Camp Arborwood
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Camp Arborwood: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,403 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/11 - Created: Aug 26, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
819 0 4 0 0

Kurt smiled when he saw the old pickup rattle down the main road leading into the camp. As it slowed to a stop he ran up to the driver's side door and attacked his dad with a hug the moment Burt stepped out.

"Missed you, dad." He said quietly.

"I missed you too, kiddo." Burt squeezed him tightly. "It's been way too quiet without you at home."

He stepped back and father and son grinned at each other.

"You look good, Kurt." Burt nodded with a sigh, thinking that this boy of his was growing up way too fast. "Oh! Hey, a friend of yours wanted to ride along and say hi, so I brought him as a surprise. Hope you don't mind?"

Kurt looked over in happy surprise, expecting to see Mercedes.

Wait a minute. Dad said it was a he...

His stomach twisted in knots when the passenger door opened and a tall, handsome blonde stepped out.


"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked nervously as they slowly walked a less crowded path together.

"I missed you, Kurt. I wanted to see you."

Kurt was quiet for a moment before pulling them off to the side, just behind the dining hall.

"What do you mean by, 'you missed me'?" Kurt asked cautiously. Sam sighed.

"Look, I know that what we were doing this last year wasn't exactly fair to you. I was just trying things out to see what I wanted, while you knew for a fact that you like guys. It probably seemed like I was jerking you around. I promise I wasn't, Kurt." He reached forward and grabbed one of Kurt's hands then, but Kurt gently pulled away and put his hands in his pockets.

"I know that, Sam. I do. I knew exactly what I was getting into and where you stood. When I didn't feel right about it anymore I told you we needed to stop. I thought that we were both good with where we left things." Kurt was feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Having his make-out partner from the last year standing right in front of him made him feel... like he was cheating on Blaine or something. He didn't like it.

"I know. I know. It's just, when you first stopped things I thought I was okay. I thought that it was for the best... but then you left for the summer." He stepped forward again and smiled now, looking like he wanted to touch the other boy again. Kurt's breath hitched and he took a small step back. Sam didn't even seem to notice his anxiety.

"I really like you, Kurt. I want to be with you. It took you going away for me to realize that and I'm sorry..." he was grinning widely then, his breathing accelerated. He leaned in suddenly, grabbing Kurt's face and kissing him lightly.

"What the hell, Sam!" Kurt shoved him away roughly, just plain angry now. Sam sputtered for a moment.

"What's wrong? I thought that you'd be happy..."

"I stopped it, Sam!" Kurt was almost yelling now. "I put an end to things between us because I didn't ever really like you in that way! I didn't want you for a boyfriend then and I don't want you for a boyfriend now! You can't just grab me and kiss me like that! I have an actual boyfriend now!"

If it was possible to literally hear someone's heart break, Kurt was sure he would have heard Sam's. The pain in the other boy's eyes was palpable. Kurt closed his eyes and put his hand up over his face.

"Sam, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you just now..." Sam just stood there, looking off to the side and breathing heavily. Kurt stepped closely again and took Sam's hand. He was surprised when the other boy didn't pull away.

"Sam, you are amazing. I really do like you as a person. I like you as my friend. I'm so sorry. I feel now like I was taking advantage of you and I swear I wasn't." Kurt was feeling desperate and terrible. Sam blinked away a tear and offered up a tiny smile.

"Well, I guess we are both clear on the fact that we didn't mean any harm." Kurt smiled and squeezed his hand. "We just weren't meant to be, huh?" Sam was looking down at the ground but Kurt could hear the hopefulness there, as if he was waiting for Kurt to change his mind.

"No, we weren't," Kurt whispered. Sam nodded and smiled a fake smile as he quickly reached up to wipe away a rogue tear. He turned and walked away.

"Justin... Oh my gosh! Look!" The taller man turned quickly at his boyfriend's voice. They were off to the side up on a small rise where they had an excellent view of the main camp area. They saw it all. They saw the scene between Kurt and the blonde. They saw Blaine watch the kiss and then turn on his heel to dash away, looking devastated. They turned back to see Kurt shove the other boy away, yelling at him. When the conversation finished they watched as Kurt sank to the ground up against the dining hall and buried his face in his hands.

"I sense teenage troubles brewing." Brody sighed.

"Want do you want to bet that they are both going to blow this way out of proportion, not talk it out, and ruin something great because of a stupid misunderstanding?" Justin put his hand on his hip, shaking his head. Brody smirked.

"Do you say that because we did the same thing, oh, I don't know, probably ten different times in our relationship?"

Justin grinned widely. "We've got to share the wisdom we've gained, babe. How about I take emotionally distraught, hormone case number one and you take case number two?"

"Sounds like a plan." Brody pulled Justin in for a kiss before they started to go their separate ways. The games director turned to his boyfriend with a grin though as he continued to walk backward.

"Um, honey? Did you actually just insinuate that you are wise?"

"Shut up."

"Love you."

"Yeah, love you too... dick."

"Watcha doin' there, kiddo?" Brody asked lightly as he walked into the cabin where Blaine was angrily stuffing his clothes into a bag with his back to the door.

"Packing." Blaine responded shortly without turning around.

"I know the campers get to go home today but the counselors are expected to stay one more night for the debriefing tomorrow."

"I know. I'm getting ready now so that I can get the hell out of here tomorrow."

Brody sighed and went over to sit on bottom bunk of Blaine's bed.

"Sit down."

"I'm kind of busy, Brody." Blaine's voice was rough and it was obvious that he had been crying.

"Blaine? Sit down." Brody spoke softly but firmly. Blaine huffed in irritation and slammed himself down on the bed next to the director, doing his best to hide the dampness on his cheeks.

"I know what you saw." Blaine's head shot up in surprise. He let out a frustrated sigh and gave a smile with no humor.

"Great. So other people saw me get completely humiliated then?"

"Nope." Blaine gave him a look that said he clearly thought he was being patronized. He opened his mouth to argue but Brody cut him off.

"I saw what you saw but I was smart enough to stick around for the finale. It's not what you think. You need to talk to him."

Blaine looked like he wanted to feel hopeful but didn't trust that this could have a happy ending. His shoulders slumped. Brody tipped the boy's chin up so that he could look the teen in the eye.

"Blaine? Talk to him."

"You want to talk about it?" Justin sank down next to Kurt and placed an arm around his shoulders. Kurt looked up with misty eyes and promptly burst into tears. Justin pulled him in for a hug and before he knew it the teen was spilling everything. What happened last night with Blaine, what happened just then with Sam and most of all how much he loved his boyfriend and that he was terrified of losing him. Justin rubbed comforting circles on the boy's back.

"Have you said this to him?"

"I... yes, I mean I've told him that I love him."

"Have you told him how afraid you are of losing him and that think he doesn't feel the same way?" Kurt slumped down and buried his face again.

"Well, I'll take that as a big fat no." Justin laughed.

"I really don't find this amusing," Kurt snapped bitchily.

"Course you don't. You're in the middle of it right now. You'll laugh later."

Kurt eyed him in annoyance. Justin didn't bother to hide his smile. This kid was so much like him as a teen that it was scary. He knew very well that the best thing he could do was not cater to him, even boss him around a little.

"Get off your ass and talk to your boyfriend, idiot." Kurt gaped at him for a moment, trying to come up with something sassy enough for his liking. Justin didn't give him a chance.

"Kurt? He saw Sam kiss you and then ran away. His heart is literally broken. Get off your ass and go talk to him."

Kurt dashed into the cabin just as Blaine was whipping open the door to go and find him. The promptly ran straight into each other.


"Holy crap!"

They both stood there for a moment, clutching and rubbing their foreheads, eyeing each other warily. After just a second they both cracked smiles. This was so them. If they didn't accidentally kill each other someday from their clumsiness they'd die of shock. Their smiles faded though when they both noticed the red puffiness of each others' eyes. They started to speak at once.

"I saw him kiss you."

"Exactly. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him."

"Same difference."

"No, it's not! Did you stick around to see me shove him away and tell him that I didn't want him? That I have a boyfriend?"


"Didn't think so."

"Hey, don't pull that attitude with me. I just saw the guy that I lost my virginity to, the guy I confessed my undying love for get kissed by another guy! Forgive me if I was just a tad upset!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry that you saw that! I'm so, so sorry that you were hurt, but I didn't do the kissing! I shoved him away as fast as I could! I would never cheat on you! I love you, dammit!"

"Well, I love you too!"

"Well then, why are we still yelling?!"

They stood in front of each other, breathing heavily and still looking angry. Suddenly they were rushing together and meeting in a passionate kiss. As their lips met they both felt their emotions overwhelm them. They pressed small kiss after kiss on each others' lips, breathless and trying to hold back their sobs.

"I love you so much, Kurt."

"I love you too, but I'm so scared!"

"Scared of what?!"

"Scared that I'll lose you. Scared that I love you more than you love me. Scared that you'll get tired of me the moment that being together isn't convenient anymore."

Blaine leaned back and stared at him in shock, actually feeling a little hurt.

"Do you really think so little of me?" He whispered, clutching his boyfriend to him.

"No!" Kurt choked out. "Of course not, I just... I need to hear it from you. I need to hear those words."

"Kurt," Blaine placed a gentle kiss to his lips, tasting the saltiness of both of their tears. "I have no intention of letting you go. I will cling to you until you are thoroughly sick of me. I will never let you go of it's left up to me."

Kurt let out another broken sob as he rushed in for another kiss. They stayed that way for long minutes. Kissing and holding and breathing each other in. Eventually the kisses faded away but they stayed there in each others arms, letting every sad and scared feeling that had overwhelmed them in the last hour fade away.

"Don't you feel bad? Like we're spying?" Brody whispered from his place up in the tree outside the boys' cabin. Justin was squeezed onto the branch next to him and they were both peering into the window, watching as the boys embraced.

"We are spying, my love, but I also prefer to think of it as enjoying the fruits of our labor." Justin leaned over to place a firm and loving kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

"You're a bad influence on me, baby."

"That's just how you like it."

"Ugh, I cried so much today. I have a killer headache." Blaine complained as he climbed up into the top bunk with Kurt.

All of the campers were gone and they were happily spending their last night together in the same bed.

"You did cry a lot today," Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms so that he could spoon him from behind. "Girl."

"You cried just as much as me!"

Kurt smirked. "Fine. We're both girls."

"That would make us a lesbian couple."

Both boys burst out laughing and Blaine turned in Kurt's arms so that they were facing each other.

"I meant what I said earlier. I love you so much. You're not getting rid of me. I want to experience everything in life with you."

Kurt gazed into the hazel eyes and ran his fingers through the curls.

"I love you too. I feel exactly the same way."

They pressed lazy kisses against each others lips for a while, just enjoying being in the others' embrace. Blaine pulled back after a moment.

"So, speaking of experiencing everything... can we talk about if we ever... someday... you know?" He was blushing deeply and wasn't quite able to meet Kurt's eye.

"What is it that you want to discuss exactly?" Kurt hid his smile.

"Well, I'm just wondering... and there's no rush! I'm not pushing anything! I just wondered if you had ever thought about... what you would like to... where you would feel comfortable... which... position... oh my gosh! Don't make me say it out loud!"

"I really don't know what you're saying, Blaine. Explain what you mean."

Blaine buried his face in the pillow, wanting to die. Suddenly he felt the bed shaking and heard Kurt's laughter rang out through the cabin. He grabbed the pillow from under Kurt's head and whacked him with it.

"Y-you are so-hoooo gullible!" Kurt almost rolled off the bed he was laughing so hard and caught himself at the last minute with a gasp.

Blaine was glaring at him, trying not to smile.

"You are such an ass."

"Yeah, but you love me."

"I really, really do."

The End

End Notes: Gimme some love by review!!


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Kurt's a meanie. I'd be in exactly the same mind space as Blaine in that situation. I suck at detecting veiled sarcasm. Reall, really suck at it.This was a very sweet story. I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't an actual first time because, like I said, I like the way you write teenage stuff in the innocent way it should be written (I really prefer to see a first time written in that style); but I also understand the concept of preserving the setting/theme of innocence by not taking things that far.Wait. I see a next link. Is there an epilogue? *scratches head*

Ha! Yeah, shame on Kurt ;)I know. I really debated about how to deal with their "final time" in this story. This felt right somehow.Did you find the epilogue? It's sticky sweet ridiculous. I got a cavity writing it :) Not for everyone, but it made me smile!

summer lovin' had me a blast summer lovin, happened so fast...

it was such a cute little story!! i love all your stories! as you probably know by my incessant commenting. lol im hoping there is at least one more for me to read. if not, then i thoroughly enjoyed all of your stories!! will keep checking your profile for new ones in the future!!!! =]]]]]]