A Royal Kiss
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A Royal Kiss: Chapter 1

T - Words: 2,838 - Last Updated: Jun 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jun 11, 2012 - Updated: Jun 30, 2012
658 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: This is the first chapter of my first fanfiction..Ever..;) I haven't written the second yet, but i have it planned, so it'll be here in a couple of weeks i guess. Enjoy :P


 The sweat was dripping down his face. The sun was burning his exposed neck, as he plowed the fields. His father was merciless. Even though the temperature was extremely high that day, Blaine still had to work his ass of. He turned to his left, and his eyes caught the big castle. He was tired of being an underdog. The people in the castle were always looking at the citizens as if they were of less importance. Just because they wore finer clothes and they were of royal blood, didn’t mean they were destined to be more important.

Blaine had been to the castle about a half-year ago. He had to deliver the harvest on behalf of his father because he was sick. The only person who didn’t look at him like he was out of place was the prince. Kurt was his name and he was simply the most beautiful human being Blaine had ever seen. He had greeted Blaine with a smile and Blaine hadn’t forgotten that. Since that time, he had felt a special tingle inside him every time he saw Kurt’s face on the royal balcony during the town meetings. But he knew he had to put away his feelings, cause Kurt was a royalty, and royalties weren’t supposed to be gay.

Blaine had known about his sexuality for about two years now. When he was fifteen, the son of the innkeeper had kissed him, and he knew in that moment, that it wouldn’t have felt the same way if it had been a girl who’d kissed him. His father hadn’t liked the idea of his son being gay. Therefore ever since he’d given Blaine the hardest work on the farm, believing he could turn him straight. But Blaine had known it wouldn’t help, but he’d kept low profile with his crushes anyway. And it wasn’t like he’d disturb his father by having boys over cause there’d never been anyone special. Yet.



“Please father, I don’t love her. How would I manage to maintain a marriage, when she’s not the one? I’m begging you father, please let it wait and bring my words into consideration.”

“Kurt, I know this is going to be hard, but you know as well as I that we made a deal with the king of Adoerien, that when both of you turn eighteen you’ll marry his daughter, Brittany. And because there is under a year until that happens, we’ll have to plan how we’re going to do this. And you know that you’re going to be the king over Larigon when I think it’s time right? I’m sure it’ll be okay. And you’ll grow to love her, I just know that.”

Kurt sighed, moving his glaze away from his fathers worrying eyes. He looked out the window and saw the beautiful landscapes wavy as the sea. His father had a point. But still. There was something about Brittany that was extremely unattractive. And looks weren’t the case, cause she was enchantingly beautiful. But he just couldn’t picture himself with her. There was something totally wrong about that.

“Dad I’m sorry, I just can’t do it”

“But Kurt, you’ll have to. We made a deal”

“But dad. I will not grow to love her. And then I’ll be miserable for the rest of my life..”

Burt raised his voice: “Kurt, enough. I’m your dad, I decided this and you are going through with it!”


“There will be no excuses and we’ll discuss this no more. Tomorrow I’ll have a meeting with the king of Adoerien and we’ll decide when and the wedding will be.”

Kurt stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

“No use being mad about this, kid! I’ve made up my mind.” His father yelled.

He could feel the tears coming, but he wouldn’t cry in front of the people in the castle therefore he acted like nothing had happened. He needed fresh air, but most of all he needed to think because he was confused. He didn’t know why it would be such a disaster marrying Brittany. He just had this awful feeling about it that he couldn’t describe.

He opened the door to the garden behind the castle. He could smell the flowers and the sun immediately warmed his body. He took of his jacket and folded his pants up. He looked around and didn’t see anyone else, so he took of his shoes even though he wasn’t allowed to. He stepped on the soft grass and took a deep breath of the warm air. He went straight for the back of the garden where he used to sit when he needed to be alone. But it wasn’t enough. He needed to get away from the castle. He needed to escape the thoughts of marriage and responsibility that seemingly followed him everywhere.  

He went to the fringe of the garden and climbed over the fence. He landed in a tiny forest and started walking.

He needed to do something about this marriage thing. But what could he do? His father wouldn’t involve him in the decision. And he couldn’t just refuse. That would be rude to Brittany.

Kurt was caught up in his thoughts and he didn’t notice that he wasn’t in the forest anymore, until he walked into a huge pile of stacked grains.

“Who is there?” A voice called. A boy.

Kurt apologized: “Sorry, I was just caught my mind and didn’t notice I was out of the forest.” He looked at the owner of the voice. It was a boy, probably his age, with brown curly hair. The boy looked at him with his wide hazel eyes looking startled.

“Uhm” the boy cleared his throat “You’re Kurt right? The prince. What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the castle? Is something wrong? Do you need help?” The boy stammered.

“Wow, easy with the questions. I’m fine I just took a walk. And yes, I’m the prince. Nice to meet you…”

“Blaine” the boy said as Kurt stretched out his hand for a greeting.

Blaine shook Kurt’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Blaine” Kurt said. “Haven’t I seen you before?”

“Uhm yes, I delivered the harvest once”

“Well then nice to meet you again. Your family is doing a great job with the grain and stuff…”

“Thanks.” Blaine looked down to Kurt’s bare feet “Do you want to borrow some shoes?” he offered.

“Uhm, yeah that would actually be really nice” Kurt said. He could feel his cheeks turning red. He hadn’t expected to meet anybody on his walk. But he could feel his feet getting sore, so a pair of shoes would be absolutely lovely.

“Follow me” Blaine said.

They started walking towards the little farm, not far away. A thought caught Kurt’s mind:

“Blaine, could this be a secret between us? I’m not allowed to leave the castle and it’s area, so I would appreciate if you didn’t tell anyone and if we avoided meeting other people.”

“Of course, I understand. I won’t tell anyone. And you can wait in the barn over there while I find you a pair of shoes.”

“Thank you so much” Kurt said. He entered the barn and Blaine closed the doors behind him as he went to get the shoes. Kurt looked around in the barn. There were several haystacks and a lot of farming tools Kurt wasn’t able to name. Blaine entered the barn as Kurt placed himself on a wooden box.

“Here. I got you a pair of shoes. I hope they aren’t…”

“They’re perfect” Kurt said. Blaine gave him the shoes and Kurt put them on and tied the laces, feeling Blaine’s eyes on him. He looked up and met Blaine’s big hazel eyes. He could feel the blood rush to his chins. He didn’t know why he got so nervous in Blaine’s presence. Blaine kept the eye contact and Kurt’s heart started beating faster. It was just a normal farmer boy. Why did he act this way?

“Do you want anything else?” Blaine asked.

“No thank you. But it was very sweet of you to let me borrow your shoes.”

“You’re welcome. Can I ask why you’re wandering around on your own outside the castle when you aren’t supposed to?”

Kurt cleared his throat. “I’m going to marry the daughter of the king from Adoerien.”

“And that’s bad because…”

“Because I don’t love her, and I don’t think I ever will. And if I marry her I’ll waste my whole life not knowing about true love.” Kurt felt the tears coming. Blaine sat down next to him.

“But why don’t you think you won’t love her? I’m sure if you get to know her…”

“That’s the most awful part. I can’t figure out what it is my inner feelings are telling me. I’m getting desperate. If I could just figure it out I’m sure I could find a way to love her, but I’m lost.”

“Is it because you love someone else?” Blaine said silently and Kurt felt his eyes on him.

“No. Actually I’ve never been… Uhm… Romantically related to anyone.” Kurt said a little shyly. He felt his heart beating faster as Blaine put his hand on Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt looked into Blaine’s beautiful eyes and everything felt right. He moved a little closer as he held his breath and prayed that Blaine wouldn’t move away from him.

“Love can surprise you” Blaine whispered as he moved even closer. Kurt felt a rush of adrenaline as he pressed his lips against Blaine’s. It definitely felt right. Their lips moved synchronously and Kurt felt Blaine’s hand grab the back of his neck. Kurt moved his own hands into Blaine’s beautiful curls, as their lips kept moving. Blaine’s lips slowly parted and Kurt felt their tongues against each other. Kurt pulled away to catch his breath. Blaine looked at him with big curious eyes.

“I didn’t know you were…”

“Me neither.” Kurt quickly answered.

“Do you think that’s it? The thing that have been confusing you?”

“Maybe, but I’m not gay. I can’t be.” Kurt felt the tears in his throat again. He thought a bit about it. “But what if I am?” he said with a tearful voice.

“Then I will be more than happy to guide you through it. I’ve been through it myself you see.” Blaine said, comforting. Kurt sniffled. He couldn’t cry in front of Blaine. He would just think he was weak.

“I… I can’t do it. Thank you again for letting me borrow your shoes,” Kurt untied them and placed them in front of Blaine. “But I think I’d better go now” He said, just about to let the tears run free.

Blaine didn’t know what to do or say, so he just watched as Kurt slid out the barn door. When he was gone Blaine hit himself in his head. Why had he been so stupid to think the prince would like him? He felt ashamed for letting it go that far. But then, it was Kurt who kissed him and not the other way around. So that had to mean Kurt had felt something too, right? But he knew he had to let it go. Kurt was probably freaked out right now, and he definitely wouldn’t come back. But it was hard, because Blaine could feel his feelings for Kurt growing stronger for every second that passed.



No one had noticed Kurt’s absent. He ran straight to his room without looking anyone in the eye, cause he knew they were swollen and red from crying. He locked the door behind him and lay down on his bed. Why did he do that? Why had he kissed Blaine? He wasn’t gay! He couldn’t be. But something inside him told him that this was it. The strange feeling he had had. And he couldn’t help noticing the strange feeling he got when he thought about Blaine and the kiss. His heart started beating faster and he felt the warmth spread in his body. Was he in love? He’d surely never felt this way about a girl before. And right now all he wanted to do was to kiss him again. But he couldn’t. And that broke his heart.

Somebody knocked on the door.

“Can I come in?” It was his father.

“Yes” Kurt cleared his throat, rubbed his eyes and unlocked the door.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. But I just want you to know that this is how things are going to be. You’ll marry Brittany even though you don’t feel like it. I can’t undo the deal. Even though I wanted to.”

“It’s okay dad, I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

“I’m glad we agree son. Do you want to go with me for the planning tomorrow? You and Brittany could talk.”

“Thank you for the offer, but I don’t feel like going. I think I’ll help Rachel in the garden instead. I know she could use a helping hand.”

“That is very sweet of you, but you know you don’t have to help the servants, right?”
“Of course. But I like helping in the garden.”

“And I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to. I just wanted you to know that they are here to get the job done, and we are here to rule the town and be good role models.”

“I know dad.”

“That’s good kiddo. Thanks for the talk. I’m going to attend a trial now, so be a good boy.”

“I will.”

“See you Kurt.”


His father left the room as Kurt felt the tears come creeping again. Everything was too complicated. He quickly washed his face, and went down to find Rachel. She was the only person he could really talk to. Even she sometimes was a little bit dominating.

He found in the greenhouse, where she was plucking tomatoes.

“Rachel, do you have time to talk?” He asked.

“Hi Kurt, of course. What is bothering you?”

Kurt cleared his throat and told her about what had happened that day.

“Please don’t tell anyone Rachel.” He said with a tearful voice.

Rachel pulled Kurt into a hug.

“Of course I won’t tell anyone Kurt. You know I wouldn’t do that. But do you think you might be gay?”

“I have absolutely no idea. I mean, I think girls are pretty and all that, but I’ve never felt anything special for a girl. But then, every time I think of Blaine, I just get this feeling I can’t describe.”

“A tingling in your chest. Warmth, that spreads through your body. I know that feeling Kurt. I’m afraid to say it, but I think you’re in love with him. And your sexuality isn’t defined by whom you’re attracted to; it’s about whom you fall in love with.” Rachel said with a comforting voice.

“But what am I supposed to do about it? A prince can’t be gay Rachel.”

“I know, and I don’t have an answer for that right now, but I know we can figure it out together. And you know you can come to me for help, right?”

“Yes. Thank you Rachel. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“You’re more than welcome. Come here hug me again. After all you’re my favorite prince. Nothing can ever change that.” Rachel pulled Kurt in for a tight hug once more, kissed his cheek and said:

“I’m sorry to blow you off, but I have to get this work done before 8 pm, so I’m in a hurry. But we can talk afterwards if you need to?”

“It’s okay Rachel. I’ll think I’ll just go to my room. But actually I wanted to ask you if I could help you with some garden work tomorrow? Dad’s going to Adoerien tomorrow.”

“Of course darling. But there isn’t much to do. But we’ll figure something out, I’m sure.”

Kurt left the greenhouse feeling a bit lighter, but also a lot heavier at the same time. He went to his room. It was only 7:45 pm, but he was feeling extremely exhausted, so he decided to do some reading. But he didn’t get to read a lot before he fell asleep. 



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