Let Me Love You
Punishment Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Punishment

E - Words: 1,874 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
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Author's Notes: Okay guys here's the next chapter :)

Kurt stood in the corner slowly letting the tears fall down his face. He felt humiliated, not because he was standing in the corner like a child, but because he had lied to Blaine. He got caught lying to him and worst of all he knew Blaine was disappointed in him. It was one of the worst feelings in the world.

Letting people in has always been hard for him, not like there's a line of people wanting to be his friend, which is probably why he is so closed off. Letting his walls down for Blaine was probably the hardest thing he has ever done, but is happy that he did. In the few weeks he has known Blaine its the happiest he has ever been. And even though he's being punished right now, he knows he deserves it and is happy Blaine called him out on it.

He thought back to the two weeks that he was constantly getting pushed into lockers when there was no one around. He thought about how David trapped him in the locker room and stole his first kiss. What Blaine didn't know is that David had also threatened to kill him if he were to tell anyone. I don't know why I didn't tell him when I had the chance. Maybe I was afraid of his reaction? I should have told him, thought Kurt. I just broke another rule. How was I suppose to be a good Sub if I kept lying to Blaine. He's going to be so upset with me. At the realization that he knew he would disappoint Blaine again, Kurt started sobbing. He tried to control it, but failed, his breaths became shorter and it felt like he could pass out. He couldn't breathe, he had to finish his thirty minutes.

Blaine sat on the couch, trying to go over some school things, but his mind was constantly on Kurt. He knew Kurt was crying just by the little sniffles every few minutes. He knew this was best for Kurt, it gave him time to really think about everything he had done wrong without the threat of distractions. He was disappointed in Kurt, only because Kurt could have avoided all of this pain if he were honest to begin with. To see Kurt on the ground in so much pain, broke my heart. I never want to see him like that again, and what terrifies me is it could have ended so much worse. Which is why he put the honesty rule at the top of the list. He needed Kurt to always be honest with him. I hope by the time he is done in the corner he will have learned his lesson.

Kurt was doing so good. He had been standing in the corner now for 23 minutes. All of a sudden Kurts cries turned into sobs. At first Blaine was worried about him, but thought that maybe Kurt just learned his lesson. He wanted so badly to just go and end the punishment now and hold Kurt and comfort him, but he couldn't. Kurt needed to know that the punishments stick. So I was determined to sit there for the next seven minutes and let him get it all out. Besides if Kurt wasn't okay he knew to use his safe word and Blaine had to trust that he would.

A few more minutes went by and his sobbing just got louder and by the sounds of it Kurt was having trouble catching his breath. "Kurt," he called out. "Baby, do you need to use your safe word?" Kurt didn't respond to him, and every second that went by Kurt was taking quicker breathes like he was trying to catch his breath but failed miserably. Blaine had enough, he needed to calm Kurt down before he really started to hyperventilate.

Blaine stood up and walked over to Kurt rubbing soothing circles into Kurts back. "Kurt baby, you did so good, I'm so proud of you, your punishment is over, can you turn around and look at me?"

Nothing, Kurt didn't even acknowledge Kurts presence. He desperately needed to get Kurt to calm down. Grabbing Kurts hands, he turned Kurt around to face him. He took Kurts one hand and placed it over his own heart beat, his other hand he put around Kurts back and brought him as close as possible to Blaine, trying to make him feel safe. Blaine leaned his forehead on Kurts and looked him in the eyes. Kurt was gone, he was off somewhere in his own head and Blaine was pretty sure he wasn't aware of his surroundings. Blaine started doubting his punishment, maybe this was too much too fast for Kurt. He would have to talk to Kurt about it once he had him calmed down.

"Sweetheart, I need you to listen to the sound of my voice. I need you to come back to me Kurt, I need you to breathe for me." Blaine squeezed his hand, "feel my heartbeat baby, let's get you to match mine."

Kurts sobs slowly started to slow down, he was still having trouble catching his breath, but he was trying to. "That's it baby, come back to me, you're doing so good. Deep breaths sweetheart, such a good boy" Blaine said as he kissed Kurts forehead.

Kurt didn't know where he was, he just knew that it felt like there was a brick laying on his chest and it was crushing him, he knew at any moment he was going to pass out. Kurt felt a pair of strong arms encircle him. He knew those arms, those arms made him feel so safe. He also knew that smell. It smelt like Blaine, it smelt, like home. He knew that voice as well, it was the best sound he has ever heard. He was trying so hard to calm down and just knowing Blaine was there keeping him safe, protecting him was helping.

Blaine could feel the tension leaving Kurt and his breathing was almost back to normal. "That's it baby keep coming back to me, you're doing so good. I'm so proud of you sweetheart. That's it baby, can you look at me?"

Kurt slowly lifted his head and looked into Blaines eyes, "B-Blainee" He managed to choke out.

"I'm right here baby, you're okay, you're okay," Blaine kept repeating as he peppered kisses all over Kurts face.

Kurt felt exhausted and all he wanted was to lay down and go to sleep. He leaned his forehead against Blaines and closed his eyes, "so tired" he whispered.

Blaine pulled Kurt into a hug and held him for a few minutes. After what had just happened he didn't blame him for being exhausted, but they needed to discuss what the hell had just happened and why Kurt didn't use his safe word. But that could wait for now, he needed Kurt fully aware of what was going on and what was being said before we had this talk. An idea came to him. He read about subspace before, it's about getting your Sub to a place where they felt utter calm and peace, more than anything that's what Kurt needed right now.

"Okay baby, let's get you to bed." He helped Kurt to the bedroom and sat him down on the end of the bed.

"Kurt what do you usually sleep in at home?"

"Usually just my underwear sir," Kurt whispered, as he started to blush.

"Kurt you don't have to be embarrassed about that, I usually prefer to sleep naked, if you are uncomfortable sleeping in your underwear I can get you some pajamas."

Kurt thought about it for a minute. Blaine was right he had no reason to be embarrassed. It was just his underwear, and to be honest right at this moment he would love nothing more than to feel Blaines skin against his.

"No my underwear is fine sir," Kurt muttered.

"Are you sure sweetheart, I just want you to feel comfortable."

"I'm sure, I want--" Kurt stopped talking looking down, how was he suppose to ask his boyfriend to practically lay beside him naked.

Blaine knelt down in front of Kurt and grabbed his hands, "What do you want sweetheart, you know you can ask for anything."

Kurt took a deep breathe and looked down at Blaine, " I want to sleep in my underwear, and I want you to sleep with me sir, I want to feel your skin on mine."

Blaine grinned up at Kurt, "I would love that, Kurt. There's a spare tooth brush in the bathroom cabinet if you want to freshen up before bed. When you are done come back in here and take your pants off and climb into bed, get yourself comfortable, I'll be right back I'm just going to lock up okay?"

"Yes sir," Kurt said as he stood and started heading to the bathroom.

Blaine walked into he living room and started shutting off lights and made sure everything was locked up. He wanted to go and put Kurt into subspace, but at the same time he didn't trust Kurt right now to use his safe word if he felt uncomfortable and the last thing he wanted was another episode. So he decided against it tonight. Maybe we can try tomorrow once we have talked about what happened.

Blaine walked into the bedroom to find Kurt already underneath the blankets with his eyes closed. Blaine stripped himself of his clothes but left his underwear on and slipped in next to Kurt.

Kurt slowly opened his eyes and just took a minute to look into Blaines eyes. He realized in this moment that he wasn't falling in love with Blaine but already was in love with him. I love you so much Kurt thought. Would Blaine even accept his love once he found out I had lied to him again? Kurt was to scared to find out, so he kept his mouth shut.

"You are so beautiful Kurt." Blaine said, pulling Kurt out of his thoughts.

Blaine leaned in and gave a small kiss to Kurts mouth, lingering there for a minute no rush to pull back.

"Kurt we need to talk about what happened tonight, why you had such a breakdown, but I know you are exhausted so I'm going to let you sleep okay baby, we will discuss everything in he morning."

"Yes sir, Sir could you hold me please?"

"Of course sweetheart, roll over."

Kurt rolled over onto his side and Blaine followed, wrapping his arms around Kurts stomach and pulling Kurt into him as much as possible. Feeling Blaines skin all around him made him feel so loved and safe and he never wanted Blaine to let him go.

"Go to sleep sweetheart, I'll be right here the entire time." Blaine whispered into Kurts ear. Leaning over he gave Kurt one final kiss to his cheek and layed back down pulling Kurt as close as humanly possible. Kurt felt so right in his arms, it was like he was made to be in them. And Blaine never wanted to let him go, and he knew he never would. Kurt was his and will always be his, and with that for the first time in a long time Blaine fell asleep with the man he loved safely in his arms and a smile on his face.

End Notes: Hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to try and have one more chapter up later tonight. Thank you so much for the comments thus far, they mean more than you know.


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