Let Me Love You
Punishment Part 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Punishment Part 2

E - Words: 3,532 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
118 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Review :)

Blaine woke up the next morning feeling too hot. Kurt was practically laying on top of him clinging to him like if he were to let go I would disappear. He remembered the note Kurt had written him from the night before and couldn't believe how alone Kurt really was, how if Blaine didn't come into his life when he did Kurt might not be here. He would never have to be alone again, and he would prove to him every single day that he wasn't going anywhere no matter how much they fight or how severe they got, he would always be there.

He had started writing a song for Kurt, actually he had written a few songs for Kurt since they had gotten together he just never had the perfect opportunity to sing it to him. But he realized he had the perfect opportunity to sing one of the songs he had written. He would just wait for tonight to sing it.

He knew that he had a break through with Kurt yesterday and he knew that Kurt really was truly sorry, and even debated with himself if he should just not punish him today and just spend the time together that he had been dying for, for days. But what good would that do? As his Dom he had to stand by his own rules.

He lightly traced Kurts face, watching him as he slept so beautiful. After a few minutes his eyes started to flutter indicating he was waking up. "Good morning," Blaine whispered into the quiet room.

Kurt opened his eyes and was met with Blaines beautiful hazel ones, "Good morning."

"How'd you sleep sweetheart?"

"Really good, you?"

"Same I think we both needed a good night sleep."

"Me too."

"So there's something I wanted to talk to you about."


"I read your letter," Blaine said trying to gauge a reaction out of him, he wasn't sure if Kurt was actually going to give it to him.

"Oh...ummm," Kurt said as he closed his eyes.

"Hey look at me, it was a beautifully letter baby, I loved it."

"You did?"

"Of course I did, and can I let you in on a little secret?"


"I have the same dream about our future. I want nothing more to call you my husband and have little yous and mes running around."


"Positive, I've always wanted a family, and I'm so happy that it's going to be with you."

"I love you Blaine Anderson, so much."

"I love you to Kurt Hummel, always."


"There is one more thing I wanted to talk to you about. The beginning of your letter."

"Can we not?"

"I think we should sweetheart, I'm not going to pressure you into telling me everything you will tell me when your ready. I just want you to know that it breaks my heart that you were so alone, and felt like you should give up."

"I didn't because of you..."

"I'm flattered and if I helped in some way than I will always be grateful that we met when we did, but I want you to want to be here, not for me, but for yourself. Maybe your not at that point yet but I hope one day you will be. You deserve to be here sweetheart. Your going to look back on your high school days and laugh about it. Your going to do amazing things in your life and everyone who hurt you will be stuck here, and we can come back and visit them and laugh in their faces."

Kurt laughed through his tears, "I can't wait for that day."

"I need you to promise me something though baby, if things become too much again I need you to come to me and tell me. If you ever feel like giving up come to me. Let this bracelet," he said grabbing Kurts.arm and rubbing over it, "remind you that I'm always here and how much I love you."

"I promise." He said as he leaned in to kiss him. Blaine pulled away once it started to get heated. More than anything he wanted to make love to Kurt but he knew he had to get on with today's punishment. He had thought about what Kurts punishment was going to be today. More than anything he wanted to make sure Kurt knew who he belonged to. He had read about orgasm denial and thought that was the perfect way to claim him. He was going to torture Kurt today. He wanted Kurt to beg him to cum, he wanted to claim every single inch of his body. And more than that he wanted to make sure Kurt trusted him one hundred percent. Trust works both ways, if Kurt didn't trust him, than how was he ever able to trust Blaine enough to let him in, and to always be honest.

"Okay baby, your punishment starts now, don't move ill be right back."

"Yes Sir."

Blaine got up and went to his box. He grabbed the lube, a vibrating bullet and the cock ring, and brought it back over to the bed.

"Okay sweetheart up and on your knees.".

Kurt climbed off the bed and got in position on his knees wondering what Blaine had planned. He knew he grabbed something from their sex box but he kept it out of sight.

"Today I'm going to claim you Kurt. Your mine and nobody else's, not Sebastians not any other guy that will try and hit on you. You will always be mine. Who do you belong to?"

"You Sir, only you."

"You right, but I'm going to make sure you know that." he said as he lowered his pajama pants freeing his aching cock. "Suck," he demanded rubbing his cock along Kurt lips.

Kurt opened his mouth and allowed Blaine to push in. He must moaned at the taste, he loved pleasuring Blaine like this. He loved the weight on his tongue and the taste of him, he would never get enough.

Blaine grabbed the back of his head and held it, and started to fuck into his mouth hitting the back of his throat on each thrust. "Your mouth feels so good baby, you like that don't you, you love sucking my cock."

Kurt moaned in response and sucked harder. "I'm going to cum Pet, all over your face. I'm going to mark that beautiful face its mine Kurt." Blaine pulled out and stroked himself quickly until he was cumming, white liquid shooting all over Kurts face.

Blaine looked down at Kurt, "Fuck that's so hot," he moaned. He leaned down and started to lick his cum off his face. Kurt swore he had never been so hard before. Blaines cum all over his face turned him on so much. He felt owned.

When Blaine was sure he got all of it he helped Kurt stand up and leaned him over the bed so he had full view of Kurts ass. He opened up the lube and poured some on his fingers warming it ip a little bit before he put one finger into Kurts ass. "You are not allowed to cum today Pet, not unless I tell you too."

Kurt moaned, "Yes, Sir."

"I'm going to fuck you whenever and however I want all day today," he said as he pushed a second finger through his tight hole.

"Yes Sir."

Blaine pulled out his fingers and lubed up the bullet before putting it in. "When my cock isn't filing you up you will have this inside of you."

Kurt moaned, "Fuck, yes Sir."

"Who do you belong to Kurt?"

"You Sir."

"Good boy," Blaine said as he put the cock ring on him. "Put your underwear on and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast."

"Yes Sir."

Blaine walked into the kitchen with the remote to the vibrator in his hand, Kurt had no idea that it vibrated but he would find out soon. He decided on pancakes for breakfast and began cooking them, when Kurt walked back into the kitchen.

"Go grab a pillow from the living room couch and bring it back in and kneel beside my chair."

"Yes Sir," Kurt said as he walked away.

Blaine watched him walk away and smirked. Kurt had been walking funny, the bullet probably just brushing against his prostate every time he took a step. He grabbed the remote from his pocket and turned it to level three.

"FUCK!" Kurt screamed as the vibrations hit him. The shock from the vibrator made him lose his balance and he fell into the wall, holding himself up. Allowing the pleasure to go through him. It felt so good. "Blaine....Blaine please."

Blaine didn't leave from his spot in the kitchen, "go get the pillow Kurt."

It took everything he could to get his feet moving. Every step pushed the bullet deeper and now it was right on his prostate. He shakily walked backed with the pillow in his hand. Sweat pouring down his face and his back. Blaine was just putting breakfast on the table when he walked into the kitchen.

"Good boy sweetheart, over here by my feet." He said as he turned the bullet off.

Kurt let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding when the bullet finally shut off. He made his way over to Blaine and slowly knealt down. His cock was aching and dying to be touched, but he knew Blaine didn't have plans any time soon to allow him to cum.

Once they were done eating Kurt began doing the dishes. He was in the middle of doing the dishes when all of a sudden Blaine was behind him pulling his underwear down, "Blaine...what are you doing?"

"Who do you belong to Pet?" he asked as he pulled the bullet out.

"You Sir."

Blaine lined himself up to Kurts hole and slammed in not giving Kurt anytime to adjust. "God your so fucking tight."

Kurt held onto the kitchen counter so hard his knuckles were turning white. "Fuck, Sir, so good."

"You like my cock filing you up Pet?"

"Yes Sir, so much."

"I'm the only one who will ever get to see you like this, the only one who will ever get to fill you up," he said as he grabbed some of Kurts hair and pulled his head back to get better access to his neck.

"Yes Sir, just you....fuck!" He screamed as Blaine hit his prostate.

"Do not cum Pet,"

Kurt whined, more than anything he needed release. His dick was throbbing and dying to be touched. He knew though that if Blaine gave him permission to cum he would without even being touched, he was so close.

Blaines rhythm became unsteady and with a scream he was cumming inside of Kurt. When it became too much he pulled out and replaced his dick with the bullet. He kissed the back of Kurts neck before whispering, "finish the dishes and meet me in the living room, and your underwear stays off the rest of the day."

"Yes...yes Sir."

He finished the dishes after what felt like forever. He was so hard and just needed release. He thought about boobs or anything remotely disgusting to try and get his hard on to go away but nothing was helping. He needed Blaine to make him cum. He walked back into the living room and found Blaine sitting on the couch completely naked watching tv. This was literally torture.

"Done the dishes?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy corner for half an hour same rules as yesterday still apply."

"Yes Sir," he said as he walked back in to the corner.

He wasn't even standing there for a minute when the vibrator was turned on. It was lower than the first time Blaine had turned it on. He tried to stay perfectly still. But just as he was getting used to the feeling it turned up even higher. "Sir..." Kurt moaned.

Blaine didn't respond. He just sat there and smirked. Watched as Kurt tried to stay still, watched him as he struggled to hold back his orgasm. It was probably one of the hottest things he had ever seen. He slowly started to stroke himself. He was sensitive for cumming twice that morning, but couldn't help but be turned on at watching Kurt. By the time Kurt was done his thirty minutes Blaine had made it up to level five. He turned it off and on watched as Kurts body shuttered. "Come here sweetheart, your half hour is done."

Kurt turned around and his eyes lit up at the Site of Blaine touching himself and walked over. His legs shaking, he needed release so bad. Blaine grabbed him by the hands and pulled him into his lap making Kurt straddle him. He left the bullet in as he helped Kurt sink down on his cock. He was already so close and knew it would only take a few thrusts before he would be cumming. He pulled out almost all the way before he turned the bullet on to level six and slammed into Kurt.

"SHIT Sir, fuck its too much..." Kurt cried out. Being filled with Blaine plus the vibrator in him was a lot, almost too much, but he knew Blaine wouldn't stop unless he safe word. This was Blaine claiming him, making sure he didn't forget who he belonged too.

"Fuck Kurt, so fucking good, I'm gonna cum," Blaine said. All of it becoming too much. Kurt was so tight around him and the bullet vibrating on the tip of his cock was too much and before he knew it he was cumming for the second time inside of Kurt. He turned off the vibrator and slowly exited Kurt. Kurt fell against him his entire body shaking. He rubbed circles into his back, "It's okay baby, relax I got you."

"Need to cum Sir....please."

"Soon sweetheart, I know you can do this."

Kurt didn't say anything just allowed Blaine to continue rubbing his back and willed himself to calm down. It was hard though. He was achingly hard, and could feel Blaines cum leaking from his ass. He should have felt disgusting but didn't not at all.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"I really need to cum, it hurts."

"Do you need to safe word?"


"Okay I'll give you release soon sweetheart. Who do you belong to baby?"

"You only ever you, I promise."

"And I only belong to you too baby, nobody else."

"I love you Blaine."

"I love you too sweetheart, do you have any homework that needs to be done?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay go and finish it, find me when your done. You can put underwear back on if you want to."

"Yes Sir."

Kurt went to his room to finish his homework. It took him way longer to finish than it would originally have taken. Trying to find someone comfortable position to sit without the bullet rubbing against his prostate was a difficult task. At least Blaine had left him alone and didn't turn it on, or else it would have taken way longer than it already had. About two hours later he was finally finished. He put his stuff away and made his way to the living room. Blaine was in the kitchen.

"I was just coming to get you, lunch is done, you took awhile."

"Sorry Sir, it was hard to concentrate."

"It's okay, you finished though right?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good let's eat."

About half way through eating his sandwich Kurts entire body stiffened, "FUCK!" He screamed as he grabbed onto Blaines leg. Blaine had turned the bullet on.

"Keep eating sweetheart."

"Mmm fuck I can't...it's its too much, God Sir I need to cum."

Blaine turned the vibrator off, "No cumming until I tell you to sweetheart, now finish eating."

Kurts body relaxed once the vibrator was shut off, it took longer than usual for him to eat because he was concentrating on not cumming. Being denied for so long was really starting to hurt, he didn't know how much longer he would be able to take it.

Once he was finally done eating and dishes were washed and put away Blaine led him to the bedroom and sat him in the chair facing the bed. "I'm going to prep myself and you're going to watch. I want you to claim me like I've claimed you all day. I'm just as much yours as you are to me."

With that he knealt on the bed his ass facing Kurt and slowly started to prep himself. He knew it would take longer for him to be fully prepped because this was only the second time Kurt would be inside him. He loved the feeling of going slow. He knew it was touring Kurt, and the longer he took the more Kurt couldn't sit still. When he finally realized he was stretched enough he pulled his fingers out and rolled onto his back. "Come here sweetheart."

Kurt practically flew out of the chair and leaned over Blaine, "God I want you so much Sir, please let me fuck you."

"Fuck me, make me yours Pet."

He lined himself up to Blaines entrance and pushed in slowly, watching his face to make sure he wasn't in any pain. When he noticed there wasn't any he pushed in the rest of the way and waited for Blaine to give him permission to move. After what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes Blaine spoke up, "Move Kurt."

Kurt pulled out slowly until just the head was breaching his entrance. Blaine turned the bullet on to the highest setting making Kurt slam into Blaine, "FUCK!" They both screamed still the same time. Being inside Blaine and the vibrator sitting on his prostate was way too much for Kurt. He was shaking so bad and needed release. "Blaine, Sir, fuck Please let me cum, I need to cum," he said as he kept slamming into Blaine.

"Not yet sweetheart, soon I wanna cum together."

Kurt needed release now so he changed his angle making sure he hit Blaines prostate on each thrust, "Fuck right there Kurt don't stop, don't fucking stop," Blaine moaned in between thrusts.

Kurt couldn't even make out a word anymore. His entire body was on fire. He was sweating and shaking, and it took everything in him to keep going. Before long Blaine took off the cock ring, and whispered, "cum with me sweetheart." That's all Kurt remembered as his orgasm took over and than everything went black.

"Kurt, sweetheart can you hear me?"

When slowly started opening his eyes and realized he was now on his back. "Mmm what happened?"

"You passed out after you came. Are you okay? Was it too much?"

"I'm fine, it was a bit too much but I enjoyed it. I can't believe you made me pass out," he said as he began to laugh.

"It was amazing, your amazing," Blaine said as he leaned down and gave him a nice sweet kiss.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, and I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you. But just give me sometime to trust you okay?"

"Okay, I understand. I'll prove to you that you can trust me."

"I know sweetheart. Your still grounded for the rest of the month, but the rest of your punishment is over. So how about we spend the rest of he day watching movies and just spending some time together?"

"I'd love that, and thank you."

"Your welcome sweetheart."

They spent the rest of the day wrapped in each others arms watching movies and just enjoying being together. Kurt was a bit nervous about going to school tomorrow because he had planned on telling Sebastian they could not longer be friends. He looked up at Blaine and he knew that he was making the right decision. He would never jeopardize their relationship again. Just before they were about to go to bed that night, Blaine brought him into his music room and told him he had a surprised for him.

"Just listen to the words okay baby?"


I've been alone

Surrounded by darkness

I've seen how heartless

The world can be

I've seen you crying

You felt like it's hopeless

I'll always do my best

To make you see

Baby, you're not alone

'Cause you're here with me

And nothing's ever gonna bring us down

'Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need to make it through...

Now I know it ain't easy

But it ain't hard trying

Everytime I see you smiling

And I feel you so close to me...

And you tell me:

Baby, you're not alone

'Cause you're here with me

And nothing's ever gonna bring us down

'Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need to make it through...

I still have trouble

I trip and stumble

Trying to make sense of things sometimes...

I look for reasons

But I don't need 'em

All I need is to look in your eyes

And I realize...

Baby, I'm not alone

'Cause you're here with me

And nothing's ever gonna take us down

'Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need to make it through...

Oh, 'cause you're here with me

And nothing's ever gonna bring us down

Cause nothing, nothing, nothing

Can keep me from lovin' you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

You know our love is all we need

Our love is all we need

To make it through...

By the time Blaine finished the song Kurt was a sobbing mess. For the first time in his entire life he didn't feel alone anymore, and it was all because of Blaine. He would never be alone again as long as he had Blaine by his side.


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