Camp Arborwood
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Camp Arborwood: Chapter 8

E - Words: 1,819 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Aug 26, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
821 0 2 0 0

The next few weeks were far and away the best of both teens' lives. They thrived with their campers, loving the work and excelling at it. They also grew closer in their relationship, every day that passed. At night, when their campers were asleep, they would either slip out to the woods or climb into each others' beds for a while. Anything that happened in the cabin was completely chaste and innocent. With the exception of the very first night that they kissed, they kept their time in bed contained to talking with just a little bit of snuggling. They talked about anything and everything. They shared their hopes and dreams, their fears and deepest desires. Both boys felt as if no one had ever known them better.

Every date that they had led them further down the road of their physical relationship too. Step-by-step, they explored this new world. They had plenty of awkward moments that brought about both blushes and laughter. The more comfortable they grew the easier these intimate moments became. They quickly fell into a rhythm of cuddling and kissing... and almost always getting each other off. They were fast falling for each other in every way.

As their time at camp came to an end, Kurt started to get a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Through all of their talking they found that they actually only lived a couple of hours from each other. He was hopeful at that knowledge, thinking that continuing their relationship might not be so difficult. They never actually discussed what was going to happen at the end of the summer though. Kurt started to have a nagging fear that Blaine would decide it was too much trouble to have a long distance boyfriend and abandon him. In the last week before they were to go home, Kurt's emotions finally got the best of him.

"Scoot over." Blaine blinked sleepily, but smiled as he saw the blue eyes that were so familiar to him by now show up next to his bed. He scooted himself back slightly and reached out a hand to pull Kurt up.

"We just got done making out in the woods, baby. You can't get enough of me, huh?" Blaine started to tease but stopped abruptly when Kurt didn't respond. He only snuggled his face down into Blaine's shoulder and held him tight.

"Kurt? Are you alright, honey?" Kurt sniffed hard and nodded slowly, still not looking up at his boyfriend.

"Hey," Blaine gently pushed Kurt back and put a finger under his chin, forcing the other boy to look at him. The tears he saw forming there broke his heart. "You are not okay! What's wrong?"

"I just... I-I love you, Blaine."

They both stared. Blaine wiped away a tear from Kurt's eye.

"I love you too."

Kurt woke the next morning, feeling confused. Where was he?

Shit! I slept with Blaine all night!

He quickly untangled himself from the limbs that were wrapped around him and dove from the bed. Unfortunately he didn't quite loosen Blaine's grip enough before he leapt... and he pulled the other boy with him.

"Fucking hell!" Blaine cried as he fell face first from the top bunk and landed with a crash to the floor. Kurt hesitated for just a moment, frantically unsure of what to do. He knew he couldn't be caught waking up in Blaine's bed by the campers though. He tossed an apologetic look over his shoulder and ducked away as Blaine's head shot up, both in pain and sleepy confusion. He caught Kurt's eye and glared at him, realizing what had happened.

"Blaine! Are you okay?" One of the campers jumped from his bunk and dove to his counselor's side.

"Yeah," Blaine groaned, slowly crawling to his feet. "I just had a dream that some jerk-off shoved me from my bed."

The two counselors were making their way to breakfast an hour later, holding hands. While they made sure to always be appropriate around their campers they had decided to not make a secret of their relationship. They had been nervous about it at first, unsure of how the kids would respond. To their relief, the boys had seemed pretty accepting. The only reaction they had gotten from the kids had happened around the campfire one night. Blaine had reached over and fed a toasted marshmallow to his boyfriend and Kurt had ended up with some goo stuck to the corner or his mouth. Blaine had leaned in to give him a quick peck, kissing the marshmallow away. All of the kids had yelled, "EWWW!" loudly, but it had been good-natured and filled with laughter.

As they ushered their kids into the dining hall they heard someone call their names.

"Kurt! Blaine!"

They turned to see Brody hurrying to catch up with them, grinning widely and pulling another man along behind him by the hand. Smiles grew on both of their faces when they realized that this was the man from the picture.

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Justin."

The man behind Brody reached out a hand with a cheery grin. Kurt and Blaine took turns shaking it.

"It's nice to finally meet you kids. Brody's been bragging you up all summer long!" The games director pushed at the other man lightly.

"You're giving me away, babe! They're gonna think I like them or something!"

The teens couldn't help but smile, watching the other couple. Brody was a little shorter like Blaine and Justin was just a bit taller and thinner like Kurt. The boys couldn't help but think that this could be them in a few years. They subconsciously moved toward each other and wrapped arms around each others' waists.

"Awww! You're right! They are so adorable! I want to adopt them, baby! Let's take them home!" Justin was jumping up and down in excitement. Brody hid his face in his boyfriend's shoulder in embarrassment.

"Honey, first of all, they're going to be seniors in high school. They're a little old to be adopted. Secondly, I'm fairly certain that they both have happy homes to go to when camp is over." Brody patted Justin's arm as the other man pouted. Kurt and Blaine laughed out loud.

"I hope this isn't weird to say to my boss, but you guys at pretty adorable yourselves." Kurt smiled at them.

"Nope! Not weird! We ARE adorable!" Justin pulled Brody in and kissed his cheek with a loud smack. Brody looked nervous for a moment and seemed like he was going to pull away, but suddenly noticed the teens watching him. He smiled slowly at the counselors and pulled Justin toward him for a warm side-hug, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. Justin grew serious for a moment, knowing that this was a big moment for his significant other. He glanced down at Brody and gave him a loving wink.

"Join us for breakfast?" Blaine asked cheerfully. He hadn't seemed to notice the delicacy of what was going on between the couple. Kurt had. The brown haired boy smiled softly at Brody as the four entered for breakfast.

"Thank you." He whispered to the director, as Justin and Blaine walked ahead of them.

Brody smiled and clapped a hand to his shoulder.

"Thank YOU, Kurt."

"I meant it, you know. They are crazy adorable together." Justin spoke with a grin as he sat down next to his boyfriend on the beach. Brody nodded with a smile of his own. The couple cuddled against each other on their beach towel and watched the teens in the water.

Kurt and Blaine were in the lake, swimming with the kids. Both boys were in the deep water with one of Kurt's campers. The small boy had been working hard on learning to swim all summer, but was still struggling. Kurt was swimming behind the boy, arms ready to grab him should he go under. Blaine was in front, encouraging the camper along. They could hear Blaine speaking to the child from the beach.

"You know that book? The little engine that could? Just think like him. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."

The boy gasped and sputtered. Kurt swam close to his side nervously, hands at the ready. Slowly the boy found his rhythm though, copying the strokes that Blaine was showing him. They gradually made their way to the shore. The camper was jumping up and down excitedly the moment his feet could touch the ground.

"I did it! I did it! I swam!"

The counselors took turns picking him up and spinning him around in the water, cheering at the top of their lungs.

"Oh my gosh! I just want to eat them up!" Justin whispered into Brody's ear. Brody rolled his eyes.

"You're ridiculous, but I know what you mean. They're such good kids. I'm so happy that they found each other."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I have the best idea!" Brody looked at his boyfriend warily. Justin's ideas got them into trouble more often than not.

"What is that?" He asked suspiciously.

"We're gonna give them a gift." Justin nodded his head sharply, having already made up his mind.

Brody laughed. He already knew that whatever it was, he would be saying yes.

"Pack your bags, boys!" Justin announced, walking into Kurt and Blaine's cabin that evening.

Kurt and Blaine froze from their place on Blaine's bed. They had only been kissing, but they hadn't expected anyone and were embarrassed at being discovered. The cabin was still empty of campers since the kids were finishing up their evening snack, and the teens had been taking advantage of the alone time.

"Ooooo, caught in the act!" Justin laughed.

"Seriously, guys? Didn't we just have this conversation?" Brody teased.

"You said no frottage. There was no frottage going on here." Kurt sassed.

"I love this kid!" Justin tossed his head back and laughed, punching his boyfriend's arm teasingly.

"What was this about packing our bags?" Blaine asked, blushing at Kurt's comment and pushing the boy off of him so that he could sit up.

"We're giving you guys a gift." Brody grinned.

"What gift is that?" Kurt asked excitedly.

"Let me tell them!" Justin begged, pulling on Brody's arm.

"Go for it, baby." Brody patted his boyfriend's back with an adoring look.

"We're taking over here for tonight. You guys have the night off to go camp out in the woods and... be alone." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Both boys' eyes widened. They jumped from the bed. Blaine snatched a blanket and the pup tent from under his bunk. Kurt grabbed some extra sweats and t-shirts from Blaine's drawer and tossed them into a backpack. Blaine grasped Kurt's hand and made a mad dash for the door. Kurt yelled over his shoulder.

"Thank you! We love you guys!"

"Be safe! And responsible! And don't..." Brody started to yell out nervously but trailed off when he realized that the boys had already disappeared.

"Did I just make a bad decision?" He turned to Justin anxiously. His boyfriend pulled him into his arms and kissed his forehead.

"Nope. They are good, smart kids. You just did something great."


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I love Justin. I'm picturing Nathan Lane in The Birdcage, but I love him anyway. :)

Ha! I love that picture. It fits!