Jan. 21, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 21, 2014, 6 p.m.
A flash of blue caught the corner of Coopers eye. He turned, but couldnt figure out what it was. He mentally shrugged. It didnt matter and he wouldnt be distracted. Bending over, he marked a stone with an arrow and headed to the left fork. Twenty feet later and he realized it was another dead end. Cooper turned, walking back the way he came, looking for the arrow.
Cooper frowned at the arrow. Instead of pointing to the corridor he'd walked down, it pointed at the one he hadn't. He'd been careful in where and how he left the marks-had he drawn the arrow the wrong way? Cooper considered that all the wandering around and worrying about Blaine was making him crazy. He added a second arrow and went far enough on he path to hide behind a corner. He counted to five and jumped out. Two girl - goblins - were prying the tile up and turning it over. They both looked like jailbait. The brunette wore a sweater with a puppy on it and a short skirt with knee socks. The blonde's outfit had a more polished look to it, but her top clung to the curves of her body and her skirt barely covered her ass.
Fuck. He was never going to solve this. Time to turn on the charm.
"Hello," Cooper said smiling. The brunette jumped and the blonde bit her lip. "Im trying to get to the castle and you lovely ladies are making it difficult."
Both girls took off running. Cooper chased after them. With any luck, they would lead him to the castle in their panic to get away. His legs were longer, but they knew where they were going. They lost him after several twists and turns.
At least he was closer than he'd been five minutes ago. It was a small consolation, but he'd take what he could get.
Kurt sat Blaine down in front of a lighted mirror and pulled out an assortment of hair products. The time to do something about Blaine's hair had come. The ends had begun to curl while Blaine put on the clothes Sam had brought for him.
“You'll have to use a ton of gel if you don't want me to look like a broccoli head,” Blaine warned.
“No can do, baby,” Kurt said. He put a small amount of gel in his palm and rubbed his hands together. “The curls are adorable and I want to run my fingers through them, which I can't do if you have a hair helmet. Let me try this and if you hate it, I'll use as much gel as you want.”
“Fine,” Blaine said, crossing his arms and pouting.
Kurt massaged the tiny amount of product into Blaine's hair, separating the curls as he rubbed at the boy's scalp. Blaine slowly melted into the chair, making contented little moans. They would have to do this naked next time if massages had this effect. He considered where they could go. His bed would be too soft, the mats in the dance studio would be too hard. Kurt snorted to himself, he sounded like Goldilocks searching for something that was just right. He considered for a moment. The mats in the dance studio actually might work if they put a blanket or two over them. And all the mirrors would mean he could see the expression on Blaine's face while he worked the boy over.
He shook his head in an attempt to help him focus. Much as he hated to admit it, the only way he would be able to concentrate would be to get some space from Blaine for a few minutes so he could set his plan in motion.
“Baby, I'd like for you to go into the dance studio and I'll be there shortly.
Blaine nodded and gave Kurt a quick kiss on the cheek before scurrying away.
The instant Blaine left the room, Kurt summoned Santana. He wasnt surprised when Brittany appeared with her. Those two were attached at the hip. Groin. Whatever.
Santana smirked. "You get in preppys pajamas yet?"
"None of your business," Kurt said.
"Ill take that as a yes."
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Santana, Rachel and Quinn are doing a crap job at keeping Cooper away from the castle."
"Never send little girls to do a bitchs job."
"So Im learning," Kurt muttered. He couldnt believe theyd lead Cooper closer to the center instead of getting him to go in circles and give up. "Its simple. Im keeping Blaine.
To do that, I need Cooper away from the castle. I want you to distract him. I dont care what you do. Show him your boobs. Kiss him. Have sex with him. Tie him up. Have sex with him while hes tied up. Whatever works."
"You promised Rachel and Quinn lead parts," Santana said.
"Fine, whatever. Well put on Chicago and you can play Velma. Is that sexy enough for you?"
"I want to be Roxy," Brittany said. "And you have to be Amos."
"Fine," he growled. "I be Amos. I dont care as long as Cooper stays in he maze." Hed kill singing "Mr. Cellophane." What he should do is have them put on a musical that would feature him in a sexy roll. He could get Blaine all hot and bothered. The Boy From Oz would be perfect. Kurt knew hed look smoking hot in the gold lame pants.
"Will do," Santana said. She and Brittany turned to leave.
"If hes cute like his brother," Brittany said, "we should totally have sex with him."
Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. Santana was the master of manipulation. If anyone could take care of Cooper, Santana could.
He stepped into the dance studio to find Blaine at the piano playing “Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy” and singing along. The music filled the space. Kurt stood behind Blaine, letting the song wash over him. The emotion behind it overwhelmed Kurt and he had never wanted anything as much as he wanted Blaine to stay.
After several songs, mostly Queen stuff, Blaine paused. Kurt applauded. Cheeks pink, Blaine ducked his head. “I thought I'd try out the piano while I waited.”
“Baby, you're fantastic, you can do anything you want while you're here. I'm tempted to put you on stage so everyone can hear how amazing you are.
“Uh...” Blaine stammered.
“Only if you'd like to,” Kurt assured him, “I promised nothing you don't want.” Kurt placed his hands on Blaine's shoulders and kneaded the muscles. Blaine leaned into the touch, sighing. “I'd love to give you a full body massage. I'm really good with my hands and you're so tense.”
“I've never had a massage before.” Blaine shifted, giving Kurt a better angle.
“It's pretty simple. You get naked and lay down, and I'll rub my hands over all your muscles. I even have oil for a more sensual experience.”
A nervous laugh escaped Blaine's lips. “Will I get a happy ending?”
Kurt used a little more pressure with his thumbs. “Where did *that* question come from?”
“I've...uh...watched porn before?” Blaine's shoulders slumped.
“Real-ly,” Kurt said, drawing out the word. “And what exactly happened in this porn?”
“The...uh...guy giving the massage got the other guy naked and...used his fingers inside. Then the naked guy flipped over and the first guy jerked him off.”
“Mmm, that sounds promising. Would you like me to massage your prostate, baby?” Kurt asked. “If I can't make you come from that alone, I'll massage your dick when I'm done.”
Blaine tensed up. “I'm afraid it'll hurt.”
“I never want to hurt you. I'll make sure you're relaxed. There are some mats I can put on the floor with towels over it so we don't make mess with the oil. Or say the word and we can take a tour of the castle. I want to show you the throne room and the ball room. We can even dance if you want.”
Don't push too much, Kurt reminded himself. Or too hard.
“I think I'd like to stay here for now,” Blaine said with a deep breath, “and see the rest of the castle after the massage.”
“Good choice, baby. Get naked and give me five minutes to get set up.”