Aug. 21, 2013, 8:31 p.m.
Aug. 21, 2013, 8:31 p.m.
Sunday November 22nd 2020 Kurt POV
By Sunday Kurt has received two letters from Blaine. He has yet to really go anywhere that hasn't been completely necessary, he would've, he swears, but he's caught some stomach bug that just wouldn't let up. All of Sunday morning is spent in the bathroom heaving his small breakfast into the toilet and crying his eyes out.He needs Blaine.When the nausea finally lets up Kurt moves to the couch and takes a nap, making sure the phone is right by him so he could pick up when Blaine called.
Sunday November 22nd 2020 Blaine POV
Blaine has managed to avoid Eli, until now, he stands in line with his fellow recruits as Eli yells at each future soldier. Blaine is at the end of the line beside Tom. Eli reaches him and stops.
"You look familiar, what is your name?" Eli questions, Blaine swallows hoarsely.
"Blaine Anderson Sir!" He says wincing as his voice cracks.
"Blaine Anderson. My little facebook slut. Haven't seen you since you sulked out of my house after I fucked you into my mattress." He sneers. "Did you find someone to put up with you whore?"
Blaine stays silent.
"Answer me!" Eli screams. His hot moist breath hits Blaine hard.
"Sir.. yes sir."
He's never felt so small as every soldier stares at him. Some with mild disgust, others with pity. Even Tom can't look him in the eye.
Once the training day is over Blaine rushes to the phones. He's given fifteen minutes. He quickly dials their home number. The phone rings a few times before Kurt picks up.
"Blaine?"He hears Kurt say through the phone; Blaine can hear the hope in his voice. Tears come to his eyes.
"Kurt." He says as tears begin to run down his face. "It's so good to hear your voice." He hears Kurt sob through the phone, he wants to gather Kurt in his arms, he wants to kiss away his tears, but he can't do that, and it breaks his heart.
Kurt POV
Kurt feels like a small part of the hole Blaine left is filled at the sound of his voice, he tries so hard not to cry, but he can't keep the sob in.
"Oh angel, don't cry, please don't cry."He hears Blaine beg over the line, he can tell by his voice that Blaine is being a hypocrite. Kurt takes a deep breath.
"It's so hard Blaine. I miss you so much." He says.
"I know baby, I miss you too, so much." Blaine answers "Let's just talk, try and forget where I am. How was your week?"he asks.
Kurt does his best to pretend. "It was awful Blaine, I tried to keep living, I tried going out, I couldn't do it. Then when I thought I could, I caught some stupid stomach bug; I don't even know where I could've gotten it from. I just wish you were here." He says, his voice cracking on the last bit.
"Oh baby, I wish I was there too. I wish I could hold you and make you feel better."Blaine says, Kurt can't see his face, but if he could, he would see that Blaine was kicking himself for ever signing up for the army.
"I wish you were here too.. but I'm okay. How are you?" Kurt asks
"I'm sore, and I miss you. I..."Blaine says then takes a breath, "Kurt, Eli's here."
Kurt's heart drops in his chest at his name. He feels bile rise into his throat and runs to the washroom, keeping the phone in his hand.
Blaine POV
Blaine hears the rustling of blankets and Kurt's footsteps. He hears Kurt's retching and he winces. The want to be there comforting Kurt is so strong, his hands clench into fists. After a few minutes he hears the toilet flushing and the water running and Kurt picks up the phone.
"God, I'm sorry Blaine, you shouldn't have to hear that."Kurt's now rough voice comes through the line.
"Don't be silly Kurt, I wish I could be there, I wish I could be taking care of you." He says as new tears prick at his eyes. "You know that he doesn't mean anything, I love you, I married you. He is a mistake I made and have regretted ever since."
"Blaine... I'm know, as long as I know you are safe, I'm fine. I just hate that he's back in our lives"Kurt says.
"I know, I wish he had just... I don't know, disappeared." Blaine says, he glances at the clock noticing his time is almost up. "Baby, my time is up and I don't want to be cut off. I love you so much. I'm always thinking about you."
"Oh... okay... I love you too. Be safe, I'll miss you."Kurt says. Blaine takes a deep breath before whispering one last thing into the phone.
"Courage Kurt." He says and hangs up before breaking down.
Kurt POV
"Courage Kurt."Kurt hears Blaine say before the line goes dead. Kurt presses the end call button and drops the phone. He slides down the wall and cries, the hole in his chest seems to have grown. He stays there long enough that he passes out and spends the rest of the night on the bathroom floor.
Monday November 23rd 2020 morning
Kurt wakes up and pulls himself off the bathroom floor. The room spins and he immediately finds himself at the toilet.Stupid bug.He stands up slowly and his joints crack, his head throbs from the late night crying and his back aches. He brushes his teeth and walks into the kitchen. He makes himself some coffee and sits on the couch. He sits thinking about his conversation with Blaine.Eli was there, the same Eli that Blaine had found comfort in the last time they were apart. The Eli they broke up over. That almost broke them for good.Kurt lets his head fall back with a groan. He realizes he was never going to sleep well again until Blaine is back in his arms.