April 6, 2013, 6:27 p.m.
April 6, 2013, 6:27 p.m.
Chapter 1: According to Plan
Kurt Hummel was always destined for New York. He was headed for Broadway. Ever since Rachel Berry mentioned moving there in their Junior Year, Kurt had been on board.
The two of them had made a plan. They would attend Julliard, then audition for a few months before landing their first big roles six months after graduation. Both of them would have won their first Tony by age twenty five and married by thirty, legally.
Their plan was flawless.
Until senior started at Miss Pillsbury broke their hearts by informing them Julliard didn't actually have a Musical Theater Program.
Which they would have known themselves if they had actually done research instead of dreaming.
But all hope was not lost.
Miss Pillsbury informed them of NYADA, a school in New York that catered to dreamers like themselves. But only to about twenty of them a year.
A new plan was formed.
They would get into NYADA, audition for a few shows after graduation before landing their first big roles six months after. Both of them would have their first Tony by twenty five, and married by thirty, legally.
But, of course, things didn't happen that way.
About half way through their Senior year, while waiting for their NYADA finalist letters, Rachel's on again off again boyfriend, who happened to be Kurt's step brother, decided he couldn't live with out her.
When Kurt first heard the news of Finn Hudson proposing (from Rachel, not Finn, and two weeks after the fact) he wasn't worried at first. Rachel would say no. Rachel Berry didn't give up on her dreams, and certainly wouldn't get married before they came true. Not only could she not let herself get distracted, but she was no where near thirty.
Imagine his surprise when she said yes.
She had informed him that NYADA and New York were still happening, but now they were happening with Finn. Kurt was very vocal about not approving, causing a rift between himself and the couple.
Not even the arrival of finalist letters could mend it.
Two months of silence, several subtle jabs, and one ruined Mac Jacobs sweater (Note: Finn and anger and cookie dough is not a good combination) brought them to their NYADA audition.
Rachel sang an awe inspiring rendition of The Wizard and I, claiming NYADA was the wizard to her Elphaba. According to her, she had received a standing ovation from the three people over looking the auditions.
Kurt was the last person of the the small group waiting to audition. Finn had wanted to stay for him, but according to Rachel, if he couldn't support their dreams, they wouldn't support his.
Their. They. Them.
Rachel and Finn were one of those couples now.
So Kurt Elizabeth Hummel sat alone in the hotel lobby, waiting to be called into the ballroom where the auditions were being held. His father had wanted to make it, but the life of a congressman was a busy one.
He remembers he was starting to get nervous. The last kid before him had left about ten minutes ago.
Did they forget about him? He gripped the sheet music tightly, staring at the lyrics. After what seemed like hours, he was called in.
Looking back, Kurt couldn't tell you what he sang. He couldn't tell you what the expression the people in the room wore, how he sounded, and honestly, he couldn't tell you what he wore.
He does remember walking out of the ballroom, and seeing Quinn Fabray sitting in the lobby, a yellow rose in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. She handed them over, gave him a kiss on the cheek and congratulated him.
It was one of the most shocking moments in his life.
Another one of those moment was when he hadn't been could enough. He received his rejection letter a week before nationals. Two days after Rachel had gotten hers. While he had been heartbroken, he had taken better than her. He had after all, gotten into NYU, his second choice.
Rachel didn't have a second choice.
They had gone to Nationals that year, held in Los Angeles. Rachel sang a ballad, Finn and Tina had gotten the duet, and the Troubletones led them on the group number.
They made it to the top ten, only to place third.
They went out to celebrate that night. Most of them, anyway. Rachel and Finn stayed at the hotel, Puck had hooked up with one of the all girl groups, and Mr. Shue was no where to be found. Quinn and Kurt had formed a strange but strong friendship, Mercedes having grown closer to Santana.
The next day they were leaving for Ohio, when Kurt got a call from Finn. He and Rachel were staying. They had married at the local court house, and Rachel was going to pursue acting the old fashioned way.
Go to hollywood with a pretty face and a dream.
Graduation happened with them and everyone moved on.
So the fall of 2012 found Kurt living in the dorm with his roommate, another boy from Ohio named Sebastian Smythe who was majoring in music management.
Sebastian was...an acquired taste. He was very much a man whore, and was trying every trick in the book to get into Kurt's pants.
He came very close to not succeeding.
One night, near the end of their freshman year, Kurt had been dumped by his first boyfriend. Sebastian comforted him the only he knew how, with red wine and highly inappropriate serenading.
After the second verse of "I Touch Myself", Kurt was left with only one option to make him stop. He grabbed him the collar, and kissed him on the mouth.
That was the night Kurt lost his virginity.
It was also the night Sebastian Smythe became one of his best friends.
Junior Year of college found Sebastian and Kurt sharing a small one bedroom apartment about five miles from campus. It was what the could afford, but they were happy. Sebastian would give Kurt a two hours notice if he was bringing someone home that night, and Kurt would take his over night bag to Tina's dorm and have an old fashioned slumber party. Tina was in the Musical Theater program as well, but was taking a journalism class on the side every year. During one of his many, many, nightly visits she managed to convince him to join.
It was his junior year that Kurt switched his major from Musical Theater to Journalism.
Four years later, on Kurt's 26th birthday, Sebastian and Tina took him to brunch. It was this little place not far from his building, and it was perfect.
They had just ordered their food when a familiar head of blonde curls walked through the door.
It turns out Quinn Fabray was in New York, finishing her last year of law school.
She joined them, and from that day forward the four of them met for brunch every Saturday.
Over the years, the friendship grew relationships came and they created a bond that couldn't be broken.
At least, they thought it couldn't. Until Rachel Berry came back into their lives.