What I need most is love
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What I need most is love: Chapter 14

M - Words: 3,263 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2017
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Oct 16, 2016 - Updated: Jan 25, 2017
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Chapter 14


Do you remember that when we bought our rings the meaning of the three diamonds in your ring was actually standing for 2 future kids and me? Ha! Who would have known that we would have twins. And they have your genes.” Blaine chuckles and caresses my wedding band. “Another one before we get ready for the day?”


I nod and turn the page.


November 2015

Dear diary.

OMG!!! We found an apartment. I'm so in love. With the apartment. And with Blaine of course. Can't believe we will have our own place in a couple of weeks. We'll move in before Christmas. I can't wait to share the bathroom only with my fiancé. It's a 3-bedroom-1-bathroom-apartment in Fort Greene – Clinton Hill – Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. It's a fucking penthouse. I'll add some pictures later. Oh my god. Our first own place. Just for us. Nobody there to bother us, interrupt us having sex or whatever. I can't wait to move in. It's fucking gorgeous. We will christen EVERY room in this apartment. I swear. We already packed the first boxes which are currently standing along the wall in our bedroom. So no wall sex for the next weeks. Har Har. Okay, I'm being silly. I know. But I'm so excited. I literally bounce all the time I think of our apartment. And you won't believe it. I'm nearly done with planning for our wedding. The most parts are done and booked, our clothes are nearly all done and we could start right now with the wedding. I'm so ahead of time. Can't believe my luck. Well, work and school is still stressful, but I had a couple of nights of really good sleep. I'm motivated and full of adventurous feelings. I could do something really stupid with my actual mood. No! I won't. So, nothing more to tell at this point. Will go surprise my man at college. He has late classes tonight. Maybe I can sneak in and listen to them play. I always get teary eyed when I listen to them. Incredible. Okay, I'll head out. See you, Kurt xo







Blaine hums and sends me a cheeky wink.

Oh yeah. Our first apartment. It was gorgeous. And I can remember, the first week when we moved in I was really worried about our neighbors. We had so much loud sex in every single room. Holy dear. That was an awesome week.”


Oh god, don't remind me. I was sore for the whole week and they were looking suspiciously at me at work and in classes from my lack of sleep. But nonetheless, it was incredible.” I grin and get up from the bed to get into the shower.


When I get rid of my clothes a waggle my eyebrows at my husband.


Interested in joining me in the shower, honey?”


It doesn't even take 5 seconds before Blaine throws me over his shoulder and carries me into the bathroom and in the shower.


After a lot of groping, moaning and kissing we finally get ready for the day and start cleaning. When we're done it's nearly noon and I make a snack for us, before we settle back onto the couch to read a bit more.


December 2015

Dear diary.


We moved in, it's wonderful and I wonder why we didn't do this a lot earlier. Do you know what I hear right now? EXACTLY! NOTHING at all. It's silent in the apartment. No water running, no vocal practices, no tap-dancing, no swearing in Spanish, no arguing over TV programs, NOTHING. I love it. I'm waiting for my fiancé right now. He wanted to be here 30 minutes ago. I bet he got carried away practicing. But normally he tells me beforehand if something is up and he comes home later than agreed. It's not typical for him to not call or text. As I write these words, I get a bit antsy. I'll call him real quick...

He didn't answer his phone. Fuck. I hope everything is okay. I'm worried. Maybe I should try one of his friends from college? I don't want to stalk him but it's not normal. What shall I do? Calling or waiting? I'm anxious now. Really. It's 45 minutes. Fuck... The girls would have calmed me down by now but I'm alone. That's the other side of living alone. Fuck it, I'll call Michael. He shares most of Blaine's classes...

Fuck. Michael told me that Blaine left the college 1,5 hours ago. I have no idea what to do. Call the girls? Go looking for him? I'm really flipping right now. Please, can somebody please tell me that everything is okay? I'll call the girls and Finn now...

Nobody heard from him. I'm in tears. I can't stand this. What if something happened? I can't lose him. Not now, not ever. I'm going crazy here at home. I have to do something. Britt and San are trying the subway back and forth and Finn will check our cafés and restaurants. Asking if someone has seen him. It's 5 days before Christmas. Where the heck can he probably be? Classes end today. I have no clue what to do. Phone is ringing. BRB...


Honey, was that the day I had that accident?” Blaine asks me with a furrowed brow.


Yeah. I didn't finish the entry because I had the hospital on the phone and I ran. I think I explained it in the next entry though. Shall we go on?” I ask.


Sure. Go ahead,” Blaine answers and I turn to the next page.


December 2015

Dear diary.

Blaine had an accident. It's not as bad as it sounds. Thank god. He just sprained his ankle and was brought to the hospital to get it checked. His phone died on the way to the hospital so he couldn't answer. I'm so relieved you have no idea. He's already home with me again. When I got the call from the hospital I hailed a cab and made the nurses crazy in my panicked state. When I finally found him in the ER I sobbed like crazy and Blaine just wrapped his arms around me to comfort ME. Holy cow. What kind of partner am I? He was the one in pain and I cried a river... Well, he knows me and my dramatic moments. I was so scared. Thank god he's with me again. Doctor ordered no stress and a lot of cuddles. I can do that. As I said, classes are over for Christmas break and I took a couple days off of work. So now I can concentrate on the well-being of my fiancé and I plan to spoil him like crazy. He'd be annoyed of me within the next 2 days. Har Har. Plans for the rest of the evening? Dinner (it's obviously cold now and we ordered comfort food... pizza. Haha. Well I can live with that for once), a light massage of my poor fiancés sore muscles, cuddles on the couch, soft kissing on the same couch, maybe a bit of touching under the clothes (we'll see if he's up for that. OH. I guess he is. He's tickling me under my shirt right now, so I'm positive I can bribe him to enjoy my blowjob skills), bandage his aching ankle and kiss it better, carrying him to bed after a romantic movie and then we'll sleep. Tomorrow? No idea. We'll see how Blaine is doing and then we decide, if we will really host a Christmas party at our home. I know we promised, as the place is really big and we just moved in so we could do a housewarming too, but I don't know how Blaine will handle so many people. Let's see. Dad and Carole could sleep here instead of the hotel. We have a guest room. The third bedroom is Blaine's music room now. Oh my god, it's wonderful to hear him practice. I get goose bumps all the time. Oooookaaaaaay, my darling is getting impatient. He's stroking my groin... TMI, sorry. I guess, food after blowjob. Oh god. Have to... yeah. Bye. See you soon, Kurt xo


Blaine laughs out loud and I grin at him.


What? If I recall this right, you enjoyed my blowjob skills immensely. Don't deny it. I've never given head this often in just a couple of days. You totally took advantage of me. Not that I didn't enjoy it. We were so relaxed and had so much time to ourselves before Christmas.” I state and chuckle lightly at the thought. My poor parents got an awful lot of noises when they slept at our place for a couple of days.”


Nothing new to them my dear darling. They were used to much worse situations around us.” Blaine says and tries to hide his giggle.


True!” I just nod and turn the next page.


December 2015

Dear diary.

This has probably been one of the most beautiful Xmases I ever had.

Dad and Carole came over on December 23rd and they LOVE the apartment. Well, I knew that before.

We had a great Christmas eve menu planned and Blaine's ankle was so much better. Duh, I am the most caring fiancé after Blaine. San, Britt, Rachel and Elliot brought wonderful dishes to help getting everyone fed properly. Finn and Ben just ate. Haha. I think it was better that way. Their kitchen skills are really really awful. So they would have burned down their apartments in a matter of minutes. We ate with comfortable chats and drank wine to the meal. Dad, Finn and Ben drank beer. I think we just sat there all together until 10pm or so? It was so so good to have them all over. No pressure, no stress of serving or look out for party guests. A wonderful gathering of family members. Cooper called from LA and we skyped for a few minutes. He promised to visit on New Years. He's really a gorgeous guy, holy fuck. He's an Anderson. Not as gorgeous as my fiancé, of course. After that we exchanged gifts (only the girls, Finn, Elliot and Ben with us because the others exchanged them on Christmas morning) and around midnight everyone apart from Dad and Carole went home.

After expressing our love in the most beautiful way (haha), I heard shuffling in front of our bedroom and after cleaning us both up I threw my underwear and a robe on to see who was standing there. Dad begged me to prepare him a hot milk with honey because his tummy ached from all the food we had. Dad..... I love this man. I knew that it was just an excuse to talk to me in private for a couple of minutes. I promised to meet him in the kitchen and went back into our bedroom to kiss Blaine passionately and explain to him what was going on. He chuckled and turned around to read a bit. When I met dad in the kitchen he sat there already and watched me with such a proud look on his face that I nearly cried. He then told me exactly that. That he was so proud of me and of Blaine and what wonderful men we became. Gosh he was so sappy sometimes. I fell into his arms and sobbed. Yes, I'm sappy too. Got that from my dad. We just hugged for a while and I told him that I was and am so thankful for him. And that Blaine is too. Blaine thinks of my dad as his real dad and Burt Hummel is so proud of that fact. He loves him too. So much. And I am so happy that they get along that great. After his half drunken milk he went back to bed and kissed my forehead. I felt like a 8 year old again. After we wished each other good night I entered our bedroom and found my beautiful soon-to-be-husband snoring – he was lying on his back, his book half over his chest and his chin – I nearly had to snort because of this adorable sight. After I got rid of my robe and my underwear (yes we sleep naked since we moved out) I cuddled close to Blaine's body and took the book from him and put it on his nightstand. He felt so good. Sleep-warm and so soft. I put my head on his chest and kissed him softly on his peck. I have no idea how I deserve this man.

So, that was yesterday and this morning we exchanged gifts. Dad and Carole spoiled us with spa days and gift cards from our favorite shops in NY. Blaine and I got dad a some tickets for the Buckeyes and Carole clothes and jewelery. I got Blaine concert cards of his favorite bands and some clothes and Blaine got me scarves, a beautiful brooch and a gorgeous bracelet. He showed me the engraving and I nearly cried when I saw the words 'my forever'. Why is he always so attentive and I'm always practical? Ugh. My wonderful wonderful man.

Okay, enough cheesiness. We had a wonderful breakfast and after lunch dad and Carole flew back to Lima.

A few days of work now and then we host a New Years party here. I hope nobody breaks anything. And Cooper will finally come over. It's time.

Okay, have to go now. Will write as soon as possible. See ya, Kurt


Our first Christmas in the new apartment was so incredible,” I say thoughtful. “We had the best time.”


Yeah, that we did,” Blaine confirms and kisses the tip of my nose and I snuggle further into him. “What's next? New Year's?”


Uh-huh,” I say, sip on my coffee and get to the next entry.


January 2016

Dear diary.

There it is. The year where Blaine will become my husband. Can it be September already? Yeah I know. I am so impatient. But I can't change the fact that I can't wait to make him officially mine.

New Year's Eve was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwweeeeeesome.

The party guests brought alcohol and themselves and around 10pm Blaine got the call that Cooper was downstairs. We didn't hear the doorbell because of the loud music. We buzzed him in and ran to the front door. When he exited the elevator Blaine threw himself into Cooper's arms and they hugged for a while. Both guys were crying silently. They missed each other so much and the whole mess with their parents was hard on both of them. When they finally parted Cooper scooped me into his arms and hugged me like a madman. He told me how happy he was to see me and that I was the fucking best thing that ever happened to his little brother. I blushed, thanked him and said that Blaine was the best thing that ever happened to me too. Cooper told us that Penny couldn't make it, unfortunately, because she's pregnant with their first baby and she has a really bad form of morning sickness. Blaine's eyes nearly popped out of his head at the news. He would be an uncle soon. As Cooper put it, WE would be uncles soon. OMG! I'll be an uncle. I can't wait for the baby to be born. We'll have to fly over to LA to get to know him or her. I'm so excited. The first family baby. I hope that Finn and Rachel take their time though. They aren't nearly anywhere near ready for that step.

The party was a blast and half an hour before midnight we went up to our roof terrace to wait for the new year to arrive. Blaine, Cooper and I were rather drunk at this time. The girls, Finn, Elliot and Ben weren't better though. We sat there in our thick coats and a lot of blankets and a lot of alcohol and chatted and danced until a few minutes before midnight.

Rachel and Santana put a tray of champagne on the table and we started the countdown. Exactly on midnight, Blaine and I kissed passionately to welcome the new year. I have no idea how long we kissed until our friends pulled us apart to hug and kiss us instead. The girls were freezing and went back down into the living room. Finn, Elliot, Ben, Cooper, Blaine and I were still on the terrace and talked about marriage and kids and careers. It was cozy and so nice to just talk. As far as possible with that amount of alcohol in our systems. We had fun. I danced with Cooper and when he jokingly tried to grope my butt Blaine nearly knocked him down. I laughed so hard. Ben and Elliot were making out in a corner and Finn told me in his drunken state that he wants to propose to Rachel. He wanted me to go ring shopping with him the next day and I promised to accompany him. Whoa, my little bro wants to marry. So I bet Elliot and Ben and San and Britt will be the next to get engaged. Huh. We are adults now, it seems.

When we went back down, the girls were half naked and doing body shots off each other. Holy fuck. Rachel was doing Santana while Britt laughed her ass off. WTF??? Finn stood there like he had been slapped and Elliot and Ben giggled like school girls and went to have sex in our guest room. Cooper threw himself at Britt and Blaine had an awful lot of work to get everyone back on track. I was so shocked that I couldn't move and I really hope that all our guest have a really bad hangover today and forgot everything that happened after midnight. Otherwise there will probably be a lot of discussions going down. Hm. Have to call Rachel later today to hear what happened. When we finally got rid of everyone accept Cooper (after barging into the guest room he asked Ben and Elliot if they were up for a threesome...) we could eventually fall into our bed exhausted. Well, at least Blaine and I acted appropriately and had sex in our bedroom without anyone else's participation or watching. Gah.

My hangover isn't bad at all. Drinking water in between the alcohol did me good. It's 10am on New Years morning right now and Blaine had an Advil and a glass of water before he could help me clean up. I peeked into the guest room half an hour ago and Cooper is lying on the bed in fetal position. I guess he'll sleep for a while. Hang on, I'll call Rachel now. I am too curious how it's going...

I'm back. So apparently nobody remembers much from last night when everything went crazy or they just pretend to not remember. Rachel said everything is fine, Finn has the hangover of the year and puked half the night. I hope he'll be okay soon. We will meet up this afternoon. I'll ask him then. I mean, it wasn't that bad and nobody cheated, so hey. They'll get over it. I'll make some breakfast for us three now. Have to go. See ya, Kurt

End Notes:


A/N: Yeah, well. Not a lot happened in this chapter but life is like that ;-) Hope you enjoyed the chapter nonetheless. See ya next week. Greets, Dana


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