May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Kurt was having a really crappy day. Everyone around him had been receiving their acceptance letters all week, but yet he was still waiting to hear from NYADA. He had an awesome audition or at least he had thought he did considering he was put on the spot. The truth, he thought he would hear before anybody else did. The more friends that received their acceptance letters the more pissed off he became.
By lunch time he had just had enough, he couldn't be around these people anymore and decided.to skip the rest of the day. He drove off debating if he should go home or do something else for the afternoon. He decided on the latter. If he were to show up at home he would be in trouble from Blaine. As long as he was home at his usual time everything would be okay, Blaine would never have to know.
He decided on catching a movie. Girl Mostly Likely had just been released and he had been dying to go see it. Darren Criss was his idol and this was his first feature film he was in, but because of his and Blaines schedule they hadn't had time to go watch it. They did have plans on Friday to see it, and he felt kind of bad he would be watching it before Blaine but he would just have to pretend that he hadn't seen it yet, and besides he was more than fine re watching the movie.
Blaine was at home working on some new music when his phone rang. When he noticed that it was Kurts school calling, he frowned and worried about what was going on. He answered.
"Hello, Mr.Anderson?"
"Yes you're speaking to him."
"This is the secretary calling from Dalton, I was just wondering why Kurt is absent this afternoon?"
"Yes Mr.Anderson, Kurt attended his morning classes but didn't show up for his afternoon classes."
"Umm, I have no idea m'am, he should be at school," Blaine said worry evident in his voice.
"Maybe he is on his way home?" The secretary suggested.
"Okay well can you just give us a call and let us know what happened, and we hope to see him in school tomorrow."
"Yea no problem," Blaine said hanging up the phone.
He immediately called Kurts phone trying to not to panic. It's not like Kurt to skip school, and one of his rules is to always let Blaine know where he was. His phone went straight to voice mail. "Kurt, the school just got called me and they said you didn't show up to your afternoon classes. Please call me.I love you."
When hung up,and wracked his brain on where he could be. He tried thinking if he had missed a conversation with Kurt letting him know that he would be leaving school early today, but nothing.He always listened to everything he said. Maybe he decided to go and visit his dad. He tried calling Burt but his cell phone was shut off as well. So he tried calling the shop, one of his employees answered and said that Burt was with a customer and no he hadn't been there.
He was full on panicking now, thinking of the worst case scenario. He grabbed his keys and left. He drove around town for over an hour looking for any sign of Kurt or his car, but nothing. He had also left about six voice mails as well, and his voice mails were still un answered. He decided to head back home, maybe they had missed each other in passing.
He pulled up outside and noticed Kurts car still wasn't there, but headed inside anyways. Maybe he had car problems and had to walk home. Maybe his cell phone died. He went into the house and searched every room, no Kurt. He sat down trying to catch his breath, rocking back and forth trying to figure out what he should do next, when all of a sudden Kurt walked in.
"Hey baby, I'm home," he yelled from the hallway.
Blaine shot up and practically ran to the hallway and stopped the minute he saw Kurt. He was unharmed and smiling.
"Where were you?" Blaine asked.
"At school, where else would I be?"
Blaine couldn't believe that Kurt was lying right to his face. But decided to play along, see how far Kurt went with this. He was pissed, beyond pissed but he kept his composure.
"Right, sorry, don't know what I was thinking,"he replied with a smile.
"How was school?"
"It was good," Kurt said as he walked away not giving Blaine any eye contact.
"Good," Blaine said as he followed him to the kitchen.
"I tried calling you today...during your lunch, but it went straight to voicemail."
"Oh, I...sorry about that. I was working in the library this morning and phones have to be off, I guess I must have forgotten to turn it back on." Kurt said having difficulty with his lies.
Blaine was becoming increasingly pissed. He knew when Kurt was lying, and right now he wasn't only lying about where he was for the afternoon but he was lying about his phone. He had enough of the lies and couldn't play along anymore.
"Your lying."
Kurt stopped what he was doing and turned around, "What..?"
"I said your lying to me."
"Blaine I'm not..."
"Stop right there Kurt, or else your just going to add to the list of lies you've already spewed. I know you didn't attend of your afternoon classes because your school called me. So where we're you?"
"Kurt I'm only going to ask you one more time, where the hell were you today?"
Kurt put his head down and whispered, "the movies."
"The movies? You have got to be fucking kidding me."
Kurt flinched, it was rare for Blaine to curse at him. Even when he was upset or mad at him he never swore.
"Do you know how worried I was when the school called me and said you didn't show up for your afternoon classes? Or how worried I was when you wouldn't pick up your phone?Check your voicemail Kurt I left a half a dozen messages for you. I drove around looking for you! I was just about to call the cops and report you MISSING! You scared the shit out of me Kurt, I thought...I thought something happened to you, and you were at the movies...the fucking movies." Blaine said trying to control his anger.
"Blaine I'm so sorry, I can explain..."
"You know what, I don't care for an explanation right now. There is absolutely no fucking excuse on to why you couldn't pick up your phone and call me and tell me where you were. There is no excuse for you to leave school early. We have rules Kurt, I'm suppose to know where you are at all times."
"I don't need a babysitter," Kurt mumbled under his breath.
"What was that? I didn't quite hear you."
Kurt knew he was in the wrong, but he still answered, "I said, I don't need a babysitter."
"Excuse me? Now because you got caught breaking one of our rules, rules that you agreed to, you accuse me of babysitting you? I'm so sorry that I care for your fucking well-being Kurt, that I just want to keep you safe. You know what....fuck it. I'm going out, we will discuss this later."
"Blaine wait..." Kurt said as he tried to grab Blaines arm.
"Just...just don't. I need space...I need to be away from you right now. I need to calm down. I'll be home later...don't wait up." He said as he grabbed his car keys and walked out the door.
He got into his car, tears filled his eyes. He knew that he probably over reacted back there, but to feel what he had felt today about Kurt, about something happening to him....for him to be at the movies the entire time, just really pissed him off. He wasn't focusing on where he was driving, and when he finally stopped he looked up at the sign, and thought that it was the perfect place to calm down and have a beer....Scandels.