May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
It had been a month since they had settled in Westerville. Kurt had never been more happier he had made friends, he joined The Warblers, and best of all he was no longer bullied, and for the first time ever he felt like he fit in somewhere. Blaine spent his time writing songs and even got a few gigs singing at local bars a few times a week. He had forgotten how much he enjoyed performing and was thinking of a career change once they were in New York.
Their relationship for the most part was amazing. Their sex life was amazing and was always new. Kurt for the most part had stayed out of trouble so punishments were not given out that often. Blaine had met a few of Kurts new friends and thoroughly liked them, they both however kept that he used to be Kurts teacher private. They hadn't been caught so far and would like to keep it that way. Kurt would be turning eighteen next week and in the eyes of the law nothing could be said.
Blaine got used to Kurts schedule fairly quickly. Twice a week he would get home late after Warblers practice, and most nights Kurt was always busy with homework. Dalton had proved to be more challenging than McKinley so he had to work extra hard to keep up and to get good grades. Whenever Kurt had an assignment with a partner he usually brought them home to work, or of he wanted to go out with his friends he always asked for permission, which is why Blaine didn't understand what was going on this past week.
Kurt had been coming home late everyday and when asked about it he said he was working on a project with a friend at the library. Although Blaine was upset that he was barely ever home this week he let it go. He trusted Kurt and he knew how important school work is to him this year. He asked Kurt to notify him if he would be staying late and to start coming home at a reasonable hour.
It was Friday afternoon and they had made plans to go to dinner and a movie so Kurt was to be home right after school. Blaine was excited because it had felt like forever since they last spent and quality time together and even longer that they had been on a date. At around four p.m He received a text from Kurt.
(Kurt) Hey, I'm going to be late tonight, Thad asked me if I could help him out with some work he is having trouble with, and I couldn't turn him down. I'm sorry xoxo
(Blaine) We have dinner plans tonight Kurt or did you forget? Tonight's suppose to be about us, can't you guys meet up tomorrow?
(Kurt) Of course I didn't forget, I am sorry, I'll make it up to you I promise, I'll be home in time to catch the movie, and no he can't work on it tomorrow he's busy all weekend with his family.
(Kurt) I'm sorry and I love you, I'm turning my phone of now I don't want to be rude, I'll see you soon xoxo
After reading Kurts texts he dialed his number immediately, pissed that Kurt just blew him off like that and knowing he was suppose to keep his phone on at all times. It went straight to voicemail. He hungup and tossed his phone on the couch. Tonight was suppose to be about them and Kurt just blew him off like his feelings didn't even matter.
He tried to calm down but no matter what he did nothing helped. He decided a run might help, it always did during high school and college and it had been awhile since he ran. He put on his running stuff and headed out. Not really paying attention to where he was heading, he ended up outside of a coffee house. He decided to head in and get a drink, realizing how dehydrated and out of shape he was he needed to rest anyways.
Not noticing anything around him, he walked up to the counter and ordered his drink, as he was waiting he swore he heard a distinct laugh....Kurts. Turning around trying to figure out where it came from he spotted Kurt. He was sitting in the back with some guy who wasn't Thad, with his hand on his arm.
"Sebastian you didn't!" He heard Kurt say. So that was Sebastian? He lied to me, he was suppose to be helping Thad, and here is hanging out with Sebastian. He blew him off for Sebastian. He had never felt so hurt and betrayed as he did in that second. He was torn on what he should do, just leave him and go home and confront him there or confront him now? He was pulled out of his thoughts, "Sir your coffee."
"Oh sorry, thank you," he said as he took the coffee.
He turned back around still trying to figure out what he should do, but he didn't have to decide still all. Kurt was standing there with Sebastian laughing, until he saw Blaine and his faced dropped.
"Bl..Blaine...what are you doing here?"
"Me? What am I doing here? I should ask you the same thing."
"I can explain..."
Just than Sebastian spoke up, "You must be Blaine I'm.."
"Sebastian...I know," he said coldly.
He turned and faced Kurt, "I'll see you at home."
"Blaine please let me explain."
Blaine turned around, and walked out of the coffee shop, throwing his drink in the garbage suddenly not thirsty and began to run home. He knew Kurt followed him out and tried getting his attention but he ignored him and kept running. With the adrenaline pumping through his veins he made it home in half the time it took him to get to the coffee shop. He didn't even realize he had begun crying until he went into the bathroom to grab a towel to wipe off the sweat. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the tears streaks left down his face and his eyes were red rimmed and glossy.
The run helped him calm down a bit but he was still hurt. He knew in the back of his head that Kurt would never cheat on him, but right now all the evidence points to just that. He decided to take a shower and calm down some more before Kurt got back. He was going to let him explain before he jumped to any conclusions.
He got out of the shower and got dressed. He walked into the living room to find Kurt sitting there his head down and hands in his lap, when he heard Blaine come in his head shot up, "Blaine please let me explain its not what you think."
"Than tell me Kurt. Because you lied to me about who you were with and what you were doing. You blew me off for Sebastian." Blaine said keeping his voice level.
"I'm sorry I lied to you, but I, I know how you feel about Sebastian no matter how hard your trying to trust him. But he needed me, he's having problems with a guy..."
"You blew me off and lied to me to help Sebastian with relationship issues?"
"So all this week when you've been late you were with him?"
Kurt put his head down.
"Answer the question Kurt."
"Yes," he whispered keeping his head down.
"He needed help almost everyday this week with a guy?"
"There's something your not telling me Kurt, what it is?"
"Don't lie to me, no more lies, I can't deal with anymore lies."
"He...he kissed me...I pushed him away and yelled at him because he knew I was with you, he apologized and said he was lonely. So I figured I could help him find someone, and...Blaine I'm sorry."
Blaine stood there in shock, not believing what he just heard. He was happy Kurt pushed him away but pissed off that he was lied to for the past week, and lied to just know, Sebastian wasn't having issues with another guy, Kurt was trying to hook him up with someone. Not only did Sebastian kiss him but he was still talking to him and hanging out with him.
"Blaine...please say something."
"I...I'm going to go."
"Go where?"
"I'm going to go back to Lima for the weekend...I need some time."
"Blaine please don't do this, don't leave, punish me do whatever you want but please don't leave."
"Kurt I can't punish you right now I'm too upset and hurt to even think about punishing you, I don't want to hurt you. I need to go, I need away from...you, for a few days."
"Blaine....please I'm so sorry," he begged tears streaming down his face.
"Kurt...I can't, I can't be around you right now, you hurt me."
"I know I did and I'm so sorry please Blaine, I'm begging you not to leave right now, don't leave. I'll stay out of your way, I'll sleep in the guest room but please don't go." Kurt said as he began to panic.
Blaine realized Kurt was about to lose it, he walked up to him and pulled him into his arms. "Kurt you need to calm down, relax."
Kurt clung on to Blaine like if he were to let go he would never see him again, "I ca..can't, Blaine Bl- aine I'm I'm I'm s--orr--y," he tried to get out through his sobs.
"Shhh don't talk sweetheart just breath, I won't go ill stay okay, but I need you to calm down or your going to make yourself sick or worse pass out."
Kurt nodded his head and took a bit of comfort at knowing Blaine would stay. It took him about fifteen minutes of Blaine rubbing his back and whispering comforting words to him before he calmed down.
Once Blaine knew he was calm enough to continue talking, he pulled away from Kurt and looked him dead in the eye, "I will always love you Kurt, that will never change. If you would have came to me and told me Sebastian kissed you I would have been pissed but never at you. But you didn't, you kept it from me, not only did you keep it from me you kept seeing him and lied to me about who you were with. You lied to me all week, and what hurts the most is that we had plans all week for tonight, something I was really looking forward to because I've missed you so much. You were never home anymore...and now I know why...I can't trust you right now, you broke that trust. I'll stay here with you but I still need time. You can have the bedroom and ill take the guest room, just...please give me my space."
"Blaine I am so..."
"Sorry? Yea I know and I believe you...I just don't trust you right now." With that he turned around and walked into the guest room closing the door behind him. He sunk down to the floor and began crying, trying to figure out why Kurt would lie to him in the first place. You can't be in a relationship where there is no trust. He didn't want to end things with Kurt he still loved him and nothing would ever change that, but how was he suppose to move on from this? How was he suppose to trust him again?