May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Kurt shook Sebastians hand to be polite but kept his head down. He was attractive but at the same time he felt like there was something off about him, he was nervous to be taking the tour with him, but he promised Blaine that he would try. He gave his dad one last look before walking out with him.
"So what brings you to Dalton sexy?"
Sexy? What the hell? Was this guy hitting on him or was this one big joke? He didn't know how to respond to that and even if he could he wasn't allowed to talk, which he had never been more grateful for at this minute, so he shrugged his shoulders and kept his head down.
"So your not a talker, that's okay I'm sure in time you will be screaming my name." Sebastian said as he leaned into Kurt.
Kurt immediately shrunk into himself and backed away until he came in contact with a wall. He closed his eyes, counting to ten, and concentrated on his breathing. The last thing he wanted to do was have a full out panic attack in front of Sebastian a potential classmate. 'He's not David, he's not here, he can't hurt me,' he said over and over again in his head. Just than he felt a hand on his arm, his eyes snapped opened, "Please--please don't....don't touch me," tears welling up in his eyes.
Sebastian withdrew his hand immediately, "Kurt I'm sorry. I was just messing around. Are you okay?"
Kurt looked at him trying to see if he was genuinely sorry. From the looks of it he was, but from past experiences Kurt knew not to let his guard down too easily, "I'm okay, can we just go back to the office, I think I've seen enough today." He whispered.
"We haven't even seen anything yet. Kurt I really am sorry, I'll leave my hands to myself and I won't make anymore comments."
"Please..." Kurt pleaded.
"Okay cmon I'll take you back to your dad," Sebastian said with a small smile.
Just before Sebastian was about to open the door to let Kurt back in the office he stopped and turned to Kurt, "I really am sorry, I was acting like a jerk. It's just Umm...I find you attractive I guess...and my first instinct is to turn into an asshole. Clearly your.not into me...or guys...or both, and it seems like you have a lot on your plate anyways. I just want you to know how sorry I am, and maybe if you do decide to come here we can be friends?"
"Wait--you're gay?"
"Yea--is that a problem?"
"No--No of course not, I mean I am too, but at my old school I was the only one out, I've never met someone else that is openly gay...and you don't get harassed because of it?" Kurt asked.
"There's a zero tolerance for bullying here to begin with, but the guys here are cool with it, and I'm not the only one out either. You will probably meet some of them if you decide to come here. And I hope you do...it's okay to be yourself here Kurt."
"I...I have a boyfriend back home...shit...I don't know why I blurted that out, but I guess I think you should know that" Kurt said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Sebastian put his hands up in surrender, "Your taken, point taken....friends?"
Kurt smiled. For the first time in a long time he felt like he may have found a place where he could he happy. He still had to talk with his dad and Blaine but was pretty sure you his was his new school.
"Friends," He smiled.
"Can I have your phone?" Sebastian asked.
"For what?"
"Just want to give you my number, that way if you do decide to come here you will already have a friend, and even if you don't we can still be friends."
"Oh okay," Kurt said as he bit his lip and passed his phone to him.
Sebastian handed it back to Kurt, "Thanks, I'll message you later, hope to see you soon," he said as he turned around and left.
Just than his dad fame out of the office, "Kurt, you done with the tour buddy?"
He nodded his head.
"Good, ready to go? I told Mr.Murphy that we will let him know by Friday, so that way if you do decide to come here you can start classes on Monday okay?"
He wanted to tell his dad he already made a decision but he wanted to talk to Blaine first, so he just shook his head in agreement.
The car ride on the way home was quiet. Burt kept glancing at his son and even though Kurt hadn't said he wanted to attend Dalton he already knew his mind was made up if the smile on his face had anything to do with it.
Once home Kurt retreated to his bedroom, and layed down. With not getting much sleep the night before he was exhausted. He decided to have a nap while he waited for Blaine he wasn't due back for about another hour or so. He took out his phone and put it beside him not wanting to miss a call or text from Blaine, even though he hadn't heard from him all day. He fell asleep quickly.
Blaines POV
There was five minutes left for the day and he couldn't be more anxious to get out of here. Today had been hell. He was so happy Kurt wasn't coming back to this place. The gossip mill exploded and it felt like every time he turned around there was somebody else talking about Kurt. He couldn't even remember the amount of times he had to threaten his students with detentions if they didn't stop talking about it. The worse part is David and his crew walked around the school like they were heros or something. Of course they put everything back on Kurt, saying he was the one who came onto them, and he deserved everything he got that he was meant to be taught a lesson.
It hurt to have everyone around him drag the love of his life through the mud, and he was powerless to do anything about it. Not only was it horrible day but he was anxious to find out how his meeting at Dalton went. He knew he was going to miss Kurt like crazy, but after today he knew it would be the right choice for Kurt to leave this school, so he was really hoping Kurt liked it or was at least willing to give it a try.
The bell finally rang and Blaine practically ran to his car, and probably broke several traffic laws on his way home, but didn't care. He just wanted to see Kurt. He pulled into the driveway and noticed Burts car wasn't there, weird he thought they should have been back hours ago. He got out of the car and went to the door anyways and knocked a few times but nobody answered. He tried the door handle and it was opened, so he went in.
He walked down onto Kurts room and noticed he was fast asleep in a ball holding the pillow Blaine had just used that morning. A smile crossed his face, he was so beautiful and looked so peaceful. He walked over to the bed and sat down just as he did Kurts phone buzzed. Worried it could have been somebody else harassing him Blaine quickly grabbed the phone and opened the text.
Unknown- Kurt, hey its Sebastian. Just wanted to say hi and I hope you decide to come to Dalton. Maybe we can do coffee this weekend? I can give you the inside scoop on Dalton or if you decide not to come here the offer still stands for coffee...friends right?
Blaine sat there holding the phone, who the hell was Sebastian? And how did he get Kurts number, he wasn't suppose to be talking to anybody. Just than he felt Kurt stir beside him and he slowly sat up rubbing his eyes, and smiled the instant he noticed Blaine.
"Hey sleepy head," Blaine said trying to say calm, "Who's Sebastian?"
Kurts eyes lit up at the mention of Sebastians name, and wondered how Blaine even knew about him until his eyes traveled down and realized Blaine was holding his phone, Sebastian must have text him.
"Kurt I asked you a question, who's Sebastian?"
"You went through my phone?"
"No--Well yes, but I only checked your message because I thought it may have been somebody else bothering you...who's Sebastian Kurt?"
"I met him at Dalton today, Sir. He's a student there and he was asked to show me around the school."
"How did he get your number?"
"I gave it to him, he wanted it so I would have someone that I could talk to if I decided to go there."
"Which means you talked to him. Kurt your not allowed to talk this week, it's part of your rules," Blaine said, trying to keep his jealousy under control.
"I...I didn't talk to him at first but than..."Kurt stopped talking, how was he suppose to tell Blaine that he almost had a panic attack because he was hit on?
"But than what Kurt?"
Kurt looked down, "He hit on me," he said quietly.
Blaine stood up, "HE WHAT!?" Blaine yelled.
"He hit on me, and I may have freaked out a little bit, than he touched my arm and I asked him not to touch me."
"And than what, you just give him your number?"
"He apologized Sir, and he wants to be friends, he seems...nice and he felt bad. I told him I had a boyfriend at home, and he was okay with it....He still wants to be friends."
Blaine calmed down a little bit knowing how little friends Kurt had had and how desperate he was just to fit in. He sat down beside Kurt and took his hand, "I'm sorry for freaking out sweetheart. I really am. I don't like this Sebastian guy but I trust you and if you say he seems nice than I'll go with your judgment, but I don't like him."
"There's nothing to worry about it if that's what your concerned about."
"I mean I'm little worried, but not because I don't trust you but because look at you Kurt your gorgeous, and smart and loving and any guy would be lucky to call you theirs. I'm older than you and maybe in the back of my mind I'm worried you will want someone your age."
"Oh Blaine," Kurt said resting his head on Blaines, "Your the only one for me Sir, you have my heart and always will, you will always be the only one for me, so please don't worry."
Blaine leaned in and gently kissed Kurt. "I love you, and I'll try not to worry, doesn't mean I have to like him though."
Kurt laughed, "Okay."
"So tell me about Dalton."
"Well I didn't get the chance to take a look around, but from what I heard from Sebastian, it seems like a really good school, I could see myself loving it there."
"So...you've made your decision?"
"Yea, I think so, I mean yes I have, I really want to go there."
Blaine smiled, "That makes me so happy sweetheart, I'm glad."
"For the first time I feel like I might fit in somewhere...I'm just...I'm going to miss you so much."
"I'm going to miss you too sweetheart, but we will be okay. This will be good for you."
Kurt leaned in silently asking to be wrapped in Blaines arms. Blaine got the hint and pulled him in holding him as tight as he could. Both soaking in the comfort they both go from each other knowing that soon they wouldn't be able to do this whenever they wanted.
"You know," Kurt whispered in Blaines ear, "You all jealous is kind of hot."
"Yea?" Blaine whispered.
"Yea...maybe you should show me who I belong too so I don't forget."
"Fuck Kurt," Blaine growled as he pushed Kurt down to the bed and leaned over him,bringing his face down to Kurts mouth.
"Maybe I should...." he said as he moved his hand to rub over Kurts hard crouch, "but first you have an hour in the corner." He said smirking as he got up off of Kurt.
Kurt gave him a dirty look and got up, "Yes Sir."
"Good boy, but first before you go in there I just wanted to clarify something quickly...yesterday when I pulled the car over, I would have never have punished you in front of anybody. I hope you know that. Your punishments will always be private. I...I just wanted you to go in the back seat. You were acting like...like a child again and I thought you deserved to be in the back like a child."
"Blaine its okay, but thank you for clarifying that. That's not something I'm into."
"Me either, okay sweetheart corner one hour. What's your safe word?"
"Greening okay, Yellow slow down, Red stop."
"Good boy, hour starts now."
Blaine grabbed his bag and started down and decided to grade some papers aw he waited for the hour to pass. He wanted to claim Kurt right than and there but knew he had to follow through with the punishment. He knew Burt was going to be home soon and claiming Kurt would be next to impossible considering how loud Kurt could get. He knew one of the rules was that Kurt was to be home during the week but was hoping maybe Burt would allow this one exception just once, and would allow Kurt to sleep at Blaines tonight. He had so many new things he wanted to try with Kurt, and tonight would be perfect to try some. Now he just had to convince Burt.