Let Me Love You
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Let Me Love You: Mouth

E - Words: 1,392 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
120 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Review :)My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Texas today, it's so sad. Xo

Kurt was having a horrible day. It was the last day of school before winter break, and anything and everything that could go wrong was going wrong. He woke up forty five minutes late this morning and had to skip his daily skin care routine. His hair just wouldn't work and to top it off the minute he stepped out of his car some asshole drove by him and splashed him soaking him from head to toe. His day had barely begun and it was already hell.

Blaine had been pretty secretive for the past few weeks and it probably had something to do with his birthday that was in a few days or Christmas which was next week. Whatever the reason he hated all the secrets. Walking down the hall way not paying any attention because he was trying to wipe as much dirt off of him as possible he walked right into someone and fell. "What the fuck you want to watch where you're going?" He yelled.

"Excuse me Mr.Hummel but that is no way to talk to anybody especially your teacher."

Kurt looked up, "Shit...I mean I'm sorry Mr. Felder."

"I think it's best you head to the office. That kind of language isn't tolerated in our school"

Great just what he needed it. He had to run into the worst teacher at this school and now he was going to the principals office. "Maybe you should take the stick out of your ass and realize that the word 'shit' or 'fuck' is barely a swear word anymore, we are not in the 1920s."

"That is enough! Principals office now!"

"Fine," Kurt grumbled and made his way to the office.

Mr.Felder and Mr.Murphy were in the office for quit awhile talking. Kurt had calmed down since the incident in the hallway and felt horrible for the way he had talked to Mr.Felder. He was having a bad day, and he didn't mean to take it out on him. Just than Blaine walked into the office.

"Bl...Blaine? What are you doing here?"

Blaine was pissed and embarrassed that he had gotten a phone call from the head Master because of Kurts behavior.

"Why don't you tell me why Mr.Murphy called me and asked me to come and pick you up because you are SUSPENDED the rest of the day?"

Kurt looked down, "I'm sorry..."

"We will discuss it when we get home, I'm so disappointed in you Kurt. Now if you will excuse me I have to convince Mr.Murphy not to kick you out of school."


"Not another word, I said we will discuss it when we get home."

With that he walked away and knocked on Mr.Murphys door.

"Mr.Anderson thank you for coming in, Kurt you can come in to."

"So I've talked to Mr.Felder about your actions today. Kurt your lucky. The way you spoke to him today is usually immediate expulsion, but Mr.Felder thinks that you deserve another chance. So this is what's going to happen. You will go and spend the rest of the day at home. Because it is winter break after today I'm not going to suspend you. But on your return after winter break you will spend a month in detention for an hour after school."

"But what about Warbler practice?"

"The days you have Warbler practice you are to report to school and hour early to do your detention. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," Kurt said looking down.

"Over your break, you will write Mr.Felder an apology letter, and mean it."

"Yes Sir."

"Mr.Murphy I am so sorry that Kurt spoke like that today, he will be punished at home as well. I'll make sure his father knows, and I can assure you he will not he happy about this. He will have a hand written apology for Mr.Felder and will personally deliver it himself."

"Thank you Mr.Anderson. You boys are free to go, see you after the break Mr.Hummel"

"Thank you Sir."

They left the school together and into the parking lot. Blaine made sure he was always a step ahead of Kurt, so disappointed in him. "I'll follow you home, cya you there." Blaine said as he got into his car.

Kurt drove slower than he usually would, not wanting to go home and face Blaine. It hurt to know he had disappointed him. He was really sorry and regretted what he said as soon as he calmed down. Even though he drove home slower than he usually did the drive went by quickly.

He parked his car and waited at the door for Blaine. He walked up and opened the door without even saying a word to him. Kurt followed him into the house, "Blaine please say something."

"I can't believe you would disrespect your teacher like that."

"I didn't know he was my teacher until after I had already said it."

"So that makes it okay?"


"Nobody deserves to be talked to like that, and you know that."

"I know, it's just I was having a bad day."

"So because you were having a bad day, you should make everyone else's bad as well?"


"No more buts Kurt, no more.excuses. You knew what you did was wrong so own up to your mistake."

"I do own up to it, I feel horrible for what I said and how I treated him. I know there are no excuses. But can I explain myself?"

"Fine explain."

"I woke up late today and had no time to do anything."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Mine, I forgot to set my alarm clock."

"Exactly, it's nobody's fault but yours."

"Okay than I get to school and some morons drove into a puddle and it splashed me."

"And I'm sure that was an accident Kurt, you could have called me and I would have brought you a change of clothes."

"I didn't get a chance to do anything because I bumped into Mr.Pelder."

"You bumped into him or he bumped into you?"

"I...bumped into him, I wasn't paying attention I was trying to get dirt off of my clothes."

"See Kurt all your actions today reflect on you. And instead of dealing with it properly you treated someone else with complete disrespect. Do you know you could have been kicked out of school today? Thanks where would you have gone? You can't go back to McKinley. And did you think about what a suspension on your record would do? It could have blown your chances of getting into NYADA."

"I didn't think of all that."

"Of course you didn't, we've had this discussion before Kurt. You spoke before you even thought about what you were saying. Your so lucky you just got a months detention."

"I'm sorry."

"You will he grounded for a month...again."

"What! Blaine that's not fare. I already have detention at school. My birthday is in a few days and Christmas is next week, I was going to make plans with my friends back in Lima."

"Sorry sweetheart, but that's my punishment."

"It's not fair."

"Well I think it is. You will also spend the next four hours in the corner. The same amount of time you would have left if you were still at school. Go to the bathroom get a drink of water and than go, you have five minutes."

"Yes Sir."

Kurt did what he had to do and went to his corner.

"Your time starts now."

If he wasn't sorry before he is now. This was the longest he has ever stood in the corner. Every hour Blaine would let him take a five minute break, but as soon as he was done he was right back in the corner. His feet and back hurt and he just wanted to cry. Just as he was about to let the tears flow Blaine came in the room. "Your four hours are up. Go and pack your things we are expected at dad's in a few hours for dinner."

"Yes Sir."

Blaine walked over to him and pulled him into his arms. "I love you and your forgiven but your punishment still stands, now go and get ready."

"Yes Sir," Kurt said quietly.

He was pissed that he wouldn't be able to spend his birthday with friends. It was the first time in years he was actually looking forward to his birthday. He had friends this year and he knew if he invited them they would show up. And now, Blaine wouldn't let him have a birthday party. He was beyond pissed, and had nothing to say to him. And that's how he decided he was going to spend his time. He wasn't going to.speak unless he was spoken too.


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