finally convinced Kurt to sleep, simply because they had cried themselves to even more exhaustion then they were before.

He walked into the nursery, looking around at the soft toys and pictures on the walls, taking it all in. The policeman asked questions that were easy to answer but very personal, both him and Carole were beginning to think that he thought they took Bella.

Burt sat in the chair in the corner and rested his head in his hands, letting tears run down his cheeks.

Who would have taken her? And why would they have taken her? He asked himself those questions for about the seventh time since they found the abandoned room.

Was this person trying to make Kurt and Blaine’s life even worse?

The police would try and find her but sometimes they took too long to actually go out looking. He hated that about the police, thinking the paperwork was more important then going out to find them.

He sighed running his hands over his face. Sure it was stressful for him, his granddaughter taken, but all he could think was what was going on in Kurt and Blaine’s heads.

They had been through a lot, too much. And this, he was sure was killing them, they loved Bella and nothing could ever change that. Its horrible having them go through so much pain just because they loved each other and people in this stupid town, this stupid world.

Burt started to think, he knew one way to get Bella back, and he only need one person to help him.

Blaine got woken up from his sleep by someone shaking his shoulders.

He opened his eyes to see Burt standing there, trying to wake him up. Once his eyes were open he looked at Burt in confusion.

“You want your little girl back?” Burt asked.

Blaine looked at him like he just got 2 + 2 wrong “Of course” he said.

“Then lets go” Burt said smiling “Get up and since you don’t need to get dressed, we get more time” he said. Blaine looked down at himself and saw that he did sleep in his clothes.

“Come on kid, were burning daylight!” Burt said, trying not to wake Kurt.

“What about Kurt? I cant just leave him” Blaine said.

“Write him a note saying you came to the shop with me, we don’t want to tell him the really reason. Cause one he’ll disagree with us going to find her ourselves, two it will be a good surprise when we find her”

Blaine smiled when Burt said ‘when we find her’ it gave him so much hope.

“And three” Burt continued “He looked like he needs to sleep”.

Blaine nodded, then looked through his bedside table to find a sheet of paper and a pen.

He wrote out his note, leaving it on his pillow. Burt had gone downstairs to wait for him.

As Blaine was putting his shoes on, he walked round to Kurt’s side of the bed. He leaned down and kissed the top of his lovers forehead, moving the hair that had fallen on his face.

“I’ll find her for you baby” He said smiling “I promise”

And with that he walked out to meet Burt, to go and find Bella.

End Notes: Aww Blaine's so sweet. I know the 'argument' was short but I hate writing them between them two so did a tiny one ;D anyway, I know whos got Bella, but I wonder if you do? Review and tell me who you think has her, maybe one person or two or three!!! who knows!!! (well me) maybe even tell me why you think they have her ;) Happy days.... btw may not update for a while I umm... broke my laptop charger and all my work is on there soo until I get a new one you'll have to wait :( sorry ill be getting one soon (im writing this with the little i have left!)


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I have to say Karofsky's my prime suspect... I do know that I'm gonna jump into this story and track that baby down, then beat the shit out of whoever did this!

I think a few other people would join you ;) and a lot of people have Karofsky as prime suspect number one ;D but when you find out im sure Burt and Blaine would love the help of beating the shit out of them ;)

Calling it now, David Karofsky he told them that it wasn't over. Or Rachel just because shes holding a grudge and I know you hate her. Bella come home :( PLEEEASE :)

Calling it now, David Karofsky he told them that it wasn't over. Or Rachel just because shes holding a grudge and I know you hate her. Bella come home :( PLEEEASE :)

The argument was fine! I know Rachel and David are the obvious suspects but my first thought was Quinn and/or Puck.