June 26, 2016, 7 p.m.
June 26, 2016, 7 p.m.
Here comes chapter 4 friends. Enjoy reading :-) Thanks again for your interest.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of their characters
Chapter 4
Blaine had a lovesick look on his face, as he stumbled into the hut around midnight.
Cooper wasn't there yet and Blaine removed his clothes to his underwear and threw himself onto his bed, giggling softly. He was happy. His eyes were shining and his lips were cherry red and kiss-swollen. He recalled the events of the evening:
'After kissing for what felt like hours, Blaine pulled back and looked into Kurt's eyes.
“Wow!” Blaine said. “That was...that was...”
“Yeah,” Kurt said with a husky voice. “I know. It was!”
“You make my heart flutter, Kurt. And you are a great kisser, I must say.” Blaine vowed.
“I feel the same way, Blaine.” Kurt stated and grinned at him.
They resumed kissing for a while and occasionally glanced at each other, smiling shyly. When it was time to part, Kurt walked Blaine back and they stood in front of the hut, not wanting to let go of each other. After the last kiss they agreed to meet the next day and exchanged phone numbers.'
Blaine sighed and touched his lips, where he sill could feel Kurt. Still tasting him in his mouth. His skin was tingling from Kurt's soft touches on his neck, his shoulders, his face, his collarbone and throat. Blaine hummed lowly and chuckled to himself.
'Yes,' he thought. 'I could definitely fall in love with him.'
After all the built up tension and excitement of that day, he finally fell asleep with a soft smile on his face.
Kurt strolled from Blaine's accommodation back to their part of the beach, where he would find his staff colleagues and friends. He was deep in thoughts. Good thoughts. The best. He felt good. Blaine was a great guy. He felt awesome. Kurt's bruised lips would give away what they were doing, but he didn't care. When he arrived, Santana was nowhere to be seen. She probably was with Brittany. Nick and Jeff spotted him instantly and made grabby hands.
"Tell us everything!" Jeff grinned. "Man you look well kissed. I would say well fucked, but I guess not today though." He winked at Kurt.
"Really Jeff? Really?" Kurt threw his hands in the air and groaned.
"What? Am I not allowed to say something like that to my friend and colleague? You need to get laid sweetie. Desperately. Soon. Should I talk with Blaine or do you want to do it on your own?" Jeff said sweetly. Nick chuckled.
"You won't do anything like that, Jeffrey Michael Sterling." Kurt bitched, his eyes like slits.
"Ooooh oh, Jeffrey. The full name. You are so fucked, honey!" Nick joked.
"Mind your own business guys. OK?" Kurt sighed.
"What's wrong Kurt? Trouble in paradise?" Nick asked concerned.
"No! On the contrary, actually. I want too much, too fast, I guess. I want the relationship, the closeness, the love. All at once. Now. That's crazy. I don't understand this. I fell fast for Adam back in time, but that did me no good. I'm crazy. I'm crazy about Blaine. Oh god. I'm so screwed. What should I do?" Kurt buried his face in his hands.
"Hey, it's OK. Don't freak out. Nick and I were the same back in time. We fell for each other in an instant. Love at first sight. It's possible Kurt. Does he feel the same?"
"Well... I guess... maybe... I don't know exactly. I mean, I know he likes me and is attracted to me, but I'm not sure, in which extent his feelings for me are the same as mine for him." Kurt babbled and shrugged his shoulders.
"You should find out then, buddy." Nick said and patted him on the back.
"Yeah, we'll meet tomorrow. For another dance lesson. Let's see, how much we will actually dance". He smirked. Jeff and Nick whooped loudly.
"No, really." Kurt said. "We have a great chemistry when we dance. I could rip off his clothes and jump him on the dance floor, which I will NOT do. Just to be crystal clear here." Kurt had the decency to blush like a tomato.
"Ooooh, I need to see that, when the time comes." Jeff cooed. "Can we come over tomorrow and watch you two dance?"
"Absolutely not! No way! The dance lessons are private and you know that." Kurt's eyes were wide like saucers.
"Spoilsport!" Jeff shrugged his shoulders.
"I need to go to bed now. Wanna look good for the man tomorrow." Kurt winked at his friends. "Good night boys. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." With that, he went to his quarters.
While removing his clothes, he thought about Blaine and grinned like a fool, doing a little happy-dance in his underwear.
When Blaine woke up the next morning, he had the feeling like he was being watched.
He opened his eyes and immediately saw Cooper leaning over him.
"The hell, Coop?" Blaine winced.
"Oh good, you're finally awake. Get up, we meet our parents for breakfast. They say they haven't seen you in ages, Blaine."
"Not true, have seen them yesterday for lunch." Blaine groaned out loud.
"But they think you have secrets, which you don't want to discuss with them.
Soooooo, Blainey? Do you have some dirty secrets?" Cooper made a shocked face.
"No. Just some kissing. Nothing dirty... yet." He grinned.
"Niiiiiiiiiice, so you finally get some. It was about time, little brother." Cooper tickled him on the bed.
"Stop it, you moron. I'll get up, but I won't tell you any more." Blaine said, pouting his lips.
Breakfast with their parents was fun. They were totally relaxed and not even a bit annoying or too curious. Blaine visibly relaxed. Elaine though suspected that Blaine was seeing someone and she had the feeling it might be Kurt. She knew that Blaine didn't want to talk about it right now, so she kept quiet, hoping that Blaine would finally find someone who could make him happy.
While they were eating in harmony, Blaine received a text.
Kurt: 'Hey Blaine. Are your free after lunch around 3pm? Me and the dance room are free for 2 hours for some lesson.'
Blaine: 'Absolutely. I will be there. Shall I bring something?'
Kurt: 'Just yourself and some comfy clothes. Nothing too warm though. You will sweat. I will guarantee you that.'
Blaine: 'OK, now I'm intrigued. Do I have to worry?'
Kurt: 'If you aren't afraid of some touching and sexy moves, you have nothing to worry about.'
Blaine: 'Mmmm sounds awesome. Count me in.'
Kurt: 'I didn't expect any less, Mr. Anderson. Put on some comfy shoes too and come over in time. And bring a bottle of water, you'll need it when I'm done with you.'
Blaine: 'Will see what I can do. See you later.'
Kurt: 'Looking forward, Blaine.'
Blaine: 'Me too, Kurt.'
Blaine let his phone glide back into his pants and grinned to himself and glanced over to his mom. She was well aware that there was something going on with him. He knew his mother and he was thankful she didn't push right now.
Cooper and Blaine had a lazy morning. Splashing in the ocean, sunbathing on the towel and talking about everything of the past months they hadn't had the chance to talk about yet. It was great to have a serious conversation with his brother.
Around noon Blaine got into the shower. Coming out still dripping water droplets and with only a towel around his hips, he decided to take a little nap until he had to leave. He threw himself onto his bed and closed his eyes and was immediately out.
Blaine dressed casually. Tank top, skinny jeans and sneakers. After a last check in the mirror, he went over to the dance room, where he had been previously with Brit.
He knocked on the closed door and waited.
“Come in!” Kurt shouted.
Blaine opened the door cautiously and stepped into the room. It looked different than the last time. The window blinds were only half open, so the light in the room was dimmed. Soft music was playing in the background and Kurt was standing in the middle of the room, waiting patiently for Blaine to approach him.
“What... how... Kurt?” Blaine only babbled out.
“Come here.” Kurt said with an extended hand towards him.
Blaine went over and stood in front of Kurt, barely any space between them.
Kurt grabbed his face and kissed him hungrily. All teeth and tongue. Both moaned into each others mouths and Blaine grabbed Kurt by the waist to pull him even closer. After a couple of minutes of just kissing like starving men and breathing each other in, Kurt pulled back a little.
“Please take off your top, Blaine!” Kurt panted.
Blaine removed his top slowly.
Kurt's eyes went wide and he shamelessly stared at Blaine's naked chest, almost drooling. His fingers itched to touch. But he didn't. Not yet.
Blaine watched him and pouted. “What about you? I feel a little underdressed now. You should remove your top too. To have even ground here. Think about fairness.”
Kurt grinned and took off his top.
Blaine gasped loudly and let his eyes wander over Kurt's pale upper body. He was stunned to absolute silence. His mouth watered at the sight.
They both approached each other slowly with raised hands. Ready to touch. Kurt started to stroke over Blaine's arms up to his shoulders and neck to let his hands rest on the back of Blaine's head.
Blaine let his hands wander over Kurt's stomach over his pecks, back down his sides until he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist to caress his lower back and over the swell of his marvelous ass.
Kurt sighed audibly and pulled Blaine chest to chest. Skin on skin. It was fantastic and the sexual tension was palpable.
They started kissing again, desperately and passionately and they couldn't stop to touch each other everywhere they could reach.
When they were panting like crazy with a wild heartbeat, they parted for a few moments to clear their heads and get some oxygen into their lungs.
After a while of just staring and caressing, they couldn't hold back anymore and frantically started kissing again. Releasing a bit of tension. Their naked chests were glistening with a fine layer of sweat. Both were panting again and suddenly Kurt jumped up and threw his legs around Blaine's waist, rubbing their groins together.
Both moaned loudly and Blaine carried Kurt to the couch in the back of the room. He laid him down carefully and climbed on top of him, not fully touching but Kurt was insatiable. He pulled Blaine hard on top of himself and groaned.
"Please... please... Blaine... touch me...please." Kurt begged and grabbed Blaine's butt.
"Oh god... Kurt...OK...?" Blaine stuttered.
"Yes... yes... please... Blaine... you feel so fucking good." Kurt panted.
Blaine laid his weight on his hands and started kissing Kurt on his lips, his jaw, his earlobe, his neck, his throat, his collarbone. Nipping lightly at the skin, licking its way up again and Kurt was a mess. He was moaning and wiggling under him. The sight drove Blaine nearly crazy. Sliding down further, he settled between Kurt's legs and planted soft kisses on his chest, lightly nipping on his left nipple, causing a loud gasp from Kurt. Blaine enjoyed watching the movements and reactions to his efforts. He sucked Kurt's right nipple into his mouth and rolled his tongue over it until it was a hard nub. Kurt writhed under him and begged for more, arching his back to push himself even more into Blaine's mouth, grabbing anything he could get a hold on. Blaine went down further again, kissing his belly, licking into his belly button and stroking his sides. Kurt put his fingers into Blaine's hair and pulled lightly, causing Blaine to moan out loud.
Blaine glanced at Kurt while he put his hands on the waistband of Kurt's pants and Kurt just nodded. At that, Blaine undid the button on Kurt's pants and pulled the zipper down slowly. Kurt just closed his eyes for a second and whispered "yes, please. I need you Blaine."
At that, Blaine pulled Kurt's pants down his thighs, over his knees and off. Blaine was speechless. His legs were endless, beautiful, pale and so touchable. Kurt raised his hips and shot Blaine a seductive look to encourage him to go on. Blaine didn't lose any time and slowly pulled Kurt's boxer briefs off. Holy hell, Kurt's cock was so ready for him. Begging for attention. Blaine grabbed it firmly in his hand and gave it a light stroke. Kurt nearly yelled. Blaine smirked and bent forward to lick over the head. Kurt moaned out loud, gripping Blaine's hair firmer and urging him to take more, which Blaine did. He took as much of Kurt's cock in his mouth as he was capable of. Bobbing his head first slowly, then faster. The rhythm was perfect and Blaine moaned obscenely around Kurt's cock.
"Oh god, Blaine. Your mouth is so... perfect... so good... please don't stop... ever... Blaaaaaaaine.... faster... yes... yes... so good.... you are perfect for me... ungh... right there... oh...oh...yes... ahhhh...I'm gonna... gonna come... Blaine... if you don't want to... you need to pull off NOW....... BLAAAAAAAAAINEEEEEE..." Kurt came in long and hot spurts into Blaine's mouth until he was spent. Blaine grinned at himself and cleaned Kurt's cock cautiously with his tongue and let go of him with an obscene pop.
Kurt pulled Blaine up across his body and kissed him greedily, tasting himself on Blaine's tongue. He opened Blaine's pants with one hand, unzipping the fly and slipped his hand in his underwear, stroking Blaine's rock-hard dick until he came over Kurt's fist. Blaine moaned Kurt's name like a prayer. Both completely spent, they lay on the couch, softly caressing each other and staring in the others gorgeous eyes.
Blaine startled awake when he came. The towel around his hips was loosened and he had come on his belly and his hand around his dick.
“Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with me?” He mumbled and headed back to the bathroom to clean himself up.
Still a bit embarrassed over the vivid dream, he stood in front of the dance room 15 minutes later to meet Kurt.
Kurt was already waiting for him in front of the room and smiled at him.
“Hi.” Kurt grinned and led him into the room and closed the door behind them.
“Hi.” Blaine grinned back.
“I missed you.” Kurt stated and stroked his cheek softly.
“I missed you more.” Blaine countered.
“Do you wanna dance with me?” Kurt batted his eyelashes.
“I'd love nothing more.” Blaine smirked.
“OK, today... maybe just a bit of freestyle and we see where it goes? What do you think? Don't think about any technique, just feel, OK? No over thinking, just enjoying. Shall we start?” Kurt smiled cheekily.
“Absolutely.” Blaine beamed.
"OK." Kurt said and went over to the iPod station to put on the right music. Not too loud, just right to hear it clearly.
They grabbed each other at waist and hands and started to dance. Staring mutually at one another, adoration and curiosity in their eyes, touching, spinning around, tugging, circling. The chemistry between them was tangible and the air was sizzling. Anyone who would have been there to watch them, would have thought they were a long time married couple, totally in tune. It was mesmerizing.
"Wow, that was incredible." Kurt said softly after they stopped for taking a breath. "You are incredible."
Blaine grinned at him. "Well you are not so bad yourself. And I'm really happy to have met you."
"Me too, Blaine. Me too. I've never met someone like you." Kurt whispered and leaned in to kiss Blaine.
They shared slow, careful pecks. Then Kurt got bolder, licking over the seam of Blaine's lips, begging for entrance which was immediately granted. They kissed passionately, bodies pressed so close there was no space between them. Tongues dancing wetly in each others mouths and fighting for dominance.
Until the door burst open and a cackling Santana stood in the doorway.
Kurt looked like a caught dear in the headlight.
“This must be a nightmare. Please, Blaine tell me this is just a nightmare. There is not an obviously smugly grinning Santana standing in the STILL OPEN DOORWAY.” Kurt burst out.
Santana walked inside and closed the door with a thud. “Chill out sweetie. Nobody is around. Mmmmm I see you finally get some action. Mmmm Blaine, nice lips. So kissable. If I were straight...”
“Stop right there, Satan.” Kurt grumbled and threw an arm around Blaine's waist to tug him close.
Blaine was beet-red and looked anywhere but Santana.
“Aw my little Hobbit. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Anyway...” She stepped closer to Kurt. “Be happy that it was me who barged into the room and not a guest or someone from the staff. I just wanted to remind you, that we have rehearsal in half an hour in the group dance room. Get yourself decent and come over, or the others will eat you alive... just saying...” She laughed mischievously.
“All right. Can you give us at least some minutes of privacy and leave the room? Thank you.” Kurt grumbled.
Santana giggled and closed the door softly behind her.
“I'm so so sorry Blaine. She has no manners and embarrasses me as often as she can manage. Not in that way, she never witnessed me kissing someone because it never happened before. I really enjoyed today and please don't think I just lured you here to kiss you stupid. That's not the case. I enjoy being with you. In any kind of way. When we dance, it's... I can't describe what that does to me. Can I see you later tonight? Maybe after the show?” Kurt asked hopefully.
“Kurt, please don't feel bad for her. I think I can manage. She's just looking out for you. That's totally understandable. And I enjoyed today too.” He smirked. “I'd love to meet you again later. Will you text me?”
“I will as soon as possible.” He grinned.
“Now go, or Santana will come back in and embarrass us even more.” Blaine said.
They kissed again for a few moments, sweet but still passionately. Parting ways with the promise of more... later...
Thanks again. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you next week :-)