Camp Arborwood
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Camp Arborwood: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,658 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Aug 26, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
962 0 2 0 0

Kurt yawned as he picked up a tray and headed toward the breakfast line in the dining hall. His boys had kept him up late. Five telling ghost stories, two crying because they were scared of the ghost stories, two severe cases of homesickness and one throwing up from the raw goldfish he had been dared to swallow. Even amid heaves the boy claimed that it had been 'totally worth it.'

"I would highly recommend that you take the blueberry waffles over the french toast." A voice was suddenly whispering in Kurt's ear and he jumped slightly at the noise. He turned to find Blaine directly behind him with a cheeky little smile on his face. Kurt felt himself blushing automatically. He had no idea why. Waffles and french toast weren't exactly an embarrassing subject matter. Blaine just had a way of doing this to him.

"And why is that, may I ask?" He smiled back coyly and leaned his shoulder into the other boy's, just slightly.

"Well," Blaine took Kurt's tray out of his hands and set it aside, putting two plates on his own tray instead. "Our cook is getting up there in years and her meals just aren't what they used to be. The waffles are frozen so they're safe. The french toast is from scratch and I wouldn't trust that they're cooked all the way through. I don't know about you but I'm not huge on salmonella poisoning." He promptly picked up a stack of waffles with a fork and plopped several onto the two plates.

"May I ask why I'm not allowed to carry my own plate or tray?" Kurt asked. Sweet Gaga, why am I so breathless?

"I'm being gallant." Blaine balanced the try with one hand and grabbed Kurt's hand with the other.

"You know, I've known you for exactly four days. You've made quite a habit of holding my hand whenever you feel like it." Kurt felt like he had to tease, but deep down he desperately hoped that Blaine wouldn't let go. He wasn't disappointed.

"Hmmm, you complain, yet not once have you pulled your hand away, gorgeous." Blaine kept walking without a glance back, but Kurt could hear the grin in his voice. Kurt was actually very glad that he wasn't being watched as his cheeks were bright red and he was positive that his expression showed that he was basically a smitten kitten.

"It's just that I don't know my way around here yet and you always show me the way..." Kurt spoke somewhat lamely, knowing Blaine would see right through it... and not really caring.

They had found out the very first night that they actually shared a cabin with their two groups of boys. The cabin consisted of two rooms lined with bunk beds and a shared bathroom in-between. Kurt had a hard time sleeping knowing that the adorable curly-haired boy was literally on the other side of the wall.

Ok, so maybe the kids in his group weren't the only reason he was tired today...

They sat down at the table, joining their boys. On the top half of the table they were interacting with the kids, entertaining them with jokes and stories and stopping small squabbles. Underneath the table they were playing some serious footsie.

This had been going on for the last four days. Tons of little flirtatious interactions. Hundreds of touches that didn't really go anywhere but were backed up by intense looks and nervous flutters in their stomachs.

"You know what today is, don't you?" Blaine slid a hand onto Kurt's knee and rubbed gently. His voice seemed normal to the campers but Kurt could hear the playful undertone.

"Capture the flag day, right?" Kurt slid his own hand on top of the other counselor's and lightly stroked his thumb. He wasn't sure what the big deal was. It was just a game, wasn't it?

"Are you excited about it for some particular reason?"

"Of course." Blaine's hand left Kurt's knee and slid slowly up his leg. Kurt gasped out loud causing the nearest camper to look at him oddly. This was far and away the furthest their playing around had gone.

Blaine looked him straight in the eye.

"I get the chance to make you my prisoner."

Kurt gulped loudly

Blaine lay in the underbrush, waiting for his prey. Kurt was fairly predictable. This was his favorite path, one that the new counselor was incorrect in thinking was his own little secret. Blaine knew that he was sure to find him walking by at any moment.

His mind spun when he stopped for a moment to consider the last few days of his life. He had never acted this way with a boy before. Ever. There had been the occasional flirtatious moment with that new gay guy at Dalton. Those moments had ended when the other guy had leaned in for a stolen kiss and landed awkwardly on Blaine's eye instead of his mouth.

There had also been the coffee dates with the guy from the Gap, but that had been a major bust. Never, EVER, serenade a guy unless you are positive he likes you back.

All in all this was new territory for the curly-haired teen. He was having some major feelings here and he was about 98% positive that they were reciprocated. He was in Heaven... and his nightly showers were becoming longer and colder.

At the sound of lightly rustling footsteps Blaine crouched in readiness, prepared to spring.

Kurt tensed as he stepped lightly down the dirt path. His team had sent him as one of the spies to try and seek out the other side's flag. He was seriously regretting his choice of a 'normal kid' jeans and t-shirt outfit. Apparently it screamed, 'I'm ready to be sent into the woods alone and unprotected!'

This is eerily familiar... even though it's daylight. Why do I get the feeling that I'm about to be jumped...

"What the flying fuck!" Kurt gasped loudly in surprise as he was tackled from behind.

"Language, Counselor Hummel! You wouldn't want those ten-year-olds to be repeating that would you?" Blaine exclaimed with a grin as he settled himself comfortably on top of the other boy, pinning him down on his back.

"First of all, smart ass, they aren't around right now. Secondly, I overheard Tommy telling Jackson that he is an 'asswipe' last night, only to be responded to that he himself is a 'motherfucker'. I highly doubt that any swears they know are being learned from me." Kurt wanted to be irritated, but could only find within himself to feel floaty and happy about being pinned down by the other boy.

"Um, don't get me wrong, but weren't you merely supposed to tag me rather than tackling me fully?" Kurt felt his heart rate speed up. Surely the other boy must feel it with their close proximity.

"Again, I say... you complain yet you do nothing to stop me ."

Kurt had no response. It was the truth.

"So, why did you become a counselor?" Kurt asked Blaine the question from his position on floor of the abandoned cabin.

They had been in there for about thirty minutes. Blaine had happily taken over the duty as jail keeper once he realized that Kurt was their one and only prisoner and the two were alone... and feeling some major physical tension...

"I love kids," Blaine shrugged. "Seemed like a great way to spend my summers." Blaine had been scooting closer and closer to the taller boy throughout their conversation. At this response he finally gave up the act and plopped his head in Kurt's lap. Kurt bit his lip, debating whether to continue acting coy or not. Who was he kidding? He ran fingers through the curls and tried to keep his sigh of contentment to himself.

"How about you?" Blaine absentmindedly played with the seam on Kurt's jeans.

"Honestly? College applications. I've done so little when it comes to things that will make me look good, so... this is me trying to look good."

Blaine turned his head suddenly so that he was facing the other boy. "Wow, that's surprising to me. You're really good with those kids. Your reasoning seems pretty shallow." Kurt tensed, eyes narrowing. He pushed Blaine off of his lap, none too gently, and stood to look out the window of the cabin.

"When is this stupid game going to be over?" He had crossed his arms and stood stiffly, his back to Blaine. The other boy sat on the floor for a moment, reeling from the sudden change in their dynamic. He quickly stood and went to wrap an arm around the other boy's waist, only to be shrugged off. He wasn't about to give up that easily. Gently but firmly he turned Kurt to face him.

"I didn't mean it that way at all. I was actually trying to give you a compliment. I'm kind of a blurter and things just pop out of my mouth before I realize how they will come across." He attempted an arm around the boy's waist once more and this time he was allowed. He went for it and pulled Kurt to him with both arms.

"What I really want to say is that, no matter your reasons, you are amazing. Those kids love you already. Whatever you end up doing in life... don't discount this experience. You're a natural and the kids in this world need more positive influences like you."

Kurt couldn't believe how choked up those words made him. No one had ever complimented him like that before.

"You're pretty amazing yourself, counselor." Oh sweet jesus, the breathlessness in his voice made him sound like a twelve-year-old girl.

"Maybe we should forgo college and open up our own camp together. We'd be a huge success." Blaine could see each tiny freckle on Kurt's nose, they were so close.

"I can think of some definite upsides... working together every day..." Kurt noted how hot and sweet Blaine's breath was against his face.

"Yeah… everyday… all day… that would be sick…"

Capture the flag? What was capture the flag? Neither could remember.


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This story is the most amazing thing i have ever read in my whole life. And i have read Harry Potter, and The Hunger games, And Divergent, and a fuck load of other AMAZING books, AND THIS IS JSUT SO MUCH BETTER AND AMAZING AND I LOVE IT <3Im litterally sitting, saying to my self in my head "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss"ASDFGHJKL; Its just so good! Now i have to finish it, see you next chapter review! :D