Let me melt
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let me melt: Chapter 8

E - Words: 3,383 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Jun 26, 2016 - Updated: Jun 26, 2016
290 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:

A/N: I still don't own Glee or their characters.

I'm sorry in advance! Prepare for the angst!

Chapter 8


Kurt's workday was long... again. He was exhausted and a bit cranky. And the worst thing was, he thought he was hallucinating... Around noon he saw someone who looked like Adam. But that couldn't be. The only people who knew where he was were Burt, Carole, Rachel and Finn. He was absolutely sure that neither Burt nor Carole would tell Adam where to find Kurt. Burt disliked Adam with all his heart and Kurt could understand it now. But Burt never interfered in Kurt's relationship with him. It was his opinion that if Kurt was happy with him, it was none of his business, even if he disliked his son's boyfriend. Rachel was his friend back in New York and even before in Lima. They stuck together through all their drama. Well, he knew he was busy at work now that he didn't have much time to talk to Rachel or Finn. He felt guilty about that but Rachel was so busy on Broadway herself too. They lost contact the last six or seven months but he still didn't think she or Finn would tell Adam where to find him. They knew that Kurt was done with him and wanted to get away but could he be absolute sure that they wouldn't say anything? His head hurt and he decided to forget about this for some time. It would lead to nothing if he didn't see the person again so he tried to think about something else. Santana was acting strangely that morning. Yes, she WAS hurt and maybe bitter, but she was different. Kurt had the feeling that she was avoiding him. What was that about? He had to talk to her again. Maybe after his well needed shower before he would meet up with Blaine.


Kurt was already half way into his bathroom when there was a knock on his door. Thinking that it was Blaine who was early, he hurried to the door and opened it enthusiastically... and froze...


Adam??? What the hell do you do here of all places?” Kurt gasped, wide eyes and a blank expression on his now even paler than usual face.


Hey baby! Long time no see.” Adam smirked. “I missed you so much, you have no idea!” He grabbed the shocked Kurt in a tight embrace and planted a long, wet kiss on his mouth.


The still shell shocked Kurt couldn't get his brain to function right now. His head was spinning and tears were forming in his eyes. He felt the familiar hands on his back and smelled the nearly forgotten scent of his ex-boyfriend. Totally overwhelmed, he couldn't move. Couldn't shove Adam away from him. Couldn't yell at him to leave him alone. He could do nothing and let it happen.


After what felt like a lifetime, Adam pulled back and stroked Kurt's face softly, smiling at him and leaning in to kiss him again. That pulled Kurt out of his trance.


No! Adam, stop! I don't want this. You need to come in. I guess we need to talk.” Kurt said resentful, pulled Adam into his hut and closed the door behind them.




Blaine was lying on his hammock, eyes closed and enjoying the soft breeze on his face and didn't hear that someone was approaching him. Only when he sensed someone leaning over him, he opened his eyes.


Santana? Hi! What are you doing here?” He asked curiously, taking in her appearance. She looked horrible with her sunken eyes, pale skin for her natural tan and slumped shoulders.


Oh nothing much, I just wanted to let you know that Kurt's ex-boyfriend Adam is here to visit him. I just thought I'll let you know. You know, because he plans to get him back. I just thought it would be fair that you knew.” Santana said with an evil smirk.


What? That Adam guy is here? How? You mean right now? Is Kurt already back from work?” Blaine babbled with a shocked expression on his face.


Yes, I met Adam yesterday at the pool. Still handsome, that bastard. Well, Kurt must be back at his place any minute now. Maybe you should talk. Just wanted to warn you, because I like you, Blaine.” Santana stated with an innocent look on her face, smiling softly at him.


OK, thank you so much, Santana. I'll go over immediately and talk to him.” Blaine stood up, threw his shirt over his head and put his shoes back on.


As Blaine hurried to get over to Kurt's place, Santana smiled to herself. Proud of her acting skills and still full of jealous feelings, she retreated to her own home to enjoy the upcoming 'showdown'.


Blaine arrived at the staff quarters with a strange feeling in his gut. He trusted Kurt but his own insecurities gnawed on his self-esteem. He was nervous and needed to make sure that Kurt hadn't any more romantic feelings for Adam.


When he arrived at the first hut, hidden in the shadow of a large tree, he saw Kurt and a man standing on Kurt's porch in a tight embrace. His blood ran cold and he stopped in his tracks. That man in Kurt's arms smiled softly and pulled back a bit to kiss him full on the mouth. It was a long kiss and Kurt didn't pull back or even tried to shove that man away from him. Blaine's heart burst into pieces and he had to hold onto the tree to steady himself. The man tried to kiss Kurt again but Kurt pulled back a bit and said something to him which Blaine couldn't hear. After that, Kurt pulled that man into his hut and closed the door. Tears filled his eyes and he was again approached by Santana who must have stood directly behind him the whole time.


Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry that you had to see this. If I knew that Kurt had still feelings for Adam I would have told you. But I was so sure he was over him after all this time. Well it seems that he isn't.” Santana said with a click of her tongue. “You wanna go to the staff bar with me?” She asked innocently.


Blaine only nodded and wiped away his tears.


Give me 30 minutes to make myself presentable and I come over to get you. Is that OK?” Santana grinned mischievously and patted Blaine on the shoulder before she got into her own place to get ready for the night.


Blaine went back to his hut. Numb, heartbroken, angry and bitter. So many emotions were playing in his head. But he wanted clarity. So he decided to text Kurt.


Blaine: 'So is it true? Adam is back? Are you back together? I saw you two kissing on your porch. I need to know, Kurt...'


Blaine waited anxiously staring on his phone until it beeped with an incoming text.


Kurt: 'I'm sorry that you had to find it out this way but yes... We're back together. I still have feelings for him and he still loves me too. Sorry. Better we don't see each other again. Adam would appreciate that too. It would just be awkward.'


Blaine gulped and new tears ran down his face. Silent sobs filled the room and his heart broke even further.


Blaine: 'But I thought we were special together and you have feelings for me. Was that all an act?'


Kurt: 'Baby you were just a fling. Nothing that could last. I thought you knew that.'


Blaine: 'It never felt that way with us. And we talked about this. You said you were not the type of guy who would have flings. But I guess I was wrong. So I think that's it then. Enjoy your life with Adam, Kurt.'


Kurt: 'Yes, I guess it is. I'm sorry. I wish you all the best.'


Blaine stared at his phone and screamed in agony. Anger, hurt and self-pity building inside of him. He went over to the bathroom, splashed water in his face and got ready to go drinking with Santana. And he planned to get totally wasted tonight...




After Kurt pulled Adam into his room he started yelling.


Are you totally nuts? What is wrong with you? Don't you think that I would have called you or left my new address with you if I wanted you to contact me? I'm done with you. I don't want us to get back together.” Kurt paced inside his room like a mad animal.


Baby, I know you and that boy had a bit fun together but now I'm here. We can start over. We were so good for each other and I miss you.” Adam smiled and tried to stop Kurt from pacing to get him back into his arms.


Kurt slapped Adam's hand away and stood in front of him with crossed arms. “I'm happy with Blaine. I didn't want to fall in love, but he's the first one after you that caught me and we're great together. IN EVERY FUCKING WAY! He satisfies me like you never could. It's not just some fun or a fling or whatever you would call it. I'm in love with him and I want this relationship. You are no longer a part of me and I want you to be gone from his room, this place and this city when I come out of the shower that I desperately need. I warn you. If you aren't gone I'll call the security and they will remove you. Go back to fucking Elliot or whoever. I don't care anymore. Leave me alone and never come back for me.” With that, Kurt ran into his bathroom, slammed the door shut and locked it. He undressed, his anger slowly vanishing when he thought about Blaine and got under the hot spray of water.


Meanwhile Kurt's phone started to vibrate with an incoming text on the coffee table. Adam was still standing in the middle of the room, replaying the mostly one-sided conversation in his head. This little bastard didn't want him back. Fine... he would go back to Elliot. But first he wanted to know who sent him a text and grabbed Kurt's phone. When he read Blaine's message he grinned and answered the text, pretending to be Kurt. After a couple of minutes Adam was sure that Blaine was hurt and got the message, that 'Kurt' didn't want to be with him anymore. When he was sure that no more messages would come from Blaine, he deleted all the messages and even Blaine's phone number and looked at Kurt's home screen. It was a picture of Kurt and probably this Blaine guy. Smiling happily into the camera, cheek to cheek. He put the phone back on the coffee table and left the hut. He planned to go back to New York the same night.




Blaine and Santana were at the beach with the other dance staff members sitting at the bar and drowning their drinks. Blaine was already drunk and grabbed Santana to dance with her. Nick and Jeff were coming over to check on them.


No no, Hobbit. You go dance with Niff. I'll stay here and drink.” She said and ordered another cocktail for herself.


What's wrong with him and where the hell is Kurt?” Nick asked with a worried look on his face. Glancing over at Blaine who swayed his hips in front of Jeff.


We saw Adam and Kurt kissing on Kurt's porch half an hour ago.” Santana said.


WHAT? Why would he do that? He's so over that damn guy.” Nick nearly yelled and watched Santana and shook his head in disbelief.


I know. I thought so too. It was a shock to both of us. After that, Kurt pulled Adam into his room. Blaine is a bit heartbroken now. He told me he texted with Kurt and Kurt told him that he's back together with Adam and it would be better to not see each other anymore. I saw the messages. It's true. Well who would've known that Kurt would do something like that. I clearly didn't.” It was now Santana who shook her head at the recent 'incidents'.


Well I definitely thought that Kurt was in love with Blaine and so over that fucking idiot Adam. Apparently we were really wrong. Let's get Blaine to have a bit of fun tonight, then. He surely needs it.” Nick grumbled and went over to Jeff and Blaine.


Blaine was holding onto Jeff's arms to not fall on his knees. Dizzy in the head and not able to think clearly he slurred “I wanna dance. You dance wif me? Or anyone? Wif me? Daaaaaaaance?”


Oh no. I won't dance with you. You will step on my feet this drunk. You can dance with Jordan over there. He's single right now, so you can grope him if you want. He won't mind.” Jeff smirked and waved Jordan over to them.

Hey Jordie, will you dance with poor heartbroken little Blaine here? This newly single needs a strong shoulder and loose hips.”


Sure, he's cute. And drunk.” Jordan cooed and grabbed Blaine around the waist to get him nearer to the 'dance floor'. “Put your arms around me, sweetheart. I don't bite. Just enjoy yourself. I've got you.”


Blaine babbled some incoherency and held onto Jordan's shoulders to steady himself. He put his head in the crook of Jordan's neck and let him guide him to sway from side to side. Jordan let his hands glide from Blaine's waist over the swell of his butt and grabbed the firm muscle. Santana snapped a picture of this moment, unseen from the others and saved the picture to forward it to Kurt's phone.


Santana: 'Just so you know, your boyfriend is making out with Jordan. Tried to stop him, but he didn't let me. I guess he's not planning to see you tonight.'


With a small smile on her face she pocketed her phone and drowned the shot in front of her.


No, 's not right. I love Kuuuuuurt. No touching.” Blaine mumbled and grabbed Jordan's hands to put them back onto his waist. “I need my bed. 'M drunk. Wanna go.”


OK sweetheart, I'll get you in your bed. Which hut are you in?” Jordan asked and glanced at Santana as he didn't get an answer from Blaine.


He's in 206. Don't take advantage of him if he doesn't want to, Jordan. Otherwise I'll cut your balls with my razorblades!” Santana hissed.


I won't. But maybe I'll get a good night kiss.” Jordan winked at her and grabbed Blaine's waist to guide him over to the guest accommodations.


Blaine stumbled and searched for his key in his pant pockets and dropped the key on the porch. He cursed and bend over to reach for it. Jordan stood behind him and held his hips to stabilize him that he won't fall over and crash his head on the front door.


Easy there tiger. Don't hurt yourself. We have all the time in the world.” Jordan smirked and grabbed the keys from Blaine's hand.


He opened the front door and guided Blaine inside and shut the door behind them.


Blaine nearly ran across the room into the bathroom and hurled his many drinks into the toilet. Silently whining to himself, he laid his head on the seat and sighed heavily.


Do you want me to put you in your bed or do you wanna stay here in the bathroom?” Jordan asked.


Wanna stay here a bit. Thanks for taking me home. I'm a bit clearer in the head now. Can you wait a couple of minutes more and make sure I don't fall asleep here?” Blaine asked with a pained expression.


Sure sweetie. I'll stay here as long as you need me.” Jordan stroked Blaine's hair carefully.


I love Kurt and I didn't have the chance to tell him, you know?” Blaine sobbed and tears ran over his cheeks.


I'm so sorry of what happened there today. I really am. And I can assure you I wouldn't have taken advantage of you. You are a cute little sweetheart and I'm single but I'm not like that.” Jordan smiled at Blaine and pinched his cheek.


Thank you. I'm not sure how I would have handled it. So thanks. I guess I'm OK now. I will go to bed.” Blaine got up from the floor and washed his mouth and his face with cold water from the sink.


No problem, sweetie. Anytime. I hope you'll have a good night. See you around.” Jordan said and patted Blaine's back lightly. He winked at him and turned around to leave the hut.


Blaine groaned, drank half a bottle of water and threw himself onto his bed in his clothes, immediately falling asleep.




Kurt heard his phone vibrating as he left his bathroom cautiously, still afraid that Adam might still be there. His place was empty though and he sighed in relief. Thinking the text was from Blaine he grinned happily. When he read Santana's text and saw the attached picture he gasped loudly and needed to sit immediately on his couch.


With disbelief he looked at the picture for a few minutes and tried to make out if this was a bad joke from Santana's side. But the picture was sharp enough, so any misinterpretation was out of the question. Blaine stood with his back to the camera, arms around the neck of someone he couldn't immediately recognize and this man had his hands on Blaine's ass, firmly grabbing his cheeks. Santana wrote that the man was Jordan. He was recently single and never shy to offer one night stands to willing men, staff or guests. Kurt gulped. He couldn't believe that Blaine would do such a thing. Surely not with the staff, as the word would come back to Kurt and also not with other guests. Everything with this text and picture felt wrong. Before he could dwell in the wrong conclusion he wanted to give Blaine the opportunity to explain the situation to Kurt and grabbed his keys to search for him.


Kurt arrived at the guest huts and made out a couple standing in front of Blaine's place. He slowly came nearer and saw Blaine leaning down for something and Jordan stood directly behind him and grabbed his hips firmly. The position was sensual and Kurt froze in his movements. When Blaine got back up, Jordan opened the door, pulled Blaine into the room and closed the door behind them.


Kurt ran...


When he was farthest from all people he could encounter, he sat down on the sand and screamed. He sobbed and yelled and cried and kicked his feet into the sand. Tears streaming down his face, he threw his head in his hands and broke down.


How could he be so foolish? How could he imagine to find a sincere guy who could be faithful and love him just the way he was? He thought Blaine was that guy. He fell in love with him and wanted to tell him soon, but now he was relieved that he didn't. Kurt had no idea how he could go on now. His next holidays were after the summer break so he had to go on for another 7 weeks and how the hell was he supposed to avoid Blaine all this time? He had no idea and needed to talk to Santana. But first he just wanted to sleep. Preferably for days. Quickly he got up, cleaned his clothes and went back to his place to fall face down on his bed, still sobbing until the exhaustion took over and he fell asleep...

End Notes:

Next chapter on Friday! Thanks for reading peeps!! <3


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