May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
I went into the kitchen to start looking for something I could make, quickly realizing that I need to do some grocery shopping, I decided on takeout. I grabbed he take out menus from the drawer and sat down at the table waiting for Kurt to come out. I hope he follows my directions, id hate to have to give him trouble for something else. Realizing we had rules to make up I got up and grabbed a paper and a pen. I was excited to start this new life with Kurt, more research than anything I just wanted to see him happy.
Just as I looked down to check my watch Kurt entered the kitchen, with his head down, unsure of himself. I got up and walked over to him lacing his fingers with mine. Leaning forward I give him a gently kiss to the forehead.
"I'm sorry Blaine, I don't want you to be mad at me." Kurt said, with his eyes still looking down.
"Baby look at me, I'm not mad at you, a little upset that you choose to argue with me, but I'm not mad. We are going to order some food and we are going to sit down and discuss this, okay?"
Kurt nodded. "I need a response Kurt."
"Yes sir," Kurt said looking up at Blaine.
"Good boy, now let's go sit down on the couch and figure out what to eat."
Blaine walked to the couch holding Kurts hand the entire time, "Sit baby, I'll be right back."
While Kurt got comfortable Blaine went and grabbed the take out menus, another ice pack and some tylenol and a bottle of water. "Here baby take this, it will help with the pain."
"Thank you." Kurt said downing the bottle of water.
"Your welcome, now what would you like to eat?"
"Chinese sounds good" Kurt said.
"It sounds perfect."
Blaine got up and left the room to order the food. Kurts side felt better already but decided to use the ice pack anyways. He knew Blaine wanted him to use it and he just wanted to make him proud. Kurt used the few minutes he had to himself to take in everything that had happened today. In a way because of his nightmare his dreams came true. He knew from a very early age that he wanted to be a Sub and taken care of by a Dom, and he has that. He has the most perfect man anyone could ever ask for her. He knew that he wanted to give up everything and completely trust Blaine, and that's exactly what he was going to do. He researched for years about Sub and Dom relationships and what feels good to the both of them and there was so many things he wanted to try. The first one was sitting at Blaines feet. Apparently it made the Sub feel like he or she is submitting and it made them feel safe and loved. Just as Blaine was about to walk back into the living room, Kurt made a last minute decision to move to he floor.
Blaine walked back into the living room to find Kurt kneeling on the floor infront of he couch with his head bowed.
"Kurt sweetheart, what are you doing on the floor?". Blaine asked him as he walked over and sat down.
"I read that kneeling before your, master is like presenting yourself to them, giving yourself to them, Sir. I wanted to try it, and I also want to make it clear that I give you my everything."
"Oh sweetheart, I give you my everything to. I'm so proud of you. How does it feel?" Blaine asked ss he gently moved his fingers through Kurts hair.
It wasn't as weird as Kurt thought it might be, kneeling at Blaines feet, if anything it made him feel calm and relaxed. The way Blaine moved his fingers through Kurts hair made him feel cherished.
"Mmm it feels good sir. I feel calm right now and happy, it's kind of hard to explain."
Blaine sat there for a few minutes just brushing his fingers through Kurts hair watching him as his entire body relaxed. He loved how much Kurt wanted to please him and try new things. For Blaine this was entirely new for him as well, be never explored his Dom side, or any side for that matter. He wanted to wait for the perfect guy to experience everything with. He knew the basics from hours of reading and he knew what he wanted out of this relationship and what he wanted for Kurt. He wanted them to figure out the basics tonight and experiment over the weekend. So he decided they would eat dinner and than sit down together and start making some rules and punishments.
"Kurt, I'm going to tell you what is going to be happening tonight okay, so I need you to listen to me."
"Yes sir." Kurt replied.
"We are going to eat our dinner together, and once we are done we are going to sit here and make some rules ok. Punishments as well. Is that ok?"
"Yes sir," Kurt replied burying his face further into Blaines lap.
Once dinner was done and the dishes washed and put away, Kurt and Blaine made there way back into the living room. "Sit wherever will make you most comfortable sweetheart."
To Blaines surprise Kurt sat at his feet. He loved Kurts submissive side, and couldn't wait to see what was in store for them.
"Ok baby, let's start with some rules ok, we are going to make rules for each other. But we are only going to make a few easy rules that you will follow this weekend. We are going to test it out first okay sweetheart, and at the end of the weekend we will come back and discuss everything that we liked and what we didn't like, am I clear?"
"Yes sir."
"Good boy. So I'm going to give you a few rules that you will follow this weekend, if you don't agree with something let me know okay, we will discuss it and go from there. Rule number 1- Honesty. I need you to be completely honest with me at all times. When I ask you something I expect the full truth, no half truths Kurt, and I expect an answer on my first time asking. For this to work Kurt you have to be honest with me at all times or this won't work. Sound fair?"
Kurt looked at Blaine with full trust in his eyes, "Yes sir."
"Rule number 2- when I ask you a question or if you need to speak to me about anything, you will always follow with 'sir', are we clear?"
"Sir when we are at school do I address you as Sir or Mr Anderson?"
"At school, you will address me as Mr.Anderson like everyone else, but when we are alone it will be sir, okay?"
"Yes sir."
"Rule number 3--If there is an issue that you would like to discuss or if you're upset about something, you must always come to me. But you come to me in a calm manner. I won't tolerate being yelled at, put down and I don't want to feel like a punching bag. Please always always come to me when you are upset, I will always be here for you and I will do whatever I can to fix the problem and make you happy. Just remember respect me okay?"
"Yes sir."
"And Kurt I will always respect you. If you ever feel like I am not being fair, or if I'm being mean or harsh, tell me that I am okay, don't ever be scared to confront me on my behavior."
"Yes sir."
"Rule number 4--you are to eat at least three meals a day, and they all can't be salad. I've noticed what you eat Kurt or lack of. No more skipping meals."
"Yes sir."
"Rule number 5--When I ask you to do something Kurt, you will do it on my first time asking. I don't want to repeat myself. You have to trust that I know what's best for you, got it?"
"Yes sir."
"Good boy baby, you are doing so well. Do you think you can follow these rules?"
"I think so sir, I'll try my hardest too anyways. I just want to make you proud."
"I am proud of you, so proud Kurt. Okay so now onto punishment. I'm going to list off a few punishments that I want to try. If there's anything you don't like or would like to add, than let me know. This is where I need you to be completely honest with me okay Kurt?"
"Yes sir."
"Okay, some of your punishments will include spankings, depending on the reason of your spanking I will decide how many or how long you will be spanked for. Corner time. I will put you in the corner for a certain amount of time to he determined based on how severe the punishment is. I will make you write lines, also depending on the severity of the punishment will determine how many lines you will write. Depending on why you are receiving the punishment I will decided on what punishment you deserve. Before I punish you I will explain to you why you are being punished. At the end of the punishment we will talk again, and I will decide if you have learned your lesson, sound good?"
"Yes sir, they all sound okay and fair. If at anytime I'm not comfortable can we stop?"
"Have you heard of safe words Kurt?"
Kurt nodded.
"Use your words Kurt."
"Yes sir I have heard of safe words."
"Good boy. And good. We are going to stick with the basics for now okay. Green means you are good, Yellow means slow down and Red means stop. Repeat that for me Kurt."
"Green okay, Yellow slow down, Red stop, Sir."
"Good boy, is there anything you would like to add?"
"No sir, not right now."
"Okay, and how is your side right now, honesty baby."
"It feels better now, still a bit sore but nothing to worry about."
"Good, because your punishment starts now. I'll go easy on you tonight because you have had a long day, but I want you to know how serious I am about this Kurt. You will be punished twice. Your first punishment is because you lied to me. I asked you more than once if you were still being bullied and you said no. Because you lied to me you were seriously hurt and it could have turned out much worse. I can keep you safe, Kurt but in order for me to do that you have to be honest. Your first punishment will be standing in the corner. Let's go." He gently grabbed Kurts arm and helped him to his feet, feeling Kurt tense, he rubbed his back on their way over to the corner.
"Kurt I know you are nervous, it's your first punishment, but you will be okay. Stand up straight and face the corner no moving. This time you will stand here for thirty minutes and think about how much more danger you could have been in because you weren't honest, and how much you lied to me." "You can do this Kurt I know you can. I'll just be on the couch going over a lesson plan, speak only if it's an emergency and no moving or I will add time, do you understand?",
"Yes sir," Kurt replied.
"What is your safe word Sweetheart?"
"green I'm okay, yellow slow down, red stop."
"Good boy baby, your thirty minutes start now." Blaine walked away but not before giving Kurts hand a tight squeeze.
Kurt turned and looked at the corner, tears slowly starting to fall down his face and it hasn't even been a minute. These thirty minutes were going to be the longest of his life.
Great chapter, and YAY for the speedy update. :)