Let Me Love You
Punishments and Doubts Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Punishments and Doubts

E - Words: 4,981 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
125 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Let me know what you think. I try to incorporate your suggestions into my story, so I don't mind requests on what you would like to see

Kurt laid in bed crying, it felt too cold without Blaine there holding him like every other night. He took some comfort knowing he was at least in the house, but it killed him to know that he had messed up so much that Blaine decided to sleep in a different room. He only had himself to blame. How could he have been so stupid to lie about Sebastian? He jeopardized his entire relationship for a guy who not only hit on him once but twice now, and yet he still continued being his friend.

He had never meant to lie to Blaine but didn't know how to tell him Sebastian had kissed him. He already had reserves about him and he had every right to, and was right in his assumptions. He shouldn't have been so trusting. His relationship meant more than his friendship with Sebastian. Maybe he was just so forgiving because he wanted the friendship. For the first time in years he felt like he fit in and actually had friends, he didn't want to screw that up. Thinking about it now he had made more friends that didn't include Sebastian and he would have been fine without him. He just wished he realized that sooner.

He tried to sleep but the events from that day, the pain and hurt in Blaines voice and eyes, we're there every time he closed his eyes. He needed Blaine. He decided to go and see Blaine, he didn't have to talk with him but hopefully he would allow Kurt to just lay next to him. He got up and walked across the hall.

Blaine laid in bed thinking about everything that had happened that day. How the trust he once had for Kurt was literally stripped away in seconds because of one, actually several stupid lies that could have been avoided right from the beginning. Communication is what it all came down to. Kurt didn't communicate with him about what was going on and instead chose to lie.

He knew that he wouldn't leave Kurt, he loved him too much to let him go. Maybe he had been to lenient as his Dom. He was still new at it as was Kurt and he was still learning. There will always be what ifs, so he chose not to dwell on them because it would get him no where. What's done is done, now he just had to figure out away to move past it. He had calmed down enough where he was able to think of punishments for Kurt and he would be punished. Once he was sure he knew what was going to happen he tried to get some sleep. It was impossible, he had been tossing and turning for over an hour now, he couldn't sleep without Kurt beside him. Just than there was a knock on the door.

"Blaine are you awake?" Kurt whispered through the door.

"Yea...come in."

"I--I can't sleep. I know your mad at me but can I sleep in here with you?"

"Yes, come here," Blaine said as he pulled back the blankets.

Kurt walked over and climbed into bed, usually when he did this he would snuggle right up to Blaine and he would pull him close. Instead he lay there not touching Blaine unsure of what to do.

"Thank you," Kurt whispered.

"Roll over and I'll hold you." Blaine said.

"You don't have to..."

"I know, but I want to. I may be mad and hurt right now Kurt but I don't hate you...I don't think I ever could. As a Dom and as a boyfriend its my job to protect you and make you feel safe, and I know by holding you makes you feel those things. And not only that I think we both need the physical contact right now, so roll over."

Kurt listened and rolled over, Blaine grabbed him and pulled him into him. The minute his arms where holding him he let out a breathe he didn't realize he was holding.

"Are we okay?"

"I don't know..not right now at least but we will be. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow and you will be punished for this Kurt and I won't he taking it easy on you. I feel like I've failed you as a Dom, and that won't happen anymore."

"Blaine you didn't...."

"Yes I did, if I didn't you would have told me about Sebastian from the beginning and this whole week of lying and sneaking around would have never have happened."

"I'm so sorry Blaine."

"I know you are, and you will be punished for it, the entire weekend. I'll go over your list in the morning."

"Yes Sir."

"Now go to sleep because tomorrow is going to be exhausting for you."

"Okay, good night Sir, I love you."

"I love you too good night."


"Kurt time to wake up," Blaine said as he gently nudged him.

"No not yet...too early."

"Up Kurt, your punishment starts now."

Kurt opened his eyes and looked at the time it was just after six in the morning, he groaned.

"You have two minutes to get up and meet me in the living room, dress only in your boxers you won't need clothes today."

"Yes Sir."

Blaine walked out and went to the living room and sat on the couch, and waited for Kurt. Kurt came out about a minute later only in his boxers. "On your knees Kurt in front of me."

He walked over and dropped to his knees in front of Blaine.

"Why are you being punished Kurt?"

"Because...because I lied to you."

"You weren't honest with me. You lied to me all week and you broke the trust I had in you. This is going to be a long weekend for you Kurt, you will be punished."

"Yes Sir."

"This is what's going to happen over the course of the weekend. Right now you are going to stay on your knees for the next twenty minutes, hands in your lap, head down, back straight, and you will not move. When your twenty minutes is up you will stand in the corner for another twenty minutes. You are going to be doing a lot of thinking this weekend Kurt, and I will make you kneel or stand as much as I see fit and until I know you've really thought about what you did, not only to yourself but to me and to this relationship."

"Yes Sir."

"I'm not done, that would be too easy. Clearly you have a problem with communication. So this weekend when I ask you something you will respond immediately. When I ask you how you feel I want the honest truth. You will address me as Sir only."

"Yes Sir."

"You are grounded for the next month. You will go to school and come home right after, unless you have Warbler practice. If you need to work on a project with a friend they are to come here and you must ask for my permission first. You will take your cell phone to school with you, but you're not allowed to use it unless it is to contact me."

"Yes Sir."

"As for Sebastian you are not to be alone with him ever again. I do not trust him and now I don't trust you either. I know you won't cheat on me, but clearly I don't trust that you will tell me the truth."

"Yes Sir."

"I want to know every single detail of your day and I don't want you to leave anything out, we are going to work on your communication skills."

"Yes, Sir."

"As for the rest of your punishments today, when you are done on your knees and standing in the corner we will have breakfast. When you are done eating I want this house cleaned. And when I mean clean I want to be able to eat off the floors and see my reflection in the toilet."

"Yes Sir."

"We've been working on re introducing spanking into this relationship, and I think you are ready to be punished with a spanking. How do you feel about that?"

"I.I think that's fine Sir, I think I'm ready for it."

"Okay so we will try it. You can always use your safe words, I won't be mad if you need to use them. They are there to protect the both of us."

"Yes Sir."

"What are your safe words Kurt?"

"Green I'm okay, Yellow slow down, Red stop, Sir."

"Good boy, any questions before we begin?"

"No Sir."

"Kurt look at me," he said as he tilted Kurts chin to look him in the eyes.

"I love you so much sweetheart and nothing will ever change that. We will get through this, okay?"

"I love you too, Sir so much...always."

"Forever," Blaine said as he leaned in and and gave him a slow kiss.

"Okay up, and over to the corner," he said as he pulled away from the kiss.

Kurt stood and made his way to the corner and shrunk down to his knees remembering Blaines earlier demand. Back straight, head down.

"Good, your twenty minutes start now, do not move or we start over."

He walked over to the couch and sat down and watched Kurt for a few minutes. He hated not being able to trust him and hated that he even had to punish him in the first place. After the twenty minutes was up he approached Kurt made.sure he was okay and didn't need anything before making him stand in the corner for another twenty minutes.

Kurt felt horrible, not only did his knees hurt from kneeling on them for so long but now he had to stand for twenty minutes. Standing there looking at his feet with nothing else to focus on made him think, exactly like Blaine wanted. He felt horrible for lying to him and even worse for breaking the trust they shared. And out of all of this that's what hurt the most knowing Blaine didn't trust him. Tears began to steadily fall down his face, he tried to stop them but couldn't, he messed up bad this time.

After the twenty minutes was up Blaine walked over to Kurt, "Your twenty minutes is up."

Kurt turned around and nodded his head and wiped at his tears.

"Why don't you go clean up and I'll start on breakfast."

"Yes Sir."

Blaines heart broke at seeing Kurt cry, and more than anything he just wanted to wrap him in his arms and not let go, but he couldn't, he had to stay firm. Kurt had to work this out on his own and really realize how much he screwed up and how much he hurt the both of them.

He was just finishing the eggs when Kurt came back in. He brought the food over and sat down. "Sit at my feet Kurt."

Kurt sat down and slowly began to eat, he didn't even make it half way through when he decided he was done. Blaine noticed, "Kurt finish your food."

"I'm not hungry Sir."

"Eat, we both skipped dinner last night, you need to eat. And today is going to be a long one for you so you need your energy, eat."

"Yes, Sir."

They finished their meal in silence, once they were both done Blaine spoke up. "You are to clean this entire house Kurt, and I mean clean it, I will inspect it when your done. I meant what I said earlier I want to be able to eat off these floors by the time your done. Get started I'll be in the music room working on some things if you need me. Come and get me when your done."

"Yes Sir."

If Kurt hated anything in this life it was cleaning, if it were up to him he would hire a maid to do it for him. He was naturally a clean person and liked organization, but when it came down to actual cleaning he hated it. He hated the way the chemicals felt on his hands, and just feeling completely dirty once you were done cleaning. Blaine knew this about him, so by making him do it he knew it was true punishment for him.

He couldn't believe how truly dirty the place was, they were not slobs, both liked a clean and tidy house but when you are just doing a quick clean you miss a lot of things that you don't even think about. It took him nearly three hours to he satisfied with his job, hoping Blaine would be satisfied to. He was sweating and felt disgusting and more than anything he wanted a shower. He went and knocked on the door to the music room.

"Come in."

"I'm done, Sir."

Blaine looked at Kurt and could just see how gross he felt. He was sweating and had dirt smudges here and there on his body, but even than he still looked so beautiful. "Let's take a look shall we?"

Kurt followed Blaine out and stood there as he literally checked everything out going as far as putting on a white glove and running his fingers over any surfaces he walked by. Finally after what felt like forever Blaine walked over to him.

"Good job sweetheart, it looks amazing. You did a really good job. Why don't you go take a shower and clean up. You have fifteen minutes and I want you back out here in only your underwear."

"Thank you, Sir and yes Sir."

Blaine decided the next part of the punishment would be the spanking. Because it was the first time since they had stopped using the spanking in a punishment manner he knew he would have to ease Kurt into it. He never wanted Kurt to feel like he needed to use his safe word, but at the same time he wanted to get his point across. He grabbed a chair from the kitchen and placed it in the middle of the room and sat there waiting for Kurt.

He came out a few minutes later, he looked at Blaine and noticed the chair his eyes bulging realizing what the next part of the punishment was.

"Kurt come here."

Kurt walked over and stood in front of Blaine waiting for further instructions and trying not to shake.

"Kneel Kurt."

Once Kurt was on the ground kneeling at Blaines feet, Blaine spoke up. "Why are you being punished Kurt?"

"Because I lied to you...I broke your tr--trust in me, Sir."

"Good boy. I'm going to spank you now, and because this is the first time we've used spanking in a punishment form since we'll since we stopped I'm going to let you have some say in it. How many do you think is fair?"

"However many you think Sir."

"Kurt I want you have a say, how many?"

"I don't know...twenty Sir?"

"Twenty is perfect, stand up."

Kurt stood, "Underwear off Kurt, and lay across my lap."

He took of his underwear and laid across Blaine, giving him full access to his ass.

"What are your safe words?"

"Green I'm okay, Yellow slowdown, Red stop."

"Good boy I'm going to start now," and with that he landed his first blow.

Kurt jumped, it had been forever since he had been slapped during a punishment. It hurt like hell and it was only the first slap. It was completely different being slapped now than when they were having sex.

"Count each one Kurt."

"One Sir."

Blaine never slapped the same spot twice, they varied from light slaps to harder ones. When they got to about the Eighth one he stopped, "How are you feeling, Kurt?"

"I'm okay, Green."


The more Blaine smacked the worse it became, it hurt, but he knew he deserved every single one. He was so sorry for lying, so sorry for making it get to his point. He had never felt more sorry for anything in his life than he did right now. He began sobbing.

Kurt finally began to break down around fifteen. He began sobbing and repeatedly kept saying sorry. Blaine wanted to stop right than but knew he couldn't. He needed this just as much as Kurt did.

He slapped him harder this time right at his sit spot. Kurt cried out,"Sixteen Sir. Blaine please stop, it hurts," he cried, "I'm so sorry."

"If you really want me to stop Kurt than use your safe word, I won't be mad."

He didn't use his safe word, as much as it hurt he knew he had to finish.

The last four slaps were hard and quick, "Oww fuck, twenty Sir."

The minute Blaine finished the punishment, he grabbed Kurt and pulled him into his arms. And let him sob into his chest. "Your okay sweetheart, your all done with this part of the punishment. You did good baby, I'm so proud of you." He said as he rubbed soothing circles into his back.

"I'm so so sorry Sir, I'm sorry."

"I know you are sweetheart, I believe you."

"But you don't trust me anymore."

Blaine sighed, "As much as I want to, I'm sorry Kurt I just don't right now. I will eventually we will just have to work on it."

Kurt nodded his head. He slowly stopped crying. "I love you, Sir."

"I love you to sweetheart, let's get some lunch and we will continue with your punishment okay."

"Yes Sir."

Blaine made them some sandwiches and salads for lunch, sitting on he floor was uncomfortable it was hard to get into a position where it didn't put pressure on his rear, it probably didn't matter where he sat at this point it was going to hurt no matter what. He ate in silence,when he was done he cleared the table and did the dishes without being asked.

He found Blaine sitting on the couch in the living room flipping through the television. "Dishes are done Sir."

"Good boy. How are you feeling?"

"My butt is a bit sore but other than that I'm fine Sir."

Blaine smiled at him, "Thanks for being honest with me, ill put some lotion on it tonight before bed if you are still sore."

"Thank you Sir."

"I want you back in the corner on your knees for another twenty minutes, same rules as before."

"Yes Sir."

To say he was exhausted was an under statement. It had been almost twenty four hours since he was caught in a lie. He was emotionally drained, and physically he was getting there too. His knees were starting to hurt with the amount of times he had been on them today but he wasn't about to complain. He deserved every punishment Blaine had given him and will continue to give him.

"How are you feeling Kurt?"

"My knees are starting to hurt a little bit but other than that I'm okay."

"Do you think you can do another five minutes on your knees?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy, your almost done."

Blaine knew without Kurt telling him that his knees were hurting, this would he the last time today he would make him go on his knees, he would never do anything to cause any damage to them.

"Kurt times up, you can stand, come here."

Kurt stood and walked over to Blaine, "Yes Sir?"

"You look tired, are you okay?"

"I am tired Sir, I feel drained, I'm exhausted."

"I'm going to allow you to have a nap and rest a little bit, you've done everything I've asked of you today so I will allow that, but your punishment picks up as soon as your done."

"Yes Sir."

Kurt went and laid down, he fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, he really was exhausted. Blaine allowed him to sleep for an hour before waking him up. "Kurt time to wake up, if you don't wake up now you will never sleep tonight."

He opened his eyes slowly, and groaned. He didn't get enough sleep he was still exhausted and felt like he could sleep the rest of the day, but knew Blaine was right. He sat up and hissed forgetting that his bottom was still sore.

"You okay sweetheart?"

"Yea I forgot that my butt still hurts, I'm okay though."

"Good, here drink this," he said as he handed Kurt a glass of water.

He finished his drink and handed it back to Blaine. "I want you to go and stand in the corner for an hour."

"Yes Sir." Kurt got up and walked slowly to the corner. He was exhausted, he didn't know if he would be able to handle the corner for another hour, but he would at least try. I'll be in the kitchen starting dinner, call if you need me and only if you need me."

"Yes Sir."

He tried passing the time by counting and trying to keep track of how long he had been standing there but after about five minutes he gave up. He tried singing different songs in his head to pass the time but that didn't work either. His thoughts just kept leading back to Blaine. He remembered the first time they met, their first kiss, the first time they made love. Their trip to New York. He fell in love so hard and so fast. He loved what they had and he realized he had been taking Blaine for granted. He thought about all the times he had screwed up. Every single time could have been avoided. He realized that this mess up could have made him lose Blaine...forever. He started sobbing the thought of losing Blaine, to never talking to him or seeing him again, never feeling those arms around him, to never feeling him inside of him again, to not hear that laugh or see that smile. Or the way his tongue sticks out just a little bit when he is concentrating. The way he looks when he first wakes up. The way his eyes reflect his mood. To never witness any of that ever again broke his heart and scared him. He started panicking at the thought, he couldn't be in a world where Blaine wasn't there.

"Red," he whispered just as Blaine walked into the room.

Blaine ran over to Kurt and pulled him into his arms. "It's okay sweetheart. I've got you, I've got you."

"Please don't leave me, don't leave me, I can't live without you,"Kurt sobbed.

"Sweetheart I'm not leaving you, I promise. We will have our issues but we will always figure out a way to work through them. I'm upset us but that doesn't mean I'm leaving. I'm not going anywhere I promise."

"Okay, I'm sorry I'm so sorry, I'll do better I promise."

"I know baby, we will both do better, together okay."

"Okay." Kurt said as he sniffed into Blaines shirt.

"Dinner is almost ready, why don't you go wash your face and I'll set the table. And I was thinking after dinner we could watch a movie. I've think you've done enough for today, plus we still have all day tomorrow."

"Yes Sir."

Once they were finished eating and Kurt had done the dishes they snuggled into each other on the couch and started watching Harry Potter, both of their comfort movie. Blaine held Kurt close.He was still hurt and still hadn't forgiven what he had done, but he wanted to reassure Kurt that he wouldn't be going anywhere and that he still loved him. Trust will always be number one in their relationship, you can't have a relationship without trust, but he was willing to give Kurt another chance. He knew it would take awhile to get it back but he had faith in Kurt and them that it would happen. He didn't realize how tired he was and dozed off.

Kurt had heard Blaines heavy breathing and realized he had fallen asleep, and even though he was still exhausted he knew sleep wouldn't be coming anytime soon for him. The movie had ended so he decided to get up and do something. He slowly made his way off of the couch and laid Blaine down gently making sure he didn't wake him and covered him up.

He made his way to the bedroom and decided he would work on some of his homework to get it out of the way. He pulled out a piece of paper and just sat there starring at it. He was suppose to be writing a paper about the war of 1812 and the impact it has on our lives today but just couldn't think of anything to write. Before he knew it he had written a letter to Blaine. He finished it and took it with him to lay in bed to re read it wondering if he should give it to him or not. He fell asleep without even realizing it.

Blaine woke up a few hours later slightly confused as to where he was, he blinked slowly trying to adjust his eyes in the dark and sat up. "Kurt?" he called. No answer, where did he go?

He walked to their bedroom to find Kurt on his back sound asleep with a paper laying beside him, he walked over and picked up the paper.

Dear Blaine,

I will never be able to express through words the way I feel about you. I could say I love you a thousand times and it would still not even come close to the way I actually feel. I never realized how much my life would change in just a few months. You saved me Blaine. The world before I knew you was dark and nothing short of evil. I wasn't living, I was just going through the repetition of life. Of course I had dreams the biggest was to get out of Lima, to get away from the people who made my life a living hell. Although I had those dreams I never really truly believed that I would make it. I thought I would be gone before I even had the chance. The little bit of hope that I did have and the thought of leaving my dad alone is what kept me hanging on. The dim light that was left in my life was slowly fading and there was only so much light left. I was so close to letting go and giving up. I've never told anybody that before, not even my dad. But than you came into my life and saved me. You showed me there was a good in this world. My life suddenly became brighter. You showed me what my life could be like and more than anything I want that. For the first time in my life I actually feel like I'm living and I have truly never been happier. I fell in love with you so fast and at first I thought I was a little crazy but nothing has ever felt so right. I can't picture my life without you in it, I don't want to picture my life without you in it. I know you said that you will never leave me, but just the thought of it scared me, more than you know. I know that I screwed up and I know you lost that trust you have in me, but I will for the rest of my life prove to you that you can trust me. I took you and our relationship for granted and I will never do that again. You are everything to me Blaine and I don't want to lose you. I may sound crazy because its fairly early in our relationship, but since when has our relationship not been crazy. I dream of us living in New York, both of us successful in our careers. I see a wedding, I can see us planning it together. You may think that I would want something huge and extravagant but I don't. I'd be happy with just you and me, that day is about is and I don't need hundreds of people there, I just need you. I can see us having kids, a son running around looking just like you, and a daughter that looks just like me. And maybe we could adopt one, there's always children that need a home, a loving home. I know you would be an amazing father. I can see us growing old together, watching our kids grow and than our grandchildren. I want to die before you because I can't imagine spending one second on this earth where you don't exist. I want all of this with you Blaine for the first time ever I have something to look forward too, and that makes me want to live, YOU make me want to live. I am so sorry, and I hope that you will be able to forgive me and that we are able to move past this. You will always have my heart Blaine, for the rest of our lives. I love you a million times over, always and forever, Kurt.

Blaine was bawling by the time he finished the letter. He knew Kurt was in a bad place when he had met him but he didn't realize how much. He couldn't believe Kurt was on the verge of just giving up and letting go. He couldn't picture a world where he didn't exist either. Just thought of it made him cry harder. He fell in love just as hard and often thought about their future. He was nervous about being a dad because he didn't really have a father figure in his life. But seeing how Kurt and Burt were together and what kind of relationship a father and son should have lessened his fears a little bit. But still he wanted all of it with Kurt. Kurt had saved him too, in more ways than one. He has never been happier and he didn't want to lose that, ever.

He put the letter on the side table and crawled into bed with Kurt and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. "I love you so much baby, I'm never letting you go. Till death do us part," he whispered into the dark.

Tomorrow would be another day of punishment but he knew that he had a break through with Kurt today. Tomorrow wouldn't just he about punishment but the beginning of learning to trust each other. Now that he knew they were both on the same page he knew that tomorrow they would make it through just like they did today. In the end, through the punishment and the pain they still loved each other and will always love each other and that's all that mattered.


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