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Heteroflexible: Chapter 18

E - Words: 5,632 - Last Updated: May 04, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 04, 2013
176 0 0 0 0

The next month felt completely surreal to both Kurt and Blaine. Everything fell into place and their relationship did nothing but blossom. Every spare moment was spent together, either just the two of them or with Jared and Luke, the four of them quickly becoming inseparable.

Both men kept their own apartments, but they spent almost every night together, only staying apart when one of them had a particularly early morning. They could hardly stand to be apart, and every day was a constant state bliss.

That's not to say that there weren't difficulties surrounding their unique relationship.

Neither man was used to basically living with someone for one, and after the newness of their relationship started to wear off there were the small tensions that always come with learning to share your space with another person.

There was also the fact that Blaine had been thrust, for all intents and purposes, into the world of being a gay man almost overnight- complete with discrimination and prejudice. It still threw him for a loop almost daily.

The combination of their support for each other and the support they received from Luke and Jared, however, more than made up for those difficulties.

Neither man had ever had such a successful exclusive relationship before, and that fact alone made them feel as if they were flying high. Then there was the fact that, realistically, they never should have made it past their original hook-up. Yet here they were- happy and crazy for each other, growing closer every day.

Deep down inside they both harbored some fears about the realisticness of this relationship, and whether they wanted to admit it or not, some subconscious part of them was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. They both waited for the other to decide that it would be so much easier to be with someone of their same orientation, that this was just too much work. Blaine waited for Kurt to decide that life would be so much better with an actual gay man. Kurt waited for Blaine to decide that life would be so much better with a woman.

Yet neither of them did. The shoe didn't drop. The more time that passed, the more relaxed they became, finally letting themselves believe that this was real. That maybe, against all odds, they could make this crazy relationship between a straight man and a gay man work.

It was still hard work and an adjustment for both men. Blaine's little quirks and stereotypically "straight" habits were a bit of a mystery to Kurt, despite the fact that he had been best friends with Luke for so long. Hanging out with a friend and living with a boyfriend were two entirely different situations. Right off the bat though, Kurt decided that each of these quirks were going to be amusing and adorable in his book, rather than frustrating. He couldn't change Blaine. He wouldn't want to change Blaine. He'd fallen for him just as he was. To expect him to adjust himself according to Kurt's lifestyle would have been the opposite of loving him. To love someone was to want and expect the best from them, but to accept them completely as they are. That was how Kurt had always approached life, and if anything with Blaine those feelings were magnified. Kurt had romantically believed as a youth that love was simply this fluttery feeling in your chest, powerful and inexplicable, and that once it hit there would be nothing you could do to fight it. As he grew and matured, he realized that while, yes, it was possible to have those fluttery magical feelings, they were only a small portion of really being in love. Love was also a choice. You can't help but love the things that you are attracted to. You choose to love the things that drive you crazy. That's love at its truest. That's love at its most powerful.

In keeping with his decision to find all things "straight" about Blaine adorable, Kurt teasingly started calling Blaine his "frat boy", which Blaine absolutely loved. His stomach would flip pleasantly and a light feeling would float through him every time Kurt would use the little nickname. It wasn't just the loving way Kurt would say "frat boy". It was the fact that he would always say "MY frat boy".

He was Kurt's.

He couldn't remember ever feeling this way before. He was not only accepted, but truly appreciated for exactly who he was. The funny side effect of this kind of love and acceptance was that not only did he feel comfortable in his own skin, he constantly wanted to strive to be a better person, to be a better man, so that he would be worthy of that love. It was a healthy, flourishing cycle.

For Blaine's part, his biggest adjustment was simply the continuous realization that certain aspects of this relationship were so different from his past relationships with women. Small things would constantly catch his attention and make him wonder at the contrast. It was never a bad thing, and sometimes even a good thing, but mostly, it was just different.

Sometimes in the mornings he would begin to wake, still in that half-asleep, partially unconscious place where his mind wasn't completely in the present, and he would start at the realization that a naked man was pressed up against him. He would feel a coarse hairy leg intertwined with his own, a firm six pack resting against his lower back, a muscular arm wrapped snugly around his waist, and inevitably a morning erection pressing firmly against his ass or thigh. These things would jolt him awake, and for two and a half seconds his mind would do a quick panicking survey of the room in order to figure out where the hell he was and why he was feeling these foreign and masculine body parts so close to his own. Then it would all come flooding back. A smile would cross his face and a happy peacefulness would take over his mind. He would close his eyes, turning in Kurt's arms to curl up against his chest, thanking his lucky stars that he had somehow ended up with this man.

One of the differences that began to strike him the most was in the way that they fought. Granted, they had fought very little in their short time together and most people probably wouldn't even have considered their tiny disagreements to be fights. What caught his attention though, was the way in which they resolved these disagreements. The moment one of them would begin to grow irritable or pissy, the other would roll their eyes and tell them to stop being a bitch and just say what was wrong, usually accompanied by a loving smack on the ass or a kiss on the cheek. Generally within moments the other would straighten out their attitude and share what was on their mind. If there was something bothering them that they needed to spit out, they would just do it and be done. There were no mind games, there was no guessing what the other thought, there were usually just straight forward discussions. Sure, they had to work on things and it wasn't always easy to share every thought or feeling, but there was rarely drama in dissolving a disagreement or fixing hurt feelings. He was aware that this had as much to do with their specific dynamic, rather than the simple fact that they were both men, but he couldn't help being grateful for such a drama free relationship for once.

Another aspect of their relationship that continually amazed him was the ease in which their sex life flowed. While Blaine was definitely a snuggler, and Kurt was surprising them both by turning into a bit of a cuddle bug himself, sex wasn't usually about the foreplay or the afterglow. There was a comfortable, yet sexy routine in which they would hop into bed at night, immediately jerk each other off and go to sleep on a happy orgasmic high. Taking a shower together became an automatic blow job when they were in a hurry, or Blaine fucking Kurt into the wall when they had the time for prepping. These things weren't even discussed. They just happened. They both wanted sex all the time so they both gave sex up all the time. There was no coercing or finagling for the right timing, and it didn't always have to be an intense romantic moment. More often than not it was about happily getting each other off, simply for the release and a quick moment of connection, and then contentedly going on about their day or falling asleep for the night.

The type of sex they had, and learning to consider any intimate moment as sex, was another adjustment for Blaine. While both men were crazy about anal sex it was a lot more work than vaginal sex, Blaine quickly discovered. Tons of lube was an unquestionable addition, and taking the time to stretch and prepare your partner along with properly stimulating the prostate were a must for it to be enjoyable for both men. The truth was that with their busy lives and work schedule they didn't always have the time it took to do it properly, but that certainly didn't mean they went without. Quite the contrary.

The thing was, in the past Blaine had subconsciously thought of things like hand jobs and oral sex as something of a fabulous appetizer to the main course, so to speak. Those things hadn't necessarily felt like "real sex" to him. He didn't know where that thinking came from, and was aware that it wasn't even accurate, yet somehow it was there in the back of his mind and he'd never been able to quite shake it.

That was before Kurt. Immediately with Kurt things were different. In fact, the very first night that they'd hooked up had consisted of a round of blow jobs and some amazing frottage, yet Blaine had automatically considered that to be "sex" without a second thought. It took him a bit before he realized how much his thinking had changed and it threw him at first when he finally did. He came to the conclusion that every single interaction with this man, be it sexual or not, was just profoundly and naturally intimate. There was a connection there that he'd never had with another person.

Any type of physical intimacy- whether it was a quick mutual hand job while whimpering softly into each other's necks, or a two hour long love making session where one had the other writhing and moaning against the mattress while fucking into their willing ass until they both collapsed, sweaty and satisfied into immediate slumber- was real, actual "sex". One was no less significant than the other, though some experiences were obviously a tad more satisfying.

Despite the fact that things in their relationship were going more perfectly than they could have hoped for, one thing was still missing, and they both felt it, stronger with every day that passed. Though they both knew without a doubt that they were head over heels in love with the other man, they had yet to say it out loud.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. They had both had experiences of either drunkenly or orgasmically blurting out the phrase in some form. They just had yet to say it completely sober.

They had come the closest in the cab on the way home from their very first "guy's night out" with Jared and Luke, when Blaine had exclaimed how much he enjoyed "having butt sex with the love of his life".

The next day he was entirely uncertain as to what he was more embarrassed about- the fact that he had blurted out that he loved Kurt in front of everyone in such a crude way, or the fact that he had continually used the phrase "butt sex" at all.

That following day was a trying combination of anxious anticipation and cautious tip-toeing for both men. Blaine was loathe to bring it up in case he had embarrassed Kurt with his indiscretion more than he had embarrassed himself. At the same time he was simply hoping for Kurt to return the "I love you" in a much more romantic and Kurt-like way. Then he would feel free to say it himself without feeling as though he was constantly putting his feelings on display and giving Kurt the opportunity to crush his heart into pulp.

As for Kurt, he remembered Blaine's drunken words all too vividly. He hadn't been embarrassed by them in the slightest. He only remembered the way Jared and Luke had seemed to momentarily fade from his vision, leaving only an adorably inebriated Blaine on his lap, gazing at him with heart eyes and claiming that Kurt was the love of his life. The butt sex comment had only made it memorable and amusing.

His fear was that Blaine hadn't really meant it, being as happy drunk as he'd been. The model remembered only too well the moment he had screamed out that he loved Blaine in the middle of an orgasm on their second night together. He knew that he hadn't really meant it then. It had been very much in the heat of the moment. Sure, his feelings for Blaine, even at that point, had been stronger than one would expect and definitely powerful. But it had been too soon for him to be "in love" at that point. It had been more a case of being "in lust" than anything else.

Things had flowed along and morphed at lightning speed for them, though. They had discussed during that first week together how they had experienced more in a few days than most couples did within months. It made sense for the pace of their feelings to be expedited as well.

They had started to realize the truth, though they were scared to admit it, as early as the end of that first week.

However, when Blaine's little faux pas had come and gone, however, and failed to push them into soberly admitting their feelings out loud for fear of being rejected, it then became a waiting game.

Blaine waiting on Kurt.

Kurt waiting on Blaine.

It was there. It was present every time they laughed together, every time they disagreed and made up, every time they had sex, and every time they woke up happily in each other's arms. It was this unspoken and undeniable presence, yet they said nothing.

They would, given time. They both knew this without a doubt. It just wasn't right. Not quite yet.

So, with the exception of that one little hitch, things were going amazingly. They were happy. They were content. They were adjusting to each other's lives smoothly. They were in love, whether they were ready to fully admit it or not. All in all, their unorthodox relationship couldn't be more perfect.

That was why they were so shocked when something finally did go wrong.

Even more shocking was the fact that it happened in a way that neither saw coming, that had nothing to do with either of their previous fears or concerns.

That's why it hurt all the more.

"I feel like a fucking groupie!" Luke blurted out excitedly, punching both Kurt and Jared in the arm. Jared punched him back with a grin and Kurt kicked at his chair underneath the table.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I do not find being punched enjoyable?" Kurt rolled his eyes with an exasperated smile.

"Apparently at least once more," Luke responded with a sassy grin, picking up his coffee cup and sending Kurt a little wink as he took a sip. All three men chuckled together before excitedly putting their focus back on the little stage in the corner of the coffee shop.

About two weeks into their relationship, Kurt had found out that Blaine would perform on occasion at a small, off the beaten path coffee shop. He had been incredibly excited to hear his boyfriend perform, wanting to be connected with this amazing man in every possible way, wanting to learn about and cherish every part of him. He had been consistently on Blaine from that point to perform so that he could listen and gush over him.

It gave him an intense feeling of protectiveness, along with the desire to support and encourage Blaine when he saw how shy his boyfriend immediately became whenever the subject of him performing came up. Kurt obviously knew that Blaine was heavily involved with music, working at the recording studio, but it hadn't occurred to him that Blaine might have the talent and desire to perform himself. He had gently pushed and prodded, telling Blaine how much he wanted to see him in action and how positive he was that he would be incredible.

Eventually Blaine gave in, scheduling a performance at his regular venue and inviting Kurt, Luke and Jared to all come watch. Shockingly, Kurt found out in the process that not even Jared had heard his best friend perform, so they were all equally excited for this experience.

So there they were, sitting around a small table near the back of hipster looking coffee shop in Queens, preparing to watch their friend perform. They had arrived early and, looking at the tables, they were all pleasantly surprised at the crowd and glad that they had. The small shop was filled to capacity and people were actually lined up along the walls and even sitting on the floor. Apparently Blaine was quite the local celebrity, and people were crowding in to hear him perform.

He hadn't even heard Blaine play a single note yet, but Kurt was already bursting with pride, seeing the way people were vying for a good spot to catch the small, acoustic performance. His eyes shone as he watched Blaine settle himself against a stool on the small stage with his guitar strapped across his shoulder and a microphone to his lips. He looked on as Blaine sucked in a nervous breath and closed his eyes, then started to sing.

The room fell quiet. The chatter faded. Every eye, every ear was focused on Blaine. Kurt felt his jaw drop, and his heart skipped a beat. If possible, in that moment he fell even more deeply in love.

There was something about him, something magical. It was inexplicable. The combination of his soothing yet soulful voice along with a personality that just drew you in, making you feel connected with him, as if he were singing to you and you alone... they were explosive. Kurt had never doubted his boyfriend's abilities but now, seeing this, he could understand exactly why this room was packed full. He felt as if he could sit there and listen to Blaine sing forever.

One glance at Luke and Jared told him that their friends felt the exact same way.

They sat back in their seats, coffee growing cold and forgotten as they were absorbed in the performance, song after song drawing them further in by the moment. The same was true of the entire room, and it wasn't until a thunderous applause broke throughout the room that Kurt realized with a start that an entire hour had gone by. He jumped to his feet, clapping like crazy with an enormous smile on his face, and saw without surprise that the rest of the room was doing the same.

Jared and Luke were right along with him, and Kurt felt a tug at his heart when he saw Jared wipe discreetly at the corner of his eye as he clapped for Blaine wildly, a beaming, proud expression on his face.

Luke, of course, outdid them both.

"That's my buddy! That's my flexible genius!" He shouted, jumping in place and pointing to Blaine with an elated grin. Everyone turned, laughing and smiling as they watched Luke's antics, until Jared grabbed Luke's hand with a roll of his eyes and motioned to Kurt that they would wait outside for them. Luke complained good-naturedly as he was led away, but bounced in excitement when Jared promised to buy him some ice cream if he would calm the hell down. Kurt laughed, shaking his head, before turning his focus back onto the stage and sighing with happiness as he gazed at his boyfriend.

The clapping had slowly faded and conversation began to fill the room once more. Much of the crowd began to disperse, but several people pressed against the stage to shake Blaine's hand and congratulate him on a job well done. Kurt watched on, feeling as if he might explode from pride, and impatiently waited for his own turn to congratulate his boyfriend.

He wasn't prepared, however, for the way he melted into an absolute puddle when a small girl, no more than four, climbed up onto the stage, pulling on Blaine's pant leg. The smile that came across Blaine's face was breathtaking and he quickly sank down, speaking with the child intently. A soft echoing "Awww" sounded throughout the remaining audience when the child pointed tentatively at Blaine's guitar, and he scooped her into his lap, helping her to strum at the strings.

Kurt swallowed roughly, feeling overwhelmed at how this little scene touched him.

He had never been one of those guys who had thought much about being a dad. It had never really been on his radar. He wasn't opposed to the idea per se, but he had known deep down that he would most likely be content with never having that particular experience.

Now, though... now he wasn't so sure. It's amazing how quickly those types of ideas can go from absolute indifference to causing hopeful daydreams. For Kurt, all it took was seeing Blaine so preciously attentive to the adorable little girl, and how she rested happily against his chest as he helped her to "play" his guitar.

The mother of the little girl was squatting down in front of them, snapping pictures and grinning at the pair as if they were the most adorable thing ever, and they were.

Kurt swallowed back the happy lump in his throat and stepped forward, squeezing in next to Blaine and slipping an arm around his waist.

"You were amazing," he breathed in Blaine's ear, kissing him on the cheek. Blaine turned to him gratefully, letting out a tired yet fulfilled sigh.

"Thanks, babe," he whispered back, catching Kurt's lips softly with a tiny peck before turning back to the little girl. Kurt leaned over to peer into her face, smiling widely.

"Did you like the music?" Kurt asked cheerfully, and she nodded, eyes bright and shining.

Both men chuckled at her contained excitement and Blaine started to play another little song for her when a voice broke through that cut them to the core.

"Don't. You. Touch. Her."

The coldness and acidity was like a slap across the face, and they shot their heads up, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

The mother, who had been happily snapping pictures only moments before, was suddenly glaring at them with open disgust and hatred.

"I-I'm sorry," Blaine started to stammer. "I'm so sorry if I... you seemed fine with her sitting... I didn't... I'm so sorry if I..."

"How dare you?" She gasped, snatching her daughter into her arms and backing away as if she was afraid of touching them. Blaine's eyes widened, obviously in utter shock and confusion.

Kurt's hand dropped away from Blaine's waist, a tight, sick feeling clenching his stomach, knowing too well what was happening.

"I'm sorry," Blaine gasped again, gazing at the mother with something between sheer embarrassment and horrible guilt. "I don't know what I... I didn't mean anything. She just wanted to-"

"How dare you do something so vile right here in public?!" She snapped, glaring between the two men. "How dare you act that way with another man when a child was sitting on your lap?! You stay away from my daughter you disgusting pervert!"

With that she ran out the door, her little girl staring over her shoulder with confused and terrified eyes.

Kurt turned, almost in slow motion, to look into Blaine's face. What he saw almost killed him.

Blaine was staring after the woman, eyes dry, yet blinking rapidly. He had brought up a hand to cover his mouth, as if in horror of what had just happened. He turned to Kurt, just as slowly, and gazed at him in silence.

His eyes. That was what almost killed Kurt. The raw pain in those eyes. They were filled with shock and humiliation, but worst of all, they peered into Kurt's soul with a pain that was palpable. He could see clearly what Blaine was thinking.

People think I'm a disgusting pervert. A child thinks I'm a disgusting pervert. What do I do?

Kurt quickly shook his head, trying to find the right words, any words, when the few remaining people from the audience began to speak up.

Both men were momentarily surprised, so wrapped up in what had just happened that they had forgotten that there was a small crowd taking in every word.

"Stupid bitch."

"Yeah, don't listen to her. Homophobic asshole."

"She was perfectly fine with you holding her kid till, God forbid, you dared to kiss your boyfriend!"

"Forget about it, man. No one here thinks that about you."

"Dude! Forget that bitch!"

It probably would have gone on, but Kurt shakily stood to his feet, holding his hand up in the air. It was obvious from the numb expression on Blaine's face that he was barely taking anything in at this point, and Kurt decided it would be best to step in and get his boyfriend the hell out of there.

"Thank you," Kurt managed to say to the rest of the crowd in a calm voice, though he barely saw their faces. "It's really great of you to back us up. I think we just need to get out of here, though. We're... yeah, we just need to get going."

The group fell silent and nods of understanding could be seen all around. The touch of Kurt's hand to his shoulder seemed to bring Blaine back to the present, and he shook his head as if to clear it before standing to his feet as well.

"Yeah," he added in a weak voice, flashing an equally weak smile. "Thanks everyone. I... I don't... I'm sorry you had to... I..."

Several people quickly spoke up, letting him know that he had nothing to apologize for. Blaine nodded gratefully before turning to silently pack up his guitar, and Kurt was relieved when the small group turned uncomfortably and left, one by one.

They wordlessly looped arms around each other's waists and walked out the door after the crowd, heading to where Jared and Luke were waiting for them.

Their two friends were standing down the sidewalk a little ways, holding ice cream cones loosely in their hands and watching as the rest of Blaine's audience wandered away, confusingly solemn and upset. One look at Kurt and Blaine and their hearts dropped.

"What the hell happened in there?" Luke asked in a surprisingly sensitive voice, eyeing them warily. Jared was glancing between the couple and the rest of the dispersing crowd, brow furrowed as he tried to decipher what was going on.

"Did this have something to do with a slightly psychotic looking woman running out of there a minute ago?" Luke questioned intuitively.

"Yeah," Blaine breathed, nodding his head jerkily. Kurt felt Blaine's grip tighten around his waist, as if he was using him for support to stand, and tightened his own grip in turn.

"She... she said..." his voice broke and Kurt watched as he gave a quick shake of his head and blinked rapidly as he turned to look away.

"You know what," Kurt stepped in. "Blaine and I are gonna go back to my place. I think he just needs some space for a bit. Is that okay with you, honey?"

Blaine smiled tightly and gave an appreciative nod before sending both Jared and Luke an apologetic look. He shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes, as if he was irritated at his own emotions.

"Hey, sure," Luke responded in a soft voice. "Let me grab you a cab. We'll talk later, dude. Okay?"

He reached out his fist and Blaine bumped it with a small but genuine smile.

"Of course, sweetie," Jared replied gently as Luke stepped to the street to hail a cab. He eyed his best friend with a confused expression, but was ready to give him the space he needed, realizing that now was obviously not to moment to push. He stepped forward and pulled Blaine into a hug, which he returned almost desperately, making his heart ache as he wished he knew what was going on and how he could make it better.

As they pulled away Luke whistled sharply, showing them that a cab was waiting.

"Call me, okay?" Jared whispered to Kurt as Blaine loaded his guitar into the back seat. His heart plummeted though when Kurt barely met his gaze. The model gave a brief nod while whispering a "sure", before following Blaine into the cab.

Jared did a double take and his heart clenched nervously. For just a brief moment when Kurt had caught his gaze he saw the emotion filling his eyes. It hurt him to see pain there, but it scared him when he saw guilt.

As the cab drove away he turned to Luke, who was uncharacteristically stoic, and they met each other's gaze. One look told him that Luke had seen the exact same thing in Kurt's eyes and was just as concerned.

They stood there in silence, watching the cab until it disappeared. Forgotten ice cream cones were dripping and hanging loosely from their hands.

"I genuinely have no idea what is happening, but why do I get the feeling that whatever this is, we're not gonna be able to interfere this time?" Luke asked him quietly.

Jared said nothing at first, and just turned his gaze toward where the cab had disappeared. He shook his head and heaved out a sigh.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know."

Kurt stared straight ahead, a heaviness in his chest becoming almost unbearable as he held Blaine against his shoulder.

They had barely said a word since they'd gotten into the cab. Just a whispered, emotion-filled apology from Kurt and a thick reassurance from Blaine that it wasn't his fault, then they had fallen against each other in silence.

Something had happened the moment he had peered into the raw pain and hurt in his boyfriend's eyes. Something deep and penetrating had settled into his gut, into his heart. A feeling, a thought that grew and expanded by the minute until it overwhelmed his every sense.

This is my fault.

He had known, of course, of the troubles Blaine had dealt with from his co-workers, but until this point it had all been through word of mouth, Blaine or Jared relaying some story with a roll of their eyes. With the exception of that very first week, Blaine had been so amazingly strong about the entire thing, shrugging it off with an exasperated sigh, repeating that it would all blow over and that as long as he had Kurt he had everything he needed. They hadn't once experienced prejudice out in public together as a couple. This was the first moment that Kurt had witnessed Blaine go through something firsthand.

So, Kurt had forged ahead, reassuring himself that Blaine was handling the transition well and that as long as they were there for each other, it would all work out in the end. He had blindly pushed aside the knowledge that being in a relationship with him meant that Blaine would now deal with every hurtful, hateful prejudice that Kurt had been dealing with since he was young.

He knew exactly the self-loathing and emotional agony such words and treatment brought on. He knew, yet he had brought Blaine into this world anyway. His stomach flipped and twisted, making him feel as if he would be ill when the next thought hit him.

You are so fucking selfish. This is all your fault because you are so goddamn selfish.

Unlike him, Blaine had a choice. Being with woman, having a relationship that the world would easily accept was a possibility for him, and Kurt suddenly realized with a sharp stab to his heart that he had selfishly taken that away from this man whom he loved so much. He had instead thrust him into this world of prejudice and hate the moment he had asked him to be his boyfriend.

A cold realization hit him in that moment and it was only with heavy concentration that he kept himself from bursting into tears right then and there. He numbly brought up his fingers to run through Blaine's curls, and he felt as if he had been sucker punched when Blaine nuzzled in against him with a content sigh whispering something he couldn't make out as he kissed Kurt's neck gently and took the model's hand in his own.

Kurt shakily linked their fingers together, closing his eyes as he tried to memorize everything about this moment. The way Blaine's calloused fingers felt against his own. The way the slightly gelled curls felt against his neck and cheek. The way they smelled as he pressed his nose against them, breathing his boyfriend in. The way it felt to hold this man that he loved so much.

The way it felt to know that the reason Blaine was hurting so much, was because he had pulled him into a world filled with so much pain.

And then he was resolved.

No wonder this last month had felt like a surreal fairytale, too good to be true. Too perfect.

He memorized and soaked up every last detail as they neared his apartment, knowing it would soon be over.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't be that selfish. If he loved Blaine, if he really loved him, then he needed to let him go... before something like this could happen again.


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